Whiteboard Animation Video Creating!

by run
8 replies

I've came accross with some interesting animation videos which are calling WhiteBoard Animation. I'd like to create it myself, but I know it needs to be hard if I'm beginner.
Anyways, I'd like to learn:

- What hard & Soft tools that are required.
- What skills that I need to have.

Currently, I have only Drawing Skill, but I don't know where to find the references or step by step receipts to create those whiteboard videos.

I might find it useful if you could point me to the right directions/references. I don't care how long I need to spend because it will be a longer periods, but I care about where could start learning from basic. Pointing or referencing are much appreciated.

One more thing to say is "Do Not Point Me to that Big G Searching" because I'm taking too long, and I feel very very headache to search it. Maybe I'm putting wrong keywords because I'm bad at English. So that I might find it useful to put a specific question here!

Thanks so much for spending your valuable time wasting with my comments!


#animation #creating #video #whiteboard
  • Profile picture of the author ozanK
    Hey mate!

    If you feel motivated right now, I'd say: "Go for it!" Commit to be an expert in this kind of art.

    Whiteboard animations are hot right now, and a short one easily sells for like 200 bucks.
    I can't really help ya out for learning it, but I guess you should learn the following skills:
    - character modelling
    - 3d animation (after effects is what I dove my head into right now).

    'hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author vagex
    I think have alot of softwares out there can handle your problem.
    Whiteboard Animation just is combine pictures to videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author tamalanwar
    This is very new right now so I don't think there is much tutorials or courses out there. But what you can do,

    #1 Have the picture in your mind, draw it as a practice
    #2 Put your camera on the stand and adjust the lightning so that the board is brighter
    #3 Draw in the board and when you have your first scene, now edit the video and speed up
    #4 Now add narration to this video and you will have your first whiteboard animation

    Do with complex graphics and longer presentations. You see it is not just about the sketch, but the complete package with images, graphics and audio.

    Now the more you do and create, the better you will get with the art, skills and the technical aspects.

    I hope this helps.
    Tamal Anwar C.
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  • Profile picture of the author AceOfShirts
    If I understand your question correctly, and I might not, I think the website you are looking for is


    You can use them to create the whiteboard animations.
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  • Profile picture of the author chrisdafunk
    check out sparkol as AOM says above, i created this one in about 5 minutes
    you need to pay for sound etc but its good enough to start
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    • Profile picture of the author William Martin
      You have several options for whiteboard animation creation.

      1) You can create it yourself using software. Easy Sketch Pro and Sparkol are both options (search Warrior Forum for threads). This does require some time and imagination (but no drawing ability).

      2) Hire someone to do it for you on Fiverr. You will find some good giggers there but they will be using software themselves (they couldn't do it for $5 otherwise!).

      3) Hire the 'professionals' at $100's or even $1,000's per minute. This is very pricey but you will be getting tailored and original artwork and a range of effects that are probably not available in software.

      At the end of the day, it is down to what you want the animation for. If you have a relatively small budget and you intend to create multiple videos, it probably makes sense to invest in software and learn how to use it.

      If you have deep pockets and you are sure of your conversions, professionals will ultimately produce a better job for you.

      A sensible approach would be to use software or Fiverr until you have a 'proven' video and then get professionals to 'upgrade' it for you.
      Create unlimited stunning whiteboard animation videos for just $29 with amazing new easy to use software. Huge introductory discount and welcome bonus package for a limited time. Click Here to find out more.
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  • Profile picture of the author JWImarketing
    Hey RUN,

    One of my "Special Requests" is teaching people how to do these things. I would be happy to help you on your way. PM me and I can give you some details.
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