How to Monetize XML Page

1 replies
I looked at my traffic stats last month and noticed the XML of my website was the most visited page.

This is the first month this has happened and I find this a little strange. Has this happened to anyone else and is there a way to monetize this?
#monetize #page #xml
  • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
    I've never seen anything like that. If it gets on my page views at all it's probably at the very bottom, but I haven't checked that far, that I can remember.

    I do my own xml sheets, and they used to display anchor text as clickable. I just tried with Chrome and FF, and they don't do that any more. They display the xml. So that option of monetizing has gone down the toilet somehow.

    I'd expect your traffic to the xml page is just bots looking for something anyway. They tend to not carry credit cards. (sigh)

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