What is the Best Time to email your list?

30 replies
What time frame is the best in your opinion for a followup?

#email #email marketing #follow up emails #followup emails #list #list buildiing #listbuilding #time
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    I've never known. They live all over the world - there are 24 different time-zones. Even just the "English-speaking countries" occupy most of them? I don't even know in which time-zones many of mine live (I could work it out from their IP numbers, maybe, but it's never interested me very much, to be honest).

    I know I have some in Northern America, many in Europe, some in Africa/South Africa, some in the Far East, many in Australia and New Zealand, and so on. How can I judge the time-zones, out of that lot?

    I see that this may be a relevant issue to people most of whose subscribers happen to live inside the same one or two timezones, but that's surely very few marketers, given the global nature of the internet?
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    • Profile picture of the author JanG
      Just set your follow-ups to be sent out in multiples of 24 hours after they subscribed to your list.

      If someone signs up at 1pm their time, it's likely that they will be online around the same time, the following day.
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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    I usually send mine out after they've had their dinner. Nobody wants to buy my shit on an empty stomach it seems. But really, I never gave it much consideration.
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  • Profile picture of the author willisk
    I send my info emails between 6-9AM and my offers between 3-6AM.

    This method has been proven to work better than any other times I have tested.
    Looking for smokin' HOT buyer traffic? Broadcast your special offer to over 40,000 of my highly responsive subscribers | Buyers list included

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  • Profile picture of the author Oliver Williams
    Some people send out up to 3 times a day some send out only 3 times per week.

    Some send in the morning some send at night. No matter what you do your subscribers will always be in different time zones/locations so at the end of the day (Which could be morning for some) I don't think it matters when you mail out :-)
    Don't believe everything you think
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      11am local time.

      I try to ensure that my emails aren't amongst the morning spam.

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    • Profile picture of the author lloydmc
      Originally Posted by Oliver Williams View Post

      Some people send out up to 3 times a day some send out only 3 times per week.

      Some send in the morning some send at night. No matter what you do your subscribers will always be in different time zones/locations so at the end of the day (Which could be morning for some) I don't think it matters when you mail out :-)
      This seems like a difficult question, especially when you take into consideration that you may have different subscribers coming from different areas of the globe.
      Generally I would say either in the morning or during the "lunch rush".
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  • Profile picture of the author manicmethods
    Yeah like someone said I just have mine set up for 24hrs after they signed up and don't set specific times.

    However, I actually don't think it matters THAT much. If I look at the open times/dates etc on emails, I've noticed that a lot people don't open it until the day after etc so i don't think the time will have a huge impact.

    If someone wants to read your email, they will find it and open it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by manicmethods View Post

      If someone wants to read your email, they will find it and open it.
      Despite having defined a time myself, I do agree with this.

      Your relationship with your list should be strong enough to the point where times don't really matter.

      I just like to avoid any chance of my emails getting caught in a mass delete where the recipients highlight and delete several emails at once.

      Because of this reason, I also consider titles that little bit more too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gregory Campbell
    It depends if its a local or international list.

    I typically send a local list early in the morning. And surprisingly, I get good results early to mid morning on a Sunday.

    However, if its an international list, it clearly does not really matter.
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    • Profile picture of the author EliteAffiliate
      GetResponse has a "Time Travel" feature where you can schedule a specific time and it'll mail out the newsletter at different times to everyone depending on their geo location, so it gets to them at their local time you choose.

      They also let you segment your lists based on country or city locations and other geo targeting, so you can schedule different times for different time zones manually. Though supposedly the Time Travel feature does it automatically.

      They have an Infographic also on the best times. Mid morning and late afternoon or late evening.

      Best Time To Send Email [INFOGRAPHIC] - Email Marketing Tips - Blog GetResponse
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      • Profile picture of the author iwowwe4you
        In fact I was thinking about that and one day I send a survey to my list to find out where they are located. In fact I had not send to most of them, because many of them was continuously buying for my ex online shop, so I had the details. Next survey was about the time they spend at their PCs. This way I was able to sort my list in no time. However when I sorted them in to a few groups by time whey are online and was sending them email at the time they just came to their PCs or just before that. In fact it did not changed any thing. It did not even made it 1% better or worse, lol. So, there is no really difference when you send it. I do it in the morning. But I am sure results would be the same, if I would do it in the evening or at any other time.

        Happy to share 18 years experience in MLM/IM. Not doing any other work for over 7 years now. Accredited as a coach by 3 companies I worked with after completing a course of education and passing exams. HND in Business, Economics, Accounting, Market Research, Market Development, Management.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronrule
    Originally Posted by JohnPeters1983 View Post

    What time frame is the best in your opinion for a followup?

    Best choice would be the same time they signed up, if your mailing list service supports queuing messages that way. Second best would be this:

    Timing Your E-Mail Marketing

    Ron Rule

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  • Profile picture of the author Kerryrus
    I tend to mail around 1pm UK time because most of my subscribers are based in the US.

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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Right NOW! Quick get your autoresponder open!

    If you go to the Aweber blog I'm sure they have a post there somewhere about a case study they did and they conclude what the 'best' time was but it will obviously vary.
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    You should try to send your messages based on the schedule of most of your website’s visitors. You should look for this information. I use Statcounter.com, it is free and it is very good, besides Google Analytics.

    For example, if most of your visitors are Americans, you should follow their schedule. Now, when exactly you should send your messages to your subscribes (based on their daily lives) depends on your niche and on what you are trying to achieve.

    If you are promoting products related to making money online you should send your messages in the morning, but not too early. It’s a good time to care about business. If you are promoting products related to health like me, you should send your messages late at afternoon.

    Put yourself in your subscribers’ shoes and imagine at what hour of the day you would care about the topic you are talking about in your email messages.

    However, the truth is that there are so many people from so many different countries online, that you cannot really know. I agree with Alexa. How can you follow the schedule of so many subscribers from so many different countries?

    On the other hand, how can your know the habits of your subscribers and when they open their email box?

    You should try to follow the schedule you believe would be better for most of your subscribers, but this is somehow vague.

    You can test and see what works better for you. If you will notice that more people open your broadcast messages at noon, stop sending them your messages at morning and send them later.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Burritt
    I like an instant autorespond which welcomes them, AND most importantly sets their expectations that I will be sending them regular emails.

    A couple lists I try to email almost daily, so I like to let them know right from the beginning to expect daily tips, updates, and offers from me.
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  • Profile picture of the author jpweb
    Studies have proven that between 8-9am and 5-6pm on Wednesdays & Thursdays have the absolute highest open rate. I do not know about click thru / conversion rates though, haven't tested that. 11am-1pm are supposedly the worst times to send emails regardless of the day. Search around there are alot of studies out there
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Originally Posted by JohnPeters1983 View Post

    What time frame is the best in your opinion for a followup?

    Define "best".

    If you're referring to when people are most likely to spend money, then earlier in the week. 80% of my transactions happen Mon - Wed. After that, it drops off noticeably.

    Be mindful though that what works for me, may be different for you.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author TravisO
    Well the best time would be weekends. The working people in the whole world seems to be very busy on weekdays especially those professionals. However, it's only by chance. What I mean is that, people tend to have their off during weekends especially on Sunday, so that's it.
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  • Profile picture of the author TravisO
    Well the best time would be weekends. The working people in the whole world seems to be very busy on weekdays especially those professionals. However, it's only by chance. What I mean is that, people tend to have their off during weekends especially on Sunday, so that's it.
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  • Profile picture of the author tomerep
    I usually send at 6pm. You know, when people are off work and relaxing. But you should also consider that people are living on a different timezone. So far, I see that most people sign up on the evening after work.
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  • Profile picture of the author 200kMedia
    It really depends..There is no such thing as best time...As long as you promote good offers and have good relation with your list..the time doesn't really matter.
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  • Profile picture of the author JimDucharme
    In our infographic which EliteAffiliate mentions, we arrived at our conclusions based on the data from a huge sample. Does that mean that the most popular time we found from that sampling is going to work for everyone? No, you have to test. You should be testing every element of your email marketing and optimizing based on the results. The two most important words in email marketing are: It depends.

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  • Profile picture of the author digitalsapien
    In my case, I send emails on Gold Hours. That's early morning right after breakfast or late afternoon when everyone is relaxing and free. I think it's effective if you send those emails when they are not doing something. Avoid sending emails during noon time or lunch time.

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  • Profile picture of the author MontrealSEO
    i dunno about on a daily basis, but if promoting a product, right before their paychecks

    Jeff Taylor

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  • Profile picture of the author TomerN
    I have about 3 separate e-mail groups. The best time in my experience is between 9PM-12AM for that time zone. People are usually at home, doing nothing, bored, and want something to read. Other times they are usually busy and not focused.
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  • Profile picture of the author yakim1
    Way back in the day it was never send on Monday. But today I don't pay any attention to when I broadcast an email message. The reason is I send the same message 3 different times with a different subject line.

    There are so many things that can hinder your email messages from being opened like mass deletion when it is in a group of several others emails and is missed.

    All the spam filters the ISPs put on their email accounts. And it might be the question this thread is about, the wrong timing. People can get distracted and miss your email messages.

    I have found that I get more response from the 2nd and 3rd mailings than the 1st mailing.

    So, instead of worrying about timing, just send the email out 2 more times.

    I hope this has been helpful,
    Steve Yakim
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