Took me 7 hours today to spin/twist/rewrite my first 520 word article using TBS =P

21 replies
7 hours straight. I think I took 1 break to eat some food for 20mins.

I spun the article to 85% uniqueness and now my brain is foggy.

But seriously, how can this process be "fast"?

I rewrote each paragraph 3 times, every other sentence, as many words as possible with as many words/phrases that make sense, and you have to reread as you fill it in to make sure they make sense.

My question is, how long does it take you folks to spin a 500 word article to 80-90% uniqueness? Is this normal?

Also, how many times do you think I can spin this 1 article now?
I'm just curious.

Thanks folks/friends/forum members/warrior forum people =]

#520 #article #hours #spin or twist or rewrite #tbs #today #word
  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
    The only "fast" way to do it is use the autospin functions.. lol but we all know that comes out as jibberish.

    As for the "how many times can I spin this now" question, if you did it right (which I would assume you did, since it took 7 hours) you could get thousands of unique versions that make all sense.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      In the time you usef to spin to 85% unique - I just write 10 or more 100% unique articles.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
      Beats me. But then I've never understood the concept of "85% unique". To me, it's like saying "85% infinite".

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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Well I just spun/skimmed then saved about 20 articles and I'm thoroughly amazed by the quality of them all. I was also suprised to see how different they all are, and the fact that some of them read better than the original.

    I'm still going to write 100% original articles but for my 2nd and 3rd tiers I need lots of content. So this is exactly what I needed. =]

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
    Like a tornado...

    Mark Andrews enters the mix.

    RedShifted sighs...

    7 bloody hours to come up with one 520 word article. Blimey mate, in this same time I can write 21,000 words right here from my own noggin.

    So let me get this straight...

    If in each hour you can earn a minimum $100 per hour, this one 520 word article cost you $700 - wow!

    Would it not, just playing devil's advocate here, would it not have been more worthwhile, a more productive use of your time to simply outsource your article writing to someone else here who could have put together the same article in high quality written English in about 8 minutes for an average investment of about ten bucks?

    Hence saving yourself $690 in lost time not to mention freeing up those 7 x $100 hours to make an extra 700 bucks? Almost $1,400 total for the same amount of time.

    I swear some of you have some very weird time management skills.

    Time to write this reply? 28 seconds precisely.

    Smoking hot,

    Mark Andrews
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    • Profile picture of the author HellaFamous
      "I didn't take a break for 7 hours and even then it was only for 20 minutes to eat something.

      The uniqueness ended up being around 85% but now I'm just mentally exhausted.

      How does anyone do this efficiently?

      I just paraphrased the post as I saw it, paraphrasing to the best of my ability with minimal rereading but it works.

      What is everyone's typical word spinning time for 80 to 90% uniqueness. Am I being slower than everyone else?
      Additionally, do you think it's possible to spin an article more than once?

      Thanks everyone who contributes to this thread"

      just took me 3minutes to spin your op. a 500 word manual spin typically only takes me 15 minutes. so 4 articles an hour. I think youre doing too much spinning
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  • Profile picture of the author dvm3
    Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

    7 hours straight. I think I took 1 break to eat some food for 20mins.

    I spun the article to 85% uniqueness and now my brain is foggy.

    But seriously, how can this process be "fast"?

    I rewrote each paragraph 3 times, every other sentence, as many words as possible with as many words/phrases that make sense, and you have to reread as you fill it in to make sure they make sense.

    My question is, how long does it take you folks to spin a 500 word article to 80-90% uniqueness? Is this normal?

    Also, how many times do you think I can spin this 1 article now?
    I'm just curious.

    Thanks folks/friends/forum members/warrior forum people =]

    I have to ask... why are you spinning to 80-90% uniqueness?

    I've been manually spinning articles for my own use for a couple years and honestly, 45-55% unique works just as well. I've published hundreds of articles to Ezine type sites and have never had any duplicate content issues or trouble with ranking.

    I've found the most important aspects of a quality spin to be: good grammar, variations in article titles, and sentence level spinning for the first and last paragraphs. I'm glad you're choosing to manual spin though and yes, foggy brain is normal after a while.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill_Z
    If you really want that kind of content for 2nd and 3rd tier links you should just pay to have it created, there are plenty of SEO content creation services that will write cheap, original content for links. Otherwise just use automation software for those tiers. Your time is better spent elsewhere.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
    I worked on a "spun" article once. It was more of a collaboration, really,
    so it didn't take me very long at all because I only had to write a few
    small sections:

    The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

    ...A tachyon enters a bar.

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  • Profile picture of the author JeanneLynn
    I love TBS. I don't use it for spinning though. I use it for rewriting an article. I can rewrite an 500- 600 word article in about 20 minutes. I've never had much luck with the spinning function.
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  • Profile picture of the author JHandy
    Welcome to the world of article writing. I think for the most part some of us including myself come online and we want to get and do things at lightning speed. We as a people are very impatient when it comes to building a business or making any decent money online. Sometimes you have to stop and ask yourself the question. Who am I here for? If you're here for the search engines, then ok you gotta get all of that seo stuff and having your articles keyword optimized and not having duplicate content, etc. etc. It's a pain. But on the other hand, if you're here for real people, the writing should come naturally to you if you're writing to the people in your niche. There are hundreds of free lance writers that are out there that will write for you and you can have that blasted via an article submitter to build your back links. But I would say, slow down and think about why you're here and build a long term viable business for yourself for years to come. The internet will still be around.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcusJohnson
    I've been manually spinning articles for my own use for a couple years and honestly, 45-55% unique works just as well. I've published hundreds of articles to Ezine type sites and have never had any duplicate content issues or trouble with ranking.
    I definitely agree! Its better to use spinning softwares than sacrificing your content's quality
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
      Originally Posted by MarcusJohnson View Post

      I definitely agree! Its better to use spinning softwares than sacrificing your content's quality
      I certainly concur! It is superior to have utilized twisting softer wares instead of giving-up your possession's superiority!

      The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

      ...A tachyon enters a bar.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jonwebb
    So I read this thread yesterday and decided to give a article spinner a try. Between installing the software, learn how to use the software, then using it to spin a 800 word essay - took me 20 mins...

    Everyone learns at a different rate.
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    • Profile picture of the author MarketingGuru123
      Half an hour is a maximum to produce normally quality content that is readable and unique. But not suitable if you are going to publish it on NYtimes

      I'm a heavy smoker. I go through two lighters a day

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      • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
        Originally Posted by MarketingGuru123 View Post

        Half an hour is a maximum to produce normally quality content that is readable and unique. But not suitable if you are going to publish it on NYtimes
        I don't know about that... I have read the
        NY Times lately... :p

        The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

        ...A tachyon enters a bar.

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  • Profile picture of the author CoachManny
    I saw a tax article that was spun today and it was the most difficult article I have ever read. It was terrible.


    Manny Rodriguez Blog:

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  • Profile picture of the author Robin Blinds
    {7|Seven} {hours|hrs}? I would {kill|shoot|hurt} myself
    Traffic + Conversions = $$$$

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  • Profile picture of the author newBum76
    Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

    7 hours straight. I think I took 1 break to eat some food for 20mins.

    I spun the article to 85% uniqueness and now my brain is foggy.

    But seriously, how can this process be "fast"?

    I rewrote each paragraph 3 times, every other sentence, as many words as possible with as many words/phrases that make sense, and you have to reread as you fill it in to make sure they make sense.

    My question is, how long does it take you folks to spin a 500 word article to 80-90% uniqueness? Is this normal?

    Also, how many times do you think I can spin this 1 article now?
    I'm just curious.

    Thanks folks/friends/forum members/warrior forum people =]

    I've tried using spinners before, and personally I think it's easier to just rewrite manually. It might take a little work at first if you're not used to writing, but you can get pretty fast at it with practice. Let me demonstrate with your post:

    "Ok, I've been at this for seven hours now trying to use TBS to spin this 520 word article.

    I got the uniqueness to about 85% and my head is totally spinning!

    HOW the heck are you guys doing this so fast?? I don't get it!

    I went through every paragraph in the article and re wrote it like three times on every other sentence. I tried to use as many words as I could to make sense, and you gotta look through it as you go so it doesn't sound like crazy talk.

    So I'm wondering, how much time are you guys spending to spin 500 word articles to around 80-90 percent uniqueness?

    And also, how many times do you think I can repeat the process?

    Thanks everybody, I sure appreciate it!"

    - that took me about 5 minutes to rewrite, which is probably slow compared to a lot of people here. But definitely faster than 7 hours lol. Just start practicing, you can get the hang of it.

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