How would you go about approaching a website/blog for backlinks?

10 replies
As the title reads. How would you go about it? Let's say your niche was about something like 'cancer'. And you found a good blog or perhaps a website that you'd like a backlink on thats relating to 'cancer'.

On said blog/website they have contact information (usually an email). How would you contact them? I wouldn't think you'd straight up ask to purchase a backlink. Would you? Would you ask them for a guest post? If you did straight up ask them to buy a backlink how do you determine how much to offer them? What about exchanging links?
#approaching #backlinks #website or blog
  • Diddy182,

    I have found that a good approach is to reach out through email (or however you feel comfortable) and talk about collaboration on content. Your mention of guest posting comes to mind. Try and offer some value or reason that the other webmaster/blog owner would want you to either write something for their site or collaborate on a post together.

    There are a ton of good ideas here as well,

    Link Building | SEOmoz YouMoz

    I think you will find that good link building tends to be time consuming and much more personal than a lot of other SEO activities.

    Hope that helps,

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    • Profile picture of the author JeffMitchell
      #1 if they have a comments section make sure that you leave your information in that section.

      #1 If they don't have a comments section and you have a post that is 100% relevant to what they are writing about email them and ask them to link to your post....make sure that you let them know that you are going to link to them as that will help you get your link.

      It is a win win situation for both parties.

      Hope that helps.

      Jeff Mitchell

      HELP NEEDED! My Mother And Her Brother have been taking care of the mother with the help of Hospice. He just had a Massive Heart Attack while taking a short vacation. My mother had to go to Florida from Indiana to be with her brother and is not financially stable from being off work to be with grandma. Any Help Would Be Appreciated.

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  • Profile picture of the author Lokahi
    Ask the blog owner if they will accept an original article as blog post, with the condition that you can include a backlink within the article or signature line.
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  • Profile picture of the author diddy182
    I currently don't own any blogs so wouldn't be posting an article myself on their pages - perhaps I used the wrong terminology.
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  • Profile picture of the author dvduval
    I don't think you gave any good reason why the site would want to link to you beyond money. If the person is selling an advertisement to you, it would be common for them to attach a "no follow" reference to the ad since this is a paid link. If they have an important site, they would't want to jeopardize that by engaging in practices that could harm the SEO of their site. However, if you produced something worthwhile that would be useful, they might want to link to it, especially if they know and trust you. That is why building a good reputation online is more important than building links.
    It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
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    • I don't know about any other blogger, but I deny all the backlink requests I get.

      The sites are usually clones, ripoffs or so cheap and cheesy I don't want to be associated with them. Or they have some variant on "make money fast" in the domain name.

      Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
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      • Profile picture of the author larryboy03
        If you offer the website owner some quality content and be friendly about it then most marketers will accept guest posts.

        Some sites have a link (write for us) and that's a clear sign that they want writers to write for there blogs or websites.

        Always provide them with great content and in return you would normally get an anchor link back.

        Don't send them an email saying "I will write an article if I get a backlink"

        Show some sort of interest in their blog by talking about there most recent post and explain what you liked about it. This will show that you are really interested in the niche and not just looking to get an anchor text backlink to rank higher in Google.

        Be friendly and just show interest and most of the time they will accept your guest post
        Do you have a website making money and want to sell it? Contact me, I'm looking to buy sites monetized by Amazon and Adsense!!
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        • Profile picture of the author GlenH
          Just asking for a backlink will get you nowhere..

          Instead, create a high quality article and approach the blog owner explaining that you have some content he /she/ can use on their site.

          Of course the email contact you make to the blog owners, needs to be well crafted.

          But, because I do 'content syndication' a lot, I've perfected and automated that process using some of my own tools.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Show us the website you want a link to

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  • Profile picture of the author khooster1
    Kind of difficult to request guest blogging if you are nobody.

    You got to show that you are adding values to the owner.

    What I did previously/once is to offer a banner on my website for a period of time. Apparently, the result is great. Both of us got our unique viewers.

    Might have to think out of the box.
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