11 replies
Hey all...

I need a little advice about blogging.

I put togeather a blog around a year ago and when I stared it my blog posts were really poor - that the content is not relevant enough for visitors.

Over the last six months I have found my groove and am writing more posts that get liked, gplused etc and am comfortable with their content, titles and resonance.

What would you do with posts that aren't so good? They have some relevance to the niche but don't "hit the spot."

Would you remove them? Archive them? Leave them and keep adding good posts?

I am unsure on the SEO impact with this either.

Any advice is appreciated.

Marcus :rolleyes:
#back #crappy #day #posts
  • Profile picture of the author jipolis7
    You can do several things. If you don't want to spend more time with your previous posts you should just delete them, because they will minimize the value of other good post. But my suggestion is to modify or re-write them to better ones. It doesn't need huge amount of time.

    How to Instantly Improve Your Content Writing

    I am refering you this post to develop those contents by following the steps given here. If you are benefited give me a feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author LillySage
    Are those posts receiving any organic search traffic?

    If so, I'd keep them...

    If they aren't, then I'd get rid of them if they don't fit into the theme or direction that your blog has taken now...especially if you aren't happy with them and don't want people to really read them!

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  • Profile picture of the author dalegolden
    As you are writing good contents now, you can rewrite those posts and make them relevant. I am against deleting content. Old is Gold.
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  • Profile picture of the author ExquisiteMedia
    Either rewrite them and update them or leave them alone. Whatever you do, don't delete them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Victor Edson
    Keep it or throw it?

    but first ask yourself... will it blend?

    what if you went back and just updated the content to make it better? Your new visitors to that content would be more likely to share it, so it'll be more likely to pick up more seo traffic as well. No need in throwing away halfway decent content that's probably already got backlinks and a little traffic when you can just tweak it for better conversions.

    Like an old potato.. I'd blend it
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  • Profile picture of the author PHILFEATH
    I would rewrite them as you more than likely get more interaction from new visitors to your site .It would be a waste to delete them.-just keep them relevant.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    Go into cpanel and check your stats. If those articles are bringing in visitors, then keep the same title and rewrite them using the same keywords. If they aren't doing anything for you, then get rid of them completely. If you want to salvage something from the work, sell them as PLR.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
    Just fix them up and add to them, unless they are spun articles, then I would just throw them away.
    " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
    But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

    ~ Jeff Bezos

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  • Profile picture of the author jimvol
    I agree, if they are bringing in visitors, then why get rid of them.

    If they are getting likes then someone thinks the content is relevant. Maybe the products you are promoting are not matching up with the articles?

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  • Profile picture of the author neilclues
    Originally Posted by Marcus Rockey View Post

    Hey all...

    I need a little advice about blogging.

    I put togeather a blog around a year ago and when I stared it my blog posts were really poor - that the content is not relevant enough for visitors.

    Over the last six months I have found my groove and am writing more posts that get liked, gplused etc and am comfortable with their content, titles and resonance.

    What would you do with posts that aren't so good? They have some relevance to the niche but don't "hit the spot."

    Would you remove them? Archive them? Leave them and keep adding good posts?

    I am unsure on the SEO impact with this either.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    Marcus :rolleyes:
    Hi Marcus

    If I was you I would re-write the blog posts which you arn't happy with or I suppose you could always keep them as a reminder of how not to write in the future.

    It's a good idea to use a sitemap generator plugin too, to keep your posts updated in the search engine rankings

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  • Profile picture of the author Marcus Rockey
    Thanks for the advice guys.

    Despite the majority I think I will remove 5 or 6 that don't enhance the sale. I could rewrite but am full of idea's for new posts which would likely take less time than a rewrite.

    To hell with links. I just don't see enough benefit for that kind of pay off. If I was receiving 100 clicks a day for these article descriptions I may reconsider.

    Great and cheers.

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