Does My Special Report Actually Have to Have Content?
But, I'm very busy these days. So, I'm not going to bother with a fancy cover or anything because who cares? I mean, no one gives a second look at those things and all it does is make for a professional presentation of my offer, so who needs that? I mean, sure, it may show the buyer that I actually cared enough about what I'm offering to put it together in a package that was attractive and designed to be easy to read, but I don't know that I really have time for that.
Should be good enough to just use Courier type or something. Maybe I'll go a little fancy and use Comic Sans for the title font. But I think everything else can be Courier or Prestige or something.
Anyway, so I'm going to skip all that fancy stuff because I really don't have time for all that.
Also, I'm very busy these days, so I'm wondering if I actually have to write any content for my special report? All those words are just fluff anyway and if they need a lot of explanation of things, maybe they really need to do something other than Internet marketing. I don't have time to hold their hands and guide them through every step of the process and explain things and stuff. Geesh. Why don't I just do their job for them? But, if I were to go that far, I might as well just do it myself and keep all the cash.
So, you can see the dilemma.
I'm thinking a table of contents should be sufficient. That's all I really have time for. Plus, I hear people don't like long books anyway, so I think they would appreciate not having to read very much. At any rate, the table of contents just give them the basic understanding of what they need to do. If they're too lazy to look things up for themselves, they probably should go work at a fast food joint or something because, clearly, Internet marketing is not for them.
I could leave a bunch of blank pages for them to "print" out with the table of contents and fill in the blanks themselves. I think it would be a great learning tool. Teaches them to be self-reliant and all that. Teaches them that someone is not always going to be there to hold their hand throughout life. Sure, you could argue that I don't need to leave blank pages in the PDF. They could just use blank sheets of paper or something, but I think it's important to leave some blank pages so they realize they have some work to do. Otherwise, they'd think they're all done once they've finished reading the table of contents, and that would not be the case at all.
But, you know, I'm not sure I really have the time to put together a table of contents either. That's a lot of work and I'm really busy with other stuff. Occasionally, I like to take the checks or PayPal funds I get and go to the bank and take out cash, all in singles so I can spend an afternoon just counting the greenbacks. Sometimes, on a weekend, I'll take out pennies or nickels so I can spend more time counting. It's fun. That kind of stuff keeps me busy, so I don't really have the time to put together a whole table of contents.
But, I really want to help people. People need help. There are a lot of people not making money online and they keep getting bad advice, and I feel the need to help them.
Thus, the dilemma.
Maybe I can skip the table of contents too. What do you think? If I come up with a whiz-bang title, that should be sufficient to convey the concept to them. They can come up with their own table of contents and fill in all the blank pages. I think they'll really learn something by doing that. Plus, it will save me like tons of time. What do you think?
I'd really like to sell this thing for $97, so maybe I need a subtitle too, just to help boost the value? It'll be hard to find the time to come up with that subtitle, but if that's what I need to do to make this report worth $97, I'll squeeze in the time to do it somehow.
I'd rather not have to come up with a fancy cover though. Black print on white should be sufficient. They're only paying $97, not $497! LOL.
Thoughts? How long do you think the title needs to be? Maybe a four or five word title with a ten word subtitle? Or would that be overdoing it? I don't want to overburden my buyers with a lot of reading.
"A bargain is something you donât need at a price you canât resist."
-Franklin Jones
(Hint: 98% of internet marketers make these mistakes - Donât Let This Happen To You)
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Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
Cheers, Laurence.
Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)