Are you already wealthy?
And in the beginning, probably like most folks who start out... it was all about the Benjamins. My only concern was how fast I could get to six figures.
But when I reached it in 2003 or so, I noticed something weird.
It didn't change me one bit. I wasn't really any happier, I didn't really go out and splurge or do anything wild.
Sure, the vacations were nice, and the ability to offer my family and friends nice things, that was all good.
But the entire time... chasing after the elusive six figure income, well, it didn't mean much once I got there.
And the worst thing about it... was that I failed to enjoy the journey during that time. It all flew by as I spent 14 hour days, stuck to my computer.
All in all, I wasn't any happier making six figures than I was when I was making $40,000 as a cop.
The one thing that WAS great about it all?
The freedom i had.
The freedom to go as I pleased, travel when I wanted, work when I wanted... not being chained to a desk or having to listen to some boss.
For me, the freedom is what makes this all worthwhile.
But something else, at least for me, made me realize I am wealthy.
For the past 6 years... i've been able to wake up with my son, tuck him into bed at night, bring him to school every single day, pick him up from school, and be there for every single event that happens.
I'm the only parent in his class who can go on field trips every time they are held... i'm the only parent who can go into his class and help out on projects.
To me, that's what true wealth is. It's not the money anymore... it's the freedom as well as what it allows me to do.
So let me ask... are you at that point where it's all about the money still?
Or do you have some freedom in your day, where you're not chained to a desk or a 9-to-5 job with a boss.
If you're free... consider yourself lucky. Most people would kill for that freedom.
And if you're able to spend more time with your friends or family... consider yourself lucky. Again, a lot of people would kill for that.
I know for those who are struggling financially... the money really is the driving force.
I get that.
But please, take a few minutes to remind yourself how wealthy you really are.
If you can pick and choose when you'll work during the day, you're doing pretty darn good.
If you can spend more time with your kids or spouse... more than most "working folks".... you're pretty lucky.
I'm totally honest when I say there's so much more to this internet marketing thing than just money.
Yes, money is nice and it's important... because it allows you the freedom and ability to make certain choices.
but it's not everything.
And if you're at that point where you're not making the kind of money you want to be making... it's even more important to savor those other things that DO make you wealthy.
The freedom to come and go as you please, the freedom to spend more time with your family.
Those should help remind you why you're even working so hard to GET to the money part of this.
It will come if you're persistent... but in the meantime... maybe you're wealthier than you realize.
Look around at your friends, family, neighbors... they may LOVE to have the freedoms you have.... and choose when and IF you're going to work today.
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