Remember that the goal of business is profit. It's not being liked, or social media...
Remember that the goal of business is profit. It's not being liked, or having a huge social media presence, or having amazing products that nobody buys. It's not having a beautiful website, or perfectly crafted email newsletters, or an incredibly popular blog. In larger businesses, this is called accountability to shareholders. Business is not a popularity contest. The CEO doesn't get away with saying "But look at all these people that like us on Facebook!" Shareholders will not accept that. You are the majority shareholder in your business, and you have to protect your investment. You have to make sure that your recurring activities are as directly tied to making money as possible. There's nothing wrong with having a hobby, but if you want to call it a business, you have to make money. Naomi is right: On any given day, there are all kinds of things you can do that have nothing to do with making money... |
This is something I have to keep reminding myself of all the time.
Joe Mobley
⨠Here's How to Make Your First $177 Online
This Week Using the Piggyback Method...
⨠Here's How to Make Your First $177 Online
This Week Using the Piggyback Method...
Ron Rule
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"Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale
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