Accepting credit cards for my lead-gen business?
So I'm wondering a couple things...
- What do I need to accept and process their credit cards? I know how to do it with an ecommerce setup (merchant account + gateway + integration with website) but I likely won't be having them enter their billing info into a website...I just want to deliver the leads every week and charge for them once delivered so that means I'll need to be able to submit that charge manually. Not sure what I'll need to do that and manage their accounts.
- How do refunds get handled with credit cards in terms of fees and such? So lets say there are some junk leads in the batch I send (there's always one or two) and I guarantee qualified leads so I will likely need to process a couple refunds roughly one week from when I initially charge them (I'm offering a 7-day refund window). Will I be screwed by the fees? Will I get my account shut down? How does that work?
Thanks guys, any help you can provide in terms of the logistics of this would be much appreciated. I got the lead-gen side down...I just never realized the operational stuff would be so damned complex!
dbarnum -
Thanks - 1 reply
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Haltingpoint -
Thanks - 1 reply
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dbarnum -
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bobsedge -
Signaturewww.flexxbuy.com - multiple lender customer financing platform for prime to sub-prime consumers.{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[777001].message }} -