Is The Recession Over?

56 replies
Is The Recession Over?

What do you think? Is the bottom in or are there more shoes to drop?

- US stock market is up 30%
- Banking crisis seems to have stabilized
- The govt has flooded the markets with liquidity
- Clickbank still paying out $7 per second (according to the ticker on their homepage)

On the downside:
- Real estate prices still declining (more foreclosures to come)
- Unemployment is the highest since 1983
- Businesses still laying off or going under
- Dramatic reduction in $1,000+ product launches :p
  • Profile picture of the author dvduval
    In real human terms the recession is just starting as unemployment sets in and stores are not able to stay open.
    It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
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    • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton

      I've read a lot of the financial pundits on this and the general feeling is that this is an overoptimistic spike. There will be a few like this before the economy bottoms out and recovery starts in 2010/11.

      Apparently, there is more bad news to come and the bank stress tests were a bad joke.

      Five Economic Storms Raging NOW! | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

      Of course there are still a lot of business opportunities around but I wouldn't invest in bank or car company shares just now.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    The recession is not over and most experts predict more of the same until somewhere in mid 2010. A few rebel economists have predicted a major depression, though I disagree with them. The stock market is up 30% from when to when? A rising stock market does not necessariliy translate to much unless there is a sustainable and consist upward pattern. Right now there's quite a bit of volatility of which seasoned investors can take advantage from, but not the average investor or individual.

    I think the domino effect is still continuing in many areas. We've got a ways to go before we've recovered from this. Sadly, there are many who will never recover because they've lost so much in their 401k, 403b, IRAs, or variable annuities and they don't have the time horizon to recoup their investment losses. My heart really goes out to those people. This is another reason why I'm a huge proponent of personal and business financial planning, something a lot of entrepreneurs neglect.

    My seven pesos,

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author SullyUI
    It's my opinion that the recession will progress into borderline depression or full out depression. I'm the last person on the Earth who wants this to happen, but with the way that inflation has been increasing, the way that prices have still gone up for commodities, and the increasing national debt only guarantee that our economy will take some more major hits.

    Although the stock market has been doing well recently I think it will fluctuate up and down but with an overall trend of going downward for a few years. Most predict a continual decrease in the market until around late 2010, I would give this the absolute earliest time for a turnaround, with a more likely turnaround in 2012. But I don't think we have seen the worst of it yet for sure. And I hope we can weather the storm and keep our sanity as a country (America and the rest of the world) in the meantime.
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    • Profile picture of the author BlueStar
      If today is 2012 then Yes it's over!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dana Forsythe
    I dont think its over.. I've been a realtor for years and I still maintain my license and keep up with whats going on in the market. We have a huge waive for new foreclosures thats gonna hit the market this year. And I mean HUGE. Who knows what it'll do to the economy. I've also talked to several of the asset managers (the people that manage the banks inventor) and they are doubling and tripling their eviction staff in preparation. UGH
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyrus Antas
    This is a suckers rally. Unless the US economy radically changes its structure there is no way it will become what it once was. Only bubbles could change that, but bubbles like we've seen, burst.

    Huge trade deficits and big government spending are certainly not the way to change it. The US hasn't had real economical growth for more than a decade. I'm talking about growth from the creation of new products and services and increase in productivity, not bubble induced "growth".

    Unless Americans put in their heads that to spend money you need to make money, nothing will change.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
    To play devils advocate - if the recession was at a bottom and on the verge of being over, would the masses know it?
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    • Profile picture of the author Asher
      Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

      To play devils advocate - if the recession was at a bottom and on the verge of being over, would the masses know it?
      Naw, I don't think so, Ron. I think most people get their
      "We're-In-A-Recession" knowledge from watching the

      But the news don't really report about things like
      "The-Recession-Is-Over" because well... they just don't.

      Not that I know of at least.

      So, I don't think the masses would know... they'll just
      grow numb to the fact that there's a recession and just
      move on.

      When they get out of it, they won't even know until
      they look back. Then when another recession smacks
      them again... well, it's a never ending cycle =)

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    • Profile picture of the author hotlinkz
      Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

      To play devils advocate - if the recession was at a bottom and on the verge of being over, would the masses know it?

      They will be the last know it... the hidden agenda focuses on keeping the majority as ignorant and subdued as possible.

      Staves off revolutionary uprisings.

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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Molano
      Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

      To play devils advocate - if the recession was at a bottom and on the verge of being over, would the masses know it?
      That's the thing, the masses won't. The recession is not over until the media says it is.

      In my humble opinion, it's definitely in the process of recuperating. Just keep your eyes on the stock market, if it continues to go up, it's over regardless of what the media says.
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      Daniel Molano
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      • Profile picture of the author petevamp
        Originally Posted by Daniel Molano View Post

        That's the thing, the masses won't. The recession is not over until the media says it is.

        In my humble opinion, it's definitely in the process of recuperating. Just keep your eyes on the stock market, if it continues to go up, it's over regardless of what the media says.
        The media is behind why it got so bad. They are just not talking about it as much anymore because of the swine flu. Which I believe to be some sort of cover up for something bigger working behind the scenes that we are not aware of yet. Soley because we are left in the shadows because the media is refusing to disclose such information.
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  • Profile picture of the author matthewd
    It would be over if the media would stop the scare
    tactics and the government would stop trying to
    drive us deeper in their quest to get more system feeders.

    But that's just my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author RobertSmith
    It would be the shortest recession in history if it is over.

    I don't think it's even gotten started yet and Obama's massive spending will just make it worse.

    What could be more stupid than trying to spend your way out of a finacial problem?
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  • Profile picture of the author cmbwealth
    As long as the gov'ts of the world keep creating money out of thin air, we are not at the end of this.
    Everything they have done has been fake with nothing solid to back it up, so there is no way it can survive.

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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    There was a recession?
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  • Profile picture of the author Brian W. Wang
    There's definitely signs that the economy is coming back up again. Looks like Obama's efforts are really working. I can't ask for more as long as my family and friends have jobs again.
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    • Profile picture of the author SullyUI
      Originally Posted by Brian W. Wang View Post

      There's definitely signs that the economy is coming back up again. Looks like Obama's efforts are really working. I can't ask for more as long as my family and friends have jobs again.
      That's good, but I assure you that your friends and family are an exception. The unemployment rate is still steadily going up and there are several thousand more homeless people every month.

      Again, I'm happy that your friends and family are employed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    I'm seeing evidence of a loosening of panic in my local
    economy. We know that any real recession will ease-up
    when people stop panicking and start spending some money,
    so it's the thaw of the emotional freeze at work.

    This is not to say that there aren't real pain situations
    for workers who've been laid-off and whole local economies
    drying-up for good - just that average consumers are
    realizing they are gonna survive and they cannot put-off
    all spending forever.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tonytsports
    Recessions may last longer following the civil unrest seen with the LA Riots.

    Government spending will help keep the peace but at the price of extending the recession. I hate Government spending like most but without it we may see some major destruction of cities with the possibility of rioting.
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  • Profile picture of the author masteraffmarket
    the economy is in no shape of form going back to where it needs to be just yet, but Internet marketers are some of the last people affected by the recession
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  • Profile picture of the author bannor32
    The recession won't be over until unemployment numbers drop back down, and that is going to be a long, slow painful process...
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Hoffman
    There really was no recession online...
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  • Profile picture of the author petevamp
    As an investor I assure you that this recession is far from over. With out bringing in the technicals from how I determine what investments to make. Lets have a look at most recessions first. List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    From that link above you will see that every recession we have been in has started due to one thing or another. Lets take the great depression for instance. This started because of our financial system melting down. A mix between this and a massive drought brought our economy to its demise. Which lasted 10 years till 1932.

    Now lets go down the list a little further to the 1973. This recession was cause by an oil crisis and lasted 2 years. Which really wasn't and oil crisis but due to how everything was it was considered an oil crisis.

    Now also looking at the chart I want you to look at every recession that started due to a financial melt down or financial collapse. You will see that each and every recession that started due to a financial collapse lasted longer then the other recessions. These lasted on average 2 years longer then any other recession.

    Now lets take the current recession or as I would like to say the greatest depression. This originally started due to surging oil prices. Those surging oil prices where just a mask though from what was really lurking behind the scenes. We then find that majority of the banks that where making loans where making nothing but bad loans. For atleast a 6 year period in time. The millions in loans they made through this time well over half where bad loans. We then started seeing the derivitives that these banks where invested in start to plumet. Those dirivitives where the only thing keeping most of those banks alive.

    Unemployment is at current 8.9% and climbing. Oil is back on the rise with gold. The way I see this is that if most recessions lasted 2 years. Where as most finacial recessions lasted more then 2 years. With the current recession only being around for what most would say is a year. We have another few years of down time.

    So the worste part may however be over we are still not going to see any growth in the us for another couple of years. So from my stand point no this puppy is far from over. I have done alot of research on this matter. I am currently bullish in the market as well. However this can change at any moment I just wait for that one day when this upturn is over. I then sell off all of my investments sit back and wait for the next run up.
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  • Profile picture of the author visionbuilder
    So how do you read it .... 23 out of 26 so far are doubtfull of a recovery in the making, rather that the general state bad, and where will people turn when they run out of cash and the governments largesse. I believe you brother have a big target stenciled on your back.
    What's invisible, unspoken, and enigmatic when present........but it's scarceness makes creation blind, foolish, and base???
    ~ VISION ~
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  • Profile picture of the author Andres
    The same fools that told us we were NOT in a recession are now saying we are finally recovering.

    I see a lot of weather men in the financial media and not enough 'honest' financial experts that will speak the truth.
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    • Profile picture of the author FrankRumbauskas
      What recession? My sales are at an all-time high. I'm being serious. The "recession" is a media-induced panic more than anything else. They had to start it to get their messiah Obama elected and now they're doing the follow-through to make it seem worse than it is, so in a few months they can say he "fixed" it and make him look like a hero.

      There are two kinds of people affected by the recession:

      1. Jerks who knowingly "bought" houses they couldn't afford, and who now deserve to lose them in foreclosure. Keep in mind that foreclosures DO NOT affect normal people who bought a house as a place to live (not a lottery ticket) and who can afford the payments. If anything, the foreclosure wave will HELP you because if your home value drops temporarily, that means lower property taxes!

      2. Looters who expect to get something for nothing in the stock market. I go crazy in the gym because they have CNBC on some of the TVs and these whiny people call in, whining, "My money is just sitting in the bank and not growing." Umm... want your money to grow? it's called WORKING. Really, get a life people. Grow up. There's no such thing as something for nothing.

      In the end, those of use who are diligent and who work and who continue to provide value to others have nothing to worry about. From my point of view, everything is on sale right now - everything is cheap, and we're enjoying it to the fullest!


      New York Times Best-Selling Author
      Certified Google Partner Company
      Fast Company's Top 30 Most Influential People Online

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      • Profile picture of the author bozz723
        Originally Posted by FrankRumbauskas View Post

        What recession? My sales are at an all-time high. I'm being serious. The "recession" is a media-induced panic more than anything else. They had to start it to get their messiah Obama elected and now they're doing the follow-through to make it seem worse than it is, so in a few months they can say he "fixed" it and make him look like a hero.

        There are two kinds of people affected by the recession:

        1. Jerks who knowingly "bought" houses they couldn't afford, and who now deserve to lose them in foreclosure. Keep in mind that foreclosures DO NOT affect normal people who bought a house as a place to live (not a lottery ticket) and who can afford the payments. If anything, the foreclosure wave will HELP you because if your home value drops temporarily, that means lower property taxes!

        2. Looters who expect to get something for nothing in the stock market. I go crazy in the gym because they have CNBC on some of the TVs and these whiny people call in, whining, "My money is just sitting in the bank and not growing." Umm... want your money to grow? it's called WORKING. Really, get a life people. Grow up. There's no such thing as something for nothing.

        In the end, those of use who are diligent and who work and who continue to provide value to others have nothing to worry about. From my point of view, everything is on sale right now - everything is cheap, and we're enjoying it to the fullest!

        Completely AGREE. However, it still does not change the fact the with all of this horrendous spending the currency's of the world will eventually be worth nothing. People are doing better than ever IMHO.
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      • Profile picture of the author petevamp
        Originally Posted by FrankRumbauskas View Post

        What recession? My sales are at an all-time high. I'm being serious. The "recession" is a media-induced panic more than anything else. They had to start it to get their messiah Obama elected and now they're doing the follow-through to make it seem worse than it is, so in a few months they can say he "fixed" it and make him look like a hero.

        There are two kinds of people affected by the recession:

        1. Jerks who knowingly "bought" houses they couldn't afford, and who now deserve to lose them in foreclosure. Keep in mind that foreclosures DO NOT affect normal people who bought a house as a place to live (not a lottery ticket) and who can afford the payments. If anything, the foreclosure wave will HELP you because if your home value drops temporarily, that means lower property taxes!

        2. Looters who expect to get something for nothing in the stock market. I go crazy in the gym because they have CNBC on some of the TVs and these whiny people call in, whining, "My money is just sitting in the bank and not growing." Umm... want your money to grow? it's called WORKING. Really, get a life people. Grow up. There's no such thing as something for nothing.

        In the end, those of use who are diligent and who work and who continue to provide value to others have nothing to worry about. From my point of view, everything is on sale right now - everything is cheap, and we're enjoying it to the fullest!

        I agree with you to a point frank. However what your basically saying is the layoffs are not real. I can assure you that they are. I worked for a land surveying company for 7 years and was laid off last year due to this recession. I have recently found out that a company that was 30 or so employees is now only 3-4 employees. Every one has been laid off from the company besides the owners. Do you think they are going to fire themselves. When they know that they have a highly profitable business. Even with the economy in the crappers. I personally before I was laid off made the company well over 600k in 10 months. 4-5 jobs a day at prices ranging from 400-30000 so how can you sit there and say that the recession is only media geared. If it was not for the recession I would still be working 50-60 hours a week doing land surveying instead of strugling was only able to find part time work after the lay off. Then just a few months ago I thought why not try my luck on internet marketing.

        Which yes has made me about 5-600 in these 2 months. This however is hardley enough to keep me going. Untill I am able to get well over 3-400 visits a day. Then and only then will I be able to start to relax alittle instead of going to work for my part time job comeing home working online for 15-16hours a day. getting a few hours of sleep and yes I mean only a few. 3-4 hours of sleep to be exact. Then doing this all over again. Your sales may be steady or at an all time high as you say i assue you this is because you a probally targeting something to do with making money or the recession we are in. Not only this you have also probally been doing this now for the past couple of years which has allowed you the time to establish the backlinks seo your page according. With a large number of backlinks as well probally sitting on the first page of google for any keyword you even attempt to target for your niche.
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      • Profile picture of the author BlueStar
        Originally Posted by FrankRumbauskas View Post

        What recession? My sales are at an all-time high. I'm being serious. The "recession" is a media-induced panic more than anything else. They had to start it to get their messiah Obama elected and now they're doing the follow-through to make it seem worse than it is, so in a few months they can say he "fixed" it and make him look like a hero.

        There are two kinds of people affected by the recession:

        1. Jerks who knowingly "bought" houses they couldn't afford, and who now deserve to lose them in foreclosure.

        A lot of people were completely ripped off and lied to. Ever read an ARM document? Some people were guilty of being Ignorant, they are and will always be idiots. I own a mortgage company so I know what I speak. I did NOT market subprime mortgages, nor liar loans (No Documentation). I do mostly -A- paper, FHA, and Reverse mortgages.

        The banks and Wall Street are the guilty, greedy whores who started this mess. Now the same whores who started this mess are getting Millions in bonuses plus the bailout money.

        Keep in mind that foreclosures DO NOT affect normal people who bought a house as a place to live (not a lottery ticket) and who can afford the payments. If anything, the foreclosure wave will HELP you because if your home value drops temporarily, that means lower property taxes!

        Wrong again. The entire planet is suffering because of the greed on Wall St. Your home has depreciated along with mine, so how do I not suffer when my home is worth $300,000 less than it did 2 years ago.

        Lower property taxes, Wrong again. In many cities and states property taxes adjust every 3-5 years. Our property taxes will not adjust for another 2 years even though my house is worth $300k LESS.

        2. Looters who expect to get something for nothing in the stock market. I go crazy in the gym because they have CNBC on some of the TVs and these whiny people call in, whining, "My money is just sitting in the bank and not growing." Umm... want your money to grow? it's called WORKING. Really, get a life people. Grow up. There's no such thing as something for nothing.

        Most retiree's don't work. Are they supposed to join the work force again when unemployment is over 10% -15% in many areas?

        In the end, those of use who are diligent and who work and who continue to provide value to others have nothing to worry about. From my point of view, everything is on sale right now - everything is cheap, and we're enjoying it to the fullest!

        I work and make a ton of money, I own several brick and mortar businesses. However, most people are not in the same position as me. I have many family members who are suffering (globally) so I may need to help them out.
        I have told the world since mid 2006 when I saw the mortgage apps that were getting approved that we were headed for disaster. I remember telling my brokers that we were headed for a Tsunami. I had no idea it would be this bad. It seems like we are getting hit with a Tsunami every week. To top if off we have a Socialist president who along with his tax cheating cronies wants to turn the US into France.

        I'll do just fine, but I truly feel sorry for all the Children who will suffer the effects of their parents losing their jobs, getting divorced, being evicted from their homes, and turning their lives upside down because of GREED.

        BTW, Tim Turbo Tax Cheat Geitner is in charge of Wall St where he grew up and all his friends are still there. Worst admininstration since Jimmy "Peanut" Carter.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Such arrogance in this thread. If you are doing well during this crisis, be grateful. The superiority complex isn't attractive.

        Property taxes are the last thing to respond to falling values. My own went up 65% this year - because assessments are based on 2-3 years ago. Local governments won't reassess in a falling market - and they can always raise the millage rate. Their goal is money to run their government.

        Many foreclosures now are fixed rate loans and families who have owned their homes (and paid for them) for years. No job = no income = no mortgage payment. Lenders are not modifying mortgages or attempting to help these homeowners - in spite of taking billions from the taxpayers for their own bailouts.

        More and more commercial properties are standing vacant as small businesses continue to fail.

        "The masses" may not know when the bottom is reached. They don't care until they see improvement in their own financial life.

        It ain't over till it's over - and I don't hear the fat lady singing yet.

        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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        • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
          Kay, thank you for writing that. It's great that people are doing well but there are many that are not. The recession has affected a ton of people. I've seen it first hand over the past few months while traveling throughout the states and while the media isn't helping any it's definitely far deeper than media-induced hype. What's laughable are some of the generalizations that have been made. Try telling that to all of the people that were flat-out lied to or the ones that have been laid off.
          "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
          - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author 1RisingStar
    I really doubt it's over.

    The government is borrowing 50 Cents for every $1 spent. Large companies are still laying off people... No. I don't think it's going to be over for a while.
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  • Profile picture of the author lacraiger
    these a$$holes are just bumping up the stocks high enough til they sell all their shares and screw the naive and greedy americans who want to make a quick buck.

    dont invest in stocks period.
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  • Profile picture of the author blalock61
    No the recession is not over. With the amount of money the US gov't is printing off and the amount of debt we are accumulating, the market is having a bear rally. Unemployment will continue to rise along with inflation and interest rates. The govt just place a bandaid over the problems instead of letting them fix theirselves.

    Effort & Attitude!

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  • Profile picture of the author kess
    I agree with the above comment, its a bear market rally in the stocks at the moment. Even Warren Buffet commented it was a bear market rally and only a matter of time before they fall back down. How can the recession be over with so much unemployment still still to come...?
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  • Profile picture of the author billyboy
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    • Profile picture of the author iantrader
      In the UK, we're merrily rolling towards more problems. The gov has spent/is printing so much money that we're facing a 15% tax hike, cuts in (already poor) public services and/or having to work until we're 70!

      Unemployment is at 2.2M with the last rise the greatest we've seen for 30 years. House prices are still going down (there are odd increase blips around the country but the trend is still down) and foreclosures are on the increase. Unfortunately the gov presided over unprecidented house price rises over the last few years to unsustainable levels.

      In short - no! There'll be much more to come.

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    • Profile picture of the author highhopes
      Danger lurks ahead, just look at how many sea going freight tankers are laid up in ports;
      12 oil tankers in Cornwall, England, there will be three times this number by December.

      The Phillippines;
      About 1,000 shipping vessels are laid up for lack of freight, and the number could swell to several thousand in the next few years, Norwegian risk management foundation Det Norske Veritas reported this month. Popular Southeast Asian ports such as Singapore are turning ships away.
      Everywher you look does indicate the BIG, BIG problems are ahead of us.
      In the UK they are trying to recruit extra police to meet the predicted soaring crime, burglaries, etc
      This will reverberate through every country affected by these black times.

      Ways to grow your online business. Earning online tips for the home worker and essential steps to take to earn money online.

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  • Profile picture of the author commerce cat
    The coldest day of the year usually happens some time after the shortest day of the year because it takes some time for the shortened exposure of the sun to be felt in the weather.

    I think this recession is going to be like that. It's good to hear that there are indicators of recovery but for many people things are going to get worse before the effects of the recovery trickle down to create jobs. Sadly, in some industries the jobs are not going to come back (I think they will have gone overseas or online).
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  • Profile picture of the author 1 Marketing
    It's not over yet...

    It will stay to depress more and more people for probably next one complete year. Then it will be countered and the economy will step in a new era where every one will feel the cool breeze blowing, pleasant sunlights every where...

    Till then keep your self fastly belted to your present jobs...
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  • Profile picture of the author kayfrank
    In the UK the recession is still hitting hard. I have friends who go into work not knowing if they will be there the next day. When you go into town the number of boarded up shops is a real sign of how bad it is. I've not seen it this bad.
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  • Profile picture of the author simba999
    Its not over....till the fat lady sings!...and she has not stepped onto the stage yet...unfortunately...

    I hope she does soon...but not yet.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jagged
      Spend, Spend, Spend.....Hey, we can just print

      Will be a long time until we see the end of this one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
    This is so funny.

    Back in March, I posted about Citigroup selling for a dollar and AIG selling for like 3 for a dollar. I jokingly proposed that McDonald's could save Wall St by offering stocks on their dollar menu. Of course those stocks went up like 300% shortly after that post.

    Now I post about the possibility of the recession being over and right on queue, the stock market starts going down.

    I'm becoming quite the Contrarian indicator LOL. If I keep this up, they're going to revoke my CFA designation.
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  • Profile picture of the author davebo
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  • Profile picture of the author Zach Booker
    As with anything you must know how it happened to truly comprehend the subject.

    As some people stated before this whole mess has been building for years, signs were shown in late October 2007! But the feds quickly 'stimulated' the economy for awhile.

    As stated before also, we've been building a massive bubble for the past 7 or more years. When signs of weekness show the feds try and make the bubble last longer, the sad reality is that it will only grow bigger and burst. And it has.

    I'm not going to try and be an expert on what has happened, what is going to happen, or what will happen to America altogether but I do recommend everyone(yes everyone) to go and buy the book 'the trillion dollar meltdown.

    It expalins how this has all happened, and it is really quite scary. It is based on the past and on facts not on the future and theories.

    We are on another "mini bubble" now, as Ron said from(I believe) january-now we have seen a increase in the overall market by 30%.

    We all know this won't last, we all know there are many hurrdles left. But again the Feds are pumping money into a system that can't just be "fixed" and giving everyone the false belief that things are all better now.

    We're scared to endure a recession, but in reality we simply have to.

    Foreign investors, think hedge funds with billions, are shying away from American investment and moving into more investments in EAST Euorpe and Africa. Japan is the only country left that is buying a growing amount (more and more every year) of U.S treasury bonds, but even they are slowly buying less now. Not that the bonds aren't appealing, but that there is far more money to be made investing in other sources.

    Again I'm not an expert, as you can probably tell, but I do urge everyone to go out and buy the book and read it. It will shed light on the facts and hopefully make you re-think just how safe the economy is.


    P.S- Just because the market is down does not mean there is no opportunity. When Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failed I quickly bought the stock for literally 3 and 7 dollars and watched in go up 250%+ in the next few days.
    The same thing happened to AIG etc etc...

    As for me all my money is now parked in gold and silver certificates. Anyone who thinks your money is safe in the bank I incourage you to think again. Your 'money' is a currency. A currency that is protected by a country very deep in debt. The dollar has already fallen quite a bit and will honestly only continue to fall. (atleast in my mind)

    P.P.S- I don't mean to sound very negative, like otheres have pointed out there is still lots of money to be made. The rules of money may change but that should never stop you from finding differnt ways to grow your profits.
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  • Profile picture of the author new2ebiz
    People react based on their perception of reality and not reality.

    This also goes to why one's attitude toward life is more important than about anything else.

    Do you think the light at the end of the tunnel is the end of the tunnel or a train bearing down on you?

    This is why I like people like Dave Ramsey who suggests one is better off being financially independent of any dependence on government, or other people (like family or friends). That's why I love his expression "I am not participating in this recession".

    So is the recession over?
    What is the definition of a 'recession being over'?

    Odds are 'no' by most peoples' definition. People often define recession by what is happening to them or family and friends.

    And then you have the possibility of inflation coming. And having had lived through the high costs of borrowing in the Carter years, I hope those percentages never show up again.

    I make necessary adjustments in dealing with various demograpic groups I sell to, but online business beats working for someone else and wondering about some elses' decisions. Multiple income streams really work!!

    I'm so grateful I work for myself. I'm thankful I live in the USA. And I'm not participating in the recession or any other!!
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  • Profile picture of the author ostrich80
    It's not over... We are not even at the bottom.

    This is financial forecasting reports from Bob Chapman from I am subscribers and you should subscribe to his newsletter... He saved me lots of money.


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  • Profile picture of the author petevamp
    You know what tickles me the most is that during the great depression. We had an alternative which was called the cold standard. We now do not even have that. Gold is basically worthless. Yet We find ourselves investing in it because of othe countries still having some type of gold standard. I also still believe that the amero is going to be the new us currency. Why else would we trade over half of are debt with china and other countries for the amero if we where not planingto deminish the dollar. I also beleave that before years end or early next year we are going to be going through a peoples revolution or another civil war in the us. This is just my honest oppionion I have had a problem with our government since I was 11 I never registered to vote until this year and for good reasons. I mean come on how can you vote for a bush an obama a mccain and all of the other idiots we have voted for or against. Our goverment is the source of the problem the sooner we realize this the better of this country will be. Why do you think we have had 8 years of none stop war since 2001 then prior to that 8 years off away from war. Then 8years before the war for those 8 years. Why don't we jsut stay the hell out of it and let these third world retards wipe each otheroff the map. Then we no longer have to fight for their oil or other resources.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Henshaw
      There are two sides to every coin.

      In the UK, if you are looking to buy property (real estate), particularly domestic property, such as a house or apartment, or looking to up-size on your existing dwelling, now is the time to do it - provided you can afford it.

      Pawn brokers, bailiffs and firms specialising in liquidations and receiverships probably have no complaints.

      Most other institutions and individuals are probably not doing so well. I'm not, at least off line I am not. I have lost a great deal of money.

      I think that it will be 12 to 18 months before things start to pick up again and pick up they will. Recessions come and go and despite what we might have learned about the assumed causes of this one, another one will pop up in a decade or so.

      But I'm sure we'll ride that one out too - such is life!

      Just my thoughts,

      Jeff Henshaw.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr McDonald
    I think it has def bottoed out, i work in the oil industry as my main job. Alot more optimisim now in the oil price and outlook.

    Hopefully all the lessons have been learnt and none of our children have to see anything like this again.....
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