Fiverr Gig Promotion?

24 replies
Hi Warriors:

Hope the weekend is going well.

I'm thinking of selling a bunch of services on Fiverr. I researched numerous things that may not have the competition overload I would be facing if I offered Facebook Friends, Twitter Followers, etc.

To properly promote the services (even if I am overlooking the obvious please tell me) would a YouTube Channel, word of mouth, referrals, my Twitter and Facebook accounts be a good start?

What other sites to promote the gig/techniques would you recommend?

Thank you as always,
#fiverr #gig #promotion
  • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
    promote by giving fast service, excellent communication, well worded gig description, and attention to detail in the delivered product.

    Fiverr don't need external promotion, it ends up turning your gig from a $1/hour job into a $0.12/hr job

    deliver asap, at most within 24 hours.

    time is money
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    I see you have social media services like Twitter followers listed above which is over crowded.
    Grow your social media account, Spotify Streams, YT Views & IG Followers & More
    Software & Mobile APP Developer
    Buy Spotify, Facebook Bot & IG M/S Method
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8601056].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Hi Johnben:

      I was giving examples of what services I knew were overcrowded.

      Sorry if I did not word it properly.

      All the best,

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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    The only Fiverr promo method that works for me is:
    Do a stellar job and get repeat customers. These repeat customers would also be very enthusiastic in referring their friends to you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tenzho
      Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

      The only Fiverr promo method that works for me is:
      Do a stellar job and get repeat customers. These repeat customers would also be very enthusiastic in referring their friends to you.
      Totally agree with this!
      i can say that most of my sales from fiverr right now are from past customer. As my Gig is already not on first page of "recommended tab"
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    I’m thinking of selling a bunch of services on Fiverr.
    If you can't deliver the job without spending more than five minutes, you are wasting your time.

    Fiverr is crawling with people who have money to spend, getting it by working your butt off is not the way to do it.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8601138].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jmoore000
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      If you can't deliver the job without spending more than five minutes, you are wasting your time.

      Fiverr is crawling with people who have money to spend, getting it by working your butt off is not the way to do it.
      I disagree. You first start out selling your services low then charge more once you get a following. This technique works in all types of Freelance and Consulting scenarios and works equally well for Fiverr.
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  • Profile picture of the author topnichewebsites
    Quick Response
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    Give a Bonus on Ad
    Give another bonus at delivery if they leave a comment
    Signature <- eBook add eCovers <- WordPress Websites and Maintenance
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8601246].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Thanks for the answers thus far.

      Outside promotion should not be overlooked. If you are first starting out on the site people are not going to go off it to Google you and see the books you have written, and so on.

      I totally agree that quick time frame, fast communication, good value are paramount but if you are starting with zero approval you need to be picked out of the crowd.


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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
        Craig, I accept that you may have already done so but you really should try to work with what you have initially i.e organic Fiverr traffic by spicing up your gigs, since seeking external traffic really begs the question as to why you'd need to direct to and use Fiverr as a proxy.

        Fiverr serves as an effective storefront for external traffic perhaps only if the service cannot be sold elsewhere (on another viable storefront / website) for more money.

        Bear in mind that it's a shared storefront so you may well be directing to competitors too if people click out of your gig.

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        • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
          Hi Daniel:

          Sorry to all if I haven't been clear so let me try to give you a starting point and rational.

          At this point I am not set up on Fiverr so there aren't gigs to promote yet.

          As for wanting to promote from the outside, I was told my a plethora of people that had gotten started with Fiverr and other sites in the early days something that has stuck with me. I truly believe it. The people that are looking to buy on Fiverr are not willing to go off the site to find out about your internet presence.

          If John Doe had 1000 sales and Craig 0 at this point John has the advantage (on site). The conversation I had was fascinating. Although I am a published author, have written liner notes for Rock & Roll Hall of Fame bands, lectured, wrote a writing a speaking course, etc. the Fiverr person isn't going to Google me. However when somebody was interested to see if I wanted to write the liner notes they knew my internet presence and track record and picked up the phone.

          The point they were making and a myriad of people that have trouble getting sales on Fiverr mentioned off site your track record Craig is as good as anyone. On site you are a zero.

          I hope that articulated things better. If it is not correct that is paramount! Getting traffic from any site you post on saves time/effort/money!

          Thanks as always for tremendous input.

          All the best,

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          • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
            Originally Posted by Craig Fenton View Post

            As for wanting to promote from the outside, I was told my a plethora of people that had gotten started with Fiverr and other sites in the early days something that has stuck with me. I truly believe it. The people that are looking to buy on Fiverr are not willing to go off the site to find out about your internet presence.
            Sorry. I wasn't reffering to outside research.

            I was suggesting that if you can score a lead outside of Fiverr, why direct to a site where you are only selling at $5 a pop where competitors are too, rather than your own site?

            Essentially you are advertising three aspects: Fiverr itself, your competitors (potentially) and yourself. If you direct prospects to your website (even if you are still selling for only $5) then you receive the 100% audience attention.

            It's only viable if you are using Fiverr specifically as a selling point within an advertising context that is Fiverr / Micro job site focused.
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            • Profile picture of the author RedWhale
              @Daniel Evans

              Essentially you are advertising three aspects: Fiverr itself, your competitors (potentially) and yourself. If you direct prospects to your website (even if you are still selling for only $5) then you receive the 100% audience attention.

              It's only viable if you are using Fiverr specifically as a selling point within an advertising context that is Fiverr / Micro job site focused.
              These are great points I hadn't thought of and as I expand this portion of my portfolio I find this very important to consider. Thanks for broadening my perspective as I am new to this type of publication/client generation/micro job. Much appreciated.
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    • Profile picture of the author artflair
      Originally Posted by topnichewebsites View Post

      Give another bonus at delivery if they leave a comment
      That's a great tip! Never thought about it before!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ripster
    If you are just starting out on Fiver, the best way to make your first few sales is to offer a wide variety of gigs that are worth more than $5. The fact that you are giving your client something that is worth a lore more than they are paying for is an effective way to promote your gig without really promoting it.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    It depends on the gig. For example, if you draw cartoons, please put some pictures on pinterest and other similar pinning services. That should help you increase your name awareness. Also, do some HOW TO DRAW videos and place these on you tube to help people learn about you. This will give you more exposure.

    Tips on selling FIVERR gigs.
    • Good desc
    • Include video
    • Add some extras
    • express gigs
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  • Profile picture of the author avajo71
    Unique gig with promotion, You could use my site in my signature to sell 'css3 button' creation service.
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  • Profile picture of the author fsiegel
    Nothing beats great reviews from past customers. I sometimes buy services from fiverr and the sellers i deal with are usually level 1 or 2, and have nice reviews by customers. Just keep delivering quick and quality results -- I think that's better than using time and money trying to promote your gigs externally.
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  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
    Originally Posted by Craig Fenton View Post

    I’m thinking of selling a bunch of services on Fiverr. I researched numerous things that may not have the competition overload I would be facing if I offered Facebook Friends, Twitter Followers, etc.
    Fiverr really is NOT a tough nut to crack.
    You really don't need external promotion if you're not thinking of making this a full-time type of thing. As said above, it turns the hourly rate much lower.

    My suggestion is to give away stuff at a STEAL price. Like, 10K facebook likes at $5, or maybe 25K YT views at $5.

    Then, as you get more reviews (and trust me, it only takes one to get the ball rolling) your conversion rates and number of sales are gonna pick up; FAST.

    I've gone from $0 a day to $20 a day on Fiverr with zero external promotion. I just shared each gig once to the top social networks. Most, if not all, of your buyers are going to find you straight from Fiverr.

    Make sure you regularly update your gig to stay fresh in the search results.

    One more thing: keyword optimization, catchy titles and PERFECT descriptions are much more important than you think.With your level of English, I'm sure you could definitely write a catchy description. It's highly, highly important to sound very professional and it's key to sound better than the competition. Perfect English is one of the best ways to achieve that.

    Lastly, get Andre Strand's Fiverr Genie WSO. That's some really, really good stuff and it has helped me a ton.

    Hope this can help,
    JR John, fellow newb

    EDIT: And make sure that you do your absolute best to get in touch with the buyer MINUTES after ordering. Keep your e-mail open at all times, install notifications on your phone, anything. Just get in touch with them ASAP. And do your best to deliver ASAP as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlbertBarkley
    Originally Posted by Craig Fenton View Post

    Hi Warriors:

    Hope the weekend is going well.

    I'm thinking of selling a bunch of services on Fiverr. I researched numerous things that may not have the competition overload I would be facing if I offered Facebook Friends, Twitter Followers, etc.

    To properly promote the services (even if I am overlooking the obvious please tell me) would a YouTube Channel, word of mouth, referrals, my Twitter and Facebook accounts be a good start?

    What other sites to promote the gig/techniques would you recommend?

    Thank you as always,
    good promotion not big
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    One good "trick" with Fiverr, is that they post "wanted"s, so put some gigs up, continually scan the Wanted's and reply rapidly to anyone wanting something you can do well, you can even write a custom Gig using their exact wording to make it easier for them to say "yes".

    Often you'll do one job for someone and they will want lots more work done.

    Other ways to promote your gigs include posting valuable info on relevant forums (with a signature link), and replying to relevant questions on WebAnswers, YahooAnswers, etc.

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  • Profile picture of the author rocky009
    There are 3 tools i use to rank my fiverr gigs

    1) GSA search engine ranker

    2) GSA captcha breaker

    3) GSA indexer

    I rank my fiverr gigs fast! with these 3 tools, and nothing else (with some very precise and good keywords)

    try it, you might surprise yourselves =;0)

    works for me
    Signature - TRY! my video game arcade, fun and its free - I have more addictive games than you can poke a stick at...
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  • Profile picture of the author Satdin
    I like to sell PLR ebooks, PLR graphics, PLR Article Packs etc. Those sell well and takes no time to create. I usually deliver within one hour.

    Happy Journey!
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  • Profile picture of the author malik4u7861
    Quick Response
    Quick Delivery
    Show Examples
    Give a Bonus
    Good desc
    Include video
    Add some extras
    express gigs
    Ping your gig daily


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