144 amazon clicks overnight?

11 replies
This might be the wrong place to post this thread. I wasn't sure of the best category.

I just turned an html site into a nice new wordpress site. It has a few amazon buttons to purchase my book (aff link). I've been checking the clicks over the last couple of days. last night I had 10 or 11. Amazon reports 154 today (still only one sale, that was already there.)

Is there any way for me to check if something weird is going on. Like some spambot or something? It is possible that a non-human could be doing it, right?
#144 #amazon #clicks #overnight
  • Profile picture of the author seonutshell
    Originally Posted by goldbiz View Post

    This might be the wrong place to post this thread. I wasn't sure of the best category.

    I just turned an html site into a nice new wordpress site. It has a few amazon buttons to purchase my book (aff link). I've been checking the clicks over the last couple of days. last night I had 10 or 11. Amazon reports 154 today (still only one sale, that was already there.)

    Is there any way for me to check if something weird is going on. Like some spambot or something? It is possible that a non-human could be doing it, right?
    Unlikely. Why would a spambot just click on your amazon links? Amazon dont care how many clicks you get as it doesnt cost them anything. Unless you are trying to sell your site and someone is tring to make you conversion rate look bad out of spite, i can only come up with one explanation.

    people trust our site a lot more now that you changed the theme,so feel more confortable. Chack your bounce rate, has it decreased as well?
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  • Profile picture of the author goldbiz
    ha ha, I forgot to add the code to genesis theme head. I just did and will wait for results now. However, there was no increase in adsense. So maybe or maybe not.

    Thanks for the clarification though. People do crazy things, so I just wanted an educated opinion.

    I’d explain it to you, but your brain would explode.

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  • Profile picture of the author seonutshell
    dafuq it happened to me as well...
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    • Profile picture of the author Stefan Shields
      Originally Posted by seonutshell View Post

      dafuq it happened to me as well...
      Is that an AdBlocker you have there?

      You should be ashamed of yourself

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  • Profile picture of the author SuperKristen
    Originally Posted by goldbiz View Post

    This might be the wrong place to post this thread. I wasn't sure of the best category.

    I just turned an html site into a nice new wordpress site. It has a few amazon buttons to purchase my book (aff link). I've been checking the clicks over the last couple of days. last night I had 10 or 11. Amazon reports 154 today (still only one sale, that was already there.)

    Is there any way for me to check if something weird is going on. Like some spambot or something? It is possible that a non-human could be doing it, right?
    Yes you can if you have some kinda analytic script like Google analytic installed in your site. Check out the bounce rate, page view and other data.
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    • Profile picture of the author goldbiz
      I forgot to add analytics when I remade site.

      @seonutshell - Did you check your analytics? I didn't have any adsense revenue, and it would be very weird for me to have 144 clicks and no transactions. So it's definitely something strange going on around here...

      I’d explain it to you, but your brain would explode.

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  • Profile picture of the author natebunger
    What you're thinking is actually possible. However, it could also be possible that your website is just soaring high. You also have to check the status of your order and the click to make sure if those clicks are real. There are programs that can help you with that and even Amazon can check that out for you.

    Why don’t you try to ask for assistance from Amazon too.


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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8647805].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author goldbiz
    If I tell Amazon maybe they'll try to kick me out.
    I'm fairly sure it's not soaring in google yet, though. Have to rework some keywords.

    Man, retreat hotel. That sounds nice right about now!

    I’d explain it to you, but your brain would explode.

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  • Profile picture of the author seonutshell
    Yeh i only had 20 visits to the site, and 360 clicks. So something dodgy is going on.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeadStartSEO
    Piwik / GA will identify traffic sources. You will have to check server logs to view previous traffic sources.
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  • Profile picture of the author Khal
    This happened to me on one of my sites.
    I was testing a plugin that was getting Amazon products and post them on my site.
    One day, I was checking my clicks on Amazon Associates and noticed that I had about 3000 clicks to Amazon through my affiliate link for this site with no sales whatsoever.

    Upon removing the plugin in question, things went back to normal.
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