Best laptop for Internet Marketers?

33 replies
Time to get a new laptop. What's a good one to get?

I'll be using it as my main computer. Heaviest use is product creation with Camtasia. Price is not an issue. I want something good.

I would really appreciate recommendations for an actual laptop or specs to look for.

#internet #laptop #marketers
  • Profile picture of the author Christopher Fox
    If money is not an option, I would go with a Mac. They have Intel processors so you can load Windows onto them as well. That, to me, is a huge deal - being able to run Mac OS and Windows on the same computer.
    One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

    - Seldom Seen Smith
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  • Profile picture of the author Alast
    This is a subjective question. Do you want something which can be used as a touch screen? Do you need a lot of storage? How much RAM will be necessary to do thing you need to do? These are things only you can answer, and until we know the answer to the questions, it's hard to give you a solid answer. Since you mentioned that price is not an issue, then obviously (but not always), the higher priced the laptop, the better quality it will be. What you need is a sustainable laptop with a reasonable screen, enough RAM (4GB minimum DDR3), minimum of 500GB hardrive, and a minimum of an i3 processor. For me, I use the Asus V550CA-CJ069H, but am mainly on my PC.

    Again, there will be all sorts of different opinions, but in the end it's completely your choice.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
      Originally Posted by Christopher Fox View Post

      If money is not an option, I would go with a Mac. They have Intel processors so you can load Windows onto them as well. That, to me, is a huge deal - being able to run Mac OS and Windows on the same computer.
      Question: if that is indeed true - then why do Mac users always complain about software not being available for the Mac? That's what scares me about Macs.
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      • Profile picture of the author Christopher Fox
        Originally Posted by Sara Young View Post

        Question: if that is indeed true - then why do Mac users always complain about software not being available for the Mac? That's what scares me about Macs.

        I think that is from times gone by. That used to be the case, but since you can now (and have been able to for a few years) run Windows on a Mac, you actually have access to more programs with a Mac - both Mac programs and all Windows programs.

        It flip-flopped.
        One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

        - Seldom Seen Smith
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      • Profile picture of the author Gaura Klausner
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        • Profile picture of the author jagerrr
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffreydale
    I really like my Lenovo ideapad.

    Full-time entrepreneur | YouTuber | Ecom Coach | Social Media Expert

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  • Profile picture of the author Alast
    I would personally stick clear of Mac. They are overpriced and anything a Mac can do, I can do it on my laptop. Additionally,

    being able to run Mac OS and Windows on the same computer.
    I have never seen the point behind this. If you get a Mac, why would you want to run windows? Just save yourself several hundred and go with a windows laptop.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hannah Gardner
    Toshiba works great for me.
    However, if i is just for the internet use, maybe an iPad would be a great idea. Laptops have a lot of features that you will not need in this case. I think price is also important, as many of such devices do not justify their prices sometimes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alast
      Originally Posted by Hannah Gardner View Post

      Toshiba works great for me.
      However, if i is just for the internet use, maybe an iPad would be a great idea. Laptops have a lot of features that you will not need in this case. I think price is also important, as many of such devices do not justify their prices sometimes.
      I would never recommend an iPad to anyone. As you just said, "many of such devices do not justify their prices sometimes." - iPads fall directly under that category.
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  • Profile picture of the author webinpk
    I7 HP laptop
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  • Profile picture of the author bharathperam
    Apple MacBook Pro Mac MD101HN/A
    I bought this product 3 years ago.But I want to share my experience. I never had to re install OS ...Its true No virus had ever breached the software...Not required any anti virus programmes.Best feature is that it is too compatable with windows app..Sply Microsoft Office designed for Mac...

    this is befit for us because we dont lose any data from us

    i felt this is very safe maintain my marketing files....
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  • Profile picture of the author wholesale blogger
    Originally Posted by Sara Young View Post

    Time to get a new laptop. What's a good one to get?

    I'll be using it as my main computer. Heaviest use is product creation with Camtasia. Price is not an issue. I want something good.

    I would really appreciate recommendations for an actual laptop or specs to look for.

    Dell for me, I love em. I have a 500gb hd, i7 processor. Mine is a few years old but Dell always offer options above what are being offered by others.

    I run Linux Ubuntu and so like Apple, no virus, never goes slow and doesn't need all the usual messing about.

    Linux also offers lots and lots of free, quality software so for Graphics (Gimp) ... video (Open Shot)

    I also rum it as a virtual machine so I can have Linux, Windows and Mac operating systems running at the same time. This helps for win/mac only programmes you cant do without out.

    And all under £1000
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    • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
      Originally Posted by wholesale blogger View Post

      Dell for me, I love em. I have a 500gb hd, i7 processor. Mine is a few years old but Dell always offer options above what are being offered by others.

      I run Linux Ubuntu and so like Apple, no virus, never goes slow and doesn't need all the usual messing about.

      Linux also offers lots and lots of free, quality software so for Graphics (Gimp) ... video (Open Shot)

      I also rum it as a virtual machine so I can have Linux, Windows and Mac operating systems running at the same time. This helps for win/mac only programmes you cant do without out.

      And all under £1000
      Wow! How do you do that?
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      • Profile picture of the author wholesale blogger
        Originally Posted by Sara Young View Post

        Wow! How do you do that?
        Running a virtual machine isnt difficult, and there are a few options. For example, in my case my main operating system is Linux Ubuntu (its a free operating system used by many including some of the biggest organisations) who don't want to give Gates money :-)

        See it here The world's most popular free OS | Ubuntu

        With this you can install (free) Virtual box see it here

        To run Windows and Apple as virtual machines you would need an original operating disk, I use Win XP (some people just use copies or old versions of friends discs when they upgrade)

        When all working you can move between operating systems like you do between documents, no need to reboot.

        You can also share files between systems, so I have videos that I can access from any system.

        I am not really a techy guy but it's all doable.

        I have found that while I love Linux, some software will not run well on it (The Adobe stuff and lots of IM stuff such as keyword tools, scrapebox if you use it). So being able to move between fast is a bonus.

        Plus, if you do have Windows installed and it gets infected by a virus, your Linux and Apple are ok because they are actually stand alone systems.

        For a paid version of Virtual ware system that I am looking at as a step up, look at VMWare VMware Workstation: Run Multiple OS, Linux, Windows 8 & More; | United States

        This site will show you how you can move between systems
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Cutts
    The best laptop is a desktop :-)

    Tonnes more power and bigger screens and better posture and the keyboard is a lot better for your hands and wrists...

    Not saying dont use a laptop I have a couple I use when I am traveling but for every day use I have a pc :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
      Originally Posted by Danny Cutts View Post

      The best laptop is a desktop :-)

      Tonnes more power and bigger screens and better posture and the keyboard is a lot better for your hands and wrists...

      Not saying dont use a laptop I have a couple I use when I am traveling but for every day use I have a pc :-)
      Agreed, but with my current lifestyle a laptop works best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Cutts
    Fair enough by one with a massive screen and a portable mouse :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Crosbie
    As of recently, I'm a Mac user and all I can say is "Woah!".

    I used to share similar opinions to those on this thread, "Mac are useless, overpriced and Windows is the best" but since making the change, my opinion has changed dramatically.

    Sure, Macs are expensive. Sure, most things can be done a good quality windows machine.

    BUT that's not what makes a Mac unique. Apple are innovators, it's the hidden features and the reliability that make Mac's better in my opinion.

    I've had my iMac for around 3 months now and my productivity has gone through the roof. Not once have I had an issue with it, not once have I found that it's struggled to cope with anything I've tried to do. Not once has there been software which I wanted that was not available for Macs.

    For some strange reason, they just feel nicer to use! I get work done a lot faster on them and I enjoy using them more!

    I'd go try a Mac at least, you'd be amazed with how nice they really are.

    Just my 2 cents,

    Joe Crosbie!
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  • Profile picture of the author GlowaSolutions
    After years of using Windows laptop I decided to change to Mac OS and I must say that I am very glad that I did because the difference between mac and windows speed performance are huge. On windows I always got some annoying problems like speed protection itp. I am using Macbook Pro for past two years now and all I got to say is. that its a powerful laptop. I'm definitely recommending Macbook Pro! Great machine

    Patryk Glowacki

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    • Profile picture of the author HybridMarketing
      Originally Posted by GlowaSolutions View Post

      After years of using Windows laptop I decided to change to Mac OS and I must say that I am very glad that I did because the difference between mac and windows speed performance are huge. On windows I always got some annoying problems like speed protection itp. I am using Macbook Pro for past two years now and all I got to say is. that its a powerful laptop. I'm definitely recommending Macbook Pro! Great machine
      I definitely understand where you're coming from. I'm a professional programmer and IT administrator. I've used both.

      Spend the $2000 you did to get a Mac on a Windows-based computer and you'll be just as fast. I'm runing a $3000 desktop and I can tell you right now, I can do anything faster than you can on a Mac.

      Once again, not dissing Macs, I love them. But Price -> Performance comparisons are not correct.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greenville
    The "War PC vs Mac" will never end !

    The question is what is the best laptop (for an Internet marketer) and not what is the best operating system. I work with both since 1989. Initially, Mac was more user-friendly, PC were using the DOS system.

    Although I've always preferred to work on a Mac nowadays, both platforms are very similar. By cons, for graphic design and to work with images, Mac is by far my favorite. The system is stable and you do not have to worry about viruses.

    I would not recommend you to buy a Mac to install Windows software, if that's your goal, buy a PC. By cons, everything you could possibly need is available for Mac: image editing (Photoshop, Gimp, Illustrator... ), video editing ( Camtesia , Camstudio , ScreenFlow... ), word processing (Word (Suite including PowerPoint), OpenOffice).

    The MacBook Pro with Retina display is really impressive! If you want to travel "lighter", the MacBook Air is also very good but the bigger screen is only 13 inches. By cons, it is so powerful that you can connect a second monitor without problem.

    I did hundreds of campaigns on a first generation MacBook Pro with a 15-inch screen that I converted into a desktop with a second screen 22", a keyboard and a mouse.

    The best advice we can give you is to go in store taking into account the pros and cons discussed here by everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sirr
    I spent a number of years with Apple products, but I got pissed off that no company was making software for Mac, so I purchased a Windows computer. Buying a Windows computer was the worst mistake in my life. I hated Windows 8, and my computer (which had an i5 processor and 8GB ram) was running so slow compared to my Macs. I downgraded to Windows 7, but still had a number of issues. I just don't like the look and feel of Windows and the performance compared to Mac is different.

    Now I use a Mac, and use a Virtual Machine to run Windows on my Mac so I can run any software I use. I still have the Windows machine, but I rarely turn it on anymore. Although I rarely use SENuke, and xRumer these days so I don't need to use Windows very often.

    I would say go with a Mac. They will last you a lot longer than a Windows computer, and you won't have no where near as many issues with it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      Good Sunday morning Sara,

      Let's get away from the Win-Mac wars for a minute. One thing to keep in mind is that if you change operating systems, you add to your learning curve.

      My recommendation: Go to Walmart or any store with a nice selection of laptops on display (we are not going to buy yet.) Do some touch-and-feel for a while. Take note of what you like and don't.

      For example, you may come up with a list like:

      17" screen.
      6+ gigs of memory.
      750+ gig hard disk.

      Now you are ready to look for "the laptop."

      My other recommendation is that you not look for a specific computer. There are several laptops that are top-tier performers.

      When you have narrowed it down a bit, let me recommend a look at I have no interest in them other than I have bought from them and can highly recommend them.

      Let us know how it goes.

      Joe Mobley


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
    I would suggest going with a Windows computer. Since you have the money, I would suggest getting a Windows 7 Ultimate K - try to order from any company OTHER than HP.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sirr
      If you really want to go Windows, yes avoid HP at all costs. I personally think Dell, and Acer make the best Windows machines. I have a Samsung ... and it's awful.
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  • Profile picture of the author samkadya
    Originally Posted by Sara Young View Post

    Time to get a new laptop. What's a good one to get?

    I'll be using it as my main computer. Heaviest use is product creation with Camtasia. Price is not an issue. I want something good.

    I would really appreciate recommendations for an actual laptop or specs to look for.

    I love my Lenovo as I can capture a screen video as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      I have 2 Toshiba Satellite laptops, never had any problems, reasonably priced, and they are workhorses


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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      • Profile picture of the author Sirr
        Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

        I have 2 Toshiba Satellite laptops, never had any problems, reasonably priced, and they are workhorses

        I agree with those Toshiba Satellite's. Most businesses will use these. I didn't these were still in production.
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  • Profile picture of the author DigitalBusker
    Main thing is to have enough RAM. Think more like minimum 8GB, not 4GB, using Windows 7. My Laptop sometimes spikes at 3.2GB usage and I'm not doing much else other than surfing!

    Is your broadband usage "limited" to so many GB per month? If so I would then look at that increasing it substantially or go unlimited. Have good anti-virus software that doesn't slow down the PC etc.

    Point I'm trying to make's not just your Laptop/PC spec you need to give thought to. If the laptop is unlikely to spend most of it's time being lugged around with you, i.e likely to stay at home, consider a 17" screen. Consider getting one from a custom build site in your own country.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
      Originally Posted by DigitalBusker View Post

      Main thing is to have enough RAM.
      It depends on how important battery life is for the laptop. Like all things electrical, more memory means more drain on the battery.

      An SSD will help battery life, and speed things up considerably.

      Do something spectacular; be fulfilled. Then you can be your own hero. Prem Rawat

      The KimW WSO

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  • Profile picture of the author arranrice
    I use a Macbook, they are fast, really good screen and very easy to take to places for instance if your going away or visiting a client.
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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    for my next laptop I hope they have some 17" convertible laptops/tablets or some version of dual screen on front/back. I'd really love pen based input too. Freakin love love love the S-pen on my galaxy note3. Handwriting/sketching ideas, taking notes, mindmaps, org charts etc... input for whatever is indispensible and will catch on much more as more people rediscover the brilliant modern versions of pen based input.

    They are thin and light enough to carry around now. Can't stand squinting at a small screen. I stick with PCs and have good luck with them. I don't really want to spend double or triple on a mac for "quality" and 5-10 yr durability. I find w/ the advancement in tech, I WANT to replace my equipment in approx 3yrs to keep up with various advances. I can either sell my old one or keep it for other uses. So for the same money I can replace my laptops faster over macs and have the latest and greatest stuff. With all the cloud services now, switching hardware and data transfer/setup is so much easier than it used to be.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author Startingstartup
    Macbook Pro 13.3 Retina, Ipad Mini and Iphone 5s.... best trio!
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  • Profile picture of the author Allan_Gardyne
    Re the posture part... Because I like to travel between Australia and New Zealand depending on the season, years ago I switched to using only a laptop. My current laptop is an old 17 inch Dell Studio. It seems fine for my needs.

    I now also use a DeepCool laptop stand (I don't bother using the weak fan in it) to raise the height of the laptop screen to eye level, and also use an external keyboard and separate mouse. I keep laptop stands and keyboards in both countries.

    For a while, I got away with hunching over a laptop, but eventually I began getting a sore neck and shoulder muscles. Using a laptop stand solved the problem - it's much cheaper than paying for repeated massages and physio or osteo treatments!

    Have you watched how people sit when they use an ipad? Crazy!

    I've sold - to an old friend

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  • Profile picture of the author sal64
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
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  • Profile picture of the author reiprofessor
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  • Profile picture of the author Gaura Klausner
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