25 replies
I owe everyone here at the Warrior Forum an apology. Please accept my apology for the way I have acted in the WF over the years. This is really hard for me so please bear with me!

I confess that I never ask people to prove their claims! You see, I never bought anything just because someone said they made $5,000 per week. I always did my research before I purchased something so I just never cared whether they were telling the truth or not. It just wasn't important. Sure, if I thought someone was scamming people I would say something but I just don't get that bent out of shape over what people claim.

I am sorry for the fact that I don't make a habit of saying negative things. It never occurred to me that many people have no negative things going on in their lives. I now realize that people NEED to know all the bad stuff and they NEED to constantly be reminded about how bad things are; otherwise, they might be like Pollyanna. This has been very short-sided of me.

I am sorry that I never realized that people needed to be warned about the boogers in the bushes; also known as gurus. Quite honestly, I have NEVER heard anyone refer to themselves as "gurus" but I now realize that it was just a diversion on their part. They KNEW they were gurus but they didn't want YOU to know they were gurus. I was totally mislead by these people and I apologize for not catching them sooner.

I have had several posts and threads deleted and moved but I just thought that was the way it was. I never knew that it was a conspiracy by the powers-that-be (Allen Says and his henchmen) to keep the common man and woman down. Honestly, I never thought that anything I have said was all that earth-shaking. I now know that revelations of cosmic proportions are the things getting deleted. I apologize!

I have always made a point of NOT running people down in the forum. This has been very short-sided and narrow-minded of me. How will these people ever know that they are doofuses if I don't tell them. I should have realized that these people would change the way they think and act if only I had told them how stupid they were. I am truly sorry.

I have to stop writing this right now because, quite honestly, it has brought me to tears. I'm not normally the crying kind and I KNOW that this makes me a sissy but I just can't help it. I feel like I have let all of you down over the years and it breaks my heart.

I KNOW that there is NOTHING going on in the world that is more important than what people are saying and doing in the Warrior Forum and we should all take the perpetrators to trial right here and now. My friends, WE are the judge and jury and WE need to crack down on the riff-raff that comes in here and acts civil and courteous. There is no place for that kind of crap around here.

Okay, there are SOOOO many things I need to apologize for but there just isn't enough room in this one post. It will probably take me many more posts just to feel like I have repented properly. I can only hope you people will forgive me and I will try much harder to be the kind of person this forum needs!

Thank you and good night!
  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    Originally Posted by Chris W. Sutton View Post

    They KNEW they were gurus but they didn't want YOU to know they were gurus.
    And you can prove these outrageous claims?

    Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris W. Sutton
    Apology accepted, whatever you did LOL.

    At least you had the guts to apologise
    Imran, there comes a time in every persons life when he/she must stand up and do the right thing. It was my time!

    And you can prove these outrageous claims?
    Absolutely! Have you ever noticed how Kevin Riley, Kim Standerline, Bev Clement, John Rogers, Ken Leatherman, Elmer Hurlstone and all the people like that are constantly saying that they ARE NOT gurus. Need I say more?

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris W. Sutton
    Chris, thank you for breathing some fresh air into the forum this evening, it was getting very, errr stale around here...
    Oh crap, I did it again! Sue, I am so sorry I brought fresh air into the WF. I should have realized that some of the people here like hot air. Once again, I apologize to everyone.

    Sue, you are very sweet and I love reading your posts!

    Take care!

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  • Profile picture of the author annihilator
    For those sins, you cannot be forgiven easily. You must immediately begin atoning for your sins by calling people liars; and in general dissing them.

    Your way ahead is hard. May the Lord have mercy on your soul.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thaddaeus T. Hogg
    Hmmm... I guess all the things Thaddeus says about you aren't true after all.
    Whut in tarnation has thut durn fool dun gone an gots hisself into this dadburn time?

    Sumtimes I jest thank that thut thar boy ain't got one lick of since! Whut fer wud he come a ridin' in hear on thut thar high horse an start gettin folk all riled up? Shewt, he is probly jest lookin fer a little tension.

    I am sorry that I never realized that people needed to be warned about the boogers in the bushes; also known as gurus. Quite honestly, I have NEVER heard anyone refer to themselves as "gurus" but I now realize that it was just a diversion on their part. They KNEW they were gurus but they didn't want YOU to know they were gurus. I was totally mislead by these people and I apologize for not catching them sooner.
    Never? Well, jest let me be a sayin rat hear and now thut ole Thad IS a gooroo! In fact of the matter, Imma gonna be a startin to call myself "The Hillbilly Gooroo."

    An I ain't never been fraid bout givin proof about anythin I be a sayin. Yew want proof of my revenue? Why shore, I will be a gettin yew a copy of my earnins statement. Jest be a givin me time to wrote it down fer ya and I'll be a postin thut thang rat hear fer ya!

    I have to stop writing this right now because, quite honestly, it has brought me to tears. I'm not normally the crying kind and I KNOW that this makes me a sissy but I just can't help it. I feel like I have let all of you down over the years and it breaks my heart.
    Now see whut sum a yew folks dun went an did? Yew made thut thar poor feller cry. Ya'll outta be shamed of yewselves.

    Well now, I dun sayed my piece an I gots to be a goin. I shore dew be a hopin ya'll will be a comin down to Stumpwoody Holler to be a visitin ole Thad, the hillbilly marketeer gooroo soon. Ya'll be a havin yerselves a mity fine evenin!
    Thaddaeus T. Hogg, The Hillbilly Marketeer
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris W. Sutton

    I'll never forgive you for changing your avatar from something out of "Gunsmoke" to something out of "Mayberry RFD".

    I'm wrecked...
    Is that just a nice way of saying that I went from looking like Bob Hope in Fancy Pants to looking like Barney?


    I'm not speaking to you any more!

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    • Profile picture of the author Anomaly1974
      Originally Posted by Chris W. Sutton View Post


      I'm not speaking to you any more!
      Somehow I don't reckon as that was aimed at me but all I gotta say either way is PASS THE BISCUITS MIRANDY!

      (Name that one LOL By Grabbers!)

      Good to see you again Chris, but I ain't never seen none of them big hills down yonder where ya are now ... though I do know it would not exist had it not been for a mess of hillbillies headin' down that way!

      Hmmmm, would I be an Eclectic Hillbilly now in my re-birth?

      “They did not know it was impossible so they did it”
      -Samuel Clemens" (As Mark Twain)

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  • Profile picture of the author JaySabree
    Originally Posted by Chris W. Sutton View Post

    I owe everyone here at the Warrior Forum an apology. Please accept my apology for the way I have acted in the WF over the years. This is really hard for me so please bear with me!

    I confess that I never ask people to prove their claims! You see, I never bought anything just because someone said they made $5,000 per week. I always did my research before I purchased something so I just never cared whether they were telling the truth or not. It just wasn't important. Sure, if I thought someone was scamming people I would say something but I just don't get that bent out of shape over what people claim.

    I am sorry for the fact that I don't make a habit of saying negative things. It never occurred to me that many people have no negative things going on in their lives. I now realize that people NEED to know all the bad stuff and they NEED to constantly be reminded about how bad things are; otherwise, they might be like Pollyanna. This has been very short-sided of me.

    I am sorry that I never realized that people needed to be warned about the boogers in the bushes; also known as gurus. Quite honestly, I have NEVER heard anyone refer to themselves as "gurus" but I now realize that it was just a diversion on their part. They KNEW they were gurus but they didn't want YOU to know they were gurus. I was totally mislead by these people and I apologize for not catching them sooner.

    I have had several posts and threads deleted and moved but I just thought that was the way it was. I never knew that it was a conspiracy by the powers-that-be (Allen Says and his henchmen) to keep the common man and woman down. Honestly, I never thought that anything I have said was all that earth-shaking. I now know that revelations of cosmic proportions are the things getting deleted. I apologize!

    I have always made a point of NOT running people down in the forum. This has been very short-sided and narrow-minded of me. How will these people ever know that they are doofuses if I don't tell them. I should have realized that these people would change the way they think and act if only I had told them how stupid they were. I am truly sorry.

    I have to stop writing this right now because, quite honestly, it has brought me to tears. I'm not normally the crying kind and I KNOW that this makes me a sissy but I just can't help it. I feel like I have let all of you down over the years and it breaks my heart.

    I KNOW that there is NOTHING going on in the world that is more important than what people are saying and doing in the Warrior Forum and we should all take the perpetrators to trial right here and now. My friends, WE are the judge and jury and WE need to crack down on the riff-raff that comes in here and acts civil and courteous. There is no place for that kind of crap around here.

    Okay, there are SOOOO many things I need to apologize for but there just isn't enough room in this one post. It will probably take me many more posts just to feel like I have repented properly. I can only hope you people will forgive me and I will try much harder to be the kind of person this forum needs!

    Thank you and good night!
    LOL... Ok, what did I miss?

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  • Profile picture of the author George Sepich
    So where's the damn apology? Your headline alluded to one, and I certainly didn't see one. Of course, I didn't read your post either, so if you actually did apologize, we'll good for you, but I don't apologize for that either. So since I didn't apologize, who exactly did.
    Sorry to be so tough on you Chris, but since you wouldn't eat the meat tenderizer what did you expect?

    Need Help? GeorgeSepich.com Digital Marketing Solutions From George Sepich.

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  • Profile picture of the author pearsonbrown
    There have been far too many apologies on here lately.

    I think you should all apologize.
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  • Profile picture of the author Judy 0513
    lol, oH, FRESH AIR COMES!!!!!!!! HAHAHA
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  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    Thanks for your post. I agree.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris W. Sutton
    John, I am super-dooper, absolutely, undeniably ecstatic that you posted in this thread. It's great that some of us little people are noticed by you big name superstars!

    I just hope that one day I grow up to be just like you! You rock dude!

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  • Profile picture of the author Randy Bheites
    ZOMFG, yet another whiny-pants, self-absorbed public pityfest! GAHHHH!

    For the love of all that is real and good and kind, step outside and take a deep lungful of air, then repeat until enough oxygen reaches your brain to enable you to pull your head out of your ass!

    ...oh no, wait, that was me. My bad.
    have a great day

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris W. Sutton
    Thomas, I am pretty sure she was talking about the song "Fresh Air" by Quicksilver Messenger Service!

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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    gooroos... hmmmph... cheeky *******s!

    There... now I've gotten that off my chest... carry on.

    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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