For those age 50 and up, trying to fund their retirement online: I have a question....

26 replies
I am 68 years old, and semi-retired. However, the recent economy really hurt my retirement plans. I am sick of working outside the home, so i am working to fund my retirement online.

It's been a long and expensive work in progress. Internet marketing is largely based on trial and error, and it can take years to master it. However, many who are trying to retire don't have years, or often don't have the money to experiment with.

So here is my thought:

It can be a lonely feeling when you are fearing retirement, and feeling like everyone is in better shape than you. I can't be the only one on this site with those thoughts, concerns and intentions.

Are there other "Warriors" with this same challenge of funding their retirement online and feel like they are running out of time to make it happen?

If there are, I have a thought:

I have found some recent internet marketing success thanks to help from my son who has been successful marketing online. But it took a long time for him to master it, and I am just getting my feet wet.

I think it would be advantages for those behind schedule on retirement plans to work together, share ideas, share whats working and not working, avoid some of the pitfalls, and shorten the success and learning curve. If nothing else, it would be nice to know that you're are not alone, and have the support of like minded people in the same situation.

Any thoughts or interest?
#fund #online #question #retirement
  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I only turned 50 yesterday so I am also interested in this thread....

    Cheers, Laurence.

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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
      Speaking for myself, I think retirement, as a concept, is designed for those in jobs. But if you're working for yourself or running your own business and want to secure your future as best you can, my advice would be the same for anyone offline or online - build your assets.

      Online, those assets can be: websites, products, subscriber lists - and any successful business with reasonably long-term prospects.

      If your online income is derived mainly from clients, or if your brand is unlikely to survive without your own full-time involvement, you'll have to earn enough to provide for a retirement pension, should you ever want to (or have to) stop working. And does anyone still trust pension plans?


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      • Profile picture of the author BillyPilgrim
        I'm 56 and recently gave up the hassle of SEO to learn paid traffic. It's still a arduous task but the potential payoffs are much bigger. Retirement? What's that?
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        • Profile picture of the author onlineretirement
          I agree. Retirement is kind of a foreign concept. Especially if you like to work. As long as I am able, I always plan on pursuing a business. Online marketing is a great way to be able to do that.

          I think paid traffic is better than SEO also. My son is pretty good with SEO, but the Google updates have been an ongoing frustration. Paid advertising has a learning curve as well, and I am experimenting with it.

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      • Profile picture of the author onlineretirement
        Thanks for your reply. I agree with your thoughts on retirement. I don't see myself ever really retiring. I will always have something going on to challenge me and better my situation. The main thing is security of know that you have enough income should you lose your ability to do that. Online marketing is a good way to have that retirement lifestyle, and hopefully pick up some good passive income if needed.

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    • Profile picture of the author rbates
      Interesting. I just wrote an entire "Book" here, but evidently did not submit the post.

      Basically, I said that I understood your situation as I am
      turning 65 in just a few weeks. I lost my entire retirement
      a few years ago when my several stocks decided to reverse
      split - several times. I was left with less than four thousand
      when all was said and done. So much for retirement.
      Then, it's getting a job. Good ones are not as easy to
      get when you get on in years.

      I have sent you an PM with my email so that we can correspond.
      I will be happy to share my email with anyone else who may also
      be interested in this thread.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        Given the fact that there are 690,000+ members here, I'm guessing there are at least tens of thousands of us at or nearing retirement age. Of course all are not active members and some who are have no desire to join the old folks club. But I think your desire to share ideas and methods has merit.

        Since IMers come in all shapes, sizes, and ages, really the only thing that separates us is the fact that the number of miles in the rear view mirror is significantly greater than those we see through the windshield.


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author onlineretirement
        Sorry to hear about your unfortunate financial losses. I can totally relate. It's very frustrating to find yourself there after a lifetime of hard work.

        My Son (mainly my son) and i working on something in regard to a communication network for those seeking to supplement their retirement online. . I'll let you know when things are rolling. We may do a WSO to get it rolling. It would provide an affiliate opportunity with residuals. However, it would be free to warrior members. We are just putting out feelers to connect with like minded people who share these concerns.


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    • Profile picture of the author onlineretirement
      Thanks for your response, and happy birthday. Your still young, but that's seems to be the point where concern starts to set in if you are not where you want to be. I working on some things in relation to my comments. I'll be in touch.

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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    Forget online as your sole focus. Focus on CUSTOMERS and solving problems, and utilize online tools where applicable. Examine your own demographics that you can relate to, your interests/hobbies/career segment that you have insight/experience in, and solve a problem for them.

    Online is like a home builder only using a hammer and seeing everything as a nail. Find a customer/demand for something and use your tools in solving their problems/help them get what they want. And you'll get what you want.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author Lightlysalted
    Innovative approach and not and easy one. I totally respect what you are trying to achieve and sincerely hope it works out for you. All the best. Please keep us updated on your progress towards your retirement savings
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  • Profile picture of the author Careygee
    Old Sarge here,

    I've been marketing a while but I keep a low profile.
    For years I marketed "Single Sale" products from Clickbank and others
    but as you say, geting up in years does start you thinking.

    I changed my marketing to programs which pay "Monthly Residuals"
    about a year ago. Sure glad I did. (Do the work once & get paid over and over)

    I have found two programs that are more than enough to satisfy me.

    Get your son to help and find some of these residual programs.
    Do not jump around. Focus on one or two and ignore all the "Gurus"
    who are selling magic bullets and pixie dust.
    If it sounds too good to be true, run like hel*. Nuf said.

    Yes, I am close to your age.
    Yes, I create all my pages for advertising.
    IM me if you like.
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    • Profile picture of the author onlineretirement
      Thanks for tips. My son and me are working on a project in the lines of what I have talked about in uniting prospective retirees. I agree, residual income is my ultimate goal, and we are moving in that direction. I'll keep you updated.

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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Alan, what's your background?

    If time is your concern then you really should consider offering services. It will bring about the fastest return on effort.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author onlineretirement
      My background is mainly in sales and management. Most recently Real Estate. I have also owned several businesses over the years including a production company.

      I agree that services are a good way to go. My son has done quit well in offering offline marketing services. I am weighing my options there. My son and i are working on a project that is exciting and working well. But I am looking at all options right now.
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      • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
        Originally Posted by onlineretirement View Post

        My background is mainly in sales and management. Most recently Real Estate. I have also owned several businesses over the years including a production company.

        I agree that services are a good way to go. My son has done quit well in offering offline marketing services. I am weighing my options there. My son and i are working on a project that is exciting and working well. But I am looking at all options right now.
        Alan, a few years back I focused my efforts on servicing JUST real estate agents, and was selling them $2,000 websites. Most months I would sell at least 5 of them.

        If you know this marketplace well, then I would consider doing something like this. It's good money and it works. (and its fast)

        BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    With IM, why retire? As long as my mind is sound and I am capable of using a keyboard, I plan on doing IM.
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      My son and me are working on a project in the lines of what I have talked about in uniting prospective retirees.
      Don't mean to be rude but you mention that in three successive posts - are you looking for a support group of like minded people - or signups?
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Hi Kurt,

      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      As long as my mind is sound...[snip]...I plan on doing IM.
      Sorry to hear you're quitting IM.

      Just kidding mate, couldn't resist

      Roger Davis

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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Anderson
    I have been doing this online thing for 5 years now - full time. I have tried everything, some all the way to profit and others I have abandoned to chase cash flow.
    I would happily share my skills and experiences with those that ask.
    The biggest thing (that still freaks me out) is the constant change and morphing of the tactics we keep using. I am also amused that those that do it the hard way (read - real way) are generally safe from any algorithm changes.
    Anyone want to pick my brain PM me.
    Oh, forgot to mention, I am 53 right now.
    Just good marketing advice - Business ideas
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    I retired some ten plus years ago, at the ripe old age of 53. I do this because I want to have something to do, and bring in a little extra cash. I have all the money I need to live on, although it does not allow for many extras.

    Blogging and other things IM comprises of are a fund exercise to me, and it keeps me busy. If I make money from it, so much the better.

    Being retired means I get to do what I want, when I want, as long as I have the money in my pocket to support it. I choose to do IM because it interests me.

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author brutecky
    Well Im not 50+ however Im still working for my retirement and Im still running out of time (Im not getting any younger) and I still think about it quite often. One of the major keys to savings no matter how old you are is to lower your costs. So many people have costs that they just dont need. Currently my monthly expenses are only 30% of my monthly income AND I have 0 debt. Just think over all the things you spend money on and ask yourself if you really need it. Ill bet there are hundreds every month you dont need to spend.
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  • Profile picture of the author dengkane
    No matter how old you are, mastering the art of selling is the most important thing, and it is the core of Internet marketing too.

    If you are running a blog, you may think you don't rely on selling, but you are, because you have to find advertisers to put their ads on your sites, and you have to sell to them that ads on your sites can convert.

    It's that simple, learn how to sell as soon as possible, then you won't worry about money problem soon.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      I'm 45 and my marketing stuff right now is funding my 4yr olds college fund. There is a dead line ( sorry pun not intended ) for this type of saving, much like yours. So, i'm not where you are at now, but I'm practicing now, for when that time comes.

      I think the biggest advice I could give, is to look back at your life. Look at the good times you have had, the things you have enjoyed, and the things you are good at. That is where your success will come from. When you parallel a service or product to your 68 years of experience, that's when the "Magic" will happen.

      If I may ask read your own original post again, you know you have left your own answer within the question. You have outlined your Niche, you have outlined who you want to reach, you have outlined the information you want to share. You have outlined the path it took to where you are today.

      Not to sound to cliché, but if you build that community, they will come.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Guereca
    I'm 53 and feel like I haven't saved enough for retirement. My Wife will have a good pension and I have 9 years left on my Mortgage which I got for 2.5% interest for 10 years. I have 2 401K's but nothing to get too excited about.
    I just started a new "make money online course" that feels promising. This is the last one I'm telling myself. But I will succeed or die trying. Good Luck my Friend. Richard
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  • Profile picture of the author J50
    I am not 50 or above (23 in fact), but you can create a solid $1,000 a month through dividends, websites and any other stable income producing assets you could retire in a low cost country like Thailand or Cambodia?

    P.S. If you've never seen this blog I recommend it!
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