For those age 50 and up, trying to fund their retirement online: I have a question....
It's been a long and expensive work in progress. Internet marketing is largely based on trial and error, and it can take years to master it. However, many who are trying to retire don't have years, or often don't have the money to experiment with.
So here is my thought:
It can be a lonely feeling when you are fearing retirement, and feeling like everyone is in better shape than you. I can't be the only one on this site with those thoughts, concerns and intentions.
Are there other "Warriors" with this same challenge of funding their retirement online and feel like they are running out of time to make it happen?
If there are, I have a thought:
I have found some recent internet marketing success thanks to help from my son who has been successful marketing online. But it took a long time for him to master it, and I am just getting my feet wet.
I think it would be advantages for those behind schedule on retirement plans to work together, share ideas, share whats working and not working, avoid some of the pitfalls, and shorten the success and learning curve. If nothing else, it would be nice to know that you're are not alone, and have the support of like minded people in the same situation.
Any thoughts or interest?
Cheers, Laurence.
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
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