Need Help for Content in Emails

5 replies
I'm hoping all of you can help me out. I am trying to send emails to my subscribers with weekly discounts on products from the Internet. Preferably want to send them to discounts that I are part of an affiliate program. I know the hard way would be to search for discounts online and compile everything in one email and send it out. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good site that can either send me the info and i just forward it, or have multiple promos directly on their site.

I hope this makes sense and thanks for the help in advance.
#content #emails
  • Profile picture of the author enter04
    Thanks for the reply Malc. My subscribers are actually opting in to received emails that provide them with links to offers online, similar to Groupon. I was wondering if there is an easier way to send an email with links to promotions of different sites rather than search for the promos manually online.

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    • Profile picture of the author MichaelNz
      Originally Posted by enter04 View Post

      Thanks for the reply Malc. My subscribers are actually opting in to received emails that provide them with links to offers online, similar to Groupon. I was wondering if there is an easier way to send an email with links to promotions of different sites rather than search for the promos manually online.

      well groupon has an affiliate program

      but I don't think there is any automated way of doing what you want to do without having people coming to you and submitting "special offers" like people do with groupon.
      I may be wrong though.
      Good luck
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      • Profile picture of the author enter04
        Originally Posted by MichaelNz View Post

        well groupon has an affiliate program

        but I don't think there is any automated way of doing what you want to do without having people coming to you and submitting "special offers" like people do with groupon.
        I may be wrong though.
        Good luck
        Did not know they had one, I will check it out
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  • Profile picture of the author jessiewriter
    Write out the entire process you follow for finding those promos: precise instructions with concise notes on best practices.

    Then hire a VA to do it.

    ~ Jessie Haynes
    Erotica Author
    Caffeine Headaches: Author Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author enter04
    Thanks for the help everyone. all great suggestions I will look into
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