Newbies today are lucky and fortunate...

by Adie
39 replies
Yes, I mean it. Unlike before when I was new to IM more than a decade ago when the majority of information were almost exclusive only to people who have money to spend, newbies today are lucky and fortunate because they have everything in front of them.

Take for example the Gary Halbert Newsletter. If you don't have hundreds of dollars you can't have access to those golden information. Today it's free and is still extremely useful and valuable.

The problem today is that, not many people are sincere and dedicated enough to learn. I still believe that the main reason why an IM marketer become successful is his own personal drive and motive and not the influence of other people. This is the reason why there are still many newbies who fail even though tons of free and useful information are already provided not only in this forum but everywhere.

Just a thought of the day... peace
#fortunate #lucky #newbies #today
  • Profile picture of the author Abul-Hussain
    The biggest problem for newbies isn't a lack of information, but rather a lack of focus. This lack of focus eventually leads to info overload and 'paralysis by analysis'.

    They begin their journey looking for the 'holy grail' and a quick way to make money online - a very vague goal to begin with.

    When they do eventually come across the fundamental formula, they refuse to believe that it is so simple.

    The formula will always be: Targeted Traffic + Targeted Offer = Conversions/Sales.

    This formula doesn't change whether you are promoting an online MLM product or an eBook on penis enlargement.

    The ones that do eventually succeed, realise that there are no shortcuts. This is a real business and requires time, dedication and perseverance.

    Just my two cents

    Author | Speaker | Digital Marketing Coach

    I help ordinary people achieve extraordinary results online. Get in touch to see how we can help you build a 6 figure business.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
      Originally Posted by Abul-Hussain View Post

      The biggest problem for newbies isn't a lack of information, but rather a lack of focus. This lack of focus eventually leads to info overload and 'paralysis by analysis'.

      What is easier for some is harder for others. I agree with Abdul. Information overload leads to a lack of focus. Not only for a Newbie, but for everyone in general if we are not careful.
      Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Profile picture of the author shahaf
    These days it is easy for newbies because much of the information is available online and mostly free. The marketers back in 1997 and onwards have done incredible hard work and effort for all of us to get successful in a short amount of time.

    The reason why most newbies fail is the lack of focus and determination. They need to have the right mindset and mental discipline. They jump around here and there and then got "shiny object" syndrome. They should see failure as a learning experience but it is sad to see a lot of new beginners quit too soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveFinch
    I feel that it was easier back when I started in 2002. The main reason for that is there wasn't the over-information available that there is today. Back then, I just got stuck in and tried things. If it worked...great. If not, I moved onto the next thing. These days forums like this one are here, and when you post a problem you get advised to stick at it, or never give up, or losers don't win and winners don't lose etc etc etc. There are sites offering the world for just a few bucks.
    Nope. I reckon newbies have it hard today. There's too much info and they can never be 100% sure it's accurate.
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Newbies have it harder than ever just because of all the info that must be taken in. On the bright side, the upside is higher than ever also.

    I disagree about the lack of free info during the earlier days of the internet. It was all there, you just needed to know where to look. In that sense the bar of entry was set a little higher than what we're used to today. You had to be a bigtime nerd to even ponder what it might take to have your own website.

    The early paid info was being sold mostly by the get rich quick lowlifes that had previously been doing their thing through the postal mail. They moved away from that and started spamming online instead. If you got caught up in their shtick back then and you're still at it, you're probably selling "internet marketing" courses today and don't know how to do much else. The business model for that pre-2000 is basically the same as 2014.

    If on the other hand you had gotten on the other path and hung out on usenet and the early web development forums and kept up with the trends, you are probably in a much better position today skills wise.
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  • Profile picture of the author cesarsan
    There's no doubt that we have much more resources today but on the other hand the competition is tougher and more numerous.

    I think one thing balance the other.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    My opinion is it is much harder today than it was when I started "way back" in 2007. I was working in the Travel & Tourism industry when I got laid off in 2007. This was right around the beginning of when the economy took a dive.

    I had a pretty good paying management position at a golf resort. I worked there for a little over 2 years, never had ONE sick day, won Manager of the Month award 3 times, etc. Basically, I was a very good employee and loyal to the company. When the day came for me to get laid off, it happened with no notice. They called me to Human Resources, gave me a letter that said my position had been eliminated so I would be able to collect unemployment, and then had a security guard escort me out of the building!

    I couldn't believe they did this after I poured my heart and soul into the place for two years. It was at that moment I made the decision that no matter what I did in life, I WOULD NEVER WORK FOR ANYONE ELSE AGAIN!

    Well, anyway, the point is that when I got into Internet Marketing there were a whole lot LESS people trying to do it, because most still had their jobs. That's why I think it's much more difficult today. There are so many more people in Internet Marketing that there seems to be much more competition. That's because a lot more folks ended up losing their jobs and many turned to the Internet just like I did.

    Of course, I went through the whole information overload thing for about a year before I found my golden egg. And it was SUPER SIMPLE!

    I set up a squeeze page and started building a list. Of course there is more to it than just that, but you get the idea. Well, 7 years later I have a list of almost 80,000 and I'll NEVER work for anyone else ever again!
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    I am building html wap site from past three years. Before i was just aware about content. but after watching forums like digital poin , warrior and many more all are discussing about seo,error free code,link building and smo. My thought now totally changed. Now i am focusing on all the above topic from past three month. But still i didnt got anything,any sign of success.

    Most of the people say resources can be built if you are hard work.But now any how i am not inspired. Totally dippressed from all the site.some are below :
    First i started learning html and created mobile site on free wapka host.
    Than i got about advertise earning. I tried almost 20+ adnetwork. But i didnt earnd a cent.
    After learning something on html nearly 1 year. I though of learning java and php i tried may book but i failed.
    Presently past 3 months learning about blogging seo and copywritting still i didnt got any thing.
    Whenever i join or want anythng they ask for credit card or paypal which i dont have as i am still a student of engineering.

    I came Banglore,india for my further study but the college made us such a poor that i cant even ask my dad about Laptop or good mobile phone.
    Even i dnt have $ for renewing my domain and hosting i cant afford at all.

    Everyday i search about seo,link building,ebook making.
    reading every day about 2 to 3 hour about related topic.
    Still i didnt get any thing except some info.

    when first time i cam to worrior i saw every 1 talking about 100$/day and making 5000$ than i got hope that i can too earn. but still never got a cent cash.

    I am dipressed, i am stressed ,icant earn ,i cant support my familiy who still have to pay 16000$ of my study to whom they took as rent. I tried myself and loosed and drowned in the Black Future.

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    • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
      Originally Posted by pin9211 View Post

      I am building html wap site from past three years.
      WAP? That sounds pretty "retro" to me, because it's not used in these parts of the world any more. Two major operators finally axed it in 2012 after years of very low usage, but I guess it's doing fine in Asia.

      About your post: you could start by selling some kind of a service. Can you perform a task that's worth $5 or more? If the answer is yes, get a Fiverr account and try to advertise in other places too. It doesn't need to be anything too fancy for that price: fix a certain thing on a website, install something, etc.

      If you can build a production quality website, get yourself to one of the freelancer sites. Get a friend or a relative to proofread your offer or profile information.

      Internet Marketing is very hard unless you know what you're doing - and probably even then. Those who are successful have been "paying their dues" for a long time. You can't just start from zero and expect profits. If internet marketing is something you want to try, I'd suggest that you get another job first and start IM as a hobby project. But one that you take seriously.
      Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
      Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

      What's your excuse?
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  • Profile picture of the author thedorchannel
    Umm... as a newbie, I'd like to just throw something out there as far as my personal biggest problem...

    I'd say its figuring out which specific IM strategies work best for you and your niche... some people are able to capitalize off of certain methods better than others. There is a huge trial and error process.

    Not to mention the fact that there is more information out there means that there is more trial and error to experience in order to figure out what's right for you.

    that being said, I'd like to thank all of you for the help provided on this site... its a huge lifesaver because I wouldn't know where to begin otherwise.

    ^^^Awesome stuff happens here!

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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    I am still lost in the dream of earning least of 10$ per day and i will be happy that atleast i started earning after 3 year of work .

    Bless me all the top IM officer
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    I agree there is a lot more information available for free. I also believe there is a LOT more incorrect and misleading information that a newbie can get for free or even pay to obtain.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Guereca
    As a Newbie myself, I too have been my own worst enemy when it comes to finishing what I started. As I get older (53) I realize that I've wasted so much time chasing the shiny object and have gotten no where fast. I'm the type of person who needs feedback and support to stay focused. I believe I've found it in an Internet Marketing expert named Sara Young. Her caring and patient training and support is just what I needed. My Blog is live and now I'm building my list and I find myself enjoying doing the work. I will stay focused!
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    All the proffesionals are talking here about newbies.
    Can any 1 help this newbie to earn few dollar. I have below experience and resource
    Little knowledge of seo
    I have just a mobile not pc
    I know Html and created some blog ,forum and download site
    I dont have paypal
    I am a student of engineering in computer science at banglore india
    My age is 20

    Help this newbies and guide to show the door of sucess.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Newbies today have things both easier and harder than I did when I started.

      > The idea of more information being available doesn't wash. People have always been people, and the way to succeed in business hasn't changed. Sell people what they want at a price they're willing to pay and at which you can make a profit. The information sources have changed, both for the good and the bad.

      > It's easier because there are tools available that didn't exist back then. Take everybody's favorite whipping boy, Paypal. Back when I got started, you sold a product and then waited for the buyer to mail you a payment. You then either emailed the info or mailed back a floppy disk.

      > It's easier because people are far less hesitant to enter a credit card online. Back when I started, the major media loved to paint a picture of the evil hacker, complete with burglar's mask, just lurking in wait to steal your credit card.

      > It's harder because there are a lot more distractions and a lot more competition - by several orders of magnitude. It's just tougher to make your voice heard.

      Bottom line, quit worrying about whether the old guard had it tougher or easier. What matters is what is, right now and coming in the future.

      It's fun to debate in a forum like this, but don't let such things affect your ability to do business.
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      • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        > It's easier because there are tools available that didn't exist back then. Take everybody's favorite whipping boy, Paypal. Back when I got started, you sold a product and then waited for the buyer to mail you a payment. You then either emailed the info or mailed back a floppy disk.
        Reading this has made me nostalgic for the mail order days, especially as a child when you would collect tokens from serial boxes and other goods, and mail them in for prizes and to enter competitions. Nowadays its all text messaging, which isn't anywhere near exciting as receiving something back in the mail.


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    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by pin9211 View Post

      All the proffesionals are talking here about newbies.
      Can any 1 help this newbie to earn few dollar. I have below experience and resource
      Little knowledge of seo
      I have just a mobile not pc
      I know Html and created some blog ,forum and download site
      I dont have paypal
      I am a student of engineering in computer science at banglore india
      My age is 20

      Help this newbies and guide to show the door of sucess.
      Listen, I think what you need to do is close your eyes, take a deep breath, and FORGET about everything you have done so far online (with the exception of what you know about HTML and the technical stuff, because you will need that).

      That may sound harsh, but if you are looking for someone to tell you the truth, then that's what I'll do.

      First of, get yourself a PayPal account. If you want to start making money online soon, that's what you need. Later on when you have some working capital you can look into your own merchant account but for now, start off using PayPal.

      It seems you already know HTML and how a domain and web hosting works. Set yourself up a WordPress blog then get a free squeeze page theme for it. They are all over the net. If you don't want to mess with WordPress, set up a simple HTML static squeeze page. It will work to collect your leads just the same. I recommend WordPress because you can easily have a blog and your squeeze page all set up on the same site. Now you can blog too and review products, write helpful posts for your subscribers, etc, all on one content management system.

      Make your squeeze page with your free gift (you have to have something to give away in exchange for your subscriber's email address) and then head over to Aweber and get your autoresponder account set up. It'll cost you $1 for the first month.

      Now you are ready to collect leads. I recommend you start out in the Internet Marketing niche.

      Now you need to send traffic to your squeeze page. If you don't have a budget to pay for advertising, you will have too use free methods like forum signatures, blog comments (relevant comments that you write - not comment spamming), Twitter, Facebook, free JV giveaway events, etc. Get on Skype too and start making contacts and see if you can get yourself into some ad swap, download page swap rooms, etc.

      Once you get between 400-500 people on your list, open up an accounts at Safe Swaps for $30 a month and start doing some ad swaps. Once you get your list up to 1000 subscribers (this can be done in about a month with a few good ad swaps), you can start to promote a few products and you will make a few sales.

      Take that money and invest it back into your business by buying solo ads to build your list even more. I don't recommend sending any promotional emails until your list hits 1000 or better. During this time (and after too), you should be sending them great content for free that will help them so you can build a good relationship with your list.

      If you start out sending promo after promo you will burn your list and then it doesn't matter how many subcribers you have because they won't take you seriously.

      After you get your list up to 5,000 you should be able to make some decent money from it. Then you need to take that money and put it back into your business. Start playing around with paid traffic like Facebook ads, Adwords, LeadImpact, etc

      Here is what I'm going to stress to you: You WILL NOT make any profit for AT LEAST A YEAR. Any money you do make in that time should be put right back into building your list even more. Don't waste your money on any products that promise you will make $19,763.93 in the first 4 days or any of that crap because you WON'T. The only person who will be making money is the person who sold you the product. In fact, DON'T buy any products that entire first year!

      Now, product creation and all that is great, but it has to come later. If you have a nice sized list it will be easier to recruit affiliates for your product launch. But don't even worry about any of that stuff for now. There is no "get rich quick" here. As many people in this forum will tell you, Internet Marketing is just like any other business. And most brick & mortar businesses (I've had two so I know) do not start to see profit until after a year or so. The first year is simply marketing, developing regular customers, and generally building your business.

      Now, once you start to see sales your first instinct is going to be to spend the money. DON'T! You MUST invest it back into your business!

      Are there many others ways to make money online other than what I described? Of course there are.

      I'm just telling you how I did it.

      I used the exact same business model I just laid out to you and now my list is ready to top 80,000 subscribers (and it's quite responsive)! Of course, as you go along you are going to learn about other ways to make money, and it's alright to implement those too. However, you should never take on too many projects.

      After about 6 years of list building, I just recently branched out into niche blogs and Adsense, product creation, TeeSpring, Kindle, etc.

      Also, this "one hour a day" stuff is BS. I worked 10-12 hours a day building my list for over 2 years before my online business could fully support me. Even now I still put in 4-5 hours every day reading, learning, building traffic & relationships, etc. Let me stress to you that the learning NEVER stops. If you don't learn something new about Internet Marketing EVERY DAY then you are not doing your due diligence.

      I want to wish you the best of luck and to tell you that I'm no genius. So IF I CAN DO IT SO CAN YOU! If I can help you further or answer any questions for you then go ahead and drop me a PM.
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      • Profile picture of the author clicktoflip
        Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

        Listen, I think what you need to do is close your eyes, take a deep breath, and FORGET about everything you have done so far online (with the exception of what you know about HTML and the technical stuff, because you will need that).

        That may sound harsh, but if you are looking for someone to tell you the truth, then that's what I'll do.

        First of, get yourself a PayPal account. If you want to start making money online soon, that's what you need. Later on when you have some working capital you can look into your own merchant account but for now, start off using PayPal.

        It seems you already know HTML and how a domain and web hosting works. Set yourself up a WordPress blog then get a free squeeze page theme for it. They are all over the net. If you don't want to mess with WordPress, set up a simple HTML static squeeze page. It will work to collect your leads just the same. I recommend WordPress because you can easily have a blog and your squeeze page all set up on the same site. Now you can blog too and review products, write helpful posts for your subscribers, etc, all on one content management system.

        Make your squeeze page with your free gift (you have to have something to give away in exchange for your subscriber's email address) and then head over to Aweber and get your autoresponder account set up. It'll cost you $1 for the first month.

        Now you are ready to collect leads. I recommend you start out in the Internet Marketing niche.

        Now you need to send traffic to your squeeze page. If you don't have a budget to pay for advertising, you will have too use free methods like forum signatures, blog comments (relevant comments that you write - not comment spamming), Twitter, Facebook, free JV giveaway events, etc. Get on Skype too and start making contacts and see if you can get yourself into some ad swap, download page swap rooms, etc.

        Once you get between 400-500 people on your list, open up an accounts at Safe Swaps for $30 a month and start doing some ad swaps. Once you get your list up to 1000 subscribers (this can be done in about a month with a few good ad swaps), you can start to promote a few products and you will make a few sales.

        Take that money and invest it back into your business by buying solo ads to build your list even more. I don't recommend sending any promotional emails until your list hits 1000 or better. During this time (and after too), you should be sending them great content for free that will help them so you can build a good relationship with your list.

        If you start out sending promo after promo you will burn your list and then it doesn't matter how many subcribers you have because they won't take you seriously.

        After you get your list up to 5,000 you should be able to make some decent money from it. Then you need to take that money and put it back into your business. Start playing around with paid traffic like Facebook ads, Adwords, LeadImpact, etc

        Here is what I'm going to stress to you: You WILL NOT make any profit for AT LEAST A YEAR. Any money you do make in that time should be put right back into building your list even more. Don't waste your money on any products that promise you will make $19,763.93 in the first 4 days or any of that crap because you WON'T. The only person who will be making money is the person who sold you the product. In fact, DON'T buy any products that entire first year!

        Now, product creation and all that is great, but it has to come later. If you have a nice sized list it will be easier to recruit affiliates for your product launch. But don't even worry about any of that stuff for now. There is no "get rich quick" here. As many people in this forum will tell you, Internet Marketing is just like any other business. And most brick & mortar businesses (I've had two so I know) do not start to see profit until after a year or so. The first year is simply marketing, developing regular customers, and generally building your business.

        Now, once you start to see sales your first instinct is going to be to spend the money. DON'T! You MUST invest it back into your business!

        Are there many others ways to make money online other than what I described? Of course there are.

        I'm just telling you how I did it.

        I used the exact same business model I just laid out to you and now my list is ready to top 80,000 subscribers (and it's quite responsive)! Of course, as you go along you are going to learn about other ways to make money, and it's alright to implement those too. However, you should never take on too many projects.

        After about 6 years of list building, I just recently branched out into niche blogs and Adsense, product creation, TeeSpring, Kindle, etc.

        Also, this "one hour a day" stuff is BS. I worked 10-12 hours a day building my list for over 2 years before my online business could fully support me. Even now I still put in 4-5 hours every day reading, learning, building traffic & relationships, etc. Let me stress to you that the learning NEVER stops. If you don't learn something new about Internet Marketing EVERY DAY then you are not doing your due diligence.

        I want to wish you the best of luck and to tell you that I'm no genius. So IF I CAN DO IT SO CAN YOU! If I can help you further or answer any questions for you then go ahead and drop me a PM.
        u hav answered my most awaited question till date after stepping in IM.
        Can i count u in if i need any support from u ?
        well, i am not a newbie, way back 4 years i have my own wordpress site and i used to update it after every 7 days with 3-4 post and that used to take 2-3 hrs of work.
        let me explain my work,it is about whatever thought comes into my mind i take a note of it...think more,imagine...research and then post it..
        my website is a general talk website means without any niche.
        it is like you know what shld we do in lyf ?
        y wer u born ?
        our duties,culture....god....blah..blah..etc..all those topic
        and the only way to monteise it is through adsense which gave me recurring income out of it...just for residing in my thoughs and make it appear online it make me usually 10$/day or a minimum 50$/week.
        this is how i used to earn..
        later on i left due to some problem and now again i stepped in...and heard about IM..
        i did not do much yet...and still confused what to do next?
        IM is somthing i cant do due to lack of focus,or any other reason yet to catch...i mean i do know what IM is all about and the procedure to earn handsomely...but difficulty is in niche which doest not interest me..i mean y should i write about marketing and making others give tips on earning which i have not expertised enough..or any thing which i am not a genius IN
        I m bound towards confusion....confusion...confusion
        And that is what i think the main reason for newbies failure.
        i agree with the thread owner,but there are a variety of resources available on net,but without much guidance,consistence,patience...all those resources still tends to fail.
        Grandfather tales are not prominent nowadays....NEVER QUIT..SUCCESS come to those..blah..blah
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      • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
        Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

        Now you are ready to collect leads. I recommend you start out in the Internet Marketing niche.
        In the IM niche? When he has ZERO knowledge of IM?

        What kind of advice is that?

        The rest of the post is just awesome, btw.
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  • Profile picture of the author wfletch24
    I feel like it is a mix. There is so much information now that you can get pulled in so many different directions. Not to mention a lot of information out there is bad information.

    It takes time to get the hang of things and figure out what works. As many have already mentioned focus is the key to success. Narrow down on something and stay focused on it. When times get tough, don't give up. Push harder, ask questions, and learn from the experiences.

    There are so many ways to be successful online and that over complicates the process. At the end of the day, it is about providing value and getting that value in front of people. Regardless of the method you are working with, that is the end result for successful marketers online and offline.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ignas LT
    Well if you think about every new generation, it's easier for them in some aspects. But for me it sound like a excuse. "Why I had to work very hard on something, when some young kid has all that in his age..." I can't really compare how if was earlier, but know I think not everything is so easy now, as it was earlier, because nowadays everyone has the internet, and has the same amount of information, so the competition is much higher now. Thats my opinion
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Razor
    I think it can be hard for newbies today because there is so much information and so much info that is bad. Hard to know which program to follow. Market saturation is also quite bad these days.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    Years ago, it was damn hard for a lot of people.
    Today, it's damn hard for a lot of people.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Adi,

    You must be hungry to succeed online. Few know why they want to succeed with IM which is why most squander away all the wonderful free knowledge out there.

    Know why and your situation will improve. Because you will be hungry to seek out the knowledge of pros which cuts down your learning curve.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    I'd agree it's pretty easy for newbies now-days. The hardest thing is to keep away from all of that misinformation out there. There are many "Gurus" that have no idea what they're talking about.
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    work, dedication, and focus is necessary before you get a product to promote and then drive the targeted traffic to it. IMHO

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author TheZafraGroup
    I'd have to agree. The problem with most people is they don't the focus, drive and vision to make things happen. Because everything is easily provided for them, they expect the same for their personal success/breakthrough. They have to realize that it will take time, money and effort to make everything happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    Thanks i will be now starting a paid service to my site some thing like article,logo making,banner, ebook related to what i am expert in etc. this would be sellable ? Major problem is i am not having a paypal or any online acount for payment . could you suggest me anything. As i dont have pan card i submitted form for PAN card and hope after that i could create a paypal acount.
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  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    There are many more ways to earn money online today, but much more technical knowledge is required. Also, most of the easy automated ways to make good money have gone following waves upon waves of clampdown from Google. That's why I think it is much more difficult for newbies nowadays.

    It may be easier to make some money but much more difficult to make good money.

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    I don't really think that the amount of info comes into it at all. Sure people can get misleading information, but that is because that is what they are looking for.

    Most people are not attracted to working from home because they want to create "a business". Those that see it as a real business that will take time (not long if done right) some money (not very much) and commitment to the end goal have very little time succeeding.

    When you come to the information super highway of the world with no plan you are bound to get lost. That simple!

    So to me the issue is a plan. With a proper plan, the right info is easy to find.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peak Curiosity
    Not really, because now it got more competitive and everyone wants attention.
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    Newbies are not lucky today they should fight with high comptitor and IM professionals.
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    • Profile picture of the author Defcon1
      Originally Posted by pin9211 View Post

      Newbies are not lucky today they should fight with high comptitor and IM professionals.
      Everyone has to start somewhere, a baby has to crawl before they can walk.
      It goes the same with anything in life, it's called the learning curve. What I suggest that if you've got a friend with the same interests as you to work together and encourage and motivate each other to set goals, all you need is an old computer to start with, you don't need a fancy computer to work on the internet.
      Make a list of all the suggestions in the previous posts and use it as a guide, there is some valuable advice there. Work hard for the next 12 months hopefully 2014 will be your lucky year. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    It depends what type of person you are I think.

    Back when I started playing with Internet stuff... There was no mainstream literature on how to make money online... You had to know people doing it.

    And they were VERY "Secret handshake" about how to get stuff done.

    But if you were somehow enabled to figure out what stuff worked?

    It could be tremendously favorable for you.

    So there were pros and cons.

    As far as today, there's a WEALTH of free information people can use, but there's also more competition.

    I'd say in general, newbies have plenty of information but lack a solid business plan.

    I have people emailing me all the time asking how to make money with 0 marketing budget, with 0 business plan, and 0 effort required on their behalf.

    So sometimes the mindset just doesn't work out...
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  • Profile picture of the author ianprado22
    Even you're a newbies its still part of the business that you will be not successful because lots of people are experiencing it as long as you learn from your mistakes and not giving up to achieve your goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author apeee
    Too many advices, too many choices and too many competitors.

    These are the current time problems. Thus, newbies now are the most unfortune!!
    [High Quality Authority Backlinks] Ultimate Guest Posting Service
    Email: foundawallet[at]
    Skype: apeee86
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    • Profile picture of the author Danielle Brown
      There are a lot of information on im, that can make it easier. It's just when you get that information you apply it and what you read is transparent.
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  • Profile picture of the author nnarciso
    Newbies of today certainly have benefited the vast sources of information on IM that are available for free online. But that does not mean that success is guaranteed in any way. In fact, it will lead to confusion at times as you are not really sure which system is really working until you will try them.

    Having said that, I am still thankful for the variety of useful IM information that are available online.
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