Need help with making profit from blog content

16 replies
Hi all,
very very new to this forum and very new to actually trying to really make a profit from a program I developed for weight loss/lifestyle change. At first I thought about doing an eBook, but felt like I didn't have enough content (I don't know how long it should be). So at the moment I have a blog up that gives the information.

I think at some point I can spin it into an eBook, but right now I would like to launch quickly, and launch the smart way. (I have a few people who are ready to start my plan now and time is of the essence)... but I don't want to launch the site without either:
a. charging people a few dollars to get a password to enter the site; or
b. collecting their email through a squeeze page
I'm open to other suggestions, of course, that's why I'm here-to get the opinion of people who are really doing this and really profiting and have realistic methods if mine are off-base.
The site is wordpress, so please suggest any helpful plugins.

Thanks in advance!
#blog #content #making #profit
  • Profile picture of the author Riki Stein
    Your second choice is by far better than your first.

    Password-protecting it will result in no visitors.
    Collecting their email address is definitely a smart idea!
    Are you a newbie who would love to learn how to start making money online? Boy, do I have a free report for you!
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    • Profile picture of the author bizzybizzyE
      Thanks for the quick reply!
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  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
    Collecting their e-mails with a squeeze page!

    After they're on your list, you can market your upcoming products to them. They're more likely to buy from you since they've already communicated with you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Donowhy
    I'd recommend building an email list. That way any customers you have initially will also be potential buyers down the road when you release more products (or market via affiliate)

    If you need help with content generation I'd be happy to help. Eat Sleep Lift, that's my thing
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Your second choice is by far better than your first.

    Password-protecting it will result in no visitors.
    Collecting their email address is definitely a smart idea!
    He is right! Collecting emails is definitely a good thing. You can build your list for product selling and other.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thohir Wijaya
    I'm an affiliate of cj, and making money from my blog. The key is to get targeted traffic with good content of our blog. Money will follow the rest.
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  • Profile picture of the author Taniwha
    Since you're wanting to charge people to access the information, I'd suggest going the 'fixed-term membership site' route.

    An easy way to do it is to solve a specific problem - one which you can fit into, say, a 3 month (12 week) period. Your paying members will get to see a module a week.

    The information should be in a structured manor so your members can have a sense of progress while learning.

    I support this model because you only need to write content for 12 weeks (as the example), and it works out to be less content (doesn't mean that it's worse) than an eBook.

    There is membership software which integrates with Wordpress, and also the ability to opt people in.
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  • Profile picture of the author Declan O Flaherty
    Another tip most people don't get: Don't trade "likes" for "leads" like so many others do. What I mean is that you should have an opt-in form at the end of each post you write, instead of share buttons. Every bloody article I see on a blog has "share" buttons at the end. Don't make that stupid mistake. When you have someone reading your content, your number one goal is to get them onto your email list as quickly as possible. You should have "one" call to action at the end of the articles on your blog - and that call to action is to get them onto your list, not share your article on Twatter and Flakebook.

    Get the lead first - and only then do you ask them to share your content. Your email list is your asset. Always be getting the lead. Always be building your email list. Don't trade "likes" for "leads"

    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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    • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
      Originally Posted by Declan O Flaherty View Post

      Another tip most people don't get: Don't trade "likes" for "leads" like so many others do. What I mean is that you should have an opt-in form at the end of each post you write, instead of share buttons. Every bloody article I see on a blog has "share" buttons at the end. Don't make that stupid mistake. When you have someone reading your content, your number one goal is to get them onto your email list as quickly as possible. You should have "one" call to action at the end of the articles on your blog - and that call to action is to get them onto your list, not share your article on Twatter and Flakebook.

      Get the lead first - and only then do you ask them to share your content. Your email list is your asset. Always be getting the lead. Always be building your email list. Don't trade "likes" for "leads"

      Hmmmm.....but Declan, if I snag 300 retweets on one of my posts - and I have - those share buttons QUADRUPLE my opt ins, because I just reached 300 audiences on twitter....right?

      I hear you though. Post a call to action relevant to list building.....but never ignore the power of leveraging, for I have nailed down 7 times my normal daily opt ins on posts that were shared, and they were shared aggressively because I posted prominent share buttons pre and post, post.

      Good advice!
      Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Chrisb720
    You can also create a Facebook page promoting your product/service. Run a targeted campaign asking people to sign up to your newsletter. You can even install an app in Facebook allowing people to sign up directly from your Facebook page!

    Check out my SEO Services over on SEOClerks.

    Quality SEO at Unbeatable Prices!
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    Getting readers is the most vital and important part of blogging. Because I think your readers is your assets. So, try to engage your user by writing quality content and monetize it with AdSense or affiliate programs like cj, shareasale etc.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Raimundas M
    Keep the blog to collect leads.

    Here are some of the ways to collect leads with your blog:

    1. Have a lightbox pop-up that appears as soon as your blog loads.
    Put a squeeze page there to collect emails.
    As soon as someone enter their email direct them to your ebook sales page.

    2. Make some banners and put them on your blog (above the fold, on the right side menu and below the article).
    Banners should lead to your squeeze page.

    3. Mention your ebook inside you posts and link to your squeeze page.

    Then presell with a series of emails those who didn't bought your ebook for the first time.

    Post more articles to get more traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author fitnesschap
      Hey man just a quick question, do you know if GetResponse provides a code for your website so you can get the box that pops up when someone visits your site? I'm think of using them!

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  • Profile picture of the author MarketMaster13
    Setting up your squeez page and getting there email in exchange to your content is better idea. In that way, you can have long term relation ship with your list. If you have good products for sale in your auto responder series

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  • Profile picture of the author bizzybizzyE
    Thanks everyone for the input. I don't have a "thanks" button yet, otherwise I would thank you all separately. I'm so glad I joined this forum.
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