Need help with making profit from blog content
very very new to this forum and very new to actually trying to really make a profit from a program I developed for weight loss/lifestyle change. At first I thought about doing an eBook, but felt like I didn't have enough content (I don't know how long it should be). So at the moment I have a blog up that gives the information.
I think at some point I can spin it into an eBook, but right now I would like to launch quickly, and launch the smart way. (I have a few people who are ready to start my plan now and time is of the essence)... but I don't want to launch the site without either:
a. charging people a few dollars to get a password to enter the site; or
b. collecting their email through a squeeze page
I'm open to other suggestions, of course, that's why I'm here-to get the opinion of people who are really doing this and really profiting and have realistic methods if mine are off-base.
The site is wordpress, so please suggest any helpful plugins.
Thanks in advance!
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