What are the best APP Makers?

5 replies
I'm very new at this, but what are the best App makers mobile devices?

I've heard about AppMakr and Conduit being well-known, but there appears to be many options, but to save time from testing experimenting to all the options, what are the best ones?

Preferably free and can create all sorts of full-functionality feature-rich apps (and even can create games).

Basically anybody with experience, just like what WordPress is to blogging and CMS, what is the identical-equivalent to the App world?

Thanks for any feedback.
#app #makers
  • Profile picture of the author napalmus
    Hi Jason,
    The program you seek is called Eclipse.

    It's the full-on developer setup of choice for a lot of coders. I found it far too much to try to learn while also trying to make a dollar. If you're a proper trained coder and not just a WP/css hack fella like me... it's too technical for me but maybe you can doo iiiitt
    For games the 'industry standard' as far as I can see is Game Salad.
    With Game Salad it is also technical to a degree and I found it a bit easier to grasp. I converted a pool table game into one with exploding santa faces and some messed up crap, but it is fun so definitely give game salad a look.
    As an addon to that - you can buy already-working game templates anywhere from $3 to $300, even games like angry birds etc and then start fiddling replacing the graphics with exploding santa faces and good stuff like that.
    You build the game first then pack it up into an app. Then upload to Google Play or the apple one.
    I predict every warrior will make or try to make a dollar with apps at some time... in the same way we all wrote and submitted articles back in the day.
    The free online app generators like the monkeys one and appsgeyser are fairly simple to use but I have read that appsgeyser insert their own aggressive ads in your apps if you use a free account, and the people who download your apps will begin to hate on you. You need to get paid accounts for the free services to actually deliver the type of results you want to put your name next to.
    I think actual study is required to code up your own apps; or just lots of time watching youtube videos.
    Or if you just want to make a few little notes on your days off work make yourself a fiver gig to upload someone's app onto Google Play for them. You could edit their images and write their app description for some extras.
    Costs $25 to set up your Google Play and 100 for apple if memory serves.
    On Google Play (android apps), the basic account only lets you 'publish' apps that are for free download, and don't have in-app offers, so you need to be aware of that requirement, or just get a wallet account from Google - that aint available to me here in New Zealand so you have a competitive advantage over me if you take the idea to fiverr
    So yeah, the program you're looking for is called 'Eclipse'.

    When you find yourself going through hell, keep going!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason H
    Wow mate, thanks! Lots of great info! I'll look into Eclipse, yet the thing is I'm not a techie so AppGeyser probably seem like the best choice. Unless there's another great option not for the tech-inclined.
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    • Profile picture of the author davidmac00
      just because you mentioned WordPress I thought I should direct you to a brand new app maker which uses WordPress. Its called apppresser, it may not be what you are looking for, but I'm sure that it will be of great value to others reading this. (I am in no way affiliated with them).
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  • Profile picture of the author EnterIn
    Hi Jason,

    Try checking out the app by Reachly. It is about to be released and has the backing of some very successful internet marketers. Jeff Walker to be specific.

    I'm not sure if you will be able to create games (something I know nothing about). But, I have a really good feeling (based on the names behind the app) that you will be able to create fantastic apps that give your users a great experience.

    Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author arranrice
    Uppsite is VERY good and mobiloud and wiziapp are also very good.
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