Content Curation question

4 replies
Hi all,

I am considering using content curation as part of my content marketing strategy for my blog.

Currently I am just writing the posts myself but I am wondering If doing both would be useful as I would be able to post more often.

However my niche is learning the saxophone so I am hesitant to purchase a software such as Whizpress because i'm not sure if they will be enough content for my chosen niche.

Also will using content curation + unique content be beneficial for increasing my search engine ranking?

#content #curation #question
  • Profile picture of the author The Rich Brother
    D'ont use software.
    What you can do it to find a freelancer and train him, and yes-good content can always helps.. (to the ranking and also so seo: more content=more keyworks to your website)
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Blind content curation might backfire for you. Make sure you always include some original teaser or summary intro with each block quote curated content. Don't use any software since it is too easy to get careless using automation and you might end up being penalized by Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author pdrs
    You definitely don't need any software.

    Content curation as it is preached by many around here won't do you a lick of good.

    This is the, find an article, write a 50 word intro and then copy a bunch of said article with a link at the bottom. Maybe if you're sharing to your social followers, but that's really all it is - sharing, it's not really "curation".

    Real curation takes just as long or longer as writing a good article and is incredibly valuable.

    Find the 10 best articles explaining how to do a certain sax technique, combine them into a list with your own thoughts on why each one is better/worse than the other. Now you've got something of value to me, Joe Saxplayerwannabe.

    You've saved me a bunch of time googling for how to do the technique I'm interested in as well as provided your own expert insight into a bunch of very possibly conflicting opinions on the technique, I'll be sure to share and check out what else you have to say, possibly sign-up for a mailing list.

    Takes quite a bit of research and thought, but you certainly don't need any automated crap to do it. Just go find good sites in your niche, research a bunch, and write some insightful stuff to accompany your findings.
    RemoteControlHelicopterReviews.(com/net) - Up for sale! No reasonable offer refused. Great branding for a super hot niche!
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  • Profile picture of the author i58biz
    I see content curation as a way to add "news" style information to your website.

    If done correctly, it can help keep visitors to your sites sticking around longer.

    It is no substitution for good quality written articles so do not rely upon it to build a site with.

    I personally use some news type content curation services to pull together information that I am interested in and these types of sites have their place and are popular.

    This is a subject that will give you extreme views but like all things, if done correctly it can help.

    All the best.
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