2 replies
So the other day I went through a funnel where it
took me to a payment page via paypal, I entered my info and paid
and from there it PAUSED the completion process and took me
to an upsell that I bought then to another upsell that I opt out of
and then to a downsell at the conclusion it resumed the paypal process
and took me to a confirmation that tallied all of the orders.

i was blown away.

I know they used infusion, but is there a way you have heard of this being
done with less expensive software/ processes

Any info from you big brains would be appreciated.
#magic #paypal
  • Profile picture of the author Newd
    That's smooth I'd like to hear about this too!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9280726].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sevemichaelml3
    paypal is having so many issues on the developers side, i really think they do not care about developers. but paypal is so popular its like they have a monopoly atleast for another 10 years probably
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9281029].message }}

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