Domain In Redemption Period but available to Register On One Registrar

2 replies
I was looking for a Domain name and came across a perfect name with keywords. says that the Domain is in Redemption Period. has it available to register and takes me to the checkout page when i try to buy it (I haven't)
NameCheap, GoDaddy, Moniker etc have it as unavailable

I have no experience when it comes to domains in redemption and know very little about it.

The question is.. how can i register this domain? If i buy it via, and i don't get the domain.. what happens?

Also to get this domain, would i require the services of SnapNames, Pool or FreshDrop ?

#domain #period #redemption #register #registrar
  • Profile picture of the author No BS
    In the whois information, look for the registrar/resellers name. some that say as the registrar are sold through resellers like Namecheap.

    Then go to the domain name registrar or reseller they used and check that company's policy for redemption period estimated time . The redemption period is in place for the current registered user of the domain to buy it back at a premium with fees, etc.
    Google this for example: redemption period

    Finally, check the expiration date in the whois information, add the estimated redemption period to that and set up a calendar alert to remind yourself to check availability again when that date approaches.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    I have never used the service of Enom, but others say they are the very best at grabbing names coming back on the public market. You will have to pay for their service but if you want the domain bad enough they will monitor it for you and go after it at the earliest possible instant.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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