... then you need to do what other people are not willing to do.
And one of those things is to WAKE UP EARLY.
This is my 14th day waking up at 05:50 AM every single morning.
Now don't get me wrong. A lot of people do this.
Most people with jobs start at 07:00 or 08:00 so waking up early for them is a must.
But most entrepreneurs ... or infopreneurs ... or however you want to call them, DO NOT.
And this simple decision, to wake up before anyone else is changing my life in a VERY POSITIVE MANNER.
Three reasons.
1) More energy.
2) More time for what it is important for me.
3) More focus.
Let me develop.
Time is not made equal. Yes, you have 24 hours in a day. Unless you want to live in Mars, you will have the same amount of time as everyone else.
But this doesn't mean that all of those 24 hours are equal in quality.
Because a quality hour is made out of more than 60 minutes. It is TIME + ENERGY + FOCUS.
One hour in the morning, let's say between 08:00 - 09:00 is more PRODUCTIVE for me than three hours between 17:00 - 20:00.
I don't multitask. I'm more creative. I get shit done. It is as simple as this.
When I wake up at 11:00 AM, the day is lost. I'll spend the first two hours getting ready and I'll feel tired for the rest of the day.
But when I wake up in the morning, I can get to work as soon as 08:00. Yes, I do spend some time in bed, listening to motivational materials. Yes, I spend around 30 minutes drinking coffee in the morning.
But by the time other people are just waking up and showering, I'm working on my most important tasks.
And that is ... PRICELESS.
So why is this relevant to you?
You need to wake up EARLY. You need to get an start on everyone else.
You need to start your day by making yourself STRONG.
My morning routine is simple actually.
My alarm clocks rings at 05:50. I have a second alarm at 06:00.
As soon as it rings, I fire up YouTube to watch a few motivational materials.
At about 06:10, I get out of bed and drink my coffee. Then I get dressed and go outside.
Outside I walk 5000 steps. This is tracked by a FitBit Charge HR.
This means that I'll spend around 40 minutes and this is the thing that wakes me up.
I then have breakfast, shower (most of the time, sometimes I shower later in the day) and GET TO WORK.
By 12:00, I have already invested at least two hours of focused time in my most important tasks. This means 2 hours of writing NOT of answering emails or doing low leverage tasks.
And I usually get everything done for that day by 14:00.
What I do for the rest of the day? Enjoy life.
How can I get up so early though? I get to sleep early. By 22:00 I'm in bed. I aim to get eight hours of sleep so I won't feel sleep deprived afterwards.
So what about you? At what hours are you waking up? How effective is your strategy?
Best regards,
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