How to Maintain Your Energy Levels Throughout the Day

29 replies
Hey Guys,

I'm sure you guys have noticed that when you wake up with a lot of energy you will usually get more work done. Well that's because having a lot of energy is an integral part of staying productive and motivated throughout the day.

There's one problem however.

We naturally go through cycles of energy. We get a high and then we get a low. So how do we maintain higher levels of energy throughout the day?

1. Avoid sugars. As you may know, sugar gives you a strong, short burst of energy followed by an even stronger low. Avoiding sugars in your diet (which is basically junk food) will allow you to have more energy throughout the day and make you a bit healthier.

2. Eat more frequently. Try to have smaller meals at breakfast and lunch and snack in between them. Eating food gives us energy but a couple hours after the meal that energy wears off, eating more frequently allows us to maintain higher levels of energy throughout the day. As snacks I usually have some fruit (bananas and dates are my favourite), nuts etc.

3. Drink lots of water. This is just good for you in general and I find it makes me feel more awake.

4. Move around a lot. Every 45 minutes or so try to go for a quick walk around your house for 2 minutes, or do a stretch. It's not good for your body to sit in the same position for hours on end, it needs stimulation. So get up and get the blood pumping for a couple of minutes. This will get more oxygen into you and the simple act of moving gives you energy.

5. Take regular breaks. These breaks are different to the point above. They're actual breaks, time for you mind to stop thinking about work and start doing something else. I've got a whole other post on how taking breaks increases your productivity, you can check it out here.

6. Work in timed blocks. Giving yourself time blocks to work in really helps get started onto the work and gives you an end goal to work for. It also makes it a lot easier to organise your work so you can cover all the important items for the day. I generally find working in 45 - 60 minute blocks works best for me but others say 90 minutes is the magic number for them. It's different for everyone so just experiment a bit.

7. Exercise. I'm sure we've all heard that exercise gives you more energy, if you haven't here is an article about it. So try to get a bit of exercise in during the day, even if it is only 20 minutes you'll feel much better afterwards.

8. Change your workstations. Try not to work at the same desk all day. Moving from work station to work station gives you a change of environment which keeps you more alert and creative.

Well, there we have it. 8 ways to help maintain high levels of energy throughout the day.
If you learned something new here please give it a thanks, or if you have any questions just write a comment below!

Cheers, Zach.
#day #energy #levels #maintain
  • Profile picture of the author C G
    Good types.

    I would like to add. Get enough sleep and take naps during the day.


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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Originally Posted by C G View Post

      Good types.

      I would like to add. Get enough sleep and take naps during the day.


      Naps mess me up. I tend to over sleep with them, turning 1 hour into 3 or 4 hours.

      I say just get satiated from your sleep, however many hours that may be for you, and keep that as a habit.
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      • Profile picture of the author ZachAlfaro
        Originally Posted by heavysm View Post

        Naps mess me up. I tend to over sleep with them, turning 1 hour into 3 or 4 hours.

        I say just get satiated from your sleep, however many hours that may be for you, and keep that as a habit.
        I find that naps work very well for me but I have to keep the short (usually 30 mins) and then have a quick walk around after them to get the juices flowing.

        I also completely agree with your idea about getting how every many hours in necessary for your sleep. I find that I sleep quite a lot, usually 9 hours, but when I wake up I get up immediately and feel rather fresh.

        Cheers, Zach.
        Visit for free productivity hacks you can use right now!

        With my degree in Psychology I've made sure it's packed with all sorts of strategies and studies for increasing human efficiency naturally. Stop getting distracted and Work Smarter, Not Harder.
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    • Profile picture of the author SuccesfulIideas
      Originally Posted by C G View Post

      Good types.

      I would like to add. Get enough sleep and take naps during the day.


      Besides eating the right food and comfortable workplace, I agree taking an 7 to 8 hour a day sleep can give you the energy the you need throughout the day

      What I do now, I Sleep 8 or 9 PM then wake up 5am and do my business online or do my morning habits, you might think that this is crazy, at first i thought it was, but i realize it help me to become productive, I am productive more in the morning than doing my business after work

      I remember this quote: early to bed, early to rise make a man wise
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcParkinson
    I have been actually exploring positive usage of sugar to "get in the zone".. not sure hoe my theory will pan out though! lol

    Great post though
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  • Profile picture of the author maemusa
    If I don't get 5 - 6 hrs sleep, I will feel sleepy in the afternoon. I will then take a nap for about an hour and I will feel energized again.

    I also do something else physically when my energy level starts to wane. Usually taking a walk outside helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    +1 for giving up sugar.

    Also oat biscuits are great at regulating your energy levels, but they take a while to kick in. Just buy the ones with little sugar in them though.
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    • Profile picture of the author ZachAlfaro
      Thanks for all the great feedback guys!

      Originally Posted by brettb View Post

      +1 for giving up sugar.

      Also oat biscuits are great at regulating your energy levels, but they take a while to kick in. Just buy the ones with little sugar in them though.
      Hey Brett, I've got to try those out, I haven't even heard of them before!

      My favourite way of limiting sugar is by snacking on healthy things. So instead of going for a bag of chips I'd instead eat a handful of nuts, or some dates (my favourites). That way I can just concentrate on cooking healthy main meals and it makes it so much easier!

      Cheers, Zach.
      Visit for free productivity hacks you can use right now!

      With my degree in Psychology I've made sure it's packed with all sorts of strategies and studies for increasing human efficiency naturally. Stop getting distracted and Work Smarter, Not Harder.
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  • Profile picture of the author jordand870
    Valuable post Zach!

    Exercise is great for a lot of reasons on top of getting energy, it also builds confidence and self-esteem.

    Getting a good amount of sleep and maybe a nap throughout the day is great too.

    Anyways, all entrepreneurs should be implementing these practical ways into their everyday lives.
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  • Profile picture of the author dee4d
    Thanks Zach for bringing this up. Our lifestyle will definitely affect our productivity. Unlike our colleagues who have a tight schedule and don't even create time to prepare a proper meal in the kitchen, we (warriors in IM) have the best option of organising our time and planning what to do without the whims of our employers.

    Having a balanced lifestyle makes us complete as individuals. The mind, the soul, the body and heart need to be in proper condition.

    What we eat will affect us, I like your healthy snacks. Sugars will not be beneficial, one will experience some "crashes". This makes the body crave for more of this, and this becomes a vicious cycle. When you consistently eat the sugars and high carbs, you contract the lifestyle diseases.

    Your 8 points work, thanks for this.
    Stay Healthy all your Life, and Avoid Lifesty Diseases Later in Life. Enjoy life to the fullest.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10190578].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ZachAlfaro
      Originally Posted by dee4d View Post

      Thanks Zach for bringing this up. Our lifestyle will definitely affect our productivity. Unlike our colleagues who have a tight schedule and don't even create time to prepare a proper meal in the kitchen, we (warriors in IM) have the best option of organising our time and planning what to do without the whims of our employers.

      Having a balanced lifestyle makes us complete as individuals. The mind, the soul, the body and heart need to be in proper condition.
      I really love that last sentence there. Too many people don't realise what they're doing to themselves when they sit at the computer for 6-8 hours without moving and just eating crappy food. Sure they think they're getting a lot of work done but they can easily get sick, depressed, unmotivated etc.

      When we take care of ourselves in a balanced way we become better in every way. We become happier, healthier, more confident, and usually more successful. You'll also stay more motivated and productive over the long-term (rather than just short bursts).

      That's why I love the Mind Warriors forum (and why it's quite popular), people are beginning to understand that there is more to life than just work and money. And that's also why I created my site - Kaizen Creative.

      Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to everybody for the positive feedback I really appreciate it.

      Cheers, Zach.
      Visit for free productivity hacks you can use right now!

      With my degree in Psychology I've made sure it's packed with all sorts of strategies and studies for increasing human efficiency naturally. Stop getting distracted and Work Smarter, Not Harder.
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  • Profile picture of the author Misterjokerboy
    Definitely agree with cutting out sugar, I've done this myself recently and it's made such a massive difference I wish I had done it years ago!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Hollywood
    I started taking 20 minute naps during the day and it's done wonders for me. Just don't sleep much longer or you may be even more tired than when you started.
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  • Profile picture of the author OzDesign
    I follow 1-7 but 8 seems interesting! Never try it before. Maybe I should take my laptop to the beach or somewhere and see what it's like.
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    • Profile picture of the author ZachAlfaro
      Originally Posted by OzDesign View Post

      I follow 1-7 but 8 seems interesting! Never try it before. Maybe I should take my laptop to the beach or somewhere and see what it's like.
      I've found that it works wonders for me. I get tired of being in the same work area all the time, I like to get outside and do my work in the sun and fresh air.

      Let me know how it goes for you

      Cheers, Zach.
      Visit for free productivity hacks you can use right now!

      With my degree in Psychology I've made sure it's packed with all sorts of strategies and studies for increasing human efficiency naturally. Stop getting distracted and Work Smarter, Not Harder.
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  • Profile picture of the author eddyeddy
    Thanks a lot. I find that eating a lot of small meals helps, and drinking water helps for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author ProServices
    Please add in '' Try to stop the wife/husband from nagging. It drains out all the energy for both sexes''
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  • Profile picture of the author Sandycmy
    > Having a great sleep ( pen down something which made you feel good before going to bed OR read something light )
    > Avoid Sugar + Diary ( this will shoot up your energy - Initially it may have a negative effect, soon you'll feel great, fantastic for your overall health too )
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  • Profile picture of the author JenniferGiacoppo
    It also has alot to do with your thought process, whether you are enjoying your job and how emotionally negative you are feeling. Basically how bad you feel. If you pay attention to your emotions and see that when you are feeling negative, you will feel low.
    A tip-take a nap like already suggested or meditate and by meditate I mean just relax and breathe for 10 minutes.
    Find at least 5-10 things in your day that make you smile-your attitude is everything to your energy.
    Listen to your body.

    "Attitude is everything. Your mind-set is your attitude. It is the difference between success and the lack of it!"

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  • Profile picture of the author mentat47
    1. Avoid sugars
    Well I am not avoiding sugars, instead I prefer to drink my coffee with a brown sugar or to eat a black chocolate.

    2. Eat more frequently
    The last thing a read about eating is that is better to eat 3 times in a day, every 8h.

    3. Drink lots of water
    Yes, water is most important thing for our body. I drink 500 ml every morning on empty stomach.

    4. Move around a lot
    Walking is good option. 30 min per day is good for your body.

    5. Take regular breaks
    Especially if you have a job that you are in the front of the PC, a short breaks of 5 min per hour is a good for your backbone.

    6. Work in timed blocks
    Yeah, this is a great advice, thanks!

    7. Exercise
    True, without exercise you will never keep you immune system in good condition. I suggest you martial arts, but there are other sports also.

    8. Change your workstations
    Yes, but if you are not able to change you workstation, then it's better to make more short brakes during your work time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Hanney
    Nice post Zac, you've raised some good points.

    Obviously different things will work for different people. I make sure I get 7 - 8 hours of sleep, have a routine a loosely follow on a daily basis, meditate 3 times a day and work through affirmations, focus on my goals and come back to the system I use (my routine) to keep motivated and get everything I need to get done.

    More productivity but helps with overall motivation and limits procrastination. As I am finishing for the day, make a list of what I will do and in what order for the following day. Read over before bed and when asleep let me subconscious mind get to work. The next day is much easier this way!
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    • Profile picture of the author ElGuapo
      I find I have a prime working period of around 3-4 hours, and that's around 3-4 hours after I wake up. That's the period I zero in on. It's a baseline. If I can maximise that period, then anything else I do in the day is a bonus.

      I do think there's a limitation to energy. It's great for simple tasks, like posting flyers around a neighbourhood. More energy = more flyers posted. But for complex tasks, involving some mental strain, I think the key is knowing how and when to take breaks. 'Pressing on', in my experience, often results in diminishing returns.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lifetherightway
    Want to give this try. It's a life hack that could work for some.

    Basically drink a cup of black coffee straight quickly and attempt to take a 15 minute nap; if you can't just close your eyes and lay down. You will feel 2x the effect of caffeine. It will give you an insane boost in productivity.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gandolfo85
      By alternating working from a public library to my kitchen table (I live in a very small apartment) is my version of:
      "8. Change your workstations.
      Try not to work at the same desk all day. Moving from work station to work station gives you a change of environment which keeps you more alert and creative."

      Also, I try to walk as much as possible during the day (at least 3 kilometers).
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  • Profile picture of the author Priki
    I agree with most of the things that you mention in the post and I am sure that if you pay attention on your level energy, you sleep less, eat more, fell happy etc.

    Let me tell you how I organize my energy capacity during my day/week.

    The First thing when I get up in the morning is drinking water on empty stomach, then I decide what to eat (usually eggs with cheese and yogurt), then I prepare my tea with honey and I start my day on work.
    The Second thing after I finish with my work is reading and meditating so I can restore my energy I spend on work.
    The third thing is practice some sports activity during the nigh... I am dancing and training martial art. After I back home I choose to relax with some movie or anime series and meditation before I go to bed.

    P.S. I sleep only 6 hours, but thanks to meditation, I reach that level of capacity.
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  • Profile picture of the author tk226
    Improve your stress response. It will help you to manage your energy levels.
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