3 replies
Are you tired of losing?

Are you sick of feeling that you're not living your life at the level you KNOW you're capable of living?

Sick of the excuses you give yourself?

If you answered YES to any of the above, I need you to read the steps below closely.

You can REPROGRAM yourself to be MORE EFFECTIVE

1) Step 1: Think back to the WORST time in your life

2) Step 2: Allow yourself to feel the PAIN / EMBARRASSMENT / HUMILIATION of that experience

3) Step 3: Now think clearly, WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO AVOID that pain?

Let that pain guide you as you pursue your goals.

With the right programming you can WILL yourself to become the WINNER you were put on this EARTH for.

Claim your destiny TODAY!
#losing #tired
  • Profile picture of the author Gandolfo85
    Instead of the "Let the Pain Guide You" advice I would suggest to accept the pain as your neighbour, so to speak, and then keep going no matter what is telling about yourself, because it's just a feeling/voice/sensation among many other positive aspects that you're currently underrating/ignoring.
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    • Profile picture of the author vicg100
      Yes, before becoming a winner you must THINK like a winner. Battles and competitions are often won before they even begin, when the champion fully believes that he will come out victorious. People who always tell themselves that they don't deserve to win or "I never win", will only end up fulfilling their self-prophecy.

      "Life's battles don't always to the stronger or faster man, but soon or late the man who wins is the man who thinks he can!"
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by vicg100 View Post

        Yes, before becoming a winner you must THINK like a winner. Battles and competitions are often won before they even begin, when the champion fully believes that he will come out victorious. People who always tell themselves that they don't deserve to win or "I never win", will only end up fulfilling their self-prophecy.

        "Life's battles don't always to the stronger or faster man, but soon or late the man who wins is the man who thinks he can!"
        the i never win people .. actually tend not to bother to compete and usuall have to get pushed to even start ..

        they tend to be the people who join the gym january first .. and the next timw the pull into the parking lot and go inside is when they try to find out how to cancel the membership

        you can learn a lot more about being happily married from 100 long lasting happy marriages.. than from studying 100000 failed marriages ..

        you can lean a lot more about living a long happy life studying 100 people 100 and over ..than studying why people die unhealthy in their 50's and 60's

        poor middle class ..and many high earners ..live off the money they earn in paycheck..that is the highest taxed income ..

        but the wealthies peopl in the worl the top 1-3 percent..derive most of their cash income from investments or assets and put much of their effort in increasing the value of those salable assets ..and as long as you sell those assets a year or two after purchase ..the taxes are far lower than income taxes

        so which is a more valuable use of time ,and effort ..trying to understand why 95 percent of people don't have assets theat can provide the incomes they can live off of..

        or studying how to create or acquire assets that can eventually support your lifestyle ..

        the biggest asset ..is acually your physical health and mental health..
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