Your Opinion: Making Move from Web Development to Web Marketing
A bit about me,
I have been a web developer for 10+ years. Not to brag, but i know my shit. I've written some complex web applications, created advanced database driven websites and pretty much have been freelancing all my professional life. But this isn't an ad for webdev.
I tend to work with partner who takes care of account management, marketing and sales while I did all the technical work.I found it to be the best tandem for small freelancer like me.
However, recently I went into this all on my own. I picked up few shit-paid contracts on upWork and this is what I've been dealing with:
- clients paying very low (averaging $12-10/hr and for US this isn't a livable income)
- clients canceling after significant part of the project has been completed. Without paying. Without proper notice. Simply, "Sorry bro, i changed my mind, you suck. Bye" - and no pay!
- clients have an attitude of a "hot girl in a club", where developers must bow before them for chance to work.
- clients of local businesses (not via freelance site) refuse to pay standard web developing rates claiming you can get a developer on freelancer for 3rd of my rate
- just overall disapointing experience. Contracts are harder to come by and everyone is referencing "Cheap labor online"
If you're a developer, have you had any issues getting work?
So I want to switch to Internet Marketing, and I have the tech skills to create my own website, products, and do the maintenance, except, I am facing with following issues:
- Getting started requires capital (to live on while your site gains traction) which I do not have
- Feels like everything I know or am passionate about has tons of competition. Maybe I am looking at it from freelancer perspective, but to me it feels like if 100-million sites in race to rank for popular keywords, where is there place for me without any advertising budget?
- IS making living income from IM realistic? Be honest here, I am talking about creating niche blogs, publishing quality content, building list, promoting good affiliate products, creating my own products and basically honestly creating value..... could this be potentially profitable?
I keep seeing blogs that are claiming to make $XX,000/month and it is great, but skeptic in me screams, "well, what about other 90% of blogs you DO NOT see simply because they failed to make any noticeable income....what about them!?"
Statistically, 9 out of 10 efforts will fail. I can vouch for that, literally, out of dozen ventures I have started only about 2 went well.
- First, you fail because you just simply don't know jack shit.
- Then when you know something, you fail because you don't know anyone.
- When you finally get to know some people and you learned more crap, you fail because you have no idea how to put it all together.
- Finally when you put it all together you ran out of money.
- So you go back to the drawing board, raise some funds, get some savings together, get VC...
Rinse, wash, repeat!
I am somewhere before the last part.
TL;DR; Experienced web app developer suddenly facing with difficulty and lack of motivation to remain in his field. Sourcing reliable clients is pain. He wants to switch over into Internet Marketing. But he's facing with entrance barriers there.
Please share you brief experience how you started?
Did you have technical knowledge?
If you did, did it help you? (Or perhaps crippled you, since you did everything yourself wasting time instead of outsourcing)
How long did it take you to make reasonable income?
If you were to do this again, what would you do differently?
I am sure there are other similar posts, and I will also read through them, but maybe getting a new fresh perspective would help not just me out here.
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