How to choose your Mentor?

4 replies
Ok, so last week, I was attending this seminar hosted by a group of psychiatrists. One of the guest speaker (an old grey hair man), took a very different approach in explaining this: How to choose your mentor?

First, he described the very famous Maslow's hierarchy of needs model (every IM must be familiar with it):

Then, he went on explaining how we all move along this psychological hierarchy model, from our basic needs to love and intimacy and then, finally to the most difficult hierarchy: Self Esteem.

Almost all of us get stuck at this stage. For years and years, we run for approvals and respect from others - all because we are so badly stuck here.

"Only those who surpass this stage and achieve self-actualization are the one who kiss true success. A success with both independence and peace of mind." he said.

He further added, "Choose your mentors who have achieved self-actualization."

This really struck me.

(btw self-actualization is a phase of true mastery where you are fully aware of your strong/weak points and become free of other people approvals a.k.a working at your full creative potential).

He also explained that how some governments remain stuck at self-esteem phase while those who have achieved self-actualization have the happiest and most prosperous citizens.

I know it's getting a little off the topic, but still, in IM, finding the right mentor is a hot topic.
(I also believe that each part of our life needs a different mentor).

What are your views on this? Do you think we must look for the "self-actualization" component in our mentor before finally choosing one?

Would love to know your approach on this!

#choose #mentor
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    i would like to see this persons explanation of which government are self actualized ..bhutan and it's gross national happieness is touchy feely ..mesuring happiness of citizens ..while denying citizenship to large numbers of minority groups
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  • Profile picture of the author Cookie Monster
    Some people have achieved the self actualization without achieving lower stages of the pyramid. I mean, I made a few cool things in my life (art wise), but haven't really mastered more basic stages of the pyramid. (I've also been a mentor for a few guys, so... you rest your case...)

    Got type-2 Diabetes? Here's how to get rid of it with healthy nutrition (Worked for both my parents!) ---- Worried about the future? Learn how to survive the end of the world

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  • Profile picture of the author StSignal
    Things on this pyramide can be skipped,as said you can achieve self-actualizatio WITHOUT starting from the bottom of the pyramide.
    "Starting is always hard!"
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  • Profile picture of the author wiretree
    My question is where do you find your mentor? Why would they agree to invest time and mentor you? How much are you willing to pay a mentor?
    How many here achieved success through mentorship? Why are mastermind groups in this forum inactive?

    So far, expert bloggers and quality commentators in this forum (esp. mindwarriors section) have become my mentors without their knowing. It's also good to have more than one mentor.
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