How to choose your Mentor?
First, he described the very famous Maslow's hierarchy of needs model (every IM must be familiar with it):
Then, he went on explaining how we all move along this psychological hierarchy model, from our basic needs to love and intimacy and then, finally to the most difficult hierarchy: Self Esteem.
Almost all of us get stuck at this stage. For years and years, we run for approvals and respect from others - all because we are so badly stuck here.
"Only those who surpass this stage and achieve self-actualization are the one who kiss true success. A success with both independence and peace of mind." he said.
He further added, "Choose your mentors who have achieved self-actualization."
This really struck me.
(btw self-actualization is a phase of true mastery where you are fully aware of your strong/weak points and become free of other people approvals a.k.a working at your full creative potential).
He also explained that how some governments remain stuck at self-esteem phase while those who have achieved self-actualization have the happiest and most prosperous citizens.
I know it's getting a little off the topic, but still, in IM, finding the right mentor is a hot topic.
(I also believe that each part of our life needs a different mentor).
What are your views on this? Do you think we must look for the "self-actualization" component in our mentor before finally choosing one?
Would love to know your approach on this!
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