Who are the brightest entrepreneurial minds that you would love to learn from?
The last couple of days I have a thought that just doesn't leave my brain. And I figured, I need your help to solve it.
You know, there are so many damn smart entrepreneurs in the world but when I'm hanging out in the web, all I see are the same names. Thanks to Google & co, I only see the same ads and infos day after day. Even in the blogs I read, the names stay the same. I want some "fresh blood"!
Now, my thought may seem a little bit unorthodox but I want to play a mind-game.
If you had the chance to go to an "entrepreneurial class" and choose the topic and teacher (= entrepreneur / blogger), what and whom would you choose?
Who would be your no. 1 blogger you would like to ask some questions and why? Out of curiosity, what would be your no. 1 question?
Since I started it, I would love to have a direct talk with Elon Musk. His vision to send people to Mars is quite fascinating.
Well, let us share some thoughts. I hope to learn a few new things here
Thanks a lot and have a great day!
Jhelum Sen, Content Marketing Consultant