How much does "mindset" play into the success of your business?

42 replies
Ever since I joined an affiliate marketing company last year, I've gotten a steady dose of "mindset" training:

Stuff like staying positive, overcoming discouragement, criticism, failure, etc. and basically keeping the mind focused on the tasks at hand.

It's all good stuff and it's even stuff I've started to repeat in various blogs and what not.

But I wondered, is mindset really an integral part of your business success, for those of you who are having success. Or is it just necessary for people who are really struggling with this IM thing?
#business #mindset #overcoming criticism #play #success
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  • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
    That mindset is necessary for people who are really committed to their goals, their dreams.

    It's gonna help them stay still until they start to see the result,

    It's gonna help them awaken the giant within, to do more, to achieve more.

    For me. Mindset is 80% of the success of my business
    Free Training: How To Earn $123+/D Online
    Even If You're A Complete Beginner - Click Here
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  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    The right mindset is crucial. Like Henry Ford said: "It doesn't matter if you think you can or think you can't; either way you're right."
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by gkarakey View Post

    . . . is mindset really an integral part of your business success, for those of you who are having success.

    Isn't every successful marketer a bit different?

    IMO, some business owners have an entrepreneurial mindset right from the get go. It's ingrained in their thinking and they make plans, decisions, and changes based on what they think will work without having to remind themselves to think a certain way.

    Others come to this business without a clue about having a business mindset. For this group, many struggle mightily to learn and adopt how to think strategically as a business owner. A few make the transition; sadly, many never seem to be able to adopt new thinking patterns.

    Mind set is not the only criteria for success - unfortunately! Things would be so easy if that's all it took to create a successful business.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Gustavo Karakey
      Looks like 70 / 30 as an important factor.

      I don't know if my sticking with IM despite the difficulty is mindset per se. Maybe I'm just stubborn or too proud to quit.

      I'm definitely obsessed, but learning and growing in this field energizes me. And I do think being positive is way better than being negative.

      Anyway, lots of great feedback. Good to see that mindset does play some role.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Just popped in here for a minute and saw this question.

    If you don't think of yourself as the person who can do the thing, or who should do the thing, you won't even try.

    If you don't believe you're the kind of person who can make $5000/month or build a business, you'll stay inactive. You'll fantasize, you'll buy products to be entertained with the fantasy of, but you'll never really try.

    Even if you're making $10K a month, but you don't think of yourself as a $50K a month person because that's "unbelievable", you won't take action. (I have a business associate who makes $100K/month recurring single contract consulting first reaction was "That's unbelievable!" because I couldn't figure out how he does it. Turns out he gives banks actuarial models. That's worth it to them--and a scale I don't think at yet. That is a mindset issue right there.)

    So yes, mindset is the foundation of activity. The newbie has to see it to believe it...the experienced person knows you have to believe it to see it.
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  • Profile picture of the author MichalK
    Mindset is important, but for me in a long term much more important are results. Results make my mindset in a good form.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi G,

    Energy is everything.

    How you choose to vibe determine how you act, or, the energy behind your actions. Is also determines the action you take.

    Example; when you vibe low, from fear, versus from a higher vibe of love and fun, you will literally blind to good, solid, business building advice.

    This is why IMers struggle year after year. You could try to drill good, sound, prospering advice into their heads, but they either will ignore it outright, will never even see it, or may give it a shot for 1-2 days before ditching the strategy.

    Energy is everything. For successful folks, struggling folks, and everybody in between.

    The more success I see, the more I commit to my morning meditation, yoga, prayer, and my daily exercise as well. Daily energy management is critical for me, with all the writing and connecting I do every day.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by gkarakey View Post

    Ever since I joined an affiliate marketing company last year, I've gotten a steady dose of "mindset" training:

    Stuff like staying positive, overcoming discouragement, criticism, failure, etc. and basically keeping the mind focused on the tasks at hand.

    It's all good stuff and it's even stuff I've started to repeat in various blogs and what not.

    But I wondered, is mindset really an integral part of your business success, for those of you who are having success. Or is it just necessary for people who are really struggling with this IM thing?
    Yes, and they get a steady monthly income!

    But l would say that most of it is too keep a newbie going til he finds something that works, (and that can take years).

    For me l found something that works, but l still have setbacks and failures trying to figure out how to make the most cash from it.

    So l don't meditate daily or visualize anything, or look at a dream board, just work hard, learn alone the way and do what is necessary to make this work.

    So yeah, this stuff is for newbies trying to find something, but for successful individuals who already know that they have something, there is no real need to visualize it to death, just get to work, and find the best path from A to B.

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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by gkarakey View Post

    Ever since I joined an affiliate marketing company last year, I've gotten a steady dose of "mindset" training:

    Stuff like staying positive, overcoming discouragement, criticism, failure, etc. and basically keeping the mind focused on the tasks at hand.

    It's all good stuff and it's even stuff I've started to repeat in various blogs and what not.

    But I wondered, is mindset really an integral part of your business success, for those of you who are having success. Or is it just necessary for people who are really struggling with this IM thing?
    The reason they keep talking about mindset is because they don't have the information on a tested and proven marketing system that will sell their products for you.

    There is no need to keep talking about mindset...if they actually tell you how to sell their stuff.

    It reminds me of sales trainers that keep talking about's because they don't know how to sell, and don't know how to teach...what thy don't know themselves.

    You wouldn't need to keep a positive attitude and need uplifting...if what they told you just worked. Doctors, dentists, lawyers, plumbers, and locksmiths don't need to hear pep rallies...don't need to be taught about mindset...because what they are doing actually works.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      The reason they keep talking about mindset is because they don't have the information on a tested and proven marketing system that will sell their products for you.

      There is no need to keep talking about mindset...if they actually tell you how to sell their stuff.

      It reminds me of sales trainers that keep talking about's because they don't know how to sell, and don't know how to teach...what thy don't know themselves.

      You wouldn't need to keep a positive attitude and need uplifting...if what they told you just worked. Doctors, dentists, lawyers, plumbers, and locksmiths don't need to hear pep rallies...don't need to be taught about mindset...because what they are doing actually works.
      well your fat doctor can do the same thin .. buy telling a person they need to eat right and exercise more ..and take your med right ..because they need to tell you some advice you will probably ignore

      telling someone to have the proper mindset without really trying to explain what it is.. is the same as the doctor telling someone to eat right and exercise more .. without getting into any real depth what that would be for that patient..

      because with current research and genetic testing . you can test and find out what food are actually healthy for you to eat based on how your body responds
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

        There's a lot more to mindset than pep talks and positive thinking, Claude. We should discuss it sometime.
        I know. But I don't think that's what the OP was talking about.

        And for an affiliate marketer to just read about mindset...while ignoring a prescription for failure.

        For example, in my own life, my biggest jumps in income came from learning how to market. The results of my marketing were so good that it changed my comfort zone.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          I know. But I don't think that's what the OP was talking about.

          And for an affiliate marketer to just read about mindset...while ignoring a prescription for failure.

          For example, in my own life, my biggest jumps in income came from learning how to market. The results of my marketing were so good that it changed my comfort zone.
          Right, mindset in isolation isn't what I'd recommend, either.

          However, a mindset shift may easily get someone taking action, learning that new skill, believing they can do the thing.

          I'd suggest you had a mindset shift, right before you started learning how to market. And I know from your examples that you had to stick with testing for a long time, I think a year for your print ads(?) to make them consistently effective. That's a mindset thing and without that element you or anyone else would likely have given up early on after some lackluster feedback.

          I have taken already-doing-well business owners and helped them make the shift, raise their prices, jump into new distribution channels, to increase their cash flow and revenue. That's mostly just mindset work. They'll figure out what they need to DO after that shift is made. And it's usually pretty quick because, like you probably were when you learned marketing, they're open to making the change.
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          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

            I'd suggest you had a mindset shift, right before you started learning how to market. And I know from your examples that you had to stick with testing for a long time, I think a year for your print ads(?) to make them consistently effective. That's a mindset thing and without that element you or anyone else would likely have given up early on after some lackluster feedback.
            When I started to learn how to advertise, it wasn't much of a mind shift. I knew that a few others were making a lot of money advertising (One mentor in particular), and I knew it was just a matter of figuring it out.

            The mindset change came as a result of increased earning above my comfort zone. I knew this increase was possible, but I wouldn't have put forth the effort to get it. But after my marketing gave me this increase in income, I grew accustomed to it.

            When I was training salespeople, I made sure they saw sales made in front of them. They had to be aware that "sales happen all the time" and "it's normal for people to buy from you". That was a major hurtle to get over with most new recruits.

            Because this is in the Mind Warriors section, I was afraid the readers may think that their mindset, attitude, and drive were all that is needed. Nope.

            The most important thing I did when figuring out how to advertise was spend months at the library (in non-working hours) looking at ads in magazines that ran for over a year. Then I looked for commonalities...and worked out what made these ads profitable...and other ads not profitable at all.

            It was research, grunt work, study, practice, and reading dozens of books about direct response advertising. And it really did take a year to get a working handle on it.

            But I knew...if even just one person is making it work, not matter what "it" is, that means you can make it work too if you just take the time to figure it out.

            What I see though is a lot of people "staying positive" and working on their self image and repeating aphorisms....instead of actually learning how to do what they want to do.
            One Call Closing book

            “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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            • Profile picture of the author Odahh
              Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

              What I see though is a lot of people "staying positive" and working on their self image and repeating aphorisms....instead of actually learning how to do what they want to do.
              working with the law of attraction to attract abundance via the for of some magic internet opportunity that will take them from nothing to 10000 a week in a week or three ..

              or was that just me who fell in that trap for a long time .. not that i was really thinking 10000 a week but .. if you shoot for the stars you might hit the moon and all..

              working as a street performer in Las Vegas until a few months ago .. i learned so much more about business and got so mucch better talking to people in the year and a half i was doing it ..but many of us where put out of business because the casinos though we where taking money from them..and we where a security risk in case of a terrorist attack ..

              now as far as working to get what they really want.. i think few can explain that in detail..that is why they lack goals and or a vision for their future they can create ..
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            • Profile picture of the author Gustavo Karakey
              Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

              What I see though is a lot of people "staying positive" and working on their self image and repeating aphorisms....instead of actually learning how to do what they want to do.
              This is something that happens quite apart from any mindset stuff. Learning a craft well is any discipline.
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              • Profile picture of the author Odahh
                Originally Posted by Gustavo Karakey View Post

                This is something that happens quite apart from any mindset stuff. Learning a craft well is any discipline.
                I am recovering piecing thing back together for a failure or being put out of business rather aggressively the city of las vegas.. but i learned a hell of a lot doing what i was doing in that year and a half .. 100 times more about business than from all the studying for years before .

                I was putting8-12 hours a day in 12 hour a day every day ..there where just way to many things beyond my control ..for it to have been something i would do for much longer anyway .. but it put a roof over my head and food in my belly .and beers in my hand haha. and i learned a lot that will bring me value in my next venture ..that i am willing to put that time in and the energy in to get skilled in and build on .

                I also now have a bunch of skills to bring with me to the next thing and a much better personal measure to know where to look for that next thing.

                As i study or listen to those who are real successful..the message that comes up over and over .. Is you hve to have the mindset to be willing to put in the hours for 1,2 or three years .. to build the skills and build the business even if you have a year or 2 where you are making less money than other people .

                Most people do it wrong..they try to aim for where they can make the most money and try to get rich then.. they plan to retire and do what they really want to do ..

                thats not the mindset of the people who build wealth .. they take job or take courses .. to learn the skills they need build businesses doing what they really want to do ..

                Elon musks retirment plan is to die on mars.. just not on impact
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  • Profile picture of the author John Di Lemme
    Mindset is key... because ultimately it is your belief and confidence that your client is buying... I see so many people get stuck in procrastination and I should of did that... millions of dollars of opportunites are missed out because one's Mindset is All Out and All In for the Next level... Increase Your Mindset... and Increase Your Money
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh

    there is no positive or negative mindset .. you have to break it down to work ethic, growth orientation , And reward /gratification systems

    Is you do not believe that you will get better at something even with hard work ..lots of effort no reward ..your mindset is static .. i am not talented no point why bother .

    If you believe that with hard work or sustained effort over the long term even starting with no talent you can become proficient or even develop a professional level of quality .. the system you put in place to reward yourself for noticeable level of improvement the gratification ,

    someone has to understand this and better explain it..

    the mindset to put in the work to build the skill to produce quality and quantity at higher values . will be critical to the success of any business . not just IM or other digital marketing endeavors . or the 95 percent of money that is still made in offline businesses
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    If you maintain a positive attitude, this will be infectious and those around you will pick up on your positive energy. Everyone in your company will feel positive and customers will want to do business with you.

    This in turn will lead to you maximizing the performance of your business. If you maintain a negative attitude, the opposite is likely to happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony Marriott
    Mindset is a hugely encompassing word. You need to understand exactly what you mean by 'mindset'. It can mean many different things.
    From experience of my own business and teaching other I do believe there is a 'mindset' but it is almost impossible to teach.

    The problem is that if your mindset doesn't allow you to take action with a 'system' to make money, why would you be able to learn a 'mindset' skill.

    It all requires 'taking action'. And in most cases a specific action.

    If you are someone who really listens to people, takes what they say and implements it's correctly, works hard at making it even better, then learning new 'mindset stuff' is likely to be no problem.

    So in those cases maybe it can propel a successful Imer to Guru status. Or maybe they would have done that anyway!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
      Originally Posted by Tony Marriott View Post

      Mindset is a hugely encompassing word. You need to understand exactly what you mean by 'mindset'. It can mean many different things.
      From experience of my own business and teaching other I do believe there is a 'mindset' but it is almost impossible to teach.

      The problem is that if your mindset doesn't allow you to take action with a 'system' to make money, why would you be able to learn a 'mindset' skill.

      It all requires 'taking action'. And in most cases a specific action.

      If you are someone who really listens to people, takes what they say and implements it's correctly, works hard at making it even better, then learning new 'mindset stuff' is likely to be no problem.

      So in those cases maybe it can propel a successful Imer to Guru status. Or maybe they would have done that anyway!
      Why do you say it's almost impossible to teach?

      I can say stories usually do the trick, giving an example...a person has to change their own thinking, their own beliefs, but if you put an example in front of them they can pick up on it.

      Let me use a real world for-instance. Ever watched the show The Profit? Marcus will often take a "down in the dumps" business owner he just partnered with to an operation across town or in a nearby city that is an example of a similar business. But this business is running right, it's bustling, it's organized, and it's profitable.

      That example shows the new partner that "it can be done." Their attitude perks up because their mindset has changed.

      Instead of focusing on the failures and what is wrong, they start focusing on the new picture of success that's suddenly possible for them in their business.

      That's a mindset shift.

      Another example...

      One of the big factors determining mindset is Money Tolerance. In my experience it's one of the 20% of the limiting beliefs that determines 80% of the reality an individual experiences.

      So if you think "$500 is a lot of money," you'll probably struggle. Your marketing will be aimed at $500 customers because you think that's "a lot of money" and therefore everybody else must think it is, too. Prices of say $1000 or more will scare you. Even if the opportunity to sell something for say $5000 was put in front of you, you'd not even try out of disbelief or you'd find ways to screw the sale up.

      Money Tolerance can be deliberately shifted, like moving the goalposts, if you're aware of your current belief and want to change it. I can't come in and force a change on this for you, but I could show you that and how other people are selling at a higher level and that could pave the road to change for you.

      Mindset is huge. As I said above, if you don't think you can do the thing, you won't even try to do the thing. You can have an effective sales process, but if you don't believe you're a salesperson you won't try to sell.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mario Cristopher
    Having a solid mindset keeps you on track and motivated to reach your specific goals, which really helps on your journey to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author mgabriel
    The right mindset plays a very important role, especially at the beginning. I spent a lot of late nights and made sacrifices to build my ecommerce business. Sometimes, I would start to entertain the thought, is it worth it? To keep myself motivated, I would change my mindset to focus on Why I was doing it. This would bring me back to the thought, it is worth it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    this thread is great.. nice to have so many different people adding to the conversation .

    refining down what is being said to answer the question in the op .

    " If your mindset is that you can put the effort in to build the skills needed to grow a successful business.. especially when others are doing well in similar or the same businesses ..mindset is importan. if your mindset is that the economy is bd, the government is stupid, your customers are cheap ..god is punishing you ..or a list of outside factors beyond your control are the reason for your businesses poor performance..then yes mindset is important .

    now If you do put in a lot of work and build skill and those outside factors beyond your control really do limit the potential of your business . there are many other businesses you can be in ..where you can over come those ..

    WE have a break from history now the rising tide isn't lifting all boats we have parts of the economy doing real well and other parts crumbling or stagnant ..regulatory burden and other operating costs can make it to expensive to do business one place while if you move to another state or a few hundred milses away.. those costs can be shrunk down and you can operate at a profit .
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  • Profile picture of the author Gustavo Karakey
    Great contributions all.

    I don't think I was suggesting that all you need is mindset. Obviously, your craft is as important or more important.

    If I had to define what I meant by mindset it would have to be the attitude, motivation or reactions that I have to outside forces related to my business.

    There's a lot of things I can't control, many of my campaigns have flopped which dejects me, some people think I'm involved in a scam, I'm sometimes afraid to go public with "my online business", sometimes I do feel like giving up because my ROI is a blip compared to what I've spent.

    Any one of those things could have derailed me, make me stop what I'm doing, and they have very little to do with the strategy or the craft of Internet Marketing. It's a mindset thing.

    This is why I have little patience for people who rant on forums. Their attitude, words and action suck all the energy and poison the atmosphere. That's also mindset as far as I'm concerned.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by gkarakey View Post

      Great contributions all.

      I don't think I was suggesting that all you need is mindset. Obviously, your craft is as important or more important.

      If I had to define what I meant by mindset it would have to be the attitude, motivation or reactions that I have to outside forces related to my business.

      There's a lot of things I can't control, many of my campaigns have flopped which dejects me, some people think I'm involved in a scam, I'm sometimes afraid to go public with "my online business", sometimes I do feel like giving up because my ROI is a blip compared to what I've spent.

      Any one of those things could have derailed me, make me stop what I'm doing, and they have very little to do with the strategy or the craft of Internet Marketing. It's a mindset thing.

      This is why I have little patience for people who rant on forums. Their attitude, words and action suck all the energy and poison the atmosphere. That's also mindset as far as I'm concerned.
      a minor mindset shift would be to drop the internet part from internet marketing ..and be a marketer ..
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Mindset is important but also overstimated.

    There is no mindset in one place and the system in another.

    You will become more confident if you have the right SYSTEM which produces results.

    You can trust in yourself and exaggerate in it but if u follow a bad system, you wil fail again and again.

    So self esteem etc, is good if it's not becoming go straight in a bad way and don't have the necessary flexibility for changing the prospective.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
      Originally Posted by Connann View Post

      Mindset is important but also overstimated.

      There is no mindset in one place and the system in another.

      You will become more confident if you have the right SYSTEM which produces results.

      You can trust in yourself and exaggerate in it but if u follow a bad system, you wil fail again and again.

      So self esteem etc, is good if it's not becoming go straight in a bad way and don't have the necessary flexibility for changing the prospective.
      I'm gonna give you an example here.

      Let's say I give you a system to make $2Million a year by making 4 X $500K profit sales.

      You probably won't do it.

      Doesn't matter how good the system may be. Everything may check out. You may like it. The idea may even excite you.

      But $500K is probably an "unbelievable" amount of money for you to earn in one go.

      So your Money Tolerance, which is a key factor of mindset, stops you.

      Happens all the time. Some fella who's been selling cell phones for $400 in a store, $100 down or whatever, is told, "Wow, you're so great at selling! Why don't you try selling luxury cars at the Lexus lot?" Goes to the Lexus lot and fails. Why? The price tag of the luxury car sale is way over his money tolerance. Doesn't see himself as the guy who sells $100K automobiles.

      Everyone has a money tolerance. It's a moving goal line but for most people that line is subconsciously (= not deliberately chosen) set. And it's usually L-O-W.

      So IMO the system is what's overrated. The newbie concentrates on the system (how many times have you seen "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it"? Yet those are the worst action takers around.) Somebody with sufficient money tolerance will do the work and figure the system out for themselves.
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  • Profile picture of the author QuaziSazzad
    There's a lot more to mindset than pep talks and positive thinking, Read successful person life history, See modification video
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  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    The benefactor needs to be activated. The mind needs special drills to reach optimal performance. The trick here is to get programmed while meditating or during sleep.

    The results speak volumes.

    And the experience is sublime.

    I still remember the day I was programmed.

    It's like someone surgically implanted in me a radical way of thinking.

    Because I welcomed change ... it felt as if I was walking a tad off the ground.

    This is my remedy, my kryptonite.

    Rewiring your "mental codes" is crucial.

    If you expect different results, then hatch a new way of thinking.

    This will set you FREE.

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh

    that line is real .it is also conditioned into most people at an early age and as they go through schooling..but when most people do not even see themselves earning 500k in 10 years ..the concept of earning that in one shot with one sale .. is just so far out of their self image..

    there is a reason why the top 5 percent in any field usually have the combined output that is greater than the bottom 80 percent
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  • I say it's an essential to have towards success.

    You gotta be able to block out the negativity you get when pursuing certain projects and other business endeavors because if you don't, you'll never launch your next project or you'll turn into a perfectionist and obviously that gets you nowhere.

    So yeah keeping your mind sharp and on task is highly needed in IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author R0b328
    For me, it's an incredibly crucial part to my business. I would say at least 85%. Especially now having done the mechanics of what it takes to make affiliate marketing work, mindset is without a doubt a massively important piece, because you can have all the knowledge and know how to do it, but without the right mindset it's all completely useless. I'm a huge believer in personal development and getting your mindset right
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Originally Posted by Gustavo Karakey View Post

    But I wondered, is mindset really an integral part of your business success, for those of you who are having success. Or is it just necessary for people who are really struggling with this IM thing?
    A "positive mindset" won't just accelerate your Business Success ... It will radically change your Life. (Seriously.)

    I don't know why however I remember a Person saying they don't like it when the Sun shines and it's raining ... However as another Person said, that's what creates rainbows.

    : )
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • tbh I would wanna decouple the SET from the MIND.
    That way, ima free to discover precisely what I find.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    must be significant
    george even sings about it

    George Harrison - Got My Mind Set On You (Version I) - YouTube[/ame]

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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    For me I think the biggest part of life and building anything is your mindset. If your mindset is not right, then you won't be able to do the things you need to do to grow your business.

    Recently I started taking a look into nlp and I have been using some of the techniques to get more done in my business and let me tell you it's the best skill I've learned for changing my mindset.

    The more I work on my mindset and start to think more positively the more energy I have. Fix your mindset and there's no limit to the amount things you can get done in your life time.
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  • Profile picture of the author bifrmcm
    I spent more than a couple of grand on mindset. I stayed invested and snatched the dividends.

    It's like spiritual face lifting only it gets better. You feel and look spectacular.

    LOA kicks in and then sit back and become a receiver of this cosmic energy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffrey Joson
    mindset is everything, its actually determine your future
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  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    You have to have a strong *reason why*.

    This can be identified with guided imagery.

    It might take a few moments or days.

    Interaction with the subconscious mind,
    this is where the true knowledge resurfaces.

    If you entice the subconscious, it can give
    you answers straight away or in unexpected
    moments. However social indoctrination
    comes into play: they have convinced
    virtually everybody that they're limited.

    You have virtually IMAGED that you're
    not worthy or don't have what it takes.

    This seed is stashed deep inside. You
    can't get over it no matter how hard
    you try...all it takes is to flash
    this false image that sets you back.
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