My Simple Time Management System

19 replies
Ok I'm sure you, like me do this...

Sit down a the computer, go on this forum to find something out, end up on Google and wonder where the day went!

Sound Familier ?

This is how ive got round it!

Ok, get a blank piece of A4 or if you have a whiteboard (markerboard) use that.

Got it?


Write down everything you need to do today and I mean everything from walk the dog to write a special report.

Now get 2 sections, I section is work and one is play.

Now grade the actions 1 - Being the some most important to you, right down to number 10.

Allocate the amount of time you are going to spend on each action.

Finally add up the total amount of time you are using today.

Hope that helps and If you have any questions, comments or feedback just let me know.

Here's to a more productive day!

#management #simple #system #time
  • Profile picture of the author the_master
    That's pretty nice system right there!
    I had work-concentration problems before. Now I am trying to get everything done that I have planned using a similar task system before noon (from 7am-12pm). Having set a small timeframe for more pressure does wonders! =)
    Signature - microblogs-network-cms for serious niche marketers.
    Maintain 1000s of blogs on countless hosts from ONE SINGLE CONTROL PANEL
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  • Profile picture of the author Neil Barrett
    I have a list of all the things I need to do .. I then have set periods of time during the day when I work and when I recharge my batteries.

    Therefore the list is in order of priority so if I have a 2hour period of work then I will start at the top of the list and stop when the 2 hours are over. even if I have only got to the 2nd item on the list.

    I find I am actually much more productive this way as if I put in a four hour stint I start getting distracted.

    It is so important to have a list of things you need/wish to do as you can have a plan and achieve so much more
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  • Profile picture of the author RichPirate
    Nice system. I usually write down one task to do first thing in the morning the next day and leave it on the computer before I finish for the day. This helps keep me on track most of the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Albus25
    Great system.
    I'm trying to have a strategy for my life.
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  • Profile picture of the author jborjaperez
    great idea.. thanks for your help!

    In my signature.. It's not a secret method.. It's a lifestyle.. It's Day 1, Follow Me From The Bottom UP!

    I Write Articles Too! PM ME!

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  • Profile picture of the author Taiyab
    If you get yourself into a habit of work, it actually becomes quite hard to break after a few weeks.
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  • Profile picture of the author JonnyCash
    What has helped the most for me is to focus on my goal.

    First thing in the morning, I look at and read my current goal. Then I display the piece of paper with my goal written on it prominently in my work area.

    Every time I am off track, the goal either pops into my mind or I notice the paper with it written down and I ask myself, "is what I'm doing moving me closer to my goal?"

    Since I want to achieve my goal badly, if I'm not on track, I quickly snap back to being productive.
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  • Profile picture of the author sanjid112
    Thanks bro for sharing it.
    It is very good tips, since before I lost control on myself doing a bunch of stuffs that are not effective.

    Now, I always use to-do list, and every night do some review and evaluation about today's work.
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  • Profile picture of the author 32paul52
    I got referred to this tool: Productivity Monitoring and Time Management Software | RescueTime -its a good way to find out "what" you do on your PC!
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    • Profile picture of the author hpxtreme
      Thanks for the idea. I try to do this as much as I can, and write my goals the night before, but I think I need to place it in a more prominent area so I can notice it more. :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author simonjwarner
    Im glad that you guys like the system, I'm thinking of doing a little video to go with it, would any one like me to pop that on here?
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  • Profile picture of the author jack isaacs
    I love systems! Thanks for the input...need to put it to action. Have you ever been known to write something down, intend to follow through and come to find out it never ended up like you "pictured" it to? That's o.k. As long as we have the big picture in mind...the rest will follow - on paper or not.

    Keep it up!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Scytherisms
    I just shut off all the stupid distractions such as email, instant messaging, music, twitter etc. Then give myself 2 hours for the task I need to do and whether I finish after the 2 hours is not relevant, i take a break after.

    Got this from some of the free vids from Eben's wake up productive. Too bad I didn't have enough cash when the program was on sale.
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  • Profile picture of the author paperkool
    Originally Posted by thehypnoman View Post

    Ok I'm sure you, like me do this...

    Sit down a the computer, go on this forum to find something out, end up on Google and wonder where the day went!

    Sound Familier ?

    This is how ive got round it!

    Ok, get a blank piece of A4 or if you have a whiteboard (markerboard) use that.

    Got it?


    Write down everything you need to do today and I mean everything from walk the dog to write a special report.

    Now get 2 sections, I section is work and one is play.

    Now grade the actions 1 - Being the some most important to you, right down to number 10.

    Allocate the amount of time you are going to spend on each action.

    Finally add up the total amount of time you are using today.

    Hope that helps and If you have any questions, comments or feedback just let me know.

    Here's to a more productive day!

    Yeah, this is an extremely important issue. I was wondering if there was something wrong with me. Writing everything down looks silly, but it eventually works. Thanks. This re-affirmed what I was pondering about. Really! This is a military approach and it's needed, when doing alot of stuff in such a competitive field.
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    • Profile picture of the author joesemo
      Time Management is my big issue right now. I seem to want to get something done, next thing I know I am doing something completely different on the internet.

      I have a lawn service that I do and I can tell you the White Chalkboard And Erasable Marker is the best system yet.

      I write down my work for the week, Mon-Sat and it forces me to get organized and manage my time for mowing that week. I keep a three week period so that I exactly what I got done the two weeks before. For me it really works.

      I have had some success with adsense, clickbank, CPA and PPC, So I know I can do it, but the whole not being focused on one project, website or system at a time is killing my progression.

      Once I get a work system in place I know that I can be successful.

      I got Xfactor's adsense ebook, and he has a nice 7 Day plan that I am going to implement. I am going to tweek it a little bit to fit my current situation, but I really need to get a system in place or I am going to just tread water.


      I needed that
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    As soon as you mentioned allocate an amount of time to each section i was done for, you see i only have 2 times, they are day time and night time and i look out the window to see which one i am in.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author wojos
    very simple and very powerfull system.
    i am using GTD now, but I will try this tomorrow
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    • Profile picture of the author Kendall541
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  • Profile picture of the author Charleskidd
    That's a great system I might need to use it.

    Does internet marketing seem to hard? Click here and you will see how much you learn.

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  • Profile picture of the author Martinpunch
    The postings about time management struck a chord because I have been suffering from massive difficulties in this area. I tried to find something different to the white paper and note book and came across 2 methods:

    1 Daily Journal from Splinterware
    2 Action Machine Pro from Action

    Both have their merits and I am now investigatig them.

    Why not give them a look - I think they are worth it.
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