How to hire thugs to force prospects to buy from you

13 replies
At the beginning of the Star Wars series:

Luke Skywalker goes about his daily life as usual. Until one day he gets a call to action from Old Wise Man Kenobi. Of course, he rejects the invitation and goes back to his aunt and uncle. Until he finds that they were turned into fertilizer by Imperial forces. Thus forcing him to take up the call to action first presented to him.

In story-telling circles, this is called the 1st Act in the Hero's Journey.

Hero lives a normal life...

... discovers something new...

... gets called to action...

... refuses...

... something happens that forces him to take action (the catalyst)...

... and so it begins!

But the power of the "catalyst" story structure isn't just limited to storytelling and copywriting.

You can use the same principle as a catalyst to "force" your prospects to take action when all else fails.

Case in point:

When the legendary Dan Kennedy was selling burglar alarms back in the day, he was finding it a tough sell.

He would tell people about why they should have one...

... put forward a call to action...

... and get flatly refused.

But where most people stop right here, he moved forward with initiating the catalyst which "forces" the hero to take action. Namely...

... he hired some guys to pretend to be thugs...

... and they would go around the neighborhood at night, play cards in people's yards, drop bottles of alcohol, syringes and pornography books, and basically leave people in the neighborhood feeling restless.

Sales of burglar alarms shot up!

But creating your own "catalyst" for action isn't the only way to do things.

You can also rely on or forecast existing market forces that may compel prospects to take action.

Look at Amazon for example.

People were going about their everyday lives.

Perhaps they were asked to buy more stuff online instead in store. But they were too lazy to make the transition.

Countries got locked down.

And... boom... people were forced to take up the call to action to buy more stuff online.

You can either create a catalyst.

Or take advantage of one that's already been put into action.

And this is perhaps the best time in history to take advantage of the catalyst which is forcing almost everyone in the world to buy more online...
#buy #force #hire #prospects #thugs
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by The Mysterious Marketer View Post

    But where most people stop right here, he moved forward with initiating the catalyst which "forces" the hero to take action. Namely...

    ... he hired some guys to pretend to be thugs...

    ... and they would go around the neighborhood at night, play cards in people's yards, drop bottles of alcohol, syringes and pornography books, and basically leave people in the neighborhood feeling restless.

    Sales of burglar alarms shot up!
    So... basically a Mafia-style protection racket?

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11597657].message }}
  • Alternatively, when you forced into a cornah an' told this is how it is, Sweetie, you don't gotta buy into anythin' on offah.

    Tellya, we got gals runnin' the Cosmos, we don't need no burglah alarms.

    Cos nuthin' bein' stole offah nowan no more.

    WHY ... YOU BITCH!

    Yeah, but hey -- you throw gals into the narrative you jus' seen, an' you got glories blossomin' from outta the dung, tellya.


    Natchrlly, as a brunette, I cannot possibly comment on the blond hairdo narrative as a surefire route to faux success.

    Plus also, since when did the powah to delivah death depend on the size or sheen of your helmet?

    All I know is, sweetest shugah warn't nevah delivered by no thugs.

    Plus, OP invites evrywan this way on a promise of revealin' sum kinda HOW ... without actschwlly revealin' HOW.

    tbh I am doubly disappointed.

    Hey, but what kinda refund exists on sayin' YES to thugs?

    It is only one step down the laddah from invitin' vampires into your home to advise on lingerie choices.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11597658].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author myob
    No "thugs" are required. If you're not already prepared for market changes, you will always lose to those who are strategically expecting and waiting for catalytic events. For example, many big players were expecting a huge stock market drop by 2016, but the inevitable was delayed by political events. They got out in time and are awash in capital.

    These opportunities happen almost with regular frequency about every 7-10 years. Most millionaires are quietly forged out of such downturns This time around expect to see billionaires coming from the medical, pharmaceutical, AI, robotics, energy, communications, space exploitation and low gravity manufacturing, other emerging technologies, and investors - big time.

    There are also many offline businesses right now thriving better than ever or even booming such as toilet paper, grocery and hardware stores, delivery services, home business furniture and services, robotics, automated cashiering, communications, luxury real estate, construction, alternative energy, guns, ammunition, alcohol, investors in distressed properties, etc.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11597662].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Bianca Heath
    Entertaining analogy (you held my attention all the way until the end!)

    I agree...

    The corona catalyst has made e-commerce and online services skyrocket!

    An interesting new increase in sales has been people buying puppies...

    Perhaps for companionship or maybe boredom...

    Either way, there is a market of new dog owners who would invest in toys, treats, lessons on training, food etc...

    Anyways, great thug analogy
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11597852].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by Bianca Heath View Post

      An interesting new increase in sales has been people buying puppies...

      Either way, there is a market of new dog owners who would invest in toys, treats, lessons on training, food etc...
      The animal shelters in this area were cleaned out by people giving them homes thankfully. sales must be booming.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11597876].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Bianca Heath
        Yes, same here. That's something positive from this virus.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Chewy sales ARE booming - especialylly in the auto-order sector they are well known for.

    I've been enrolled in auto-delivery of pet food for over a year and Chewy communicated several times of a few ays delay due to huge increase in orders. They've done a great job keeping up with it though.

    My concerns about the pet adoptions is this: Too often people adopt a dog or puppy becuase they are sad after a divorce or quit working so are home more, etc. What happenes when people go back to work? Will they take the responsibility seriously or will pets be turned into lawn ornaments or dropped back off at shelters? I HOPE people have more sense than that.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11597881].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Bianca Heath
      Yes Chewy is making big strides! I hear you on the concern about life when the world opens up. I hope people have thought about arrangements for pets after life resumes to the new normal
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    the reason i moved up to the northeast before the lockdown was to help my brother with his little dog .. while he recovers from ankle surgery..

    and she has figured out my job is to walk her ..and developed signals for about when it is time..about an hour ago ..i was laying on the couch on my cellphone and she got her paws up on my cellphone and tried to pull the cellphone from my hand ....the sat and looked at me ..waiting ...

    to the "thug story.. those guy where not acting like thugs ,,they where acting like drug addicts and drunks ..borderline homeless thugs drive around in cars where the sound system and the rims are worth twice as much as the car itself ..

    i only heard the story once but i think alfred hitchcock would hire people to go to full theaster when his new movies would play..and at some point in the movie they would get up from their seat and run from the theater in fright ..

    today though this type of stuff can easily be exposed .. and you might face legal repercussions .. today you hire experts at breaking and entering ..and use them as consultants.. like electronic security firm hire hackers ...
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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    The Title is certainly magnetic clicky copywriting Gold.

    That was a let down to hear he had to go make sales.

    Casinos and Wallstreet are almost the same Business but one has the perception of being more dignified.
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  • Profile picture of the author King Manu
    I guess I can hire prospects to tell companies they simply refuse to buy from them because their copy is wack.

    Thanks for the idea!
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  • Profile picture of the author 2020Noob
    LOL! that guy was a legend.. kinda
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  • Profile picture of the author Skywriting
    Originally Posted by The Mysterious Marketer View Post

    At the beginning of the Star Wars series:
    Luke Skywalker goes about his daily life as usual. Until one day he gets a call to action from Old Wise Man Kenobi. Of course, he rejects the invitation and goes back to his aunt and uncle. Until he finds that they were turned into fertilizer by Imperial forces. Thus forcing him to take up the call to action first presented to him.
    In story-telling circles, this is called the 1st Act in the Hero's Journey.
    - Before
    - After.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11598478].message }}

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