Stop Reading Take Action

7 replies
For months I spent my time reading and reading and reading and......reading. After I'm finished reading I go and find something else to read. When people would ask me "how's the business going" I never had anything to show for it because all I did was read.

You see it's easy to feel like you're doing something when you're wasting time reading. I made a vow to myself that I would stop reading and simply just start taking ACTION!

If I had an idea I would sit down and implement and see what would happen. If I read something instead of reading and not doing anything I would start acting on the information immediately. The more I did this the faster I was able to see what worked and what didn't.

This allowed me to test ideas faster and find what works to move on to scaling them up. This is all it takes to start an online business. Too often we're stuck buying another product thinking this product will be the answer only to continue by buying another course.

It's not the course that's going to make you rich it's the actions you take after buying the course.

It's what you do with the things you learn that will determine how much money you make. So right here right now I want you to make a vow.


Take something you already know and try to make it work. It doesn't have to be perfect, you just need to get started.

Do this enough and over time your actions will begin to compound until you've reach the point you've always wanted to reach.
#action #reading #stop
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by oppyeaunome View Post


    Take something you already know and try to make it work. It doesn't have to be perfect, you just need to get started.

    Do this enough and over time your actions will begin to compound until you've reach the point you've always wanted to reach.

    Of course it is more important to take action
    than anything else, but reading is fundamental
    and it will always be a thing. It is only a waste
    of time if what you are reading is unrelated to
    your business.

    I am a bookworm, I own thousands of books,
    and I read at least one chapter of something
    every day.

    It sounds like you were using reading as an
    excuse to procrastinate. Lots of people do.

    They have dozens of other excuses, such as
    the inability to decide whether to sell on eBay
    or Amazon, which hosting, supplier, system,
    niche, affiliate network, and on and on.

    Meanwhile, nothing ever gets started or it
    stalls along the way, never to be completed.

    IMO a successful business person needs to
    balance taking productive action, while they
    also continue to absorb business-related
    content, in order to learn, grow, and stay
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    Of course they do, but often it's not the case with many people who are trying to build online businesses. They just keep reading and buying reading and buying. Which is something I struggled with for a long time.

    You must however, as you said balance reading with productive action is essential or else your just wasting time.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well this its my favourite one and its like a moto for me .I see all the time people posting threads on best way to make money ,best traffic sources etc etc .Well the best method its the hard work
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763139].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

      Well this its my favourite one and its like a moto for me .I see all the time people posting threads on best way to make money ,best traffic sources etc etc .Well the best method its the hard work
      I once shoveled clay and sand away from drillings being made on a FL beach, THAT was hard work.

      I also installed insulation into new homes, also in FL, in the middle of Summer...THAT too was hard work.

      Many people work hard. And yet they don't have the success they seek.

      With the wealth of information here, the hardest work a Warrior should be doing is digging into the 20+ year archives, with ideas from some of the biggest IM successes ever...and deciding what they want from their efforts...and find someone who maybe has paved the way.

      THEN the work can begin. But believe it or don't....sitting at a computer making money is about as far away from REAL hard work as it gets.

      Smart Warriors take advantage of the thousands of FREE information right here at their fingertips...and compared to shoveling sand and clay on a beach in FL in the dead of Summer...well HARDly work at all is it?

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  • Inactivity is always bliss if the actschwaaahn in question is CRAP.

    ACT powah gets all the kudos, but NAH powah distinguishes you from knee-jerk morons.

    There are degrees of roads less traveled.

    Plus also, swamps.

    Not all lamps are for vamps.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    Yes there is a lot of information on this forum that can help you change your life.

    You just have to implement it and take action. Reading makes you feel like you're doing something when in reality all you're doing is nothing.

    Again reading is needed because you need to know what your doing, but just don't get stuck in the reading phase.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    A lot of people just read, read, and read but never take any action.

    I think it's because they are OVERWHELMED with so much info that they just don't know where to start.
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