211 replies
I completely hate my life.

Ever have those moments...all the time?
#hate #life
  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    perhaps you need to see how hard others are doing it so in turn you can see how lucky you are.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

      perhaps you need to see how hard others are doing it so in turn you can see how lucky you are.

      This made me laugh. Luck doesn't exist. Things happen for a reason. Either I make them happen or I don't.

      IF other people are making things happen in their life, then great. Good on them.
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      • Profile picture of the author Yoel Cohen
        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        This made me laugh. Luck doesn't exist. Things happen for a reason. Either I make them happen or I don't.

        IF other people are making things happen in their life, then great. Good on them.

        That's a very smart sentence...But for a smart person you're a bit pessimistic...

        Life has it's ups and downs - that's the beauty of life. If everything was always perfect you'd hate it, maybe even more!

        Just do what makes you feel good.

        my 2 cents
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      • Profile picture of the author affiliatelabs
        acrasial - We all go through dark days and often they seem to last too long. But don't worry - you'll come out of it. Sometimes words don't seem to make a difference, no matter how hard you try - its incredibly hard to motivate yourself. But, keep trying - and you shall succeed. And a little handy advice. Do something you don't see yourself doing. And, you'll be pleased and surprised with yourself. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Laura B
    Hi, acrasial, sorry to hear you're feeling that way. I've been there. I'm not there right now, but I hope it helps to know it can and will get better. It has to, right? Only way to go is up? Hang in there.
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Oh yesh,

      Don't worry I know about that:

      "It will pass"

      And all happy and sad feelings will pass...always.
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      • Profile picture of the author tylerdrun
        I too was in your state not quite long ago. But I promise, "It will pass".
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      • Profile picture of the author DonTino
        LOL I feel you.

        The only thing that works for me is to quit expecting and wanting anything out of life. All problems will seem to be minor then. But it takes a lot of self disciplin since on the other side you'll have to stop going for your goals in some way.

        What exactly do you hate in your life? what's wrong? Money, relationships, any particular situation?

        You can also PM me if you want. I've been feeling the same way...


        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        Oh yesh,

        Don't worry I know about that:

        "It will pass"

        And all happy and sad feelings will pass...always.
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  • Profile picture of the author 2d0k
    You won't hate your life if you will try to see the lives of others who eat 1 meal a day, live in cardboard boxes, and roam the streets for days..

    Life is all about empathy.. Looking through life with the other person's eyes.. If we are more empathic, we are more understanding.. More understanding between two individuals means cooperation and guidance.. cooperation and guidance mean peace and prosperity for all..
    World News | Hasta La Victoria Siempre! | Website Hosting Cost
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  • Profile picture of the author Jag82
    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?

    Acrasial, I don't know about your background, so
    it's hard for me to comment.

    All I can say is you have a choice. To be happy or sad.
    If you tell yourself, you will make your own circumstances,
    do whatever it takes to be happy, and not let anything
    get you down - you will be happy.

    If you stayed mired in this "sad" state, and keep suggesting
    to yourself that you hate your life...you will hate your life.

    As Napoleon Hill said - you become what you think.

    So take control. There are still plenty of hope left
    in this world. We can only give encouragement
    as bystanders, but ultimately, only you can decide for yourself
    what path you want to take.

    All the best!
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by Jag82 View Post

      All I can say is you have a choice.

      Yup, I sure do. You have some neat advice.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jag82
        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        Yup, I sure do. You have some neat advice.
        Anyway, I sometimes have those moments too. So I can relate to you.

        But these are always temporary. Give yourself a chance to reach the potential you will inevitably reach. Instead of thinking life is always so screwed up, think of all the reasons why life is going great for you. And why you will make it.

        Just a little shift in thinking will make a big impact.

        One more thing - it's always darkest before dawn.

        The turning point - the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel - is just around the corner. And you know it yourself you will get there.

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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          Suggestion: Take yourself out of the self-imposed "lonely black hole" you put below your forum name - the view from there isn't great:p
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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          • Profile picture of the author k0zm0zs0ul
            Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

            Suggestion: Take yourself out of the self-imposed "lonely black hole" you put below your forum name - the view from there isn't great:p
            Lordy..right? lol Sorry, but this is just a terrible statement to make to yourself AND the world. That which you focus on all the time, manifests into being.

            And whatever is making you feel this way 'all the time' is obviously a result of actions you are taking, thoughts you are thinking, or circumstances you are living. BUT, do what you've always done, and you'll get what you've always got.

            There has to be something you can change in at least one of those areas that will in turn change your position and improve your emotions from misery and hating your life to enjoying and actually loving your life.

            And you're on a forum with a ton of posts to your name, so saying there is 'nothing' you can do to change your situation is NOT true. If you're life were in truly dire straits, we would not be hearing from you here on this forum, you would be living in silent misery incommunicado somewhere.

            Just my two cents. You're way too young and by your photo pretty to be wallowing in self pity. Find the problem and fix it, whatever it takes.

            Warm regards,
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Covelio
      Originally Posted by Jag82 View Post

      Acrasial, I don't know about your background, so
      it's hard for me to comment.

      All I can say is you have a choice. To be happy or sad.
      If you tell yourself, you will make your own circumstances,
      do whatever it takes to be happy, and not let anything
      get you down - you will be happy.

      If you stayed mired in this "sad" state, and keep suggesting
      to yourself that you hate your life...you will hate your life.

      As Napoleon Hill said - you become what you think.

      So take control. There are still plenty of hope left
      in this world. We can only give encouragement
      as bystanders, but ultimately, only you can decide for yourself
      what path you want to take.

      All the best!
      Spot on Jag..!

      I believe life is what you make it. Whatever the circumstances - good or bad - you have control over how you react to them.

      Acrasial - I wish you the best. Things will improve if you want them to and believe they will.

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    • Profile picture of the author Rich Strauss
      Originally Posted by Jag82 View Post

      Acrasial, I don't know about your background, so
      it's hard for me to comment.

      All I can say is you have a choice. To be happy or sad.
      If you tell yourself, you will make your own circumstances,
      do whatever it takes to be happy, and not let anything
      get you down - you will be happy.

      If you stayed mired in this "sad" state, and keep suggesting
      to yourself that you hate your life...you will hate your life.

      As Napoleon Hill said - you become what you think.

      So take control. There are still plenty of hope left
      in this world. We can only give encouragement
      as bystanders, but ultimately, only you can decide for yourself
      what path you want to take.

      All the best!
      Hi acrasial, I did not read what everybody said here yet. I also know that it's easy for somebody to give advice, if they have never felt so completely down. Since I started to actively get control over my mind and my life, I am feeling that I am moving in the right direction.

      I don't have too many posts here on the forum, and nobody knows me, but I will be quite honest and say that one of the things I have done for myself is to even get guidance through psychotherapy. I am going through that right now. And there is no humiliation in that. Spending days and weeks and months and years at this computer, not getting the success that I desire has burned me out.

      But that is it. No matter how far down you are, it is up to you to realize where you are at, and to actively seek the answers to the way out.

      I just started a website/blog about all this, and for the first time in all my years at this computer I have found a niche that I feel I could pursue with love and determination Is that weird or what? I believe that it will get there...

      Chin up! You're a Warrior no?
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  • Profile picture of the author Armandotoledo
    Hi friend.. Don't look back, just look for the future..
    God bless you
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  • Profile picture of the author Vendetta
    When ever feeling sad or angry. A girl friend dumped me. I lost a lot of money. A family member died. Or I simply feel crappy and un motivated. I remind myself. Everything that is... is. There is supposed to be highs. There is supposed to be lows. The fact that you are going through a very low time in your life probably means that later on you are going to go through a very high time in your life. It's all part of the process of living. So yes. Take the wonderful advice given to you by others on this forum. Being happy is a choice. So make the decision. Sharing your poor me syndrome with the world only breeds negativity in others and causes those around you to dislike you. Fortunately this forum is full of positive thinkers who like to help one another.

    Happy Trails

    Thank you so much warrior forum for being a positive influence in my life. You guys have helped me to realize that if I want to be a billionaire, even a trillionaire... I can.
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  • Profile picture of the author newsk
    Iam so sorry to heard that about you ,
    you are hating your life , hating your situation .. well .. you aren't alone , some times all passed a time like you , but never ever hate your life ,you have to full the empty side in your life , the spiritual Side ..
    think happy you will live happy , enjoy your life , smile on problems
    because we live this life Just ONES .. so .. live it with hope , with wishes , with happiness and always design a smile at your face .

    wishing for you better life

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  • Profile picture of the author Maryleena
    I have been in that state of mind... after a car accident.... This is some years back.
    It did take my quite some time to snap out of it (years to be exact).
    If this is a long term state of mind, i recomend you go see a doctor. A depression is a chemical reaction in the brain and can be treated.
    Otherwise, ask yourself these questions: Why do I want to live? Why am I here? What can I contribute with?
    You may feel alone, but in reality we are all one. I know not everybody thinks this way, but investegate on your own.
    I see the potential in you...Use it!

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Everyone, including me, goes through this kind of thought once in a while. I don't care who you are or how successful you are. Everyone goes through this once in a while.

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    • Profile picture of the author eibhlin
      My best advice:

      1. Do something. Just get out and do something... go to an art museum. Walk in the park. Fly a kite. Learn to ski. Do something that involves activity, especially if it's something new, or something you haven't done in years.

      2. Do something to help others. Generally, the fastest route to feeling better about myself and life is to help at a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, or spend a day with Habitat for Humanity.

      I'm not saying, "Go find people who have worse lives, and -- by feeling sorry for them -- you'll feel better about yourself."

      Instead, I'm saying: Do something for people who really need it. Worst case, it's the bread-upon-the-water syndrome, and something good will return to you by being proactive.

      Also, Joe Vitale's book, The Attractor Factor, was originally written to help someone who wasn't happy with her life. Most public libraries have a copy. If my advice isn't helpful -- or even if it is -- his book may give you some better ideas for enjoying life and improving your experiences.
      Artist, blogger, and author of a bazillion books, more or less. Find me at Eibhlin.com
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    • Profile picture of the author galadhari
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      Everyone, including me, goes through this kind of thought once in a while. I don't care who you are or how successful you are. Everyone goes through this once in a while.

      Well said.

      acrasial: Sorrow happens with all. Dont worry, It'll pass.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    I understand how you're feeling Acrasial.

    On Sunday past, with the covers over my head, I thought about committing suicide. I felt no point in anything. After all this time, all this effort, and all this progress, I feel nothing but a wretched, horrible mess of a person.

    I kept thinking about how peaceful it would be to die. I remember thinking: "Why did all of this have to happen to me? "Why can't I live a good life and be successful?" But, I felt nothing but self-condemnation, feeling like I deserve everything that happens to me.

    So, after saying a quick prayer, I drift off to sleep.

    The next morning I wake up and something's changed. I have a feeling of deep, profound peace, my burden has disappeared, and looking out of my window at the World everything seems to be as happy and peaceful as I am. I feel wonderful and I'm reminded why I love life and feel that all of this suffering has been to cleanse me of "evil" as I feel refreshed and renewed.

    Then, I remember something I wrote down some time ago.

    ... "Suffering can be a blessing in disguise and God's gift to us. Because the more we suffer, the deeper grows our character, and the more loving and compassionate we become."

    At that moment, enjoying the brand new day, that quotation makes even more sense than when I first imagined it. Although at the time of going through hardships we may feel "desperate," "hopeless," and "negative," ultimately I believe that everything happens for a reason and that we learn a great deal from these moments.

    Today I'm back to my normal, happy self. And I feel as strong and as powerful as ever. Oh and I'm even more faithful, grateful, and appreciative of "God." (And whatever that quiet female voice that guides me is.)

    Remember, there's always prayer. I believe that if you're humble and sincere, your prayers will be answered like mine have been. Good luck.
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author webwriter
      Yep, can't tell you how many times I felt that way myself. I was bored, frustrated.....just feeling out of sorts with myself and the world. But I reminded myself that the downtime was temporary and that I would feel better the next day.

      In the meantime, I did things like buying and eating two small containers of Breyer's ice cream or spend some time doing what I longed to do, such as taking a nap, watching a movie, etc
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    • Profile picture of the author llanik
      You feel how you feel and that's it ha? Ly down, relax, chill, nuture your soul go with your feelings if you can't snap out of it, its nice healing, don't be to busy, rest your soul,your mind and relax. I suffered extreme violence for many years. My esteem, self worth, suffering from major depression disorder, and post traumatic disorders and many other disorders made me the GREAT woman I am today. What Jonathan wrote about.......

      ... "Suffering can be a blessing in disguise and God's gift to us. Because the more we suffer, the deeper grows our character, and the more loving and compassionate we become."

      And that's exactly what I became........all of that. I'm a qualified Counsellor now because through my traumatic experiences I believed I would be wonderful for people who were going through such things and I could understand them on a deep level. I love it, I love the less fortunate, I deeply emphasize with people suffering. Breaks my heart precious things

      Find you a counsellor perhaps. I went to one for years, and it truly helped me. I recommend it for anyone, its a form of wonderful healing for the mind and the soul, make sure they're good and not judging you, I had many of those one's. Terrible!!! Get rid of them instantly. If they're good they'll help you to remember how special you are and how worthwhile you are.

      We're all precious Acrasial. You included without a doubt. You takecare and I wish you all the best with your special self on your special journey.....

      PS If you feel the way you do then there's more going on that none of us know about. I often heard people say to me when I was troubled, well what about that plane that killed 200+ people, and what about those millions starving, what about that?, and more examples given too.

      I'd be greatful of what I have compared to them, I understood how fortunate I was and would feel so sad for them ABSOLUTELY, absolutely........But at the end of the day I could only feel my pain, I'm not God to feel eveyone's suffering, and whether our pain is more or less, it doesn't matter. It CAN lead to worse things whatever the circumstance.......
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  • Profile picture of the author Lett
    There are things that make your life a ****, longterm. I know how that is. Don't try, do it and no thinking about giving up!!! Our your life is going to suck all the rest of your life. You don't want that, right? So start working on your website/articles/backlinks etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
      Take some time to think about the things you do have. Take some time to feel deeply grateful for the things you have, the place you live, the good people in your life.

      Then take some time to think about what you want.

      Then make a plan to get it. Write it down. And start working towards it.

      Hating your life and doing nothing will never make you feel better. Action will make you feel tons better. Even a little action.

      Learn how to make videos that sell. Special $1 Offer for Warriors Only.


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  • Profile picture of the author Shaleniie Devi
    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?
    I used to ALL THE TIME but now I've discovered my passion and I'm working hard on making things happen for me and I find that I love life now Funny how life works.

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  • Profile picture of the author danlew
    As it says in the bible as long as we have bread and water and clothes and a love for God with the bible we should be content with our life.
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  • Profile picture of the author AdamSlade88
    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?

    Maybe you just need a hug
    "All Achievements, All Earned Riches Have Their Beginning in an Idea"
    Napolean Hill
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  • Profile picture of the author christiantt
    Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change
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    • Profile picture of the author beccap
      I feel like that right now... I've lived in a car, on the streets and yet I'm still here. I lost the one writing client I had today. Right before the holidays, so I can't even buy a biscuit for the dog. So Yes to your question I do hate my life. Will it get better? I can only pray that a door opens that I can walk through. Since its almost noon here I don't think the door is appearing today.
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  • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
    Before I get into this, I must say this reminded me of a quote...

    Jim: "I hate my life!"
    Gonzo: "I hate your life too!"

    Muppet Treasure Island. GREAT movie. Now all joking aside...

    I've been there. I used to be very, very morbidly depressed. I'd say it was a combination of a few seeds that had planted in the beginning, then grew into a vicious downward spiral. Hated by people I didn't know, in love with one of my best friends (all the while unconsciously denying he was gay), judged by a horrible so-called "therapist", faulty medications, physical fights, in and out of hospitals, self-mutilation, broken and hypocritical family...

    With the steady help of an invaluable best friend I started to climb out, and she and I are best friends to this day. Back then, even with her undying support I felt I was still drowning, but then after the friend I'd loved betrayed me...

    It hit me. I was SO INFURIATED that I decided, "I'm not going to let this kill me."

    This was two weeks before ninth grade. I made the firm resolution that, even though I was still hurting, I'd climb back up. I went to a brand new school, made tons of new friends, made a point of discovering the music I'd always been looking for and dressing the way I'd loved for years and years (yes, I loved black dresses and minor key music LONG before I ever knew what "goth" was). In short, I began to reach inside and bring out the person I knew I really was.

    It took me another year to fully put the past behind me, but becoming more involved in the present and working toward my future did wonders for me. It also taught me that I survived something that many, many people don't.

    And THEN, as life went on, I discovered that it is possible to pursue far greater things than many ever do. I'm not quite there yet, but I've realized the potential and every day I'm working toward my dream. I've had my setbacks, and not too long ago I was thrown into a situation I was COMPLETELY unprepared for, and pissed off as hell about it. But once again, I went back to the drawing board, charted a course of action and have set sail.

    I hope that you too, have a similar awakening and begin to rise up again. Even though I had support, at the end of the day my resolve came from ME and ME alone. It also must come from you alone. It's not easy, but it can be done. Good luck.

    In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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  • Profile picture of the author Hanako
    There's always a rainbow after the rain. Whatever you may have been in the past and no matter how dismal your present is, you should always have the strength to believe that there's ALWAYS a brighter future. Work towards it. Have faith. Believe that you can do it instead of wallowing in all those negative stuff.
    the ONLY backlink service you'll ever need.
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  • Profile picture of the author Menny
    There`s a famous saying. Count your blessings! Open your eyes for whats beautiful instead for whats annoying. Its your choice at what you weant to look and where you add power.
    Charter Catamaran in Phuket and you know what sailing really means!
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  • Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?
    Yes, and I decided to change it.

    In the end it is all so simple, yet we make it so complicated.
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    • Profile picture of the author zahra
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      • Profile picture of the author glchandler
        Like a lot of us (I am sure) I keep coming back to this thread.

        I agree with Kay---get rid of that "lonely black hole". If it were possible for you to compare "your" life with many others in this forum you probably would find many many reasons to fall in love with yourself/your life.

        There are folks here with debilitating disabilities, with children sick or dying, divorces, financial ruin, lost eyesight, constant dialysis for kidney failures, degenerative diseases of back/knees/hips/---I could continue for many many lines!

        Take a look at many of the sigs for consistent posters in the off-topic section and you will find the above problems----yet these people are finding happiness within themselves that they can share with other warriors.

        Then take a look at some of your postings dating around September...example:

        I think it's because I am afraid of success...sounds silly... but it's my current dilemma!
        and you may just find your goat trail down that hill of self pity.

        Or is it possible that you are working all of us just to get reactions?

        There is never a BAD time to help those living with lousy kidneys!

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  • Profile picture of the author virakyim
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark McClure
      If nothing else, it's great to watch and listen to.

      Speaking of blackholes -

      "The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it... but the way those atoms are put together."

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  • Profile picture of the author AlveenX
    Hi Acrasial,

    So sorry for all you've been going through. I hope you're getting better now after all the encouraging posts.
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  • Profile picture of the author SuccessFlavor510
    I and Life are not seperate....

    You don't have a Life, YOU ARE LIFE...

    Be Grateful that we are Breating NOW cause were not here for long. So why Make 'Life' Hard, be Happy NOW cause Tomorrow Never comes only as Today and NOW.

    So NOW is THE TIME.... =D
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick Warren
    boo hoo. complaining is just anger without a plan

    Easy and fast, effective muscle gain, weight loss, and getting a 6 pack

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    Patrick Warren offline SEO in Los Angeles

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  • Profile picture of the author gautam42
    Like attracts like....have you heard of law of attraction?
    You are the creator of everything in your life.
    What ever you focus on expands. Your creation is a play of your intent, feelings, imagery....focus.......so if you practice the art of self appreciation & appreciation also your life changes.....When ever you feel low...put on life energizing music practice seeing the beauty in every situation.......buy some law of attraction workbooks to work on your feelings. Any other insight PM me.
    Hears to a glorious & magnanimous life....Cheers
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  • Profile picture of the author SupermanMJ
    Yup. I think we all have those moments where everything is just going wrong and all you want to do is curl up into a ball and disappear. It's so easy for others to say think of how lucky you are and what not but when we are in that state of despair it's not that easy to do. We've all had those moments. You'll be fine.
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    • Profile picture of the author KathleenHobbins
      In the past couple of weeks, although others have continued to respond to your post, you haven't continued to post. I hope that means that you are feeling better.

      And for what it's worth, I wish you every happiness for the New Year.
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  • Profile picture of the author rainspeak
    What makes you happy? Figure that out and shift your focus to that when you fill down. In other words practice changing your point of view until this becomes easier and it will. Happiness can be exercised like a muscle until it is strong. Isn't that after all the grand prize? In time perhaps you will then begin to see the truly positive side of your life and trust me it is there if you start looking for it making toughs thoughts predominate. Best wishes.
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  • Profile picture of the author antiquenh
    Yes, I think we all have these moments from time to time. But when you're feeling down, there's no way to go but up. Move forward. Be aware of the blessings around you. Hope this helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author maab
      Originally Posted by MarkAndrews IMCopywriting View Post

      You know, hate is a very strong emotion.

      Hmmm, are you sure it's hate that you are

      Or could it be that at the moment, you are
      just feeling extraordinarily pissed off instead?

      There is a difference.

      Nothing wrong with being pissed off of course,
      you are completely entitled to your emotions,

      Is there no way that you can channel this
      'pissed off feeling' to get yourself away from
      such negativity of emotion...towards a more
      positive you once again?

      Are you able to identify exactly what it is that
      you 'hate' so much?

      If you can find out what this root cause is
      that is causing you to feel like this, you can
      take back a sense of control over your life
      perhaps and start moving it along in a
      generally more agreeable direction which
      brings real meaning and internal happiness
      to your life.

      Do I ever ever get pissed off too?

      You bet your ass I do.


      One has to channel the emotion so that one
      faces the world always with more positivity,
      otherwise your emotions end up eating you
      up, from the inside out.

      What would you really like to do for yourself,
      to move you away from hate...to love and
      respect for your life again?

      Wishing you personally, all the best for 2010
      - hopefully life will very soon start to get a
      whole lot better for you.

      Kindest regards.


      Nick Vujicic - a guy with no limbs,
      check him out and his attitude to life...

      When you fall down...

      YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.

      Wow!! What a truly inspiring story, it really makes you think.
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    • Profile picture of the author 101millionAds
      Originally Posted by MarkAndrews IMCopywriting View Post

      You know, hate is a very strong emotion.

      Hmmm, are you sure it's hate that you are

      Or could it be that at the moment, you are
      just feeling extraordinarily pissed off instead?

      There is a difference.

      Nothing wrong with being pissed off of course,
      you are completely entitled to your emotions,

      Is there no way that you can channel this
      'pissed off feeling' to get yourself away from
      such negativity of emotion...towards a more
      positive you once again?

      Are you able to identify exactly what it is that
      you 'hate' so much?

      If you can find out what this root cause is
      that is causing you to feel like this, you can
      take back a sense of control over your life
      perhaps and start moving it along in a
      generally more agreeable direction which
      brings real meaning and internal happiness
      to your life.

      Do I ever ever get pissed off too?

      You bet your ass I do.


      One has to channel the emotion so that one
      faces the world always with more positivity,
      otherwise your emotions end up eating you
      up, from the inside out.

      What would you really like to do for yourself,
      to move you away from hate...to love and
      respect for your life again?

      Wishing you personally, all the best for 2010
      - hopefully life will very soon start to get a
      whole lot better for you.

      Kindest regards.


      Nick Vujicic - a guy with no limbs,
      check him out and his attitude to life...

      When you fall down...

      YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.

      AMAZING VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      It made me crying.

      What a guy and what a strenght.

      It's official: Instant Article Wizard 4.0 (IAW4) has launched!

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  • Profile picture of the author 2d0k
    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?
    Please try to see the videos on a thread here in WF, they might "provide" you a candle to light your way >> inspiring videos
    World News | Hasta La Victoria Siempre! | Website Hosting Cost
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  • Profile picture of the author runfast
    Please note my signature...
    I've had more then a few "Lemons" in my Life. Here's a few...
    1. Born with a severe facial birth defects
    2. Can't smell
    3. Extremely malnourished as a child. (had worms in my p..p)
    4. spent the early years of my Life in orphanage
    5. was in the foster care system
    6. finally adopted.
    7. endured 26 surgeries
    8. weighed 90 lbs at 16 years old.
    9. Oops I forgot to mention the dark times (was severly abused)
    10. Made fun of as a child.

    Now I'm 30 years old.
    I have only 8 grade of education and my GED but run 3 business.
    Married to the most Beautiful girl in the world. We have three "perfect" children.
    I learned martial arts and weight lifting. (still can do 200 pushups and 100 chinups)
    I love Life to the fullest.
    The Secret: Think of Others MORE than yourself. and if Life gives you Lemons make Lemonade!

    If Life gives you Lemons...make Lemonade!

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  • Profile picture of the author adodis

    Never think like that ,life goes with change .No body knows what happens in the next second.You may become millionaire ,who knows.Try to admit any thing in life,then definetely u will enjoy your life.
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  • Profile picture of the author milo_pl
    Yeah...it happens to me sometimes too.
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  • Profile picture of the author richjerk321
    The reason you have those moments all the time is because you THINK about those moments all the time.

    It's impossible to attract something into your life if you never think about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author warrior4life
    If you hate your current life, you should do something about it. You have divine capacities to turn things around in your life. Remember, nothing changes if you don't make any change.
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    • Profile picture of the author Megas
      What do you want?
      Ask yourself what you want that would make you happy and do it!!!

      It sounds so simple and if you believe it is like I do then it is and you make it happen, I don't know what else I could say.
      The rest is just details.
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      • Profile picture of the author pluto1
        Since this thread was created more than a week ago, I hope OP is feeling better now and is back in high spirits and enthusiastic for the coming new year.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sergiu FUNIERU
      When I look on your profile, I see a beautiful girl with a nice smile.
      In your place, I would start with this. First thing in the morning, I would look at that picture.

      Find something that you like in your life. Start building from there. Make a list with what makes you happy. At the very beginning, the list will be short. It will get longer over time. Read that list every morning.

      Write down your accomplisments, no matter how small. Were you able to get up from the bed? That's something to write down. If you think is easy to do that, ask a 90 years old man. What is easy for you, others might want.

      Press hard with one finger in your cheek, until you feel pain. Release the finger and be happy that you don't feel that pain every second.

      Each time I feel that I don't like my life, this video gets me back on track.
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    • Profile picture of the author nehaluck11
      OHHH! dear it just a phase of life it will be passed away soon.Keep patients, think positive and be optimistic.Every thing will be fine around you.All the best.
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    • Profile picture of the author Allicin

      All I can say is that the way you feel is all in the thinking. If you think happy thoughts then you'll feel happy but in turn if you feel sad it means you're not having the right thoughts. Ever read the secret? It's a really good book that really has the potential to motivate anyone to get what they want and truly deserve! I highly recommend it. Honestly, change your thinking, think of all the things you want for yourself and make goals and write down a step by step way to get there... We can all get what we want in life, if we truly want it. All you need is faith in yourself. Belief that you'll get to where you wanna be.
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    • Profile picture of the author dlcross12
      Wow guys... I just joined this forum the other day and this is the first thread I have read. I can't believe the support. There's an awesome community of people here who really care about each other... That is very encouraging to me... I look forward to getting to know more of you.... God Bless America

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    • Profile picture of the author roman827
      There was a time when I used to worry about having no shoes until one day I met a man with no feet. So when you get to feeling down and hating life, remember to take a second to look around eventually you will see someone that will make you feel like the lucky one.

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      • Profile picture of the author Luxuria
        Originally Posted by roman827 View Post

        There was a time when I used to worry about having no shoes until one day I met a man with no feet. So when you get to feeling down and hating life, remember to take a second to look around eventually you will see someone that will make you feel like the lucky one.

        Yeah totally:
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    • Profile picture of the author AnthonyAdams
      Depression is not something that is "fixed" by thinking it away, or wishing it away. It typically requires action to have real, lasting change.

      I've found one of the best ways to change your internal state is to help someone else reach the state you want to be in. For example, if YOU want to be happy, go out and make someone else happy -- a stranger works best.. No strings attached, just do something to brighten someones day.

      Also, moving forward is a major key. Success is constant evolution in a direction we want to go - so even small steps can bring the feeling of success. And ultimately, that is all we want -- the feeling attached to the outcome right? You don't really want $1MM - you want the feelings and emotions that you think $1MM will bring to you, etc.

      Very powerful. Interesting thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author rainspeak
    In order to change your state of being change your thoughts. Not to make this sound over simplified try to reach your mind to think of one pleasant thought. Something very simple that you like for example the fragrance of a rose, anything. Then savor that for a moment then reach for another thought and then another and keep expanding on this. The point again is to change what you think about and with practice you can literally change your world one thought at a time.
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    • Profile picture of the author jeswarrior
      I feel like that sometimes. Usually I stand in front of the mirror, point a .45 to my head and smile like the clown from "The Devil's Reject" and say, "You sorry ass, go get a burger and fries!" and there I go to Burger King. It makes it all better. I'm serious.

      My best advice, study your mind, how the mind works.
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      • Profile picture of the author zannix
        I've got two words for you - Tony Robbins
        All you can do is all you can do - Art Williams
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        • Profile picture of the author blueonblue
          I have been there too.

          One day I started reading The little gold book of yes attitude.
          Even when I can't I fake it. I smile at every little thing.
          I express gratitude for the bees on the flowers, the birds in the trees and everything that reminds me of why life is worth living.

          When I am at that point, I fake it. I do, I get my mind off it I do.

          "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve." Napoleon Hill.

          Edison-after 10,000 failures inventing the lightbulb simply told the press, "I didn't fail 10,000 times. I just found 10,000 ways NOT to invent the lightbulb."

          Open the bible-the Torah, the Quaran, or whatever you call it. There is great inspiration and hope there. Open anything by Napoleon Hill or Wallace Wattles, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

          Change your circumstance, your surroundings. Make the choice to be around people--not those that you want to meet, but those that want to meet you. Join a group, a club, go to a star trek convention and meet people. Just work through it. Life is too short to hate it! You can dislike your situation, but not your life. Even see a therapist, but get out of this mood.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sprite0803
      Yes, it happens to me all the time.

      You just have to realize that when you're down, there's no way but to go up. If you feel that you failed, take a breather, and then take a look at your mistakes and learn from them. I'm sure you're on your way to success in no time.

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    • Profile picture of the author Moneybuster
      I find that sitting there thinking about how bad your life is just makes it worse. Instead think about what you could do to make your life better... If you still have choices in your life your life aint that bad. If someone took your choices away then you may have no choice but to believe life has thrown you a bad slice of the pie.

      I don't think everyone on here has a life the exact same as they dreamed when they were young. Take me for example I always dreamed I would be a football player (European football). But boy was I wrong, I don't for one minute believe that my life is rubbish though, I just had to change my dreams as we will never achieve everything we once dreamed of. But I can have a good damn try...
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      • Profile picture of the author rhythmofthecosmos
        Try changing your diet.

        all the crap you eat will have effects on your mood because it causes a chemical reaction within the body. There are serious studies into how diet and depression are related.

        Hopefully something for you to think about

        Good luck
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  • "Every passing day is a whole new chance to turn it all around..."

    - Quote from Vanilla Sky film
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    • Profile picture of the author Helena33
      I hope you're feeling better after all this great advice! We can do great things with our lives, so I say, if you don't like what you see, then change it!
      Whatever it is, stop hating it. Life is short, appreciate and make the most of this journey!
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    • Profile picture of the author escribe
      If you do things you enjoy -- hobbies, eat foods you absolutely LOVE and spend time with those who make you happy and you enjoy their company I'm sure that will lift your spirits.

      Content Creation and Publishing Design Specialist!

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      • Profile picture of the author escribe
        ... Forgot to mention, volunteer and give of your time to those less fortunate, I'm sure you'll appreciate your life more.

        Just reading all of the advice on here, I'm sure that will help too. Hope you're feeling better and hopefully all of these supportive Warriors advice has helped.

        Content Creation and Publishing Design Specialist!

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  • Profile picture of the author TVChatten
    Hmm, I think I'll just add something in here.

    You say you hate your life...there was a point I would say that all the time. I used to get picked on so much (still kinda do) to the point that I have very low self esteem and I get paranoid when a group of people laugh around me (if I wasn't fully there to determine what the joke was). There were times when I just couldn't take it and I felt so useless to anyone and everything, because people were always good at something, but I never really cared to think I was good at anything. I'm almost 20 years old and I've never been in a relationship. So yeah, there was my depression right there. Fast forward 6 years later at the age of 19...I have my own site, I do CPA marketing, I'm not in school, but yet I'm starting to make a lot more in a day than my peers do in two weeks.

    So you hate your life? Think about the homeless...think about people who don't have internet. I don't know about your background...and I'm not shutting you down...but I'm just helping you realize, your life is probably not as bad as you think it is. Hopefully I helped and not pissed you off but I'll give you an internet hug *hug* to at least make you feel a bit better.

    If you need anyone to talk to, I'm always here!

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  • Profile picture of the author MrMike
    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?
    Thanks for sharing

    Go volunteer at a soup kitchen, child cancer center, old age home. This will change your perspective around tremendously. Hating life, being bored, being frustrated are perfect times to go out and expand yourself. Congrats, you are on your way to something better.
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  • Profile picture of the author chefmax
    Yes, I have those moments usually when I burn some food, Ha
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  • Profile picture of the author steveblum
    What you have is a form of depression. You never feel satisfied to adequate enough. It may seem like no matter how hard you try to do something it never turns out the way you wanted it to.

    My advice is to see a psychologist, who will refer you to a psychiatrist, who will put you on meds to help level you out.

    It sucks feeling this way, but with a little help from modern medicine you can be back to your old self again
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    • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
      Originally Posted by steveblum View Post

      My advice is to see a psychologist, who will refer you to a psychiatrist, who will put you on meds to help level you out.
      Most meds do nothing but hurt your body and your mind. They don't fix things in your body, just change them. They don't fix the source of the problem. Depression comes from environment and one's mental reaction to the external world. You don't fix that with meds dude. They just make it worse in the long run.
      And if that's the way people were born we'd be extinct by now. 9 times out of 10 this isn't due to mutation either, just do the math.

      With this in mind, meds aren't the answer in depression. Prescription drugs are one of the biggest markets in the world for a reason....

      So, with that out of the way, spend some time on one product and one product only....for real.

      Please Give my advice its fair shot. I promise I won't disappoint.

      I want you to pick up The Sedona Method and to go all the way through it twice.

      Then come back. I know for a fact you'll in the very least drastically improve. I know of other things that can help if your still having problems(I don't think you will though) but I won't give any more advice until then

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Murphy
    Yep, hate is a very strong word to use, but I can feel your frustration.

    I just spent 10 months unemployed with a wife and 2 beautiful daughters (1 and 5) to feed, a mortgage to pay, bills to pay, dreams put on hold (or so I thought) and I learned more from that year than the prior 10 years of my life.

    There were people I hated, situations I hated, was pissed off at people that still had jobs that I didn't feel deserved to and there was even a short time I considered taking my own life.

    Heavy ****.

    The negative feelings stopped when the negative THOUGHTS stopped.

    Thoughts become things, make sure you choose the good ones. Sounds hokey but it's more true than you could ever imagine.

    Can't tell much from your avatar, but from what I can see, you're young, you're pretty, you've got all your limbs (unlike Nick Vuyjic <--Love that dude) and I assume you're not homeless because most cardboard boxes don't have internet access.

    Here's an idea or to do list to think about...

    - change your user name to your real name. Shout out to the world who you really are and be proud of it.

    - Ditch the black hole thing and change it to "Blonde Internet Marketing Godess" or something awesome like that

    - Wake up each morning with the attitude that you're going to rock this world and you'll slap it's face if it doesn't give you what you want out of it.

    - Expect NOTHING from anyone else. Go after all you want and desire and know that nobody can stop you but you.

    - Look up a dude called Gary Vaynerchuk...the author of the book Crush it! Watch his videos and buy his book. He will inspire you.

    - Come back to this thread in a month and tell us how awesome you and your life have become. You have the power to change you and your life.....so DO it.
    Guitar PLR - New MONSTER Guitar Video PLR Pack![LIMITED]
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  • Profile picture of the author dorim
    No, I have never hated my life, but I have hated things going on in my life so I chaged what I could and walked away from what I could not change. You can do the same.

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  • Profile picture of the author MsDebra
    I hate it when a young person hates their life. I have a daughter who will be 24 yrs old Sunday who hates her life! I've had my moments, but I was much older than you are. I haven't had a moment like that in the past 20 years. Why? My focus has not been on my own life, but the lives of others. Volunteer at a nursing home or pass out food at a homeless shelter. Visit the people living under a bridge. You may change your perspective.
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  • Profile picture of the author AffiliateKungfu
    I know of certain people who would think about holding a pistol to their head and end it all.

    Then somehow, they chanced upon Internet marketing...

    And had not looked back since.
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  • Profile picture of the author josephkerr
    Acrasial... I have the sneaking suspicion that you'll understand exactly what I mean when I say... it's perfectly alright that you hate your life right now and nothing needs to be done about it.

    It's okay.

    Because most of your answers have been very mature and level headed. It seems to me this post is more of a fishing for what sort of response you might get than it is a real cry for help.

    That's a compliment, by the way.

    My answer will scare the sort of people that like to cling to happiness. But if you investigate it closely, it becomes obvious that happiness is an undulation in emotion. How would you know you were happy unless you'd once been unhappy?

    It's nice to see the good hearts in here so quick to offer you a way out and it seems like compassion enough... but I think it's misplaced.

    There's no need whatsoever to avoid the low moments in our life. After all, it's those moments that make the high moments at all possible or enjoyable.

    And let's not forget that it's dung that flowers grow from.

    The real swinging cat knows that nothing at all needs to be done because our misery is only a problem if we resist it and try to get away from it. The world will keep right on flowing along whether or not we have a fit.

    And to everyone throwing up a guilt trip about how we manifest our own misery and if we avoid thinking about miserable moments they'll cease to be... come off it already.

    It should be obvious that to throw somebody in the bind of trying to avoid certain thoughts is only going to make those thoughts more pronounced. If I were to suggest you shouldn't think of a big, red, shiny stop sign... point made?

    I hope so.

    There's a weird attitude of trying to have happiness only floating around which is kinda creepy.

    Also it should be made clear that when I say nothing needs to be done about your misery... the reason I say that is because you'll come out of it either way. It will take care of itself before you know it if you don't try to help life along. That you are miserable at all implies happiness is already on the way.

    Do you have to strain to grow your hair? Is it by any muscular or mental effort that you regulate your hormones or do any of the other millions of miraculous things you do?

    Your wisest answer so far, which I whole heartedly agree with... "this too, shall pass."

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    • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
      I know this is going to make me sound like an old man, but when I was your age I felt the same way. Just to let you know things constantly change. All the problems that you have right now will mean nothing 5 years from now.

      As you get older, most, if not all of these feelings will go away.

      Internet marketing is one of the most amazing things to be involved with. You can be a poor sap one day and then overnight become a multimillionaire.

      Stay active, keep working, keep your head up and sure enough things will get better.
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  • Profile picture of the author bettersocial
    I'll chime in the other direction. Its okay to hate your life at times. I think being sad, or melancholy is a good thing. It helps you get a perspective on things (and hey, this is not coming from a 40 year old, but a 20 year old college kid who just passed through adolescence).

    The important this is that you don't let it become a habit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Akuete
    What is your life that you hate? Until you know the sickness we can't suggest a cure. Or is it just seeking attention? if you are, you have succeeded.
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  • Profile picture of the author James12C
    Hi, Acrasial - it's OK - positive thinking and the tyranny of "having to feel good" is one of the delusions of our age, maybe. Check out the new book by Barbara Ehrenreich "Smile or Die, How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World". And, you know, I wonder if it's better to have a genuine starting point - a reality position, at last - about life, rather than sticking a smiley face over an empty gas tank? Thanks for your post - made me think. My best to you - James PM me if you would like to.

    Frustrated beginner? Check out my FREE 4-part, 6 bonus LIST BUILDING COURSE

    Follow me on Twitter AND my Blog

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    • Profile picture of the author Adriaan

      In understand the OP, I feel the same way. There are also many rich people that feel this way, and poor people as well.
      Then, there are rich people feeling great and poor people feeling great.

      It's not what you have that must make you happy, or what you lack to make you unhappy. You were born ready, it's in you, just dust it off.

      Get good stuff at adriaanlouw.com. The others do.

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  • Profile picture of the author BrianLeanza
    Even if I risk to be laughed at:

    Go outside, take good long walk, wash your brain with fresh air ... as primitive and simplistic as it sounds, it has always helped me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Dalangin
    Don't hate your life because you are luck that you know something happen in our action. Check your sig and you will understand what I mean. When I was 6 months old, I was in a hospital with several health problems and in a room of patients with only few days to live and I survive. When I was nine years old, I started working because I want to help my parents to support my family while several teens bullying me when I was selling selling something on the streets. One of my cousin even trowing a hammer on my head, so what I did is to remove the hammer in my head while going to hospital.

    I had more than 7 accidents in the street and one in my early years of marriage,
    I had a situation where me and my wife was inside a cab and been hit by a track
    and while having a discussion with the driver, I punched him because of anger.
    Why? because during that time my wife was pregnant and I can't think straight.

    And lastly, I decided to go into this field, being solo working at home starting from
    zero. I told my wife to resign to her job also so we don't have money to feed my

    I am not telling you to worsen your situation but it's all up to us, when we think
    of a problem, we must think of a solution.

    Here's a theory: ALL PROBLEM HAS A SOLUTION. If your problem don't have a solution
    then don't mind it because it's not congruent to the theory. It's like this, if there's
    no solution then there's no problem.

    Have a great day!


    You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you just don't see them.
    Jay Abraham

    I think it is manmade. I think it's clearly manmade. If you don't understand what the cause is, it's virtually impossible to come up with a solution. We know what the cause is. The cause is manmade. That's the cause. That's why the polar icecap is melting.
    Joe Biden

    Sometimes the situation is only a problem because it is looked at in a certain way. Looked at in another way, the right course of action may be so obvious that the problem no longer exists.
    Edward de Bono

    We may need to solve problems not by removing the cause but by designing the way forward even if the cause remains in place.
    Edward de Bono

    I teach something called The Law of Probabilities, which says the more things you try, the more likely one of them will work. The more books you read, the more likely one of them will have an answer to a question that could solve the major problems of your life.. make you wealthier, solve a health problem, whatever it might be.
    Jack Canfield

    When you confront a problem you begin to solve it.
    Rudy Giuliani

    If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
    Abraham Maslow

    When I hear bad news I look at it as another leadership test that will determine how successful Go Daddy will become. So I no longer dread it. Instead, I enjoy the game of finding the very best way to deal with it, and take great satisfaction in having a hand in resolving the issues that come my way.
    Bob Parsons

    You have to seek the simplest implementation of a problem solution in order to know when you've reached your limit in that regard. Then it's easy to make tradeoffs, to back off a little, for performance reasons. You can simplify and simplify and simplify yet still find other incredible ways to simplify further.
    Steve Wozniak

    When we can identify a problem and face the problem with confidence and enthusiasm, the solution is on the way.
    Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author vitto
    Hey its been awhile since your last post, are you still there. I hope all is well. Just remember you have the ability to change whatever it is, you just have to choose to.

    I know it sounds easier said than done, but i have been there. homeless more than once. At one time my our lights got shut off and my pregnant wife had to take a shower in cold water. I literally hated my life. But I realized no one is going to save me and get me out of my situation. I have to do it myself. I think this is what it means when they say we we're given free will. Freedom to change our circumstance. its up to you. wish you the best.

    Most people are constantly looking for another way to transfer responsibility for the outcomes in their lives to someone else. You can ignore it, try to change it, or profit from it - Dan Kennedy

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  • Profile picture of the author csongi12xme
    Of course you hate your life if there's nothing new in it.
    Instead of sitting in front of your computer all day go out,make friends,have fun.
    I like going out more then sitting in front of a PC.
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  • Profile picture of the author jane pope
    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?
    Interesting statement. I quite often say I hate my life. But do I? The confusion, the fustration, the child with special needs. The man who doesn't look at things like I do.
    Do any of us know what goes on behind others eyes? Have you every thought, is the black I see the same as the black you see?

    I was once told, it only takes a small shift in direction to change. As an individual, am I willing to do that, or am I comfortable where I am?

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  • Profile picture of the author csongi12xme
    Well,10% of babies die when they born and 1% if people is stupid and commit a suicide.
    Life's not easy but what the hell?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Don't overlook this statement because it's short and simple, but...

    Change what you think about and you'll change your life.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author trevor75
    Good Lord, you sound really depressed, if so you should find out whats causing it. If its your life, or something neurological. Then work on fixing it. Look, life isn't wine and roses all the time. We all feel bummed out from time to time, but don't ever giveup. Happier times will come, and yes they do go, but they will come again. If your clinically depressed then don't hesitate to go to a doctor. Things can change!

    FREE Report Reveals 5 Secrets To Earn Truckloads Of Affiliate Marketing Cash In Less Than A Week!

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  • Profile picture of the author jewin
    Read, watch and re-read The Secret and Psycho-Cybernetics. You attract what you think about. So.... if you're *thinking* that your life is in the pooper, guess what happens...

    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?
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  • Profile picture of the author devearoux
    i don't hate my life...everyone thinks that his life is nothing and all others have a great life but there is nothing like that.There are problem in everybody's life and we need to face it...i always smile whenever i face any problem whatever it is
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  • Profile picture of the author Blaz Banic
    Your life right now is the sum of all your thoughts and actions up to this very moment.

    This means that you can plant the seed of change right now and before you know it you'll be writing "I love my life" here on the forum.

    How can you very quickly do it?

    Stand straight, chin up, force a smile on your face, put on some great music you love and maybe dance a bit. Think of some funny and happy memories. Smile, even lough out loud...

    Do this for 5 - 10 minutes and I guarantee that you'll be in a wonderful mood for the rest of the day.

    You see, body and mind are very much connected and you know that when you're feeling bad, you're slouching and you're not laughing etc... Well, it goes both ways... If you stand up straight and assume the posture of a happy girl, you'll very soon (within minutes) begin to be one

    And when you're in a good mood, you can begin planting bigger seeds of happines for your future!

    Hope you try this out and see how well it helps.

    My brand new Internet marketing blog http://bestmarketingresource.com - Make Money Online Without Scams will help you start earning online faster.

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  • Profile picture of the author stfu
    My life is sinking. Trying hard to step out and distract myself.
    That's why I'm here.

    Some of them here are really friendly and helpful. Cheers all !
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1678668].message }}
    • Ah... Those days where I felt hatred and wished destruction for the

      whole world with my hands.

      I really feel angry in those circumstances but...

      it immediately passes away.

      Suddenly, I'm happy, laughing, and cheerful again. Energetic even.

      The human psyche is pretty wierd, huh?
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  • Profile picture of the author James12C
    It's your life.

    Frustrated beginner? Check out my FREE 4-part, 6 bonus LIST BUILDING COURSE

    Follow me on Twitter AND my Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author blackcat123
    No, Never. According to my beliefs that I got from my religion, I always believe that it is pretty hard to get a life and no matter what happens I should disappoint about it. I am always trying to see the half of the glass of water that is fulled. Believe everything happens for the best and for some reason. then you will never get dissatisfied with yourself. Then it is easy to live

    Yet To Come....

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  • Profile picture of the author clickwise
    Are you married?
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  • Profile picture of the author DrGUID
    My life has had a lot of dark periods. Things have been bleak at times. Health problems, unemployment, loneliness, other sucky things - I've experienced them all. But the funny thing is when I have eventually emerged from the other side things have been so much more incredible than I have ever dreamed of, it's amazing.

    Love passive income? Make money on hubpages. Make money from ClickBank. Preserve your new wealth by investing in gold.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1705447].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dubhdara
      Some great thoughts and videos in this thread. Truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
      Are you a freelance writer? Fed up with being paid a few dollars for an article? Then it's time to click the link. You will *not* be disappointed!
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  • Profile picture of the author markbyrne
    I was inspired, as no doubt many Warriors were after reading this thread... Where did the OP go?
    Want a stable business in the craft niche? Get started with our MYLAR stencils! UK seller, and made in the UK!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1712037].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author f4ll3rs
    Oooo yes... I hate my life once in a while.. But then I just think about all the things I still want to achieve and I don't hate my life anymore. Instead, I feel blessed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mattaym
    Dude, no matter how bad life is, it can get worse.

    The bright side: it can also get better. How much better? That's for you to decide!

    When I was growing up I had bad haircuts, was only fed ramen noodles, so i was skinny but fat still, had horrible gaping acne, had abusive parents physically and mentally, and barely passed my classes. I also had to deal with severe social anxiety, which after tons of work I finally got over!

    Now, I'm a recovering kleptomaniac(AKA THIEF), have to deal with court, fines, possible jail, and jobs doing background checks. I also owe over 7k, have no phone, and the love of my life is many hours away and I can't even call her or see her.

    I work literally all day, and study as much as possible. In what time I have, I do I.M. and play a bit of instruments for fun.

    No matter how bad it is, it can get better. Believe. Try. Give yourself a chance!

    Figure out why your life sucks, then figure out how to fix it... Keep us updated. I want to hear that you're doing better soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    I hate my life, because I hate what I do. I hate what I do, because I constantly struggle to do the right thing. Why can't I do the right thing?

    I've got no idea, just excuses.
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    • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
      Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

      I hate my life, because I hate what I do. I hate what I do, because I constantly struggle to do the right thing. Why can't I do the right thing?

      I've got no idea, just excuses.
      Making excuses is always easier than finding answers. ALWAYS.

      As for why you make excuses, I think you'd be better off talking to a trusted friend or competent professional (or both) to figure this one out, as there's really only so far a public forum will take you.

      In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Action. That is what I need. Talking is just another excuse, another reason to put off things, another reason to make even more excuses about something.

        I'm a chatty kathy, "Me likey to talky", but talking only goes so far.
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        • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
          Unless you've recently experienced a traumatic event, whatever's bothering you now isn't going to be simply attributed to external circumstances.

          Life doesn't automatically get better when you get richer, thinner, a new boyfriend, whatever. When you overcome challenges, there will be new ones ahead. The difference is your emotional health, or your ability to handle these challenges.

          Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

          Action. That is what I need. Talking is just another excuse, another reason to put off things, another reason to make even more excuses about something.

          I'm a chatty kathy, "Me likey to talky", but talking only goes so far.
          It doesn't matter what you say. I care about what you DO.

          When I stopped wasting time talking about my big plans, I actually started taking steps towards my goals rather than impressing others only with profound conversation. So far, it's working out.

          Make a plan of action and stick to it. It's easier said than done, but it will be worth it.

          In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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      • Profile picture of the author oggobis
        What you see is what you are.

        I can see Emily can help you, and so other warriors. Care, hope, invaluable experiences and insights is flooding here. So stop whining!

        I hate you either if keep you being like that, even if you had good looking. Don't you have any gratitude? :rolleyes:
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    • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
      Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

      I hate my life, because I hate what I do. I hate what I do, because I constantly struggle to do the right thing. Why can't I do the right thing?

      I've got no idea, just excuses.
      you have the power to change things...only you..no one else...

      I've been down before, but I don't spend too much time wallowing in crap...because you know what? Life is too friggin' short.

      I'm posting this video to give you a little perspective and then after watching this video, ask yourself, "is my life really so bad"? Warning: disturbing images!

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  • Profile picture of the author maximus242
    There is no right thing. Right and wrong, are mental concepts. The universe does not know right or wrong, everything simply is. Whatever meaning you attach to things is your own.

    You cannot do the right thing because you think everything you do is the wrong thing. That is all.

    xResponsive Advertising Agency | Direct Marketing | Online Advertising | Create Breakthrough Campaigns for Your Business http://xresponsive.com

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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    I am broken. I broke myself. Can I have a replacement please? Or maybe some duct tape...

    For my mouth?

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    • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
      Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

      I am broken. I broke myself. Can I have a replacement please? Or maybe some duct tape...

      For my mouth?

      Nope. You have to find your own duct tape. Just like everything else in life.

      In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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  • Profile picture of the author Bret Ferguson
    Try changing your profile name: acrasial means: ill tempered or ill mannered. (which you already know I'm sure) Then change "black hole" from your profile.

    My guess is 6 months from now you'll be in the same spot you are now......unless you change your stinking thinking. You can't control everything that happens in life and when that happens it's your choice of what you do. Some people overcome "crap" in life and some people dwell on it, have a pitty party and never get out of it.

    You probably get good advice but never follow it. I know, I have a daughter that sounds just like you. She's good for a day or two then it's back into bad choices which some people would call bad luck.

    So either embrace the black hole (which you have been & look where it's gotten you) or do something about it. Only you can.

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  • Profile picture of the author HighLayer
    As people suggested, get out there and find a meaning to your life.
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  • Profile picture of the author khtm
    Sorry to hear that

    I actually haven't had those moments since I was a teenager and living at home. Once I became an adult and could make all my decisions by myself I've only ever had an awesome time.

    Hope you're feeling better now

    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?
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  • Profile picture of the author SP11
    Hi there

    I understand where you're coming from as i used to feel the same alot of the time. Then I read a book by Susan Jeffers called "End the struggle and dance with life" subtitled "How to build Yourself up when the world gets you down"

    It is a great book - in fact it turned my life around by changing the way I was thinking. My actual life didn't change much to start with but my way of looking at it did and it took time but now I'm in the happiest place in my life that I've ever been and still working to improve things for my family and me.

    You can get it quite cheap from amazon - it's much better than feel the fear and do it anyway. It is very uplifting. Maybe you could try reading that one!

    Hope whatever you do that you're feeling a lot better soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author veeronica
    Im sorry about how sad your feeling, but I guess everyone feels that way at some point in time.I guess the key to conquering this is to force your way out of feeling like this, surround yourself by ppl that you love, do things that you enjoy and make you feel happy, maybe even do something for someone else whose in need that will always gives u a sense of satisfaction. Have control over your mind and your feelings dont let them have control you.
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  • Profile picture of the author cherylyeo
    A woman staggered out of the ICU with the help of her husband. She held tightly the last letter written by her son saying " Mommy, don't feel sad, I will wait for you till the day we meet in Heaven..." This is a true incident, do you think he hated his life? NO. He has learned to focus on what he can do while he can still breath. Try to focus on others rather than yourself. Change the things that you can change and accept the things that you can"t change. Try to put that in your prayer and see youself a happier person. Cheers
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  • Profile picture of the author stevefall
    Not good to have moments like that... You should think about changing something. Maybe a drastic change would help or maybe a minor change. Either way you should never feel like you hate your life.

    Be positive! Power of The P!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author mrmoonlight
    I find a sack of jellybeans and Diet Coke to be a good remedy for the blues. That or any movie with Jimmy Stewart.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mnair
    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?
    Yep I do... and I understand where you are coming from.

    Thanks for the post.


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    • Profile picture of the author Isaachun
      I don't have a life changing advice to offer except to say that I understand that life can be a bitch sometimes.

      Posting this thread may probably be one of the best thing you did for your mood. You'll see so many people who don't know you personally, half across the globe (I'm from Malaysia!) who cares, trying to offer advice and help. People do care and are willing to help.


      FREE new E-book: Ewen Chia's formula to making 3 figures a day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edk
    OK. Are you able to do this? Help somebody in however minor a way. And can you kindly come back and say, how it went? Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author DamianK
    I was always depressed and bothered my entire life stemming from quite the intense childhood. At a certain point I literally lost all will to live but realized I had no choice but to live. So my only choice was to keep living the way I was or change.
    I won't go into all the detail about myself but the change started really taking hold when I truly saw I was the one holding onto the past and projecting it into my present. I saw how it took me from my true heart and forced me into my mind where all the pain and torment was kept and thus it transformed me into a product of environment rather than a person. I lost who I was.
    What really put my changing into motion was an ignorant belief that ONE day, whenever it was going to be, everything would be ok. I use the term ignorant belief because I chose to believe it no matter what might happen to me or what my negative thoughts would say. Now that depressive beast is laid to rest, has been for a number of years even though my diagnosed depression was "uncurable", and all sparked from the little belief that one day I'll be ok. Now my eyes are wide open and everything looks so much different.
    You, the world, life, everything is only what you believe it to be.

    And a nice spread of sushi with a good movie always helps too.
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  • Profile picture of the author DigiCypher
    Listen to Dropkick Murphys - "Sunshine Highway"

    It's like Celtic Punk, but kinda upbeat. Idk, it's a good song for me when I'm a bit down. Otherwise, I'd say find some good music you enjoy that reminds you of good times and turn up the volume!
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  • Profile picture of the author James12C
    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.
    Er, didn't you get lots of support and god advice the last time you posted this thread??? :confused:

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  • Profile picture of the author Luxuria
    Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle drugs.

    Oh and..

    If you are going through Hell, keep going!
    --Winston Churchhill
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  • Profile picture of the author craigbrown
    I found something which helped gradually to allow me to pull myself out of the mire. Whether it is the placebo effect or if it's real, I don't know, but either way you're gonna feel stupid doing it. It's working for me so maybe other folks will get something out of it -

    Peace out.
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  • Profile picture of the author andr3w84
    Hi Acrasial, hope you are feeling better now. I reckon all of us have very negative (hatred, anger) feelings once in a while; as you may have seen in your thread, many people answered saying "yeah I've been there before", "I used to as well", etc. Me too and I would dare to say everyone else around. The key thing here is getting better and better acquainted with your attitude towards life. Attitude is crucial. Attitude can really make or break a life. The moment a person recognises that making her attitude more and more positive and self-accepting towards herself and others, actually improves the quality of what she does and ultimately her overall life experience, she will start leaving those disturbing thoughts/feelings for good.

    There's a caveat here: if the origin of this state of mind is clinic depression, the best thing to do is see a specialist.

    There's a post in another thread by a fellow warrior, Kneb Knebaih, that I found quite informative. This is the thread; his post is near the bottom of the first page:


    Hope this is useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author forumer147
    Before I hate my life because I feel not productive and useless but I am now a change person coz I am slowly gaining back my confidence again and my trust to myself
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  • Profile picture of the author isaiahz
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by isaiahz View Post

      You control everything around you....decisions determine your destiny...

      Apparently my decisions DESTROY my "destiny".
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      • Profile picture of the author Luxuria
        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        Apparently my decisions DESTROY my "destiny".
        Apparently that is merely your mindset at this moment in time.

        What are you trying to achieve with this cry for help (or attention?) without elaborating what EXACTLY you appear to be struggling with anways? I call it remarkable that so many people have expressed their empathy towards you without having the slightest idea on what you're moaning about. Pardon my french.

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      • Profile picture of the author Lady_T
        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        Apparently my decisions DESTROY my "destiny".
        Hi Acrasial

        Coming across your thread, it looks as though you
        have been feeling pretty rotten for a few months

        Negative thoughts seem to be swallowing you whole.

        But, if you are ready, you can take back control of
        your life.

        Easier said than done...I know. I've been there.

        But, If you are willing to try something different,
        I suggest downloading the FREE meditation from
        Roy Masters called "Be Still And Know."

        It will help you to snap out of what you are feeling.

        Thoughts create emotions and emotions determine
        the way we act. So when you gain control of what
        you think, your life will turn around.

        Here's a link to download it for free - it's a podcast
        that you can listen to using iTunes.

        Roy Masters and FHU Podcasts

        I personally do this meditation 3 times a day. It's
        about 27 minutes long and it will really open your
        eyes to what's causing your problems and bring
        about a powerful transformation in your life.

        I learned about it, because here in NC, it was
        given to soldiers who have come back from
        the Iraqi War.

        I thought, if it could help them with post-traumatic
        syndrome, it could certainly help me.

        It's a simple tool to help...try it out and see if it
        helps you.
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  • Profile picture of the author leri
    acrasial, believe in yourself.

    The wise man said just walk this way
    To the dawn of the light
    The wind will blow into your face
    As the years pass you by
    Hear this voice from deep inside
    It's the call of your heart
    Close your eyes and your will find
    The passage out of the dark

    Here I am
    Will you send me an angel
    Here I am
    In the land of the morning star

    The wise man said just find your place
    In the eye of the storm
    Seek the roses along the way
    Just beware of the thorns

    Here I am
    Will you send me an angel
    Here I am
    In the land of the morning star

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  • Profile picture of the author Edk
    Find ONE small thing you can change for the better. Start by doing that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicholas Kemp
    Is this a call for help?

    I guess you have your reasons for hating life. Without a doubt, there is plenty of suffering in the world.

    Maybe, you could tell us a little bit more about what is going on or not going on

    Hanging with Buddha has taught me that most people are unhappy because they are deluded and a slave to their desires.

    Make a Grey sky Blue!
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    I used to hate my life. I literally hated everything about it except for my wife. So I started a multi-year process to change all the things that I hated, and I am 90% there.

    The wife is even happier with the new me and the new life than she was before.
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  • Profile picture of the author nichelove
    Think of 3 things in your life you are most grateful for, big or small.
    Do this every day for a month and you'll notice you don't hate your life so much anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author samuraiwriting
    If you hate what you do because you can't make the right choices, then ask yourself what you want your outcome to be. What do those choices lead you to? What do you want to do? Use your own thoughts and decide upon how you think you should lead your life. Incorporate what you know you need to be like in business and personally and live by your own rules. Who says what you are doing isn't right? You or them? Who are they? Why do you go by what they say?

    Practice your virtues daily and work at them until you integrate them with your daily actions. Hope that helps. You can read more about this by reading the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin online at Project Gutemburg. Good luck!

    Discover tips on getting started in creative writing and how you can work from home with creative writing jobs and writers markets.

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  • Profile picture of the author SEOExpert104
    NO you should not hate it, bcs u will fail even more.
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  • Profile picture of the author lduan2009
    Love your life first, and the life will love you back!
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  • Profile picture of the author craigbrown

    Notice how just about every post in this thread is trying to help you by offering solutions? That's not what you need is it? You need folks to listen to you talking about what's happening in your life and you need someone to understand how you are feeling and why. Empathy before solution.

    Judging from the responses you've had on this thread and others, I'm sure most of us would love to sit down with you over a cup of coffee or a hot chocolate and just listen to what's going on. But, most of us can't.

    Back to the solutions lol - Do you have anyone you can talk to about this problem? A friend, family member who will REALLY listen and not judge you or any past choices you may have made? If not, I'd suggest you write it all down - everything. The act of writing it down can help distance yourself from the feelings associated with the problem. As you read what you have written you can start to see it through the eyes of an understanding third party and get an external perspective on just what is holding you back.

    Once you've identified the core of the issue, then you can start looking at solutions.

    Good luck acrasial, I hope you don't let this problem define your personality. That would be a shame.


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    • Profile picture of the author luckystepho
      Acrasial, I get the impression you are maybe having some negative influences in your life? Are people judging you and telling you you are destroying your destiny etc?

      If so, that's a real shame and you maybe need to work on ending your association with this people or at least reducing your contact with them. You are not destroying your destiny as our although our actions do create destiny we can choose to consciously change these actions at any point.

      You are not broken either- there are just things in your life that need fixing but nothing is beyond repair. Hope you are feeling better soon xx
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Baker
    Hate is such a powerful, destroying word. I cringe when I see or hear it.

    I don't know your story, so I can't comment directly on it, however I do know that we all have a choice.

    My choice, if I were in your situation (and have been), would have been to post something like this:

    "Hi everyone, I really would appreciate your help and guidance as my mind is not in a good place. I am not enjoying where I work which is impacting my internet business, my personal life and I suppose my health". (You could have filled in some more details there).

    "I know there is light out there, can you please help me to find it."

    Just by writing something like this, you are acknowledging the root causes of your "hate".

    Personally, I have found just writing out these things help pick me up.

    In my world, everything I get from life is a result of choice - my choice!
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    • Profile picture of the author craigbrown
      Originally Posted by Steve Baker View Post

      In my world, everything I get from life is a result of choice - my choice!
      Amen to that Steve.
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  • Profile picture of the author iveans
    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?

    Yeah hey you are in the first step of victory believe that one fine morning you will become what u think u.
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  • Profile picture of the author kin_lau
    Hi Acrasial

    Life is fair to everyone, everyone will have some moments that make us hate our life. It is just a matter of timing. I believe you have perfect moments that you absolute love your life too. There are so many wrong things, but so as right. It's about what you focus on and how you interpret the situation.

    Hope you'll get out of this painful status.

    Kin Lau
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  • Profile picture of the author minitg
    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?
    Hi Acrasial, I can imagine how you feel, although I do not know how exactly you feel and why. However, keep your chin up and look at things more positively.

    Why do you hate your life?

    Could it be that you do not like what it is and would like it to be better?

    If so, then ask, why do you want it to be better?

    Maybe, so that you can feel good about yourself and be able to have what you want?

    Why do you have to feel good about yourself and have what you want?

    Probably, be happy and be able to be self sufficient and independent?

    Why is it important to be self sufficient and independent?

    Could it be To make your parents/children/significant other/community be proud of you?

    Why, why why ...................... Keep going till you get to the core reason why it is important to not to hate your life.

    You probably don't hate your life anymore and I hope that is the case and if not, focus on changing that, because life is good and it is what you make it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gail Grannum
    You have received great responses from people who have all weathered ups and downs. This is a quote that I respect because it is all about staying in the game.

    "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or whether the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at best, knows in the end the triumph of great achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt

    I hope this can help you.

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  • Profile picture of the author Stevie9
    I know exactly how you feel, I been there so many times and had so many people tell me it will pass, but that is absolute rubbish, I mean it may pass temporarily but until you determine exactly what is you want, and then find the exact process to go through to get the results you want from life, from business then you will stay in that same stupid cycle, get out of the cycle once and for all, take action.
    'Money in Misery' is my new product designed for people such as yourself, designed specifically to break the cycle of misery with the practical process to do so.
    Look out for it over the next couple of weeks.
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  • Profile picture of the author silverwaterfall
    I hope your situation has been getting better.
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  • Profile picture of the author lapoche
    im having one of those moments right now!
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  • Profile picture of the author alexbbbh
    Quite the long thread. It says some things about human nature, doesn't it?
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  • Profile picture of the author darthdeus
    Not anymore, after studying psychology of inner game, I killed depressions and whiney thinking and replaced them with positive attitude.
    Visit our website - Internet Marketing Tools on Darthopia

    And join the newsletter to get the Affiliate Sins Report with MRR!
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  • Profile picture of the author Robertuk
    Strong powerful words. you probably don't realise this but you have just described youself on 3 levels.

    Hate: A real dislike... You can change what you dislike, you just need to be shown how.

    My: belonging to, associated with... What you have no one can take away or add to. Only you and you alone can Imrove, self build, self inspire and create. It's a skill and you just need to be shown how.

    Life: Thats self explanatory... The hardest thing any human being will come across, is to create a suitable comfortable so called life or lifestyle. So much of what we want and achieve in life is purely dependant on our mind-set.

    This kind of skill set should be taught in schools. Allowing everyone to have a positive start in life.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tatiana Aleshina
    Hang in there, and take slow and steady steps out. I'm sure you've got lots of people on this forum feeling for you, many people have had some pretty bad stuff to get through; we do understand.

    Have a look at this site EFTUniverse.com. EFT (emotional freedom technique) is the best ''self help'' thing I've come across that actually works. It's completely free (they are a non-profit organisation).
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  • Profile picture of the author fletch32
    Hey, please don't beat yourself up. these days pass on believe me I think we all have days like what your having now. I personally find that exercise really helps me out when I'm a little down beat, I like to go for a run (okay maybe a jog) and when I get back and have a shower I feel ten times better than I did before.

    It does work believe me, so go get your runners on and have a run round your local park or even round the block and you'll feel like a new person.

    “Discover how you can overcome the Number one reason why most internet newcomers fail to make it on-line” http://www.mindsetforsuccess.co.uk

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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Shelton
    It did me good to read this thread - thanks to all of you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Dolan
    Anyone who is not cold at some time gets a moment like that - but hopefully we left it behind along time ago.

    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.

    Ever have those moments...all the time?
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    • Profile picture of the author yasosiska
      the advices above were really helpful
      anyway, first of all, u should find someone who loves you and he/she brings you to life!
      its very important to know that you are not the one, and you mean everything for someone.. it will give you strength to go further!
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  • Profile picture of the author chini
    Sedona method is a great course, i highly recommend it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Victoria Kelley
    "Hate" I took that word out of my vocabulary quite some time ago. "What you love will grow in your life, but what you hate will also." Each day is a new day to be enjoyed and fulfilled with life. We have too much "hate" in our world now and it has shown us the product of our own thoughts. Smile more because I believe you have a beautiful smile


    Do you need a beautiful cover made for your kindle book? I also know how to format and edit your kindle Manuscript. I am a children's book author and kindle publisher. Ask me...

    Special offer for Warriors here...

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  • Profile picture of the author hendricius
    Well, Everbody has problems

    It should take a lot for you to say you hate your life.

    Are you homeless, digging in the dumpsters to eat, No water to shower, No electric.

    There are so many people in this world that would love to have the life you have.

    Your life might not be perfect, but lets be honest whose is.

    All ways remember there is some one worse off then you.

    Life is special and you should never say you hate it, those words may come back and haunt you one day.

    If you hate your life so much then change it. You are the only one in control of your life.
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  • Profile picture of the author goodmast3r
    There are certainly other people who feel worst than you. So you should be grateful
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  • Profile picture of the author ellewong
    Happiness is a Choice
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  • Profile picture of the author nepeterson
    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.
    As my father would say to me, "What can you learn from this?"

    There is always a lesson to be learned, and ALWAYS something to be grateful for; no matter how bad a situation seems to be.
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  • Profile picture of the author stephan231
    not you only but everyone gets those moments some times... but what is different between loser and successful is the one who can overcome it !
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  • Profile picture of the author sarabill2141
    don't be retarded, just think of what things made you get that feeling and start fixing!
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  • Profile picture of the author mcampbell075
    Yeah I've felt this feelings for so many times. And that's when I encounter big problems in my life. As I remember, there is a moment when I'm handling my fathers gun and wants to pull the trigger in my head. But thankfully, I didn't do it. And now I can say I'm a strong person and whatever problems will come to my life I know I can surpass it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vogin
    Just watch Mr.Bean or something like that and you'll be fine.

    ppcsluzby.cz/en - PPC agency

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  • Profile picture of the author relyonhim7
    May I ask why do you feel this way.. The LORD is waiting to here from you..
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  • Profile picture of the author Shawn Francis
    I believe life is a movie and you are the main character, writer, director, and editor. You and only you control the outcome of your future. The past will never change and emotions will always be part of your life. Courage, faith and determination is the key for living.
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelF
    If you are truly feeling that way, then this is a pivotal moment in your life. A rare opportunity. It is when you are at rock bottom emotionally that many people have become so sick of the way things are, that they have found the motivation to change their lives.

    No other person, no book, nothing outside of yourself can change you. You have the power to change yourself. Use the anger, hatred, boredom, loathing, or whatever to motivate yourself toward where you want to go, instead of ruminating and navel gazing your life away.

    If many others can do it, then you can to. Believe in yourself and take action.
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  • Profile picture of the author PeterDunin
    Life is what you make,hope things get better soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author co-creator
    Figure out what you really hate about your life and take massive action to fix it.

    That's just my 2 cents...

    hope this helps!

    It's completely normal to hate your life... but all the time? really? Fix it! You can do it buddy!
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  • PMA= Positive Mental Attitude is needed to go trough tuff times gl
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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    Think of the happy moments in your life, that should inspire you to get going.
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  • Profile picture of the author Newview
    Truly, I do hope you are feeling better. The outpouring of support and empathy on this forum is outstanding with so many exceptional points of view and words of encouragement. Depression is a serious condition. If you are still feeling this way, you may be suffering from an inbalance of levels, and perhaps a supplement may be in order. Vitamin B is good to help with your mental well being, but it may not be enough. Being out in the sun is very important, and it can help if your levels are off. Reaching out for help is a positive step, but it is truly up to you as to what your next move is going to be on your road to feeling better. Counseling, vitamins, nutrition, making a positive change in your life? One thing is for certain, you do need to make some changes in your life to improve your outcome. Life is a gift. Hope you feel better soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sam Rob
    A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.
    -Charles Darwin

    Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.
    -Anton Chekhov
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  • Profile picture of the author Sam Rob
    A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.
    -Charles Darwin

    Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.
    -Anton Chekhov

    Hope It Helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author StrongCode
    Chill out and get a drink
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  • Profile picture of the author markrob008
    You are not the owner of your life. How can you hate it?! Surrender your life to Jesus and you will have a happy life.
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  • Profile picture of the author Saito
    I've been horribly depressed at times and just saying "Look how bad others have it...doesn't that make YOU feel better?" does NOT help.

    It should work in theory, but it doesn't work in practice. Do not negate the suffering this girl is going through. It implies that she has no reason to complain about anything. Even the world's richest man has pain and suffering.

    Your success is your success. Your pain is your pain. The fact that others are suffering worse doesn't make you suffer less. Frankly, thinking about that is more depressing, as is beating yourself up thinking about how you have no right to complain. Maybe you do, maybe you don't--who cares about what you "should" be thinking or feeling? You feel like you feel. It is what it is.
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    • Profile picture of the author janet444
      Originally Posted by Saito View Post

      I've been horribly depressed at times and just saying "Look how bad others have it...doesn't that make YOU feel better?" does NOT help.

      It should work in theory, but it doesn't work in practice. Do not negate the suffering this girl is going through. It implies that she has no reason to complain about anything. Even the world's richest man has pain and suffering.

      Your success is your success. Your pain is your pain. The fact that others are suffering worse doesn't make you suffer less. Frankly, thinking about that is more depressing, as is beating yourself up thinking about how you have no right to complain. Maybe you do, maybe you don't--who cares about what you "should" be thinking or feeling? You feel like you feel. It is what it is.
      Saito said what I was thinking when I saw this thread yesterday, but didn't know how to express. Thank you, Saito!

      Also - this thread is over a year old. I don't even know if Acrasial is still here. Hopefully, by now she is feeling better. But if you are here, Acrasial, do let us know!

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  • Profile picture of the author Aubrey Chen
    Hello acrasial,

    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

    I completely hate my life.
    Ever have those moments...?
    When I find something I do not like, or "hate", in my life, I tend to focus on what I like or how I would like it to be instead. It helps me shift my emotional focus.


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  • Profile picture of the author PatMil
    Life goes in cycles. Just live or, if it's so bad, die with them. Your thoughts and responses are a choice ... yours.

    And consider - the worse the low maybe the better the high?
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  • Profile picture of the author mark healy
    somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue, dont give up hang in there and you will be fine

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  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    Find yourself a hobby. Something that will give you purpose in life. It doesn't have to be Internet Marketing. It could be anything that you would love to do, probably did at one point and then drifted away from your passion...

    You have something special that no other has here or in the world...


    Yes, you have You You are Genuine and Unique, and nobody can take that away from You...Only You can decide to be happy. Perhaps you are expecting too much out of life...

    Choose the Happy Path...

    You deserve it! Life is beautiful and so are You...

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    • Profile picture of the author highrider21
      I hate my life too. I've hated my life for about the last 5 or 6 years. I have dysthymia which is a form of depression. I occasionally will think about committing suicide and think about how I would do it. I'm actually surprised that I haven't committed suicide yet because I am just so miserable all the time. I have no clue how to get out of this depression. I have tried seeing three different therapists/psychologists, I saw a psychiatrist and tried medication, and I have read several books on depression.

      People say to "think positive" or to think about people who have less. Every time I try to think positive or have a positive attitude it just feels forced and I can never maintain it. And when I think about people who have less or are in worse situations, I feel sorry for them and am glad I'm not in their position but it doesn't make my position any better or make me feel much better about my position.

      The only things that seem to really help me are meditating, exercising, and writing in a journal. When I feel really bad I write down in my journal about how miserable I am and why I hate my life so much. But I still haven't figured out how to really make any significant changes in my life.

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  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    Find yourself a hobby. Something that will give you purpose in life. It doesn't have to be Internet Marketing. It could be anything that you would love to do, probably did at one point and then drifted away from your passion...

    You have something special that no other has here or in the world...


    Yes, you have You You are Genuine and Unique, and nobody can take that away from You...Only You can decide to be happy. Perhaps you are expecting too much out of life...

    Choose the Happy Path...

    You deserve it! Life is beautiful and so are You...

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  • Profile picture of the author Damien Roche
    Second what someone said above - Tony Robbins. His attitude is infectious!

    You really wanna pull your head out of your ass? Listen to Tony Robbins every single day of your life. Listen to what it takes to overcome overbearing odds, what it takes to really *really* be successful...

    and hey, if you're not up for that or you don't believe in yourself enough to do that, then go get a JOB and join the Rat Race like the rest of 'em.
    >> Seasoned Web Developer (CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby) <<
    Available for Fixed Fee Projects and Hourly ($40/hr)
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  • Profile picture of the author pengpengy
    Life is good, if you have an ordinary mind .
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  • Profile picture of the author carlpicot
    I guess we all go through these times. Theres how you want things to be and how things are, or have been, and the gap between them is your depression. I've always pulled my self out of it by accepting the present circumstances and then using meditation and visualisation to draw the situation I want to me. Just look at John Assaraf's stuff or Wayne Dyer's book 'Getting in the Gap'.

    I've pulled myself from the verge of bankruptcy to creating my first info product which will be released as a WSO is a couple of weeks, and attracted a brilliant coach, using these techniques.

    Just hope that this inspires you a little.

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  • Profile picture of the author Wilding
    I have definitely been in that place many times in my life. The only thing that ever got me out? It wasn't taking other people's advice. It wasn't reading books on the topic. It wasn't positive thinking. It was trying ALL of the above and testing them out for myself to see what works for ME. Radical self-experimentation. It's actually fun and I recommend you try it out for yourself too. I wish you the best.

    PS: What worked for me was Sedona Method and EFT (tapping).
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  • Profile picture of the author medallion
    I assure you that if you decide to make things better, they will get better. You need to think about what you want, not what you have. This will certainly bring about your desires. It has for me, and countless others. By being absolutely determined, things will come to you. I guarantee it. Good or bad. Think about,t and desire the good!
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    • Profile picture of the author 123cmaria
      At this moment of my life I absolutely understand what you're saying. I'm from Portugal and I don't know if you heard but there is a recession going on and everybody in this country is down... Actually it seems the all world is in recession.

      I've been feeling pretty down since January but then last month I decided this had to stop and I stop seeng so many Tv news and decided to get the best out of every occasion and it has sure helped.

      However I know that many people tried to tell me this sooner but I didn't listen to them. I think this decision has to come from us and not from the others. What sure helped me was to read a book called Jose Silva Method.

      I hope you find your path of joy pretty soon and as someone once told me: you only have one life live it well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Susovan
    life is how you look at it. Adversities can be turned in to opportunities. All time tested great men had to go through struggles and tough times. But negation is not the solution. Be positive, see they are so many things waiting for you....open the door and warmly welcome them to embrace you.......
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  • Profile picture of the author Taruru
    like 'shaggy' said, ...remember that someone has it worse than you...you just need a glimpse at what is happening at the horn of Africa, and you'll probably love your life very much...
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    • Profile picture of the author luckystepho
      I can echo what was said about Tony Robbins... I was fortunate enough to see him speak at an event recently. He was supposed to be speaking for 3 1/2 hours but he was on stage for 5 hours- without a break! He is such a charismatic individual and has so much energy it's incredible!

      I would urge anyone who's depressed to go to YouTube and search for Tony Robbins, or better still go and see him live!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mundus
    Life is what you make it, you decide how you should feel
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  • Profile picture of the author Mundus
    I mean you make the choice, not to let anything dictate the state of your happiness. So just make yourself happy anyway. Feelings are so overrated.
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