Is there truth to LOA?

32 replies
Anyone here use LOA to accumulate wealth and riches??

I am a big fan of LOA. Although some people view it as a "fad" - I think whatever makes you feel better, then all the better!!
#loa #truth
  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    I have not made up my mind about it really yet.

    But I totally agree that whatever makes you *feel* better can only be a good thing. Because a positive mindset means that you end up enjoying what you have a lot more, whether it ends up working to bring you more success or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Bainbridge
    I believe in some aspects of the LoA for sure, but I sway onto the "practical" side rather than the spiritual. I beleive in making a plan, setting a step by step path to where I want to go, creating a burning desire to achieve my goal, and really burning my bridges - giving myself nowhere else to go but up

    I believe in hypnosis and mind training too, but this is as far as it goes for me.. cosmic ordering, announcing my desires to the universe, or talking with imaginary successful figures from the past (ala Think and Grow Rich) are a bit too much for me personally - but each to their own, and I think if you think like this and this is how you see the world then this could work for you too.

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    • Profile picture of the author David Merriman
      Originally Posted by submp3s View Post

      I believe in some aspects of the LoA for sure, but I sway onto the "practical" side rather than the spiritual. I beleive in making a plan, setting a step by step path to where I want to go, creating a burning desire to achieve my goal, and really burning my bridges - giving myself nowhere else to go but up

      I believe in hypnosis and mind training too, but this is as far as it goes for me.. cosmic ordering, announcing my desires to the universe, or talking with imaginary successful figures from the past (ala Think and Grow Rich) are a bit too much for me personally - but each to their own, and I think if you think like this and this is how you see the world then this could work for you too.
      I am in full agreement with you.

      Let's have a beer sometime!

      Be unique.

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    The LOA is the ultimate 'law' of all creation. And it's a simple law. Essentially, it's the law of cause and effect. Earl Nightingale, in his famous recording The Strangest Secret, points out that the law of attraction (though he doesn't refer to the principle he describes using that name) is the only thing that all races of people have agreed upon since the beginning of time.

    The LOA is the foundation for virtually every holy book ever written. To sum up Nightingale's recording as well as the LOA, the idea is that we become what we think about. Or we always manifest our dominant thoughts and actions.

    When you ask if anyone here uses the LOA to accumulate wealth and riches, the answer is, yes. Everyone uses it whether they believe in it or not. It's almost like asking if anyone here uses the law of gravity.

    I'm not being a wiseguy, I'm just trying to point out that we have no choice. Though people who understand the 'we become what we think about' principle and apply it to their life's desires use it efficiently.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bart Loos
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      The LOA is the ultimate 'law' of all creation. And it's a simple law. Essentially, it's the law of cause and effect. Earl Nightingale, in his famous recording The Strangest Secret, points out that the law of attraction (though he doesn't refer to the principle he describes using that name) is the only thing that all races of people have agreed upon since the beginning of time.

      The LOA is the foundation for virtually every holy book ever written. To sum up Nightingale's recording as well as the LOA, the idea is that we become what we think about. Or we always manifest our dominant thoughts and actions.

      When you ask if anyone here uses the LOA to accumulate wealth and riches, the answer is, yes. Everyone uses it whether they believe in it or not. It's almost like asking if anyone here uses the law of gravity.

      I'm not being a wiseguy, I'm just trying to point out that we have no choice. Though people who understand the 'we become what we think about' principle and apply it to their life's desires use it efficiently.

      well if the LOA works... where are the hundred of thousands or millions of new millionaires that showed up after imerging themselves in the secret?

      Maybe we should not sent money to Haiti, .. because everyone there has just called it upon themselves and attracted the buildings tumbling down on them .... it's time for them to be responsible for themselves ... right?

      how many here want to get rich.. fast...

      how many do?

      those who do.. get off their ass.. and get moving, the don't belief it's a red bike that is magically gonna show up in the morning.

      those who do, do NOT put responsibility in the "universe's hands"

      focus your mind on what you want and take action will get you way more then just believing in feel good movies and fairy tales

      Have fun

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      • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
        Originally Posted by Bart Loos View Post

        focus your mind on what you want and take action will get you way more then just believing in feel good movies and fairy tales
        The Law of Attraction is the former, not the latter. I would HOPE that taking action is a given.

        In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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        • Profile picture of the author Bart Loos
          Originally Posted by moneysoapbox View Post

          The Law of Attraction is the former, not the latter. I would HOPE that taking action is a given.
          well if you take a look around this list..., it is not for many that's why they love to believe in a magical thing "outside" of themselves to fix what they can't or don't will to do any sweating for.

          people want shortcuts..... they get addicted to the things that create possibility ... from a spot where they are safe and can dream about it.... but 95% won't take action... so they keep buying wso after wso that promises to make them 67000$ in 7 days...and get them to feel good for a moment, and yeah i can do that too... until that feeling wears off and they will have to buy a new thing to give them that good feeling again.

          That's why the Secret was a success.. it created possibility in peoples minds... but it didn't tell them some down to earth basic thinking to success....

          there are no new millionaires standing up magically...

          if you want to be you have to plan and

          get off your lazy ass

          have fun

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          • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
            Originally Posted by Bart Loos View Post

            well if you take a look around this list..., it is not for many that's why they love to believe in a magical thing "outside" of themselves to fix what they can't or don't will to do any sweating for.
            Of course. Believe me, I know exactly what you're talking about. I actually have a friend who takes this to an entirely new level. She would love nothing more than for some external force to just fix everything that goes on currently as well as erase the past FOR her.

            The magical bit is also a very literal sense as well. I don't want to get too deeply into the spiritual aspects of it, but as a spiritual person myself, I've tried to explain to her that the candles and incense are a LINK, not the actual force of power (break barriers from conscious mind to unconscious, so to speak). The mind is indeed a powerful thing - her ex's mental and spiritual stature is really strong, so he claims he doesn't need any "links" or "middlemen" - and THAT is what brings forth change, not the tools themselves.

            Me? My practice works because I make the mundane, physical motions as well. I pray for protection all the time as well, but I'm still going to look both ways before I cross the street.

            people want shortcuts..... they get addicted to the things that create possibility ... from a spot where they are safe and can dream about it.... but 95% won't take action... so they keep buying wso after wso that promises to make them 67000$ in 7 days...and get them to feel good for a moment, and yeah i can do that too... until that feeling wears off and they will have to buy a new thing to give them that good feeling again.
            Agreed. The WSOs are perfectly fine, people just don't do anything with them.

            That's why the Secret was a success.. it created possibility in peoples minds... but it didn't tell them some down to earth basic thinking to success....
            I never watched it, so I can't comment on it too much, but it wouldn't have made much of a difference to be honest with you. The Secret, or any other product for that matter, can break down basic thinking to success to the level of ABC blocks, but many people won't do anything because they have a problem within themselves, not with the product itself.

            there are no new millionaires standing up magically...

            if you want to be you have to plan and

            get off your lazy ass
            I'll drink to that.

            In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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      • Profile picture of the author jewin
        This is where The Secret gets it wrong. Read Maxwell Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics... Using the LOA isn't about wishing and asking for something (although this process can be beneficial). Using the LOA is about knowing what you want, believing you can have it, and training your subconscious mind to get it.

        Originally Posted by Bart Loos View Post

        ... because everyone there has just called it upon themselves and attracted the buildings tumbling down on them .... it's time for them to be responsible for themselves ... right?

        how many here want to get rich.. fast...

        how many do?

        those who do.. get off their ass.. and get moving, the don't belief it's a red bike that is magically gonna show up in the morning.

        those who do, do NOT put responsibility in the "universe's hands"

        focus your mind on what you want and take action will get you way more then just believing in feel good movies and fairy tales

        Have fun

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  • Profile picture of the author johnpetrov
    I would like to give my opinion on the Law of Attraction :
    I think that you will master the Law of Attraction as soon as you are in
    harmony with your goals, (as soon as you have erased your Limiting Beliefs
    connected to the goals.)

    The are a lot of methods(for example :visualization, eft,* etc) that will
    "boost" the speed of delivery, but without having dealt with the Limiting
    Beliefs nothing will happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Bainbridge
    What I don't like about the law of attraction is that it sells hope and the belief that you can just think about something and get it - if that was the case wouldn't all 16 year old boys have that supermodel girlfriend

    No but really, I think not thinking, but ACTION is what brings results.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mr. Subtle
    Originally Posted by Chelsea View Post

    I am a big fan of LOA. Although some people view it as a "fad" - I think whatever makes you feel better, then all the better!!
    One might conclude, Well so what? What harm is there in believing in things that are not literally true as long as the desired result is achieved? The harm is great, I think, and no one has given voice to these concerns better than W.K. Clifford in his essay The Ethics of Belief:

    The danger to society is not merely that it should believe wrong things, though that is great enough; but that it should become credulous, and lose the habit of testing things and inquiring into them, for then it must sink back into savagery... It may matter little to me, in my cloud-castle of sweet illusions and darling lies; but it matters much to Man that I have made my neighbors ready to deceive. The credulous man is father to the liar and the cheat.

    The Law of Attraction cannot admit doubt or skepticism. If one begins to doubt the power, or even to harbor negative thoughts in one's unconscious mind, one is assuredly on the road to ruin. The Law of Attraction requires uncritical acceptance of, and unwavering belief in, a doctrine that has been revealed by alleged authorities, which is interpreted literally, not metaphorically, and is at the extreme end of credulity. It is just another kind of magical thinking and, worse, another brand of fundamentalism.

    Skeptic eSkeptic Wednesday, March 7th, 2007


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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      I have read a lot on the law of attraction .. But i have taken very little action so it hasn't done me much good . The general popular view of it as a kind of lazy mans way to riches. Is huge stinking pile of Crap. Laying around visualizing what you want and doing nothing to get it . just does not work.

      That is only half the work. We where not meant to be brats with everything we want handed to us freely.

      The whole formula is to visualize what you want. Get excited about what you want. Write down goals and action steps to work tword . Then move in the direction of what you want.

      The responsibility angle of the law off attraction. Is not taking blame for what happens to you as some sort of punishment. It mean taking control of how you respond to everything that happens to you. (when Trump went 8 billion dollars in debt. Yes he figured out what he did wrong not to do it again. He also took actions to get out of the mess. He was also lucky in he sat next to the banker who was in the osition to destroy him. During some dinner he attended. )

      The mysteries of the law off attraction is that when you figure out what you want . funny stuff will happen as you move in that dirrection to bring you closer faster than you can plan.
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        I will put it in personal terms? I got laid off from my job a month ago. I have taken the last month to focus on what i want . visualize several things i can do . Dust of some of the stuff i learned. So far a positive response.

        AT this point i Know what i want to do for work. AS much as i believe in the law of attraction. My phone number isn't going to pop into anyone's head for them to call me. I have to take the action of calling around to figure out who has the work i want to do. I am just stuck in afraid state right now because it is work i have never done.

        It is the law off attr(ACTION) . What you put out you get back. The longer i put nothing out there the longer nothing will happen. IF i can get past the fear of failure . The doubt and the self sabotage. I can Pssibly succeed. But i have to do something.

        The law of attraction as it is advertized in the secret almost seem like a universal entitlement program.
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      • Profile picture of the author Dan Bainbridge
        Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

        The whole formula is to visualize what you want. Get excited about what you want. Write down goals and action steps to work tword . Then move in the direction of what you want.
        Solid advice, I think most people only do the first 2 points, and the sad thing is that most "LoA gurus" only really advise the first 2 points too

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    • Profile picture of the author Taking Care
      Originally Posted by Mr. Subtle View Post

      One might conclude, Well so what? What harm is there in believing in things that are not literally true as long as the desired result is achieved? The harm is great, I think, and no one has given voice to these concerns better than W.K. Clifford in his essay The Ethics of Belief:

      The danger to society is not merely that it should believe wrong things, though that is great enough; but that it should become credulous, and lose the habit of testing things and inquiring into them, for then it must sink back into savagery... It may matter little to me, in my cloud-castle of sweet illusions and darling lies; but it matters much to Man that I have made my neighbors ready to deceive. The credulous man is father to the liar and the cheat.

      The Law of Attraction cannot admit doubt or skepticism. If one begins to doubt the power, or even to harbor negative thoughts in one's unconscious mind, one is assuredly on the road to ruin. The Law of Attraction requires uncritical acceptance of, and unwavering belief in, a doctrine that has been revealed by alleged authorities, which is interpreted literally, not metaphorically, and is at the extreme end of credulity. It is just another kind of magical thinking and, worse, another brand of fundamentalism.


      I think people are misrepresenting the law of attraction. It is a scientific study and proof there of. In the same way that laws of the energy in electricity have been proven to exist, the laws pertaining to the energies of gravity have also been made evident. This is true for the law of energy in like energy attracts like energy. At least to my understanding, this is true.

      What we question is weather thoughts and feelings have the same energy law of effect. However when we consider that in the learning process, if a person doesn't belief they are teachable, they will have great difficulty learning. However if a person believes they are a fast learner, they will learn well. It is really a simple concept. The application is the difficulty, because we don't live in a perfect world and distraction and obstacles are plentiful. In addition the belief systems are deep in the subconscious mind and not always readily changeable.

      I think the mentioning of the law of attraction is to point out why positive thinking will work. When we take it seriously we empower ourselves to change for the better. Otherwise we leave our lives up to chance.
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      • Profile picture of the author Bart Loos
        Originally Posted by Taking Care View Post

        I think people are misrepresenting the law of attraction. It is a scientific study and proof there of. In the same way that laws of the energy in electricity have been proven to exist, the laws pertaining to the energies of gravity have also been made evident. This is true for the law of energy in like energy attracts like energy. At least to my understanding, this is true.
        can you show us any referrals - resources to that "scientific" study and proof?

        Originally Posted by Taking Care View Post

        What we question is weather thoughts and feelings have the same energy law of effect.

        However when we consider that in the learning process, if a person doesn't belief they are teachable, they will have great difficulty learning. However if a person believes they are a fast learner, they will learn well. It is really a simple concept.
        that's the big mistake people make.. because it's a simple concept..they think they can fit everything in it..

        leading to very sloppy thinking and fairy tail believing.

        if you want it to be scientific.. then proof us that the hundred of thousands hit by a tsunami or an earthquake or a technical fault in a Toyota car... have attracted their misfortune upon themselves...

        they surely all had an unconscious belief running that they where made for misfortune and had to be killed by disaster... right?

        Originally Posted by Taking Care View Post

        The application is the difficulty, because we don't live in a perfect world and distraction and obstacles are plentiful. In addition the belief systems are deep in the subconscious mind and not always readily changeable.
        This is one thing I agree with. But they can be if people learn to uncover their limiting beliefs and learn a method to change them

        Originally Posted by Taking Care View Post

        I think the mentioning of the law of attraction is to point out why positive thinking will work. When we take it seriously we empower ourselves to change for the better. Otherwise we leave our lives up to chance.
        if you won't like to leave your live up to chance.. take action.. don't wish

        have fun

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  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    I posted above that I thought it could only be a good thing even if it didn't work, but I can understand all your points and they have made me think.

    Because the truth is I don't expect things to happen without me taking action. But you're all right that some people will believe that can be the case, and who knows where they could end up.

    I do believe that being happy is a choice, and I do believe that being successful and making sure you achieve your aims is also a choice - but not an easy one. I guess that the LOA, in the wrong hands, could be pretty damaging. But as long as you believe that you still need to set things in motion by taking action, I think it can have great results.
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    • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
      Thanks for posting this to WF and thanks for everybody who's posted their opinions.

      I recently jumped on the "Laws of Attraction" train and I read, listen and practice it on a daily basis. I've always been into visualization, meditation and other things. This is definitely something that I strongly believe in, but have a constant habit of worrying about things.

      According to LOA, the people who wish to become a millionaire and haven't still have some sort of self doubt of having it happen. But if you remove that self doubt and truly know that it will happen, it will, even if you just sit on the couch and do nothing.

      Not sure if you can relate to this, but I have a group of friends that are constantly having things work out for them. They'll lose a job and have another one without looking too hard. They run low on cash and cash comes to them. They decide to go on vacation and leave for a month or a month in a half without getting fired from their jobs. What do my friends have in common? They never worry about things. EVER!

      Have you ever had a "slacker friend" that always had things fall into place for them without even trying? It use to drive me nuts, but like I said before, the one thing all of them had in common was they never worried about anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    I wrote an article for my newsletter on this topic just a couple months ago. It's a little longish, but maybe you'll like it...

    Manifestation Revelation

    We've all heard it before. I even say it myself -- we create our own reality. That idea is more popular than ever, and there is no shortage of new age "manifestation" experts that have stretched the concept every which way until all meaning has been lost in a heavy fog of new age feel good-ism.

    Hey, I'm all for feel good stuff, goodness knows I haven't been shy in writing my share of it. But when the gurus try to outdo each other in preachin' and teachin' manifestin' it gets confusin' to most of us.

    As far as I can tell, creating our own reality originally meant that we can make a heaven or hell of life just by our attitude, but now it seems to only mean we can have anything we want, and especially material things, for little or no effort on our part.

    This "manifest your desires" mania has been so heavily promoted in recent years that everyone should be living a life of easy abundance by now, but the state of the economy tells me that's not the case.

    I wanted to shed some light on this whole mani-mess-tation thing, but I may end up just adding to the confusion. That's a risk I'm willing to take, though!

    The gurus claim you can have anything you want if you just make your intentions clear to the universe and you believe j-u-s-t right. Some of these experts are better than others so they add in a few other rules, like gratitude and visualization. It shows they know more. It also provides more things that can go wrong when manifesting doesn't work for someone, which, of course, means they need to buy a different book about fixing all those manifestation problems!

    Look, I could tell the universe I want a big, bountiful garden filled with squash, corn, tomatoes, peppers, and all kinds of scrumptious crops, and I could believe deeply that it will manifest, and visualize a beautiful garden every day, and I could even imagine the taste of each delicious crop and could be grateful for it all until the cows come home, but...

    ...if I don't get off my backside and go plant that garden it's not likely to magically appear in my backyard. I'm not saying it couldn't, just that it's not likely.

    Of course, in that case the gurus would tell me something like, my conscious intention wasn't my real intention, or that I didn't really believe in the garden, or perhaps I wasn't grateful enough. Whatever the reason, it would always come down to somehow I was doing something wrong that was sabotaging my ability to manifest my desires. But if I buy their other book...

    Well, I have to admit they could be right because I can't prove they are wrong, and perhaps that's the key to their success. No one can prove what they say isn't true because it deals with the abstract.

    I don't see too many people proving it is true though, just a whole lot of people talking about it and writing about it. Now, I do believe miracles can happen, but I'm not asking for one unless I really need one. Who knows how many miracles we get before we run out? I don't want to use my last miracle to manifest a free pizza, even though I really, really like pizza. I might need it for bigger things, like two pizzas.

    It seems the people doing the preaching are the only ones manifesting wealth, but the way they are manifesting wealth is the old fashioned way, selling books and seminars and such. It seems to me that is old fashioned writing, lecturing and marketing more than the magical kind of manifesting they teach. It makes it seem like they're teaching one thing and doing another.

    Anyway, if all we had to do is declare our intentions and believe our desires will manifest, we'd never have to get out of our chair, not even to go to the bathroom. We'll just let the universe take care of those icky little potty chores.

    But there is another way to look at the idea that we create our own reality. It's a little old-fashioned, but by golly sometimes that's a good thing. Are you ready for some truth-telling?

    Okay then, if you're like most people your typical work day goes a little something like this...

    You get up in the morning, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and go to work. After work you come home, eat supper, watch a little TV or go online, go to bed, and get up and do it all over again the next day.

    Do you know why you get to do it all over again the next day?

    Because you're not doing anything to change your reality -- you just keep recreating it based on your attitude, history, and responsibilities.

    Now think about this...

    After you come home from work you give up an hour or two of TV time or whatever you do for entertainment or relaxation, and you use that time to learn a new skill, or write the book you've always wanted to write, or start a hobby you've always been interested in, or whatever it is you really want to do but keep putting off so you don't miss the latest episode of American Idol.

    Now you're beginning to create a different reality. If you see your change of routine through long enough you'll start seeing something new in your life -- a new reality with different results.

    There are your intentions in action. There is your reality being created. But if you only do the same things that created the reality you're experiencing now you're pretty much going to keep experiencing the same reality. Doesn't that make sense?

    Of course, change can be scary. It's much easier and takes much less courage to just "mentalize" neat things instead of actually trying create a reality where you can obtain them. That's probably why the manifestation mania became a mania, by it's nature we just have to be willing to receive all the blessings we can imagine, we don't have to actually do anything and don't have to change to get what we want.

    Having said all that, I think there is something real and viable to intention, belief, gratefulness, energy vibrations and all that -- actually I think there is a lot to these things and we can benefit from an understanding of how they work. I think there is a good deal of truth in what these gurus teach.

    Does that sound contradictory? As far as I can tell I'm a somewhat complex person, so I can be a little contradictory while still being forthright and honest!

    What is missing from what the manifestation gurus teach is taking action. They know catering to a society that is in love with ease and instant gratification is the most profitable strategy, and so they leave out the hard parts that would supress sales.

    I believe we need to do something besides sit on our rear end and think positive. We need to take action. That's the missing key they all seem to conveniently leave out. It's one thing to train your conscious and subsconscious mind on an objective and believe you will obtain the object of your desire, and another thing entirely to add a "taking action" step to your objective.

    Call "taking action" a demonstration of your intention to the universe if you prefer that kind of language, or call it sending out the right vibrations, or showing and sowing faith, heck, call it a bowl of pudding if you want to -- but intention, belief, and gratitude without action is a little like riding a three-legged horse. You may reach the finish line one day, but a whole lot of action oriented people will get there before you.

    Does that make sense to you?

    All this manifesting without the need for action reminds me of an old joke. A pious fellow was listening to the radio when an announcement came on to go to higher ground because the dam burst up river. The man immediately prayed to be saved, but he didn't flee to safety. Then the floods came, and he was forced to his second story to escape the rapidly rising waters and again he prayed to be saved. Finally he was forced to his rooftop, where he once more prayed to be saved.

    A boat came by and tried to rescue him, but he refused, declaring that God would save him, so the boat went looking for others to save. A few minutes later a rescue helicopter came by and dropped down a harness cable and told him to strap it on so they could save him, but he refused, citing that God would save him. The helicopter left too.

    Minutes later the man was swept off the rooftop and perished in the angry waters. Standing before God he asked, "I had faith you'd save me, why didn't you save me?" God answered, "I told you over the radio to flee to higher ground, but you didn't go. Then I sent a boat and a helicopter but you refused them. What did you expect, a miracle?"

    The point is, we can have everything right on the inside, but if we don't do our part in the external world, it makes it a lot harder for the universe to manifest our desires for us.

    We do create our own reality and we do it from the inside out, just like they say. But we do it from the inside out because everything starts in the thought realm. When we put our ideas into action we create the reality those actions and the beliefs behind them cause.

    If we don't put our ideas into action we still create our own reality, except, because we did nothing, our reality is that nothing happens concerning those ideas.

    Yet, when all is said and done I'm not really saying the manifestation of our desires can't work exactly like the gurus teach, I'm just saying that for most of us it will probably happen a whole lot faster if we do our part and take the necessary actions to bring about that which we desire.

    See how easy life is if you just pay attention and think a little bit?
    © Dennis Gaskill 2009

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Jack Cranfield, Will Smith, Bill Gates, and a whole bunch others preached and lived by this.

    Just those names are a pretty solid background in my books.

    I just started studying this LAW 2 months ago but this is what's happened since:
    I've stopped a lot of bad habits and replaced them with new ones: Eating, working out, work ethics, time management, etc. I've been getting more friends too and I find myself finding girls and people I actually care about.

    I'm in the process of completely obliterating my limiting beliefs...once that happens, all that's left is to redefine them.

    Money wise, I've found myself with 4 golden opportunities IN UNDER ONE MONTH of IMing!!!! I still have no clue how to do it yet!! But the situations that are arriving make everything quite easy. I'm about to make products about what I know best and I'm building up loyalty to my potential customers....I'm pretty sure 100 potential customers with a 50% conversion is just a good as 1000 with a 5%. When the conversions are shaky, I have a lot of experience to help me out and I'm working with a lot of talented people...(dunno how lol)

    I also miraculously got out of one more semester of school to set up the foundations of my business. I get 4 months of pure study on this without any cost of living.

    Not too shabby from personal experience so far....I do want to say this will be a fad though. All of the information reaching people on the subject just don't work. This isn't an easy process! You have to change the way you think subconsciously and you have to reprogram your mind.

    No easy task trust me,

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  • Profile picture of the author Bayo
    The Law of Attraction works all the time and every time whether we acknowledge it or not.

    What I've experienced and still continue to experience to this day is that when we take our eye off the ball ... we can't see the ball.

    That's obvious.

    Life and business is a game and you need to keep your eye on the ball.

    It's that simple.
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    • Profile picture of the author Isaachun
      Does the law of attraction works?

      It's a much more complex question than most of us care to admit and claim to have an understanding of (including myself, of course).

      For believers, how much do you really know about how it works? Or is there a possibility that you're using the 'positive thinking' mentality to shove aside whatever 'negative' judgment you might have because it really does no harm to 'be positive' in life and aim for a positive direction?

      For nonbelievers, how can you prove that LOA doesn't work? How can you prove that the reality you're living in now is not because of the fact that you have a believe that the law of attraction does not work and thus manifesting that exact reality?

      If the law of attraction actually works, I agree it really doesn't matter whether we believe it or not. Because if we believe it, it will work in bringing into reality what we want to manifest. If we believe it doesn't, it will manifest our doubts and a reality by which LOA is not in existence.

      So in a purely logical sense, this seems to mean: If you believe that it does, it does. If you believe that it doesn't, it doesn't.

      A good area to explore this viewpoint would be Steve Pavlina's concept of subjective reality vs objective reality.

      This line of reasoning has solved certain questions I have but I still find it inadequate to help me make an empowering decision on how to make use of the question: 'Does LOA really works?'

      I find that trying to prove and disprove LOA is a much complicated task. It has brought me to some very interesting discovery, which I beg you to explore if you wish to further prove or disprove of LOA:

      1) Quantum physics (entanglement theory, understand the structure and behaviors of quantum particles, energy and matter) - understanding the structure of our universe in the quantum and celestial level can give huge insights on the possibility or impossibility of LOA. To quote Dr Deepak Chopra: "The reality is not just stranger than we imagine, but it is stranger than we CAN imagine."

      2) Psychology/ para-psychology- positive psychology, the subconscious mind, hypnosis, NLP, SILVA mind method. One interesting discovery is the writing of Napoleon Hill (of Think and Grow Rich fame) on 'Mastermind' and his concept of 'Ether'.
      LOA by purely visualisation? Action as a part of LOA? Most misconceptions stem from not understanding this.

      3) Religion - how does prayer work? The similarities of different religions and manifestation of prayers. The best way to explore this would be to study religious leaders, attend churches, visit temples and listen to real experiences of people.

      4) Spirituality and New Age Movement- The collective consciousness, creative visualization. Do study the works of Dr Deepak Chopra, Dr Wayne Dyer, Louise L. Hay etc.

      I'm sure these is a lot more to explore and I'm just scraping on the surface here. I cannot help but generalize in giving my opinion because of the vast amount of information we need to actually prove or disprove of LOA, but I'd like to pint out that in psychotherapy, the usefulness of a method does not depend on AT ALL of it being true or not, but whether it is useful in a practical sense; Can you make use of it to make desirable changes in your life?

      Think about this. Happy exploring.


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      • Profile picture of the author Mr. Subtle
        Originally Posted by Isaachun View Post

        For nonbelievers, how can you prove that LOA doesn't work?
        The burden of proving something works (exists) always lies in the court of those who believe. If you can't prove (scientifically) that something, like LOA is true, and you continue to believe it is true... based on faith (belief without proof) then there is probably a short circuit in your ability to think rationally.

        Originally Posted by Isaachun View Post

        I find that trying to prove and disprove LOA is a much complicated task.
        You don't need science to prove The Secret is codswallop--just a modicum of thinking. If wealth and poverty are the result of nothing more than our thoughts, should we blame those poor starving Zimbabweans for being just a bunch of pessimistic sourpusses? And what about the victims of Auschwitz? If the law of attraction is true, then every oppressed, enslaved or exterminated group in history had it coming. That idea is beyond wrongheaded--it's evil. ~ Dr. Michael Shermer


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        • Profile picture of the author JohnB23
          I don't really believe in it or spend much time thinking about it (whether law of attraction, the secret, or anything abstract, unspecific..kind of hazy and left up to interpretation).

          -Your mind does help you achieve results. Bill Gates, Oprah...these people would not be where they are unless they used their minds well. But they didnt get to where they are through blind, positive thinking.

          -I think a lot of motivation is internal. If you've known about loa, the secret, or self help/personal development for know what to do. You need that *something* to motivate you. I dont think everyone has the same motivation. I dont think everyone is motivated by money. We all *think* we are. That we'll be happier making $100 k vs $50 k now. Or happier making $250 k vs the $100 k we're making now. But not really. I think if you've been stuck on loa for a long time, you need to think about other motivations. Maybe your motivation is to build a baseball field in your backyard. Maybe its to volunteer at a hospital.

          -I think the danger is you can waste too much time dreaming, fantasizing, mentally fantasizing about dreams, but not getting anything done.

          -It can also distract you from the news and current events and make you unprepared for what's going on. You spend all your time trying to "manifest your desires" in your garden, but you don't read about the state of the economy or whats going on. Or you fall into something crazy deal (like the real estate bubble a few years ago). Funny how everyone was rushing to buy thinking prices would go up forever. When they should be rushing to buy *now*. These things that deal with the mind...loa, nlp, hypnosis, they dont deal with action on the ground.

          My advice if you want to manifest a better future for yourself.

          1. Turn off the TV.
          2. Tune out from most media (like cable news, msnbc, mindless talk radio, etc).
          3. Spend *more* time working on your goals. Spend more time on sites like this.

          Those people....Gates, Oprah...they all had the same 24 hours in a day the average person has. But the difference is.....they used that time much more effectively. If you just replaced tv with books/or good internet sites, you'll go much farther than you would have. But don't get too abstract with loa.
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  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Isaac, thx for your input It was very enlightening.

    You're basically encouraging enlightenment(spiritual awakening) and visualization(incredibly powerful--tiger woods is a case in himself--) combined with the laws that govern our world and minds. This is unfathomly powerful. If you want to learn how to become a badass this is what you should study :p

    You're Exactly right!! What you believe on any matter is what will be true in our reality....our beliefs systems are crazy cool. If you simply study the Reticular Activating System you will discover how powerful this ALONE of a role it plays in our lives. It's the MOST IMPORTANT concept in Accelerated Learning so you can easily find a lot of "scientific" evidence through brief research...

    I figure if I presented my personal experience I could influence at least the thought of the possibilities that it works...
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  • Profile picture of the author James12C
    I was introduced to the LOA via Esther and Jerry Hicks, and I would really recommend any of their books. They cut through the crap and point out the "tough" side of LOA - you have to work on yourself and just move on from set positions....

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  • Profile picture of the author Arnold808
    I personally don't believe in it. With that said, I think that the concept can be used as a tool for success. If you spend time visualizing your success and mapping it out in your mind in order to motivate yourself to take action, then I see it as being legitimately useful. However, simply trying to manifest positive changes through thought alone is ridiculous in my opinion.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aronya
      Originally Posted by Arnold808 View Post

      I personally don't believe in it. With that said, I think that the concept can be used as a tool for success. If you spend time visualizing your success and mapping it out in your mind in order to motivate yourself to take action, then I see it as being legitimately useful. However, simply trying to manifest positive changes through thought alone is ridiculous in my opinion.
      You contradict yourself. ALL change comes through thought. There is nothing about your life that you have changed that didn't begin with thought. What do you think you're doing "spend(ing) time visualizing your success and mapping it out in your mind in order to motivate yourself to take action"? Answer: you're using the Law Of Attraction to bring ideas to you that will allow you to obtain the things of your dreams.
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  • Profile picture of the author WildwindE
    Everybody talks about the law of attraction as if it were a switch you can turn on. You can't turn something that is always ON to on -- IT's already ON.

    It's like saying, I think I'm going to go out and turn on the SUN today, maybe get a little light.

    What shows up in your life, what you experience, is a direct result of your thoughts married to your emotions colored by your beliefs. The more subconscious your beliefs, the more unaware you are of what you are creating.

    When you get the subconscious working on the same team as your conscious, that's when big stuff can happen.

    My husband and I built a three story custom designed house with no money, no experience, no construction knowledge a head of time -- and with little construction help. SERIOUSLY.

    You can sit on your arse all day long and dream whatever you want to dream, but unless you move off that arse and DO something about that dream, nothing's going to happen. Just like you create what shows up in your life knowingly or unknowingly using the law of attraction, when you get some movement going, the universe responds.

    When you get the subconscious mind to work in concert with the conscious mind, there is nothing that can stop you, EXCEPT YOU.

    The other thing that gets me is that most people who poo-poo the law of attraction treat this reality, this "plane of existence" as if it were the end-all be all of everything. Obviously they understand themselves as finite beings and so when the plane crashes or the earthquakes hit those people are gone and do not exist any more.

    While Living on the earth is great... it's also the lowest place to "BE" -- and the HARDEST place to BE. It's the place where once you come in you forget how you got here in the first place and you experience being separate from everyone and everything.

    If you had but the eyes to see how everything is really connected. It is the LIVING MATRIX, and you are but an expression of it.


    And yes, I've manifested money using the law of attraction, but not in the ways you think. Because I had taken action, I had several avenues open to allow that flow in. Without the action, there's no way what you want can reach you -- it dies on the vine.

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    • Profile picture of the author Aronya
      Laurie, you said much of what I was working to put into words at the same time.

      My thoughts:
      I find it interesting that those who are the most fiercely in opposition to the idea of LOA rarely take the time to explain their understanding of how it is supposed to work. They seem to think that it means positive thinking will make you rich. When someone else suggests that they might not truly understand, they prefer to lash out, bashing the vague group, 'gurus', rather than site specific teachings with which they disagree so as to engage in non-confrontational dialog.

      I've seen most of The Secret (2nd version, minus the people who were the focus of it in the first place - Jerry & Esther Hicks) during visits to my chiropractor (he runs it on a loop throughout the day, most days), and I have to say that I've not heard anyone on it claim that all that has to be done is to think positively, or visualize, or believe, or remove limiting behaviors. And I've never heard any of them tell you to buy anything from anyone. To be fair, I also haven't been looking or listening for these things. What I HAVE heard is people telling their own stories about what has worked for them - one guy talks about finding a vision board when unpacking his things after moving into a beautiful new house, only to realize that he is now living in the very house he had put a picture of on his board a couple of years earlier.

      The idea that LOA is a New Age concept is laughable, unless the New Age began thousands of years ago. According to those who are supposed to know, ancient peoples did things like drawing images on cave walls, in part, as visualization of things like good hunting results to come. I'm pretty sure they weren't following advice from The Secret.

      LOA is ABOUT thought. Whatever thoughts you dwell upon, you will attract more of the same. Good or bad. Like it or not.

      USING LOA is about learning to CONTROL your thoughts. If a thought makes you feel BAD, it is working against your prosperity, whether that prosperity is financial, spiritual, psychological, or anything else. If a thought makes you feel GOOD, is it working to promote your prosperity.

      How your thoughts make you FEEL is your barometer of how well you are lining up vibrationally with your desires.

      VIBRATION is the engine that creates. Everything in the universe is in constant vibration. Hold your thoughts in the same vibration with things you want, and they will come to you, one way or another. Hold your thoughts in the same vibration with things you DON'T want, and they will also come to you, one way or another.

      That's a fairly decent "New Age" explanation of LOA.

      The corporate world, or business in general, is hardly considered part of, or open to, New Age thought. Yet, Think And Grow Rich is on virtually every business person's list of must-read books, regardless of their opinions on LOA. Vibration is a common theme throughout the book.

      You can choose to believe that the Universe brings good (or bad) fortune to you, or that it is your own subconscious mind that does it. Either way, the mechanism is the same; control the vibration rate of the conscious mind, in order to facilitate clear thought. That clear thought programs the subconscious mind, which then provides, or manifests, the desired result (via an idea, an opportunity, or sheer dumb luck - ever found money on the ground?), or, since most of us do not really have the ability to be completely clear on every aspect of what we want in life, something relatively close.

      Prayer, meditation, chanting, exercise, creative visualization; all are techniques to achieve the same thing - clear mental focus. They all make you feel good. They all help you to achieve more in life - to be more prosperous. The technique you choose to use is completely up to you. None is any better than another. They are simply means to an end: they help us to control the vibration rate of our minds in order to cut through the mental chatter we all have during every waking moment of our lives.

      If anyone would like to now argue that clear mental focus is New Age, I would love to hear it.

      Do those of you who are opponents of LOA have any objection to the idea that what you think about will affect how you feel? Or that how you feel will affect what you think about, how you act, and the quality of the decisions you make?
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  • Profile picture of the author tylerdrun
    It works this way.
    Our mind receives billions of bits of information every second from the world. Unfortunately, we are not equipped to process that much information. Our mind is just a relay station with a low frequency.

    So our beautiful nervous system filters out and process only around 120 bits a second. So that's a lot of information left out. Our mind and the universe filter things out like how Google does. Google relies on relevant content and backlinks.
    On the other hand, our mind works this way:
    - FOCUSING ON WHAT YOU WANT (Your Keyword)
    - The Route To The Desired Destination Is Delivered To You By The Way You Feel. If you feel disappointed all the time, your mind will not let you achieve what you want or give you the plan to get to you it. If you are in a state of gratitude then it will increase it's relevance and get you close to what you want.

    Your job is to act. That's how LOA works. But there's somethin much more powerful than LOA, it's LOK a.k.a Law of Karma. What goes around comes around. You can only overcome the LOK and your troubles by being in the Now.

    I have a lot to share but it's 00:43 hours over here. It's mornin and I have already made my bed on the floor. Better sleep in. Good night.
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