Traits of Wealthy People

29 replies
Sorry I can't find the thread I read, but someone was discussing the traits of wealthy people. Over the years I have met quite a few wealthy people and quite honestly these are the traits I have found.

1. Incredible salesmanship, even bordering on BS. They have all been great salesman.

2. Incredibly selfish, bordering on narcissistic. They are focused completely on themselves and their needs and wants. Not a great trait but I found it to be true.

3. Smart work, not necessarily hard work, they focus on what rings the register.

These are the common traits I have found in rich entrepreneurial people.
#people #traits #wealthy
  • Profile picture of the author vpsean
    Originally Posted by USGTMauthor View Post

    Sorry I can't find the thread I read, but someone was discussing the traits of wealthy people. Over the years I have met quite a few wealthy people and quite honestly these are the traits I have found.

    1. Incredible salesmanship, even bordering on BS. They have all been great salesman.

    2. Incredibly selfish, bordering on narcissistic. They are focused completely on themselves and their needs and wants. Not a great trait but I found it to be true.

    3. Smart work, not necessarily hard work, they focus on what rings the register.

    These are the common traits I have found in rich entrepreneurial people.
    Hey Man,

    How would you define Wealthy? Is it only in the money or do you see wealthy as being truly prosperous, which includes a rich home environment, worldly environment, and inner environment (as in inner happiness)?

    The wealthiest family I know, whom are very close friends of mine, have close to the billion dollar mark in funds (yes, funds ... not assets).

    The father who created this wealth absolutely fits #1 you listed ... He absolutely fits #3 you listed as well ... but more than anything, he does not fit #2 in being selfish.

    He's one of the most giving people I know ...

    Qualities that make up him and his family are :

    1. A sense of intense love, both within and shared with others.
    2. Intense gratitude for everything in their lives, down to the very small things as well.
    3. A mission and vision to contribute to the world in ways that are long term and sustainable (not just donating money, but creating 'systems' that are in place for a long time.

    Their ultimate purpose is beyond their own financial gain ...

    But at the same time they believe deeply in financial prosperity and have no hangups on the nature of money...

    With Love & Gratitude,
    --Sean Patrick Simpson
    Adventures In Manifesting — #LOA
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    • Profile picture of the author redfiredsoul
      Originally Posted by vpsean View Post

      Hey Man,

      How would you define Wealthy? Is it only in the money or do you see wealthy as being truly prosperous, which includes a rich home environment, worldly environment, and inner environment (as in inner happiness)?

      The wealthiest family I know, whom are very close friends of mine, have close to the billion dollar mark in funds (yes, funds ... not assets).

      The father who created this wealth absolutely fits #1 you listed ... He absolutely fits #3 you listed as well ... but more than anything, he does not fit #2 in being selfish.

      He's one of the most giving people I know ...

      Qualities that make up him and his family are :

      1. A sense of intense love, both within and shared with others.
      2. Intense gratitude for everything in their lives, down to the very small things as well.
      3. A mission and vision to contribute to the world in ways that are long term and sustainable (not just donating money, but creating 'systems' that are in place for a long time.

      Their ultimate purpose is beyond their own financial gain ...

      But at the same time they believe deeply in financial prosperity and have no hangups on the nature of money...

      With Love & Gratitude,
      --Sean Patrick Simpson
      Adventures In Manifesting -- #LOA
      That's my dream you just described there. It actually means a lot to me that you shared this. Thank you..

      Won´t stop til its over. Won´t stop to surrender.
      Find your strength in love.

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  • Profile picture of the author USGTMauthor
    I am speaking of people I know who fit the description of financially wealthy. Some were what you would call giving unfortunately many were not.
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    • Profile picture of the author vpsean
      Ahhh, I see ...

      So here'd be some interesting data to look at:

      1. What 'circles' do these 'wealthy' people usually travel around with?
      2. What kinds of businesses do they run that made them wealthy?
      3. How did they attain their wealth (if different than their business, ie. through inheritance)
      4. How do these wealthy people and their traits of selfishness compare to the majority of other people in your life?

      With Love & Gratitude,
      --Sean Patrick Simpson
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      • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
        There are plenty of people who are "wealthy" but don't have lots of money. If people have rich lives, they can consider themselves wealthy. Missionaries often believe themselves to be wealthy in that their lives are rewarding.

        Cheers, Laurence.

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      • Profile picture of the author atomAnt
        1. Salesmanship = being knowledgeable about your product, then showing up and communicating its value to those who could benefit from it. It is about being consistent, and doing all this with energy and enthusiasm.

        2. The idea that wealthy folks are "selfish" leaves out a lot: Achievement involves following through on your own commitments, usually for years, as you focus your energy and attention on reaching your goals. This often appears to those who not so driven as simply being "selfish." But it helps to remember that "You cannot give someone who is thirsty a drink from an empty cup."

        You must empower yourself to be able to have something to share, whether it is expertise and knowledge, money, or some other form of philanthropy. Then you will be in a position to give exponentially more to others.

        Over many years in real estate finance, I have interviewed hundreds of investors in the process of helping them obtain investment loans. Most have openly shared their thoughts and values and their personal stories for how they obtained success.

        3. The overwhelming number of them keep their energy high and consistently focus on hitting their targets. They often love doing what they do and their attention is on doing it with integrity and doing it better than anyone else: Being innately competitive and at the same time creative.

        One belief that has been consistenly expressed by them: In an increasingly complex world we must all be more knowledgeable AND industrious (aka, necessity to work both harder and smarter).
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        • Profile picture of the author Mo Ali
          I agree, but the principle point is that to be successful you cannot be selfish.

          All good salesmen and Marketers know that the only way to be successful is to give the market what it wants.

          You need to come from an attitude of giving - give value, give service, go the extra mile so that you get referrals - only after you have given enough will you start getting.

          And once you start getting, you can give in other ways.

          I like your quote, but your cup will only be filled after you've helped others fill their cups too.
 - Turbo Charge your WSO Success by 63%!
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          • Profile picture of the author vpsean
            Originally Posted by mohammedali52 View Post

            I agree, but the principle point is that to be successful you cannot be selfish.

            All good salesmen and Marketers know that the only way to be successful is to give the market what it wants.

            You need to come from an attitude of giving - give value, give service, go the extra mile so that you get referrals - only after you have given enough will you start getting.

            And once you start getting, you can give in other ways.

            I like your quote, but your cup will only be filled after you've helped others fill their cups too.
            I dig your view point.

            With Love & Gratitude,
            --Sean Patrick Simpson
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  • Profile picture of the author Acumen
    Emptiness, longing, and fear of a world where money has no significance. I am speaking in general of course, this doesn't describe everyone.
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    • The trait of wealthy people are those who have good health.

      One of the most monetarily rich people in the world died last year, but all of his money could not buy him good health. He would have traded all of his money in for good health. His company, however, is still one of the most powerful and successful brands today.

      If you have good health, then you're blessed beyond measure and have been given something that money can't buy. That's something to smile about.
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  • Profile picture of the author niftydirectt
    I just want to share this very important article that might inspire you to become Millionaire if not Billionaire.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mo Ali
      You've highlighted the traits of rich people. But, from those traits, I wouldn't go so far as to call them wealthy.
      In my view, all wealth begins with an intention to serve others, rather than serving yourself.
      Signature - Turbo Charge your WSO Success by 63%!
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
        Originally Posted by mohammedali52 View Post

        You've highlighted the traits of rich people. But, from those traits, I wouldn't go so far as to call them wealthy.
        In my view, all wealth begins with an intention to serve others, rather than serving yourself.
        True capitalism is built on service. You don't have to be a missionary to serve humanity. You can serve humanity in so many ways.

        A lot of rich people are also nice, I've been privileged to meet a few. You don't have to be ''evil'' to be rich or wealthy.
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      • Profile picture of the author mnjuguna
        Originally Posted by mohammedali52 View Post

        You've highlighted the traits of rich people. But, from those traits, I wouldn't go so far as to call them wealthy.
        In my view, all wealth begins with an intention to serve others, rather than serving yourself.
        Yes i agree with the fact that the more you serve, the more you earn. Thus we should always focus on the service we are giving to others, to the world
        Signature - For Corporate websites and web apps - Free crm and project management - Investment clubs and groups software....coming soon- Investors wanted
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  • Profile picture of the author USGTMauthor
    I am not advocating what I wrote or saying it is a strategy to obtain money, these are just observations of several people who have made significant amounts of money.
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    • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
      I believe that you can have anything you want if you help enough other people get what they want. Everyone can learn and everyone can teach and we should always be open to new ideas.

      Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sammy007
    Hi members of Warrior Forum!

    I am wondering whether or not one's education background plays an important role in becoming wealthy?
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  • Profile picture of the author OmarNegron
    Interesting post indeed. I can definitely see why wealthy people would be focus on their wants and needs but at the same time I don't see them as being completely selfish, just determined to get what they want.

    Working smart and not hard seems like a must for those who are wealthy and those who want to be wealthy. A great book I am reading is The Science Of Being Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.

    He talks a lot about how being rich/wealthy does not depend on your environment only or on your talents but that it is a science, a formula that anyone willing to learn it can truly become rich.

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  • Profile picture of the author masterbizcoach
    As what you described, you meet the poor people. I met some wealthy in my life and they where passionate, have good communication skills and able to get along with different types of people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    I think that wealthy humans can also be honest, hard working, persistent, and dedicated.
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  • Profile picture of the author tylerjaysen
    Ha I just came across this post.

    I wanted to know when you say you've met a few wealthy people in your many was that?

    You seem to have reached this conclusion based on only a maybe what....3? I'm guessing.

    But while some of those may be true...ultimately for the selfish part...when you have money you tend to do alot for yourself...but you also give away alot more it works out in the end.

    But most successful people are business owners and entrepreneurs and are by default have to sell yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author Perdant44
    Income has no bearing on wealth. It is a mindset. Habits create or destroy wealth. Anyone ever hear of lottery winners being worse off within 2-3 after hitting the lottery, especially those that took the lump sum.
    -Wealth Blueprint. Don't spend money on things that get consumed. When the rich want to feel more rich, they think of ways to increase their wealth. The poor spend money to feel rich. Thus, this is why lottery millionaires go broke.
    -Thoughts change your feelings. Feelings change your actions. Actions bring you results.
    -Debt has you on a leash. Cut the leash and destroy the debt. Channel all your resources to pay off one piece of debt. *Also, easy debt is bad debt. Any time you are considering going into debt, you should be reluctant.
    -Save first. In other words, pay yourself first. Most people spend, then save what is left. Do the opposite.
    -Biggest downfall of passive income, is get rich quick. Remember the Beatles? They played to crowds as small 10-12 people. This was year after year.
    No one ever thinks about all the years it takes before someone makes it overnight.
    Paul McCartney wrote Yesterday in minutes but it was his thousands of hours in music that helped he write it.
    Are you willing to get the skills you need to get rich?
    -You can be an expert in any field in 30 days. Brainstorm. Create a product. A digital download cost pennies to produce but can elevate your income.

    I hope this helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author Taika
      Great thread. I have always been interested about this subject. Among other traits, wealthy people has a very different mindset from those who are not. Wealthy see value everywhere, often in "places" where poor can´t see it. They understand that the value increases by contantly exchanging it. It does not neccessarily have to do with money. ..

      ...for example, when you compliment someone of having a nice shirt poor people say something like "oh, this old shirt...its nothing special" What just happened? Value (compliment) got destroyed in an instant. But if they genuinely say something like "thank you...btw, I love your smile" What just happened? Value increased and it continues to grow in their minds. Value exists only in minds.

      If you have something that you THINK is valueble there has to be atleast one other person who THINKS that it is valuable in order what you have to be valuable to the "world", otherwise it is only valuable to you. Take money for example, or rather currency which most people mean when they talk about money, it has some value ONLY because of enough people BELIEVE it has value.Without that belief you can use it only to wipe your a$$ (not very good for that) or in your fireplace to heat your house. Lets say we have a hyperinflation and currency X indeed becomes "worthless"...maybe some brilliant artist takes a piles of cash and turns it into a mindblowing installation and doing so created value for an art collector who, in his MIND, thinks that the installation is worth of something. Again, it is a mindset that is very different and the value exists only in minds.

      Originally Posted by Perdant44 View Post

      Income has no bearing on wealth. It is a mindset. Habits create or destroy wealth. Anyone ever hear of lottery winners being worse off within 2-3 after hitting the lottery, especially those that took the lump sum.
      -Wealth Blueprint. Don't spend money on things that get consumed. When the rich want to feel more rich, they think of ways to increase their wealth. The poor spend money to feel rich. Thus, this is why lottery millionaires go broke.
      -Thoughts change your feelings. Feelings change your actions. Actions bring you results.
      -Debt has you on a leash. Cut the leash and destroy the debt. Channel all your resources to pay off one piece of debt. *Also, easy debt is bad debt. Any time you are considering going into debt, you should be reluctant.
      -Save first. In other words, pay yourself first. Most people spend, then save what is left. Do the opposite.
      -Biggest downfall of passive income, is get rich quick. Remember the Beatles? They played to crowds as small 10-12 people. This was year after year.
      No one ever thinks about all the years it takes before someone makes it overnight.
      Paul McCartney wrote Yesterday in minutes but it was his thousands of hours in music that helped he write it.
      Are you willing to get the skills you need to get rich?
      -You can be an expert in any field in 30 days. Brainstorm. Create a product. A digital download cost pennies to produce but can elevate your income.

      I hope this helps.
      I agree...your content sounds VERY familiar..some of the points almost from word to word...I wonder if you have taken one certain same course/program as I have..
      PM me for questions, JV, whatever...
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  • Profile picture of the author TheEliteWarrior
    If you'd like traits of wealthy people, why speculate? Professor Thomas Stanley has done tonnes of research on these traits that you could read in his book the Millionaire Mind.

    What fascinated me was that many millionaires had careers that weren't looked up upon or associated with wealth and that many were practitioners of some religion which allowed them to have faith and take more calculated risks.

    The book is quite long. If you're really interested you can get it at most libraries.

    A word of caution though, I believe Professor Stanley uses USD$1 million as the baseline for millionaires even though numerically such an statement is correct. in this day and age I'd agree with MJ DeMarco's definition of a millionaire having USD$5 million at least.
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  • Profile picture of the author speedbird
    I really doubt if wealthy people are selfish. I think the opposite is true
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  • Profile picture of the author danieluk9
    Fair point
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  • Profile picture of the author geraldspins
    Not all rich people are selfish.. I've seen very generous ones who donate a huge portion of their wealth to charity. They wouldn't do that if they were selfish!
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    • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
      I think the selfishness is a perception by some poor people.

      Rich people have different personalities just like anyone else. Some are nice. Some are mean just like anyone else.

      Rich people are usually very confident and focused. Sometimes that looks like arrogance and selfishness to people who aren't around the rich very much. It can be unsettling.

      I have found more poor people to be much more mean and catty than any rich people I know.
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