How To Think BIG: 3 NEW rules for massive success (if that's what you want)...
Rule 1. Add a zero to your numerical goals.
Rule 2. Cut your time lines by 90%
Rule 2a. Replace dates with A.S.A.P.!*
Rule 3. Factor in some failure
Old Goal = $2,000 a week within 12 months
New Goal = $20,000 a week within 6 weeks.
It also works if you obey just one of the rules.
Old goal = $2,000 a week within 12 months
New goal = $20,000 a week within 12 months
Old goal = $2,000 a week within 12 months
New goal = $2,000 a week within 6 weeks
I prefer to apply them both but if I had to choose one of the rules I'd say it's much more beneficial to your thinking process to make your goals larger. They should be unreasonable but feasible and I'll tell you why I think this works.
It forces you to think in a new way.
Creating a million dollar a year income ($2,739.73 per day) takes a different and more serious approach than making a nice living of $2,000 a week ($285.71 per day). It puts you in a different frame of mind. Some of you have (or know someone who has) a corporate job and in some cases with huge budgets. Properly trained humans can handle billions of dollars worth of goals and targets and yet when it comes to creating our own incomes we tone it right down and only "ask" a "nice" income from our efforts which in some cases are comparable to the pressure and time of a full time job.
Internet Marketing is perfect for big thinking. How long does it take for one person to click on your link? How long does it take for 1 million people to click on your link? The same time, a split second. It is conceivable (at a stretch) that any of us with campaigns running anywhere right now could experience a massive spike in traffic for some reason and wake up a multi millionaire in the morning and I think we all have that little secret hope ever time we switch our machines on but realistically it won't happen but that doesn't matter because the next best thing to get rich quick can happen to us and that's "get rich slow" but is it really that slow?
What if it took a year to generate a $2,000 a week passive income? That's still an astonishing result. Before the internet what hope did any of us have of replacing our wage with passive income within a year? $2,000 a week these days is 4 or 5 fully paid off houses and real estate rent was as close as any mortal came to passive income prior to the internet unless you were a publisher of music or literature.
The internet has brought early retirement at a better than working wage into the realms of possibility for all of us and that is truly amazing but is that the best we can do? I think we can do better and the way I know that is because one weekend I made over $100,000 by pulling a reverse sale. I informed my list that my product was going up from $2,000 to $5,000 so if they were thinking of buying it - now would be a good time). I did this on Easter weekend so a lot of my list didn't read my email until they got home on Monday evening. Most of my sales came through in the last few hours of Monday night. I was pulling cash out of paypal so often that Paypal never logged me out for 4 hours.
Bragging? No. My point is that I would never have even thought that was possible if I hadn't had a trigger of an idea from our mate "Kerny" and I wasn't a believer in thinking BIG. I'm not smart or clever (my product was high quality though) but I did bump into someone who gave me a massive idea which I twisted into something that worked for me and I allowed for a lot of money to come in (a bit of the old "law of attraction" never goes astray) and it came POURING IN!!
I had company and they could not believe what they were seeing. Even I was chuckling and I think once or twice I may have even giggled but by the time the smoke had cleared I had over a hundred grand sitting in my account on Tuesday that was not there on Friday and all because of the magic(al effect) of thinking big.
So how much money can really be made? I believe a million a month is not out of the question for any of us reading this but I get the feeling that we are all (for the most part) still fumbling around in the dark. We're close. We can taste it, some of us have even glimpsed it.
Another time I was involved in a subscription forum that cost $99 a month. One month we pulled two hundred and fifty grand! I was a one third partner and was regularly pulling thirty grand passive after tax and expenses PER MONTH and you know the funny part? Had we known back then what we know now about promoting online we could have easily added a zero to the income. I sold my share after less than two years for over half a mill.
Again, not bragging. I'm still stunned! But it does prove one thing. The Internet has more power than we dare to dream of. I'm a genuine ding-a-ling and look what happened to me! I believe we are underestimating how much we can make. I think if properly tuned and with some luck and serendipity we can all safely add at least one zero to our goals and do you know what the best part is?
The best part is that with big thinking we can still fail miserably (like we normally do) and still come out way ahead. Am I the only one who gets the feeling we've underestimated not only our power to create massive incomes but perhaps even more importantly the Internet's power to deliver a Tsunami of income?
Ask of yourself much more than you expect and you might just surprise yourself. I know I got one heck of a shock when a few Internet income waves washed up on my shore.
The sector I was in was stock market trading and I'm all out of that now and moving into zero risk based passive income. I miss those monthly cash injections. I'm here to catch up on the latest techniques and try new things and hopefully add something to anyone who can benefit from anything I know (my hobby is the Internet - I run a dedicated server just for the heck of it - I know, it's an illness). I've run several forums and if there was ever a place that could foster big thinking it's the Warrior Forum. I mean, take a look at the name!
Thanks for listening. I just thought it was worth mentioning. Think big and expect massive results. You've got nothing to lose - a thought is free.
Edit: See note about modified rule 2a in my reply below in post 24
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