Alpha in the Morning- when and for how long exactly?

10 replies

Okay all/most self-help/visualisation etc talks about how programming is to be done in the Morning, and that this is the alpha brainwave time. They usually say its when you wake up...

Now when I wake up or open my eyes i tend to fall back to sleep, is this alpha? When i finally do wake up my heads groggy/eyes tired but im in a rush to get out and off, is this alpha? Or sometimes my body may feel rested but i am still so sleepy that i can not even know what day it is and fall back to sleep again.

I have read that when we are awake we are in the Beta brainwave state so this isnt alpha and to me being awake usually means when im out out of bed, so when is alpha exactly and for how long does it last before you get to beta?

how do you know you are in Beta?

I hope this query helps others and that many can related to this

Also my plan of action was to actually wake, get out of bed, sit on my chair in my bedroom, then to slowly affirm and visualise my goal, but im now thinking once im out of bed is that me actually now in beta?

Please can someone make sense of all the above for me and others?

thank you

#alpha #long #morning
  • Profile picture of the author RimaNaj2011
    I forgot where I read this "quote" but it's something like this:

    "some people wake up in the morning and hit the snooze button 10 times and other people wake up 30 minutes before the alarm goes off ready to rape the day"

    I like to wake up, think of what I'm going to do, and going to the gym first thing in the morning is great as well.

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  • Profile picture of the author williamstraus
    Have you tried binaural beats?

    If you're concerned about brain wave states then that's the way to go. Alpha waves (8-13 hz) occur when we are relaxed and calm.

    Great for meditation or just achieving a chilled/zen state.

    Promote my ClickBank Product - The Gut Health Solution - 75% Commissions. Converts 1-2% on PPC traffic. Acid Reflux, Heartburn and Digestive Distress Remedy from a Legit Doctor!.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5451018].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JamesBuk
      Originally Posted by williamstraus View Post

      Have you tried binaural beats?

      If you're concerned about brain wave states then that's the way to go. Alpha waves (8-13 hz) occur when we are relaxed and calm.

      Great for meditation or just achieving a chilled/zen state.
      Ive read about them, do binaural beats take you from beta to alpha?

      and how long into an mp3 does it take before you are in alpha to begin ur work? thank u
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      • Profile picture of the author williamstraus
        Originally Posted by JamesBuk View Post

        Ive read about them, do binaural beats take you from beta to alpha?

        and how long into an mp3 does it take before you are in alpha to begin ur work? thank u
        Disclaimer - I happen to sell these online and thru my .signature ;-)

        But definitely do some research on them. I like isochronic tones myself but still listen to them with noise canceling headsets.

        You can also listen to them while meditating.

        But look online via YouTube - you can find some and see what they can do for you yourself.

        Promote my ClickBank Product - The Gut Health Solution - 75% Commissions. Converts 1-2% on PPC traffic. Acid Reflux, Heartburn and Digestive Distress Remedy from a Legit Doctor!.

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    • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
      Originally Posted by williamstraus View Post

      Have you tried binaural beats?

      If you're concerned about brain wave states then that's the way to go. Alpha waves (8-13 hz) occur when we are relaxed and calm.

      Great for meditation or just achieving a chilled/zen state.
      Get a free sample here ...


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  • Profile picture of the author RHert
    I do my visualization as I'm laying down to sleep. I may start out in Beta but as I slip into sleep hitting that Alpha as you say my mind keeps working on what I directed it to before falling to sleep. Then instead of 15 minutes I get 8 hours and live changes much faster then when I tried to do it in the morning.
    Copywriting at it's Best! - Tips and tricks to connect with your reader.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5451035].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JamesBuk
      Originally Posted by RHert View Post

      I do my visualization as I'm laying down to sleep. I may start out in Beta but as I slip into sleep hitting that Alpha as you say my mind keeps working on what I directed it to before falling to sleep. Then instead of 15 minutes I get 8 hours and live changes much faster then when I tried to do it in the morning.
      Thank you, so you run a mental movie in your mind, but do you then find your movie has finished and your still awake then what?

      OR that you havent finished your movie and you've already fallen asleep?
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  • Profile picture of the author ImperatrizDigital
    for all the reasons, that's a good tip
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  • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
    I think visualization can work anytime but especially if you emotionalize it and preferably right after waking up and/or right before bedtime.
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesBuk
      Originally Posted by perfectlovehere View Post

      I think visualization can work anytime but especially if you emotionalize it and preferably right after waking up and/or right before bedtime.
      So whilst youre laid in bed, cos i worry if im going to fall back asleep again, what if i woke up and sat on my chair immediately?
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