7 mins to create new neural pathways & concentrate on an image?

5 replies

I have heard that it takes 7mins to create new neural links/cells/pathways etc.
So how can we use this cos when we get into the alpha state and then visualise, sometimes i can visualise in a minute lol, so what am i supposed to do, keep repeating the visualisation/the mental movie on a kind of repeating loop for 7 mins?
Also I've read books where authors say "hold the image" and was wondering if it ties in with the 7mins thing and so can you explain in layman terms please?
Thank you
#concentrate #create #image #mins #neural #pathways
  • Profile picture of the author eb219
    Originally Posted by JamesBuk View Post

    Hi ALL

    I have heard that it takes 7mins to create new neural links/cells/pathways etc.
    So how can we use this cos when we get into the alpha state and then visualise, sometimes i can visualise in a minute lol, so what am i supposed to do, keep repeating the visualisation/the mental movie on a kind of repeating loop for 7 mins?
    Also I've read books where authors say "hold the image" and was wondering if it ties in with the 7mins thing and so can you explain in layman terms please?
    Thank you
    Visualization and entrainment go hand in hand, and has to do with the practice of synchronizing coherence of Heart, Mind, and Breath. Doing so will allow the standing waveforms which comprise the matter of your body to begin to 'agree' with each other in harmonic proportions (as opposed to disharmonic / non-symmetrical patterns, look up Dr. Emoto's work with water crystals formed under harmonies and dissonance).

    When wave conjugation aligns in phase on a daily basis, you start to entrain new patterns in the body and phase out any residual dissonance. As for holding an image, visualize spinning sacred geometry (there are animations you can find online) while listening to Solfeggio frequencies, it helps. I would recommend playing Solfeggios once daily while focusing on the breath, 10 minutes a day, and preferably after waking up/going to bed:

    The above has to do with a science called Cymatics, which are sacred geometries that form at very specific sound frequencies (turn the sound of the video below down a bit!)

    As a supplement, I'd highly recommend an eye-opening lecture by Dan Winter, the beginning of the following video will explain what I'm talking about. It's not laymen's terms, but listen to it a few times to put together the information, and take what thou wilt:


    "Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda

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    • Profile picture of the author GIahGroup
      Originally Posted by perfectlovehere View Post

      I don't think it matters how long so much as how intense you visualize.
      This is partially correct.

      You have to attach static energy to the visualization in the form of strong emotions. Picutres / visuals are only the gateway, you need to see yourself inside the visualization and feel the actual events as though they are real.

      7mins is a guide too, some people like W.Wattles suggest 15 mins, but the strong emotional attachment is more important.
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      • Profile picture of the author JamesBuk
        Originally Posted by GIahGroup View Post

        This is partially correct.

        You have to attach static energy to the visualization in the form of strong emotions. Picutres / visuals are only the gateway, you need to see yourself inside the visualization and feel the actual events as though they are real.

        7mins is a guide too, some people like W.Wattles suggest 15 mins, but the strong emotional attachment is more important.
        can you really visualise that realistically? i mean i can imagine but not as strongly yet, and if you do visualise 3 times a day or 5 relaxed, rather than once a day does that speed things up?
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  • Profile picture of the author godinu
    Wow, never thought I'd see mention of cymatics in this forum. That stuff gets really deep if you look into it. Very cool/mindblowing the deeper you get.
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