Boosting your sales with your emotions ONLY
Case 1:
I was doing a practice where you boost your level of emotions at will. Basically you breathe, keep your posture straight and at the same time work on elevating your level of emotions into positive territory. The result of this practice feels like happiness is filling you from inside. I continued doing that for a few minutes working on moving my positive emotions stronger and stronger. The result of this unconditional happiness practice was great level of positive feelings and happiness at the evening.
The very next day I woke up to find out that i made few hundreds dollars of sales overnight out of the blue (no extra advertisaing, no promos, nothing).
Sales kept coming in during the day as well making my best moneymaking day ever.
Case 2:
This happened 2 weeks ago.
I was doing a set of resistance releasing practices that involved changing of your mental interpretation of negative situations and events toward more positive. This was a variation of Abraham Hicks "going general" practice. As a result you feel more positive emotionally in general.
Within a week I got client agree to pay me $2,4k upfront for consulting work (instead of usual 50/50). Another client bought my dormant zero traffic domain for ~$3k. And third client offered $1.2k for consulting work piece.
This again was with no marketing or extra effort.
I was always interested in ideas about efficient personal development and self-help approaches, especially the ones that deal with emotions.
Essentially the more positive you feel - the less resistance you experience in your life - the easier things are flowing to you.
See if you can find correlation between your level of emotions and your income.
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