93% of communication in NON VERBAL - How good are you???

by zannix
13 replies
Hello chaps,

Here's a great video on the subject, I'm sure you will have a lot of fun watching it, as I just did. Alan Pease is also known as "Mr Body Language" and in this 2 hour long video compilation of his seminars, he demonstrates some of the most common body language signs and how to read them, in a rather amusing and interesting way.

Let me know what you think about it after you watch it!

God bless,
#93% #communication #good #verbal
  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    I've seen bits and pieces of this, it is very interesting. So much so that I make a point of planning my non verbal gestures any time that I have a presentation or speech to give. I'll consciously think about it during social interactions as well. If you know what to look for, it's interesting to see the effect that your gesticulations have on your friends when you are trying to make a point.
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  • Profile picture of the author HolyWarrior
    When you get practiced at it, you'll find that you automatically begin altering the inflections of your voice and facial features to accentuate the message you're trying to deliver. Just look at Tony Robbins. That's how you'll be simply out of habit after enough time delivering your message with accented vocals, facial alterations, and hand gestures. At least, that's how it is for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author zannix
      Originally Posted by HolyWarrior View Post

      When you get practiced at it, you'll find that you automatically begin altering the inflections of your voice and facial features to accentuate the message you're trying to deliver. Just look at Tony Robbins. That's how you'll be simply out of habit after enough time delivering your message with accented vocals, facial alterations, and hand gestures. At least, that's how it is for me.
      Do you really think it's possible to program your body language so you express yourself a certain way subconsciously after having practiced it for a long time?

      That's a very interesting claim.
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      • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
        Originally Posted by zannix View Post

        Do you really think it's possible to program your body language so you express yourself a certain way subconsciously after having practiced it for a long time?

        That's a very interesting claim.
        Not really a claim. It's called Conditioning.
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  • Profile picture of the author Exel
    The percentages vary, but it is now very much established that most of communication
    comes from body language, then voice tonality, and the least the words we speak.

    Communication is the most important thing in any relationship, being family, friendly,
    intimate, business, professional, so everyone should take it very seriously and get good at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author patricialundy
    i agree with Exel
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    That is an interesting point you are pointing out I think I should think about that seriously and work on it like yesterday.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anna7
    Thanks for sharing this. I think this is something that is applicable not only in a professional setting but in a personal setting as well. Sort of like when people say "it's not WHAT was said but the WAY it was said".
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  • Profile picture of the author robert88
    I've truly noticed odds and ends of the, it is quite interesting. A lot making sure that My partner and i come up with a place regarding setting up the neo mental signals any moment i always have a very business presentation or maybe conversation to give. I am going to consciously think about it in the course of societal friendships also. Knowing precisely what to consider, it can be interesting to see the effects that the gesticulations have in your good friends when you find yourself hoping to manufacture a place.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Sneen
    One of my weaknesses is that if I am talking to you; and thinking about what I am going to say next, I cannot look you in the eye. I find myself looking at the wall next to the person I am talking to. I haven't been able to change this. If I look at a person as I am thinking and talking, I get tongue-tied.
    David Sneen
    It's what you do when no one is watching
    that determines what you will be able to
    do when everyone is watching.
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  • Profile picture of the author cloudstrife
    I can be a testiment to the fact that Conditioning works. We did a lot of work on Non-verbal communication in Uni. So i took it upon myself to learn more about non-verbal and work on the non-verbal cues i gave out.

    I contiously made non-verbal communication cues to the point where they became part of who I am. I believe I am better for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikefrommaine
    Alan Pease is great! He's got some good books too.

    I'm the host of a show at http://mikefrommaine.com

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  • Profile picture of the author LulaFor
    Thanks mate, this video is very funny! mikejmu, What is the title of the books?
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