If you're struggling to make money - some advice...

by Mark Andrews Banned
19 replies
"You are what you think you are."

If you go in to Internet marketing with the attitude you just want to earn a few dollars to tide you over, is it any wonder you often make things more difficult for yourself?

If you go in to Internet marketing without a clearly defined goal in mind, is it any wonder that the second you wade in a little over your depth, you start flailing around with information overload not knowing which way to turn next to find the ideal solution you're looking for?

If you go in to Internet marketing without a laser focus, with no business plan, with no clear strategy in mind, is it any wonder why making money online can be so difficult for you?

Why oh why do so many of you insist on making everything so difficult for yourselves?

Pretty much in every other area of life you'll do whatever you can to make your lives easier or better in some way.

Yet, when it comes to business, many of you still need hand holding or worse... your finger pulled out of your backside.

Look! If you go in to this business, any business in fact with a halfhearted attitude, 'well, I suppose I could give this a go', is it any wonder you'll often get the same repetitive results (diddly fat squat income wise), exactly the same as you've always received to date? Why on this occasion should you expect a different more positive result if you cannot be bothered to adjust and adapt your thinking?

At the outset I stated, "You are what you think you are." Meaning...

If you think confused, you'll receive confused.

If you think small, you'll only receive back a small return.

Whatever you think you are - is what you are.

If you think of yourself as being unsuccessful, you will become unsuccessful.

If you think you'll never get a handle or a grip on all this knowledge, well surprise surprise, life being a self fulfilling prophecy (as it is), you'll receive back exactly what you put out there, back into your own life.

No matter how bad life is right now, if something isn't working for you, stop doing it. Stop thinking as you are. Change your thinking. Change your attitude. Be tough on yourself. Tell yourself instead, "I can and I will do this."

The very fact you're alive is incredible in itself. You've already defeated all the odds in the known universe just by the fact you are alive and kicking, able to think for yourself on your own two feet.

The chances of you not being here are staggeringly high. Yet you, you of all people, you defeated these odds and you're here right now. Living here in the moment, reading this right this second.

Your amazingly privileged. You are. You have all the tools you need right in front of you at your disposal. You have the same keyboard in front of you as anyone else. By thinking just a little differently, by adjusting your attitude to life, you'll start hitting the keys on your keyboard in a different sequenced order to that which you've been doing to date.

If something isn't working it's not the fault of the marketplace. It's your own thinking which is at fault. If you're not getting the results you think you deserve change your fricken attitude. Change your thinking. Think for the better. For a more positive change / adjustment in your life.

You're not going to be around forever. One day something, anything could happen to you which changes your life without your say in it. An accident could render you paralyzed tomorrow. For somebody this will come true, and you know what they'll think afterwards?

They'll think to themselves, 'I wish I'd done this or that differently when I had the opportunity, when I had the chance'.

Or before getting ill with a life threatening disease, 'I wish I'd spent more time with my family or related more to the world and my place within it'. This is exactly what will go through their mind. I guarantee it.

Don't ever take your life for granted. If you want better things in life, a better lifestyle or more security or financial wealth or independence or opportunity for yourself or for your family members - set the lead and lead by example.

If you don't know how to do this, find out how to do this first. Change can only come from within yourself. You must build up within yourself a desire to make the changes necessary if you want to change your life for the better.

Your life, every moment which you can decide one way or another how to think for yourself, is entirely up to you.

In the moment, in any split second you have a choice to think and act one way or another.

If you make bad choices you'll soon enough receive back the energy you put out there negatively.

On the other hand, in the moment, through good thought choices, you can decide for yourself to make small incremental changes in your thinking to receive a much higher reward.

When you think for yourself, you are in fact creating energy. Is the energy you're going to create by your thoughts and actions energy which is going to benefit you and others around you or, create disturbances in the energy field which pay-off will harm you and others around you, even towards those you claim to love the most?

Think about it.

Being in business for yourself is all about helping other people. That's it plain and simple. All business seeks to provide solutions to other people.

How can you improve your thinking by a factor of 10%?

How can you improve the lives of other people by a factor of 10%?

What can you do right now, in this given moment to make the necessary change you need over the long run by a factor of 10%?

The difference between negative people and positive individuals is the way they each think their own thought patterns.

Start thinking more positively, dream bigger, dream better, believe in yourself that you can do whatever you set your mind and heart upon and you can achieve whatever you want in this life.

You just need to give yourself permission.

Just some random thoughts which I hope will help a few of you out.

So, what do you think?

Mark Andrews
#attitude #business #doer #quitters
  • Good stuff Mark. I hope readers get something out of your post. As for me, I'm already there, and all about the L.O.A, energy, and all that good stuff.

    I trust you hang out here:

    Mind Warriors - Success, Power, Self-Improvement

    If not, make sure to drop your knowledge in there as well

    Arnold Stolting.
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
    "I LOVE The Song! The Vibe Is Positive And Firm!" - Kymani Marley. (Son of Bob Marley).

    "Very High Quality!" Jeremy Harding - Manager / Producer. Sean Paul.
    "They Are FANTASTIC!" - Willie Crawford.

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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
      Thanks Arnold for the compliment.

      Aye, I'll make sure to make a few more threads in the section of the forum you mention over the coming weeks.

      Wishing you every success possible, a long life and as much happiness as you can handle!

      Kindest regards,

      Mark Andrews
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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20
    I think it is vitally important that people have the correct "MINDSET".

    If you are going into business with the desire but no real plan or direction, you are flying blind so to speak.

    I have personally used Tony Robbins' products before actually going into business full time.

    This allowed me to be prepared for what was ahead as challenges in life are here to stay no matter what.

    This alone helped me realise that no matter how much you earn, learn do etc; you are always going to have pain and challenges.

    But one thing you have an option with is whether you have to suffer with life or not. You do not have to put with the same results you are getting in your life or business life.

    If you are not happy with something, change it!!!

    These kind of posts are not here to hurt anyone but I believe they can help wake up what we have been denying.

    All the best everyone and have a great day!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author kolled
    That's a pretty profound message, Mark. I think most of us can get much better results than we're getting now by changing our mindset and taking the right action. We tend to over think stuff, move around in circles, only to end up where we were before.

    If people could only make the right changes, most of the challenges they face would vanish. But no, it is easier to chase the next big thing. I guess it is the reason so many threads are coming up these days asking 'which is the best...' Which leads to paralysis as the poster is bombarded with options. If only they could select one option that works and move on?

    Thanks again, Mark, for such powerful words.
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Excellent post Mark. Mindset is huge! Most of us are brought up to think that most things in life are unrealistic. I myself would often come up with an idea and then quickly think of ways why I couldn't do it.

    I can never get tired of reading posts like the one you made as we often need constant reminders that you CAN do it if you put your mind to it.

    Thanks again

    It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
    ---->>>> BrainDirection.com <<<<----
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    A simple way to sum up your thoughts is: As You Change, Your Circumstances Change Too.

    The problem is...

    Most people are way too conditional to commit themselves to release all of the limiting beliefs, judgments and past stories keeping them stuck in marketing purgatory.

    "I'll work on myself more when I start bringing in more money."


    Will you.

    Are you making a deal with God?

    Here's the thing:

    If you're experiencing poor results (and I mean that literally,) you'll NEVER reveal the abundance you want, need and deserve UNTIL you acknowledge you created your present circumstances.

    And yet...

    What do most people who give an ounce of thought to mindset do when they're in the midst of mind-numbing financial scarcity?

    They convince themselves they need to LEARN HOW TO MANIFEST, right?

    They to themselves, "I need to learn this whole Law of Attraction thing because I can't keep living like this!"


    You need to learn how to manifest? Do ya?


    Because you already created what you are and have?

    How did you learn how to do that?

    Would you like a DIFFERENT experience?



    Then acknowledge you already manifested your reality (especially the circumstances you absolutely despise!)

    Do that first...

    ...and perhaps you'll be able to create something else...

    Good post Mark...

    Um, Mark too...

    Do you want a 9 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you, on zoom, to help write your copy or client copy... while you learn from one of the few copywriters to legit hit 9 figures in gross sales! Discover More

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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
      Originally Posted by Mark Pescetti View Post

      A simple way to sum up your thoughts is: As You Change, Your Circumstances Change Too.

      The problem is...

      Most people are way too conditional to commit themselves to release all of the limiting beliefs, judgments and past stories keeping them stuck in marketing purgatory.

      "I'll work on myself more when I start bringing in more money."


      Will you.

      Are you making a deal with God?

      Here's the thing:

      If you're experiencing poor results (and I mean that literally,) you'll NEVER reveal the abundance you want, need and deserve UNTIL you acknowledge you created your present circumstances.

      And yet...

      What do most people who give an ounce of thought to mindset do when they're in the midst of mind-numbing financial scarcity?

      They convince themselves they need to LEARN HOW TO MANIFEST, right?

      They to themselves, "I need to learn this whole Law of Attraction thing because I can't keep living like this!"


      You need to learn how to manifest? Do ya?


      Because you already created what you are and have?

      How did you learn how to do that?

      Would you like a DIFFERENT experience?



      Then acknowledge you already manifested your reality (especially the circumstances you absolutely despise!)

      Do that first...

      ...and perhaps you'll be able to create something else...

      Good post Mark...

      Um, Mark too...
      Law of attraction, aye it's similar Mark to the metaphor I've shared with you before.

      Two magnets, each with a north pole and a south pole polarity.

      Bring the two together in the wrong configuration i.e. a north-north pole polarity or a south-south pole polarity and what happens? Why the two forces instantly repel one another. But...

      ...bring a north-south pole polarity close to one another and the attraction just gets stronger and stronger until a strong bond is created between the two.

      Question is, how much magnetic attraction does each one of us put out in our daily lives?

      If we want abundance in our life, we need to create an attractive atmosphere whereupon those people who come into contact with us feel a strong pull (or attraction) to want to do more business with us. Then together we can form a stronger bond and positioning angle to further strengthen our positioning in the marketplace.

      Commonsense really isn't it, yet as you and I both know only too well, many people unfortunately will fight against this tooth and nail. In effect, fighting against their own law of nature. Strange but true.

      Warmest regards,

      Mark Andrews
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  • Profile picture of the author Born to Earn
    valuable advise mark!

    thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    Thank you for changing my mindset. I think am all that and a bag of chips.
    http://www.charlesmomo.com Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I love the saying... "if you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're right!" It's a much shorter version but it is basically saying what you are saying.
    The word "try" should be eliminated from people's vocabulary.

    If you're not making enough money, then make a change so you will.

    If you're sick, find a way to make yourself feel at least a little better.

    I personally have a lot of ailments and am told by many people that they are surprised I am so positive.
    I simply say that it's a choice. I can say "poor me" and hide in a corner and wait to die OR I can get out and work and make money so I can enjoy life.

    I choose the second option.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Mark.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author annsjones
    The very fact you're alive is incredible in itself. You've already defeated all the odds in the known universe just by the fact you are alive and kicking, able to think for yourself on your own two feet.

    You just need to give yourself permission.

    Just some random thoughts which I hope will help a few of you out.

    So, what do you think?

    Mark Andrews[/QUOTE]
    Albert Einstein said:
    There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
    When you take the second option, as though everything is a miracle, then everything (productive) is possible, because of the right mindset.
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  • Profile picture of the author outNabout
    Very positive thoughts by mark.Everything is possible with the right mindset.That's where it all begins.I have been procrastinating and waiting for the right moment but have realized there is no right moment.Start with the least and build more as you gain knowledge.
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  • Profile picture of the author Humbled
    I dont know, its easy when you have made it to say such things, when you are 20k in debt and in need of a break then its unrealistic to think that a positive attitude will pull you out of the hole, you also need a little bit of luck and a break
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  • Profile picture of the author Connie Lim
    Now is 8:54am in Malaysia, tears drop after I have read your post, it has touched my heart. I just started IM in early August 2012, within these 27 days, due to lack of knowledge, I want to give up for few times, and later on I need to change/adjust back my mindset to make sure I'm on my track.....

    Thanks for the inspiring post. I will keep it as one of my motivation tools.

    Connie Lim
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  • Profile picture of the author HolyWarrior
    This is a beautiful post with inspiring words. Anybody who wants to be successful would do well to adhere to what you've said here.

    A word to all doubters and skeptics...

    Believe it when I tell you that I've felt down-and-out before. The world has worked against me, more times than I care to imagine. After a VERY unfortunate incident and misunderstanding, I lost my job, my car, my home, and my credit. On top of that, I quickly racked up more than $10,000 in debt.

    When so much seems to happen against you it can feel crippling, and you may feel like there's no hope. In fact it's just the opposite. I use the EXACT manner of thinking in which Andrew has so kindly listed here, and I'm doing better now, much better. I still have so much left to gain, but I've been put in a position to change my life and the lives of others because of my ordeal.

    Don't give up faith, think big, find ways to stay focused, and continue to stay motivated. If you ever want results in your life, remove ALL distractions, sit down, and GET TO WORK! Work for hours upon end, make your effort and time worth something to you. You can do it, so long as you BELIEVE you can!

    Doubt all you want, but don't be surprised when you lead a miserable and empty life as a result.

    Dare to dream, dare to challenge, and dare to face your problems, write out a plan to overcome them, and then take DECISIVE action with UNWAVERING commitment to make your goals a reality.

    Well done, sir!
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  • Profile picture of the author rising_sun
    Confusion confusion confusion
    it is one of the barrier on my way of IM ,
    I wanna make money but always sink in the pond of confusion,
    please write some thing more about to remove confusion.
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  • Profile picture of the author speedbird
    Mark, I have to admit that you can make a very good writer. I have read some of your posts and they are truly inspiring. Keep up the good spirit!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
      Originally Posted by Humbled View Post

      I dont know, its easy when you have made it to say such things, when you are 20k in debt and in need of a break then its unrealistic to think that a positive attitude will pull you out of the hole, you also need a little bit of luck and a break
      Who said it was easy?

      I didn't.

      It's not been easy for myself, many years ago I lost all of my family, wife, son, mother, father, sister, extended family, home, business everything swept from under my feet in less than two weeks.

      It was an incredibly painful period. A time in my life when I came very close to committing suicide, such was the despair I felt in my heart back then.

      But bounce back I did. BOING!

      You need bounce in your life.

      You need to know when and how to adapt reflexively to circumstances around you.

      You can only ever live in the moment.

      Not the past.

      Nor the future.

      Just the now.

      In the present.

      And right now, in this next given moment...

      ...you have a choice in front of you.

      To either effect a positive change in your life or to wallow in despair.

      Sometimes you need to know when it's time to kick yourself up the ass.

      Sure wallowing in feelings of, 'Woe is me', may feel good in the short term but, does constantly feeling sorry for yourself... get you the results you desire?

      You know the answer.

      Question is, what are YOU going to do about your situation?

      The keyboard is looking up at you.

      What are you going to do with it?

      Everyone has exactly the same number of hours in the day.

      What are you going to do with YOUR time?

      Fritter it away in feelings of despair, feeling sorry for yourself...


      Use your time and personal resources, the knowledge you have right now to make your life better in some way?

      The choice is yours and yours alone my friend.

      Warmest regards,

      Mark Andrews
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
        Originally Posted by rising_sun View Post

        Confusion confusion confusion
        it is one of the barrier on my way of IM ,
        I wanna make money but always sink in the pond of confusion,
        please write some thing more about to remove confusion.
        I've written about this extensively in the past.

        But let me ask you...

        What's causing you to feel confused?

        Are you being your own worst enemy?

        For how much or by what degree you get confused is entirely up to you and you alone.

        It's your choice to make yourself confused.

        No one else is telling you to read this or that or something else.

        Nobody else is telling you to keep hopping around from one subject to the next with no clear sense of direction or focus.

        It's entirely your personal responsibility what you do with your mind.

        If information overload is getting to you, taking over your mind, you know what the simple solution is?

        Stop doing what you're currently doing and do something else instead.

        For if by shooting yourself in the foot you're unable to make forward progress the question naturally follows...

        Why keep on doing something if the feedback you're receiving as a result of your actions is harming you in some way?

        What you obviously lack is focus.

        Focus on what it is exactly that you want to do.

        You need to take some time out for yourself to think about what it is you want.

        So what do you want to do?

        What do you want to accomplish?

        What do you want to achieve?

        And by when do you want to see a different set of results, other than the results to date you're already receiving?

        Write these questions down and answer them in turn.

        Next disregard everything you've learned to date.

        Don't worry, removing this knowledge from the forefront of your mind where it's causing you a right metaphorical headache will still be available to you should you choose to tap into this knowledge in the subconscious mind when you need it.

        But right now you need simplification.

        Not more confusion.

        You need clarity.

        You need to be able to see the road map ahead.

        Call this a demisting or defogging exercise.

        Call it what you will.

        But you need to unclutter your mind, let go of the behaviors which are causing you to feel confused.

        So a week from today, where do you want to be?

        A month from today, where do you want to be?

        3 months from today, where do you want to be?

        6 months from now, where do you want to be?

        A year from now, where do you want to be?

        Be honest with yourself. Ruthlessly honest with yourself.

        For when you know what you want even if all the knowledge isn't there right to hand in the present, you'll take in or feed on only the specific knowledge you need which will enable you to take the next step to move you closer to your goal.

        Ignore anything which doesn't help you to achieve this objective.

        Keep your learning simple.

        Only feed on knowledge which makes things easier to understand.

        And don't be tempted to push yourself off at tangents thinking, 'Ooh this looks interesting, I wonder what this is all about'. If you go off on tangents which take you away from your goal you defeat the purpose of the exercise.

        Of course to do this effectively will take some self discipline.

        You need to be strong with yourself.

        You need to take the helm.

        You need to take the wheel.

        You're in charge.

        Imagine yourself on a boat on a fast moving river.

        There are many courses or options to move you from your current position to your intended destination downstream.

        Some routes more difficult than others.

        Some routes are more exciting.

        And some routes just make plain commonsense.

        Your life is your vessel.

        Your mind is the steadying hand on the helm.

        Where you choose to go is entirely up to you.

        If you think of life as a giant fairground with lots of fun rides to choose from...

        Some rides can be exhilarating.

        Some just plain good fun.

        And some rides can at times be downright scary.

        If any one ride is not to your liking, simply hop off that particular ride and jump on another ride which gives you the sensation you want.

        Keep your eye simple.

        Keep your goal in mind.

        Take in a bite-sized piece of information one simple small step at a time.

        Like stepping stones crossing a woodland brook.

        You first take the leap of faith and balance on the first stone then you look around carefully at your options...

        Hmmm this way or that way?

        I'll go this way, foot out, push and voila!...

        ...you're now on step two, not looking back, just looking forwards excited at the journey ahead.

        Just take each day as it comes...

        ...taking on board only the information you need to enable you in the short term to fulfill your goal of achieving the next days activity. With one eye constantly on the distant objective of your desire.

        If you need help, don't be afraid to holler and I'll be delighted to help you if I can.

        Warmest regards,

        Mark Andrews
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