2 things my dog taught me about giving up

18 replies
You need to know two things about my dog, Cindy:

1. She's almost blind.

2. She's terrified of everything.

Cindy's an aussie that we adopted away from a farmer after he realized she'd never make a good work dog.

Her second favorite thing in the world is to sit in her dog house where no one can see her.

But her absolute favorite thing to do is...

Run through the woods.

I don't know if you've been around Australian Shepherds, but they get this smile when they're excited, kind of like Border Collies. It'll melt your heart.

Now, our most common walk involves cutting through a patch of woods near my house.

Of course, walking through my neighborhood before we reach the woods scares her. She spends the whole time tugging backwards - not enough to challenge, but just enough to say she's not happy.

But when we get under those trees and I take her off the leash...

She goes wild.

Tongue dangling, rolling through dead animals, eating trash - she's in doggie heaven.

The other day as we approached the woods, I took her leash off early.

I thought she'd dash forward.


She dropped and put her chin on the ground, pointed towards home.

Her eyes stared up at me, wanting permission to retreat.

"You stupid dog," I said, "we've walked half a mile, and we're just 10 feet from your favorite spot!"

And then it hit me.

How many times have I worked towards a goal, only to give it up once I got close?

My problem, like Cindy's problem, is that I don't see very well.

She couldn't see how close she was to her favorite patch of woods.

I can't see how close I am to achieving success.

So here's the 2 things my dog taught me about giving up:

1. When we give up on a goal, we don't get to know how close we came.

2. There's a good chance we're a lot closer than we think.

Stick to it, everyone.


#dog #giving #taught #things
  • Profile picture of the author Matrixler
    What an inspiring story! Thanks for sharing Ben.

    A Quote of Bill Cosby pops up in my mind while reading about Cindy,
    In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mary Stevens
    Good stuff! Makes me think about all the projects I have shelved
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  • Profile picture of the author cjagodka
    What an awesome story! Thanks for the share.

    I had a conversation with one of my friends the other day about the deference between failure and quiting. It went on for awhile but to make a long story short he said something to me and it has stuck.

    With failure you gave it a shot and you now know that you will have try to something new but quiting, that lasts forever.
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  • Profile picture of the author henryblogger
    Thank you for sharing an inspiring story!.
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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    Good inspirational story sounds like you have an awesome dog It makes me grateful for not having any disabilities dogs are always happy as long as they are treated well by their owners.

    It would be nice if we as the human race could be as simple, loyal, and happy as our dog friends.
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  • Profile picture of the author maark
    That story made my day Thanks for sharing a great inspiration.
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  • Profile picture of the author flowerz
    Your dog is awesome! Thanks for this
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
    Good post Benjamin. Reminds me of a book I read 30 years ago "Acres of Diamonds" that has a similar story to tell. Acres of Diamonds - Acres of Diamonds - Discover Your Own Acres of Diamonds
    Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amod Oke
    Awesome share Benjamin... don't know why, but reminded me of Jonathan Seagull!!
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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Great story Ben! And since I love dogs, of course that made it 10x better.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Farthing
    Oh, and just to be clear, I did convince Cindy to take those final few steps. She had a great time. Something had died back there, and she made sure to roll around in it.

    If you're curious what she looks like, here she is:
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    • Profile picture of the author Joel Young
      Benjamin, I think you have just catapulted me past the rut I've been in for a week. I've set up a whole funnel system with a product and everything, and all I need to do is write up the initial sales letter - which I've been putting off. And perhaps it's because I, like Cindy, can't see how close I am to that wonderful playground of success.

      I'm going to write that sales letter TODAY, and get that funnel working! Thank you!

      ...and what a great looking dog she is.
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidAtias1
    Awesome story.
    I also have an amazing dog(female also)

    Thank you man
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  • Profile picture of the author jay walters
    Amazing story ben, Thank you for sharing. I am touched on how
    we have come to lose our sight on our goals even though we can
    already grab it. How touching it is that from simple things we get
    to learn something great. From ordinary into extra-ordinary.

    I am glad to have read your stuff.

    Good job.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Houck
    It is funny what animals can teach us. Animals can be a profound teacher if yo are observant enough.
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    • Profile picture of the author pollytoast
      What a lovely story, maybe not the rolling in dead animals part though! Reminded me of years ago when the family dog, now deceased, was on the couch and I gave him a great big hug and kissed his face then said to my mum, yuck his face stinks and she was like "oh yeah he was rolling about in a dead cat earlier"!!

      The story really is inspirational though and I hope Cindy realizes what how much you love her!

      I will be honest sometimes I love my dog more than some humans!!!

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