"How come the Law of Attraction doesn't always work?"
..And you probably already know the answer, even if you do not realize it yet. Let me explain...
Why does it work sometimes, and not at other times?
Why are some people successful, and others not?
Why are some people rich, and others not?
The Law of Attraction is one of the most misunderstood phenomena in the whole world. I am pretty much tired of all the theories whizzing around, and people who do not really understand how it all works.
I am not asking you to believe me, but to test and try it out for yourselves. If you succeed, post here and share your experiences. If you do not, post here too and share your experiences.
What I only ask you to, is to try, because I am giving all of this for free. If it worked for you, all I can ask of you is to show others this thread.
If it was, many optimists in the world would be rich and own huge luxuries. If it was, skeptical businessmen would not be rich. Reality shows otherwise. You know it deep inside.
Positive thinking can be poisonous in excess. You know it too. Too much of a good thing can be toxic. Why?
Because when we do things in excess, we are afraid in our subconscious minds.
A rape victim tends to cover herself up in a lot of clothes. A kidnapped victim tends to hire many bodyguards and never walk down deserted roads. A scam victim tends to become overly-skeptic. Even some Popes become sex abusers.
Similarly, a deeply pessimistic person tends to be overly optimistic... only that they do not realize it.
Remember, whenever you polarize towards an extreme, you get the opposite as well - because everything is connected. Later in the post, I will share with you how to escape that trap.
All of us, when we were born, we all had certain circumstances fixed. For example, we all have a set DNA. We all have different parents. We all have different childhood environments. Some are born rich. Some are born charismatic. Some are born just darn amazing.
But most of us don't grow up in that way, because we are underprivileged. Some of us grow up struggling with finances and bread-winning. Some of us struggle with a 9 to 5 job.
There are 2 things you must learn here today.
We have "Capacity" and "Decisions".
Everyone of us, including you and I, all have a Capacity in life. For example, no matter how hard a physicist might work, he might never reach the achievements of Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein.
However, don't be misjudged into thinking that our Capacity is limited to whatever you are stuck at in life now. That's absolutely wrong. Almost all of us, never reach that full Capacity. In fact, according to the Pareto Principle, we would only expect 20% to make it.
There is also no such thing as "fate". There is only Capacity. You handle your own fate through your Decisions.
EVERY single decision you make in your life is a turning point. Do not, for any reason, lose your grasp on reality. Be conscious of every single decision you make, because it can recoil and hit you thrice as hard.
You reap what you sow, and you sow what you reap.
Whether you decided to shout at your wife because of a bad mood and high stress level, might decide the next turn of events. Whether you decided to pick the right words, might decide what happens to your business discussion. Whether you decided to procrastinate, will decide what happens to you in future.
Everything is linked. Every speech, thought and action, is linked to every single moment of your future life. Using LOA terms to speak, you are manifesting every single thing - because you are the one who is deciding everything.
Later in the post, it might be controversial, but I will share with you what I did to break that barrier and move towards full Capacity and choose the right Decisions.
Unless you were magnetic, you would be able to attract metals to you. For most of us, we aren't able to do that. This is the part of the concept that is particularly difficult for most people to get. It took me ages to understand this part.
First, I need you to agree that the universe is more complex than you'd ever know. Science is young, and there are many inexplicable things in the world. I myself, am ignorant about this, despite knowing university-level physics (MIT online free courseware).
Yes, it gets very, very controversial. But just hear me out, and treat me like a blabbering ignoramus if you deem it fit.
Imagine that you are a soul inside a human body. This soul, is not of any kind of shape, but it tends to retain the shape of a human body because it is convenient to do so.
All of us have an Ego, and an Essence.
The Ego is made up of many, many things. It consists of illusions about the world we have around us. We are constantly craving. We are constantly having desires. Because the Ego wants to feel "alive".
You are really not "you". What you think you are, is actually the "Ego". It is personality, based on years and years of conditioning. Years and years of pain, happiness and experiences.
Some of you might notice this and ask, "So isn't the Ego the conscious mind?"
The Ego is actually the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and EVEN the concept of a soul itself. The subconscious consists of instinctive urges that fuel the personality. Let me explain how that works.
All traits of personality are degrees of how much your instinct is expressed. When you are more extraverted, it is an instinct for you to build numbers to get 'safety' or stimulation. When you are more sexual, you are expressing primal urges for procreation.
So what has this got to do with whether you are attracting things to you?
When I say you are not "you", do not underestimate the meaning of that phrase. We are all interconnected in an extremely profound way. We are connected to everything not in a "you and me" way, but in a "everything IS me" way.
If you believe in angels and God, they ARE you. If you believe in Buddha and nirvana, they ARE you. If you believe in Taoism and the infinite Tao, they ARE you. If you believe in physics and the universe, they ARE you.
When you grasp that "All is me, I am All" concept - you'll reach a level of manifestation that is not beatable. Even I have not reached that level of understanding.
Atoms are micro-cosmoses. Imagine a whole universe compressed into a single tiny space the size of an atom. That is an atom. Yet, atoms make up the rest of the universe.
Similarly, humans are micro-cosmoses in an unbelievable way. In our lives, we seek fragments of ourselves. When we meet people who teach us life lessons directly or indirectly, they are 'completing' us. Because, they are not "they". They are you too.
Let us recap the 4 principles:
1. Polarized thinking does not work
2. Our "Decisions" move us to/away from our "Capacity"
3. "All is me, I am All"
4. We are part of a grand scheme
Before you settle to manifest anything, I must suggest that this method worked particularly well for me and I believe in "what you reap, you sow". Do not use this for unethical purposes, because it WILL rebound.
First things first, I want you to start having a more balanced sense of reality. There are, in fact, 3 components involved:
A. Intellectual
B. Emotional
C. Physical
Your body needs to be in perfect condition for manifestation to occur at will. We all have 7 high-energy vortexes lined up in the center of our bodies. This has been verified by several photography techniques:

In any form of imbalance, this creates all sorts of strange effects on your mind and body. You start feeling nauseous or irritated or even emotionally helpless.
I want you to start to balance your life. Go for brisk walks if you can't run, to stimulate your Physical centers. Start critical thinking to stimulate your Intellectual centers. Start feeling (love is the best) to stimulate your Emotional centers. I guarantee you that it will be the best change of your life.
This will ground your body into a suitable condition for good manifestation.
Second, I want you to learn how to clear your mind.
We all are guilty of voices forever chattering in our heads, if not, images floating in our minds every minute. What I want you to do, is to learn how to clear your mind.
Notice that when you forcefully try to clear your mind, you are unable to do so. I want you to close your eyes, then just watch what your mind is doing. Be aware of these images floating... and then just watch them pass by. Hear the sounds ebb away.
Practice, practice and practice. This is very crucial. Clearing your mind is one of the steps that many people fail to do. Some people might call this a form of meditation.
The problem is that when people try to "manifest", they start focusing on a thought. And then a 1001 OTHER thoughts start flooding the mind.
TRAIN, TRAIN, TRAIN yourself to clear your mind. If you can't do this, you can't manifest.
It might take time, but believe me, it is worth it. If you still can't do it, try some self-hypnosis tapes or guided meditations. The good ones are the ones that deal with Chakra stimulations, Yogic meditations or even Transcendental meditation.
Third, when you've learnt how to clear your mind, I want you to be able to do it at will. As you do so, I want you to start thinking about the "All is me, and I am all" concept.
Remember that you are not you.
The Bible recorded, "God is omnipresent."
Buddhist texts recorded, "Mind and reality are linked."
Hermes Trismegistus, responsible for the Emerald Tablet, recorded, "Truth! Certainty! That in which there is no doubt! ... The force of forces, which overcomes every subtle thing and penetrates into everything gross... The structure of the microcosm is in accordance with the structure of the macrocosm."
Think about it. If you are everything, and everything is you... You are able to create your own 'luck'. You are able to turn the universe into your favor. You are able to make everything align to you.
Remember, it's not attraction. It's manifestation.
I want you to start thinking about the One Big Thought that you want to achieve. What is that One Big Thought you want to reach?
- Try not to make it a selfish thought - make it abundant and beneficial to all
- Make the thought irrationally huge and almost unachievable
- Do it in 1st person perspective
- Don't feel the thought. BE the thought.
When some LOA books talk about "being" the thought, I think it's really a language problem. You don't think about being the thought. You just BE. You ARE. You are everything, and everything is you.
I want you to fill yourself with a brilliant white light when you are focusing on that one thought. Use your previous training to clear your mind of any other thoughts. Focus on that ONE big thought. Feel yourself bursting out that white light and sending it all over the cosmos.
Fourth, this step is probably the hardest. Success does not come easy. I do not want you to give up at any stage of the point. I want you to keep faith. Remember, faith does not mean thinking about faith. Faith is feeling it. Faith is not hope. Faith is energy and certainty.
This step is all about FORGETTING.
Why? Why forget?
That's because the more you think about something, the more obsessive it becomes. When thoughts become polarized, you start to develop its complete opposite. (remember principle #1?)
It's like your high school infatuation. The more you think about your crush, the more unstoppable it becomes. The less you think about it, the feelings ebb away.
We want your Physical, Emotional and Intellectual centers to be completely balanced. It HAS to be balanced.
If you want, you can even write down your Big thought, then put it in a drawer, and NEVER look at it again.
When you manifest your thoughts, you might look back and see this note... and like me, you'll have the biggest wave of realization in your whole life about the curiosities of the "LOA".
This is very hard, but just bring your thoughts away from it whenever you start thinking about it at any point of time.
Why? Because if you start thinking about "how" it will happen, it always doesn't happen that way. The universe works in really strange ways... Ways you can never guess. You might suddenly end up at your goal, and you might not even know it... until you see the note.
This is the last step, and most LOA books hardly ever talk about this.
This is about reading the signs.
When water starts to boil, you know it is going to boil by observing the bubbles moving up. When a baby is coming out of a womb, you know it is going to when the waterbag bursts.
Since everything is interlinked, and you already have unshakeable faith (with the original thought completely forgotten), signs are going to come up.
But remember that your Decisions ultimately decide your future. You NEED to make decisions, but there are always optimal Decisions to gravitate you towards that.
How do you choose?
If you've done the training on your mental clearing, you will have a settling peace in all areas of your life. You will become much more controlled.
And more importantly, you will start to realize that there is a voice at the back of your mind.
That is your Essence. That is the real you, trying to express itself behind your Ego. It has always been there.
Some people call it a guardian angel. Some call it a Hero. Some call it "the tiny voice". Some call it "clairaudience". Some call it the "gut feeling".
When you clear your mind, and focus on that one question... IF you listen, you will get the right answer.
In fact, I've become far more perceptive as I've practiced this. I am able to sometimes predict things before they happen. As you get better, you will naturally know what are the best decisions to take.
Don't suppress your own voice by throwing 1001 conscious "thoughts" around it, and crowding it away.
I've finished my really long post. Phew.
If you really want to try this, I really hope you go up and take notes. Don't skip a single step along the way.
I want you to know that success does not come from mere visualizations. Your speech, thoughts and actions create your future.
No one taught me this, and I had to learn it painfully myself. I know there is a lot of information out there, but stick to this one. It worked for me, and I don't know if it will work for you, but it is highly likely.
Highest Regards,
James Fame
PS. This is my very first contribution to the WarriorForum, and since I used these to get my own state of success today, I sincerely hope it will shift everyone's thinking to an optimum point as well.
PPS. I realize that this was a really, really long post. But I am completely serious in this, and it has been a pillar of success for me. The extent of research I went into this to get these life lessons is huge.
PPPS. Also... Sharing is caring. I've shared it with you, because I already know that "you reap what you sow". If it works for you, share it with your family members. Make the world a better place.
*There is a sequel that I've posted: http://www.warriorforum.com/mind-war...ttraction.html
Take a look!
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Joseph M. Dabon
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