"How come the Law of Attraction doesn't always work?"

82 replies
I've always been asking that question...

..And you probably already know the answer, even if you do not realize it yet. Let me explain...

Why does it work for some, and not for others?

Why does it work sometimes, and not at other times?

Why are some people successful, and others not?

Why are some people rich, and others not?

The Law of Attraction is one of the most misunderstood phenomena in the whole world. I am pretty much tired of all the theories whizzing around, and people who do not really understand how it all works.

I am not asking you to believe me, but to test and try it out for yourselves. If you succeed, post here and share your experiences. If you do not, post here too and share your experiences.

What I only ask you to, is to try, because I am giving all of this for free. If it worked for you, all I can ask of you is to show others this thread.

First of all, the law of attraction is not positive thinking.

If it was, many optimists in the world would be rich and own huge luxuries. If it was, skeptical businessmen would not be rich. Reality shows otherwise. You know it deep inside.

Positive thinking can be poisonous in excess. You know it too. Too much of a good thing can be toxic. Why?

Because when we do things in excess, we are afraid in our subconscious minds.

A rape victim tends to cover herself up in a lot of clothes. A kidnapped victim tends to hire many bodyguards and never walk down deserted roads. A scam victim tends to become overly-skeptic. Even some Popes become sex abusers.

Similarly, a deeply pessimistic person tends to be overly optimistic... only that they do not realize it.

Remember, whenever you polarize towards an extreme, you get the opposite as well - because everything is connected. Later in the post, I will share with you how to escape that trap.

Secondly, the future is not 100% changeable.

All of us, when we were born, we all had certain circumstances fixed. For example, we all have a set DNA. We all have different parents. We all have different childhood environments. Some are born rich. Some are born charismatic. Some are born just darn amazing.

But most of us don't grow up in that way, because we are underprivileged. Some of us grow up struggling with finances and bread-winning. Some of us struggle with a 9 to 5 job.

There are 2 things you must learn here today.

We have "Capacity" and "Decisions".

Everyone of us, including you and I, all have a Capacity in life. For example, no matter how hard a physicist might work, he might never reach the achievements of Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein.

However, don't be misjudged into thinking that our Capacity is limited to whatever you are stuck at in life now. That's absolutely wrong. Almost all of us, never reach that full Capacity. In fact, according to the Pareto Principle, we would only expect 20% to make it.

There is also no such thing as "fate". There is only Capacity. You handle your own fate through your Decisions.

EVERY single decision you make in your life is a turning point. Do not, for any reason, lose your grasp on reality. Be conscious of every single decision you make, because it can recoil and hit you thrice as hard.

You reap what you sow, and you sow what you reap.

Whether you decided to shout at your wife because of a bad mood and high stress level, might decide the next turn of events. Whether you decided to pick the right words, might decide what happens to your business discussion. Whether you decided to procrastinate, will decide what happens to you in future.

Everything is linked. Every speech, thought and action, is linked to every single moment of your future life. Using LOA terms to speak, you are manifesting every single thing - because you are the one who is deciding everything.

Later in the post, it might be controversial, but I will share with you what I did to break that barrier and move towards full Capacity and choose the right Decisions.

Third, you cannot attract things to come to you.

Unless you were magnetic, you would be able to attract metals to you. For most of us, we aren't able to do that. This is the part of the concept that is particularly difficult for most people to get. It took me ages to understand this part.

First, I need you to agree that the universe is more complex than you'd ever know. Science is young, and there are many inexplicable things in the world. I myself, am ignorant about this, despite knowing university-level physics (MIT online free courseware).

Yes, it gets very, very controversial. But just hear me out, and treat me like a blabbering ignoramus if you deem it fit.

Imagine that you are a soul inside a human body. This soul, is not of any kind of shape, but it tends to retain the shape of a human body because it is convenient to do so.

All of us have an Ego, and an Essence.

The Ego is made up of many, many things. It consists of illusions about the world we have around us. We are constantly craving. We are constantly having desires. Because the Ego wants to feel "alive".

You are really not "you". What you think you are, is actually the "Ego". It is personality, based on years and years of conditioning. Years and years of pain, happiness and experiences.

Some of you might notice this and ask, "So isn't the Ego the conscious mind?"

The Ego is actually the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and EVEN the concept of a soul itself. The subconscious consists of instinctive urges that fuel the personality. Let me explain how that works.

All traits of personality are degrees of how much your instinct is expressed. When you are more extraverted, it is an instinct for you to build numbers to get 'safety' or stimulation. When you are more sexual, you are expressing primal urges for procreation.

So what has this got to do with whether you are attracting things to you?

When I say you are not "you", do not underestimate the meaning of that phrase. We are all interconnected in an extremely profound way. We are connected to everything not in a "you and me" way, but in a "everything IS me" way.

If you believe in angels and God, they ARE you. If you believe in Buddha and nirvana, they ARE you. If you believe in Taoism and the infinite Tao, they ARE you. If you believe in physics and the universe, they ARE you.

When you grasp that "All is me, I am All" concept - you'll reach a level of manifestation that is not beatable. Even I have not reached that level of understanding.

Fourth, you are part of a grand scheme.

Atoms are micro-cosmoses. Imagine a whole universe compressed into a single tiny space the size of an atom. That is an atom. Yet, atoms make up the rest of the universe.

Similarly, humans are micro-cosmoses in an unbelievable way. In our lives, we seek fragments of ourselves. When we meet people who teach us life lessons directly or indirectly, they are 'completing' us. Because, they are not "they". They are you too.

Let me share with you how all of these 4 principles tie down to the real "Law of Attraction"...

Let us recap the 4 principles:
1. Polarized thinking does not work
2. Our "Decisions" move us to/away from our "Capacity"
3. "All is me, I am All"
4. We are part of a grand scheme


Before you settle to manifest anything, I must suggest that this method worked particularly well for me and I believe in "what you reap, you sow". Do not use this for unethical purposes, because it WILL rebound.

First things first, I want you to start having a more balanced sense of reality. There are, in fact, 3 components involved:

A. Intellectual
B. Emotional
C. Physical

Your body needs to be in perfect condition for manifestation to occur at will. We all have 7 high-energy vortexes lined up in the center of our bodies. This has been verified by several photography techniques:

In any form of imbalance, this creates all sorts of strange effects on your mind and body. You start feeling nauseous or irritated or even emotionally helpless.

I want you to start to balance your life. Go for brisk walks if you can't run, to stimulate your Physical centers. Start critical thinking to stimulate your Intellectual centers. Start feeling (love is the best) to stimulate your Emotional centers. I guarantee you that it will be the best change of your life.

This will ground your body into a suitable condition for good manifestation.


Second, I want you to learn how to clear your mind.

We all are guilty of voices forever chattering in our heads, if not, images floating in our minds every minute. What I want you to do, is to learn how to clear your mind.

Notice that when you forcefully try to clear your mind, you are unable to do so. I want you to close your eyes, then just watch what your mind is doing. Be aware of these images floating... and then just watch them pass by. Hear the sounds ebb away.

Practice, practice and practice. This is very crucial. Clearing your mind is one of the steps that many people fail to do. Some people might call this a form of meditation.

The problem is that when people try to "manifest", they start focusing on a thought. And then a 1001 OTHER thoughts start flooding the mind.

TRAIN, TRAIN, TRAIN yourself to clear your mind. If you can't do this, you can't manifest.

It might take time, but believe me, it is worth it. If you still can't do it, try some self-hypnosis tapes or guided meditations. The good ones are the ones that deal with Chakra stimulations, Yogic meditations or even Transcendental meditation.


Third, when you've learnt how to clear your mind, I want you to be able to do it at will. As you do so, I want you to start thinking about the "All is me, and I am all" concept.

Remember that you are not you.

The Bible recorded, "God is omnipresent."
Buddhist texts recorded, "Mind and reality are linked."

Hermes Trismegistus, responsible for the Emerald Tablet, recorded, "Truth! Certainty! That in which there is no doubt! ... The force of forces, which overcomes every subtle thing and penetrates into everything gross... The structure of the microcosm is in accordance with the structure of the macrocosm."

Think about it. If you are everything, and everything is you... You are able to create your own 'luck'. You are able to turn the universe into your favor. You are able to make everything align to you.

Remember, it's not attraction. It's manifestation.

I want you to start thinking about the One Big Thought that you want to achieve. What is that One Big Thought you want to reach?

- Try not to make it a selfish thought - make it abundant and beneficial to all
- Make the thought irrationally huge and almost unachievable
- Do it in 1st person perspective
- Don't feel the thought. BE the thought.

When some LOA books talk about "being" the thought, I think it's really a language problem. You don't think about being the thought. You just BE. You ARE. You are everything, and everything is you.

I want you to fill yourself with a brilliant white light when you are focusing on that one thought. Use your previous training to clear your mind of any other thoughts. Focus on that ONE big thought. Feel yourself bursting out that white light and sending it all over the cosmos.


Fourth, this step is probably the hardest. Success does not come easy. I do not want you to give up at any stage of the point. I want you to keep faith. Remember, faith does not mean thinking about faith. Faith is feeling it. Faith is not hope. Faith is energy and certainty.

This step is all about FORGETTING.

Why? Why forget?

That's because the more you think about something, the more obsessive it becomes. When thoughts become polarized, you start to develop its complete opposite. (remember principle #1?)

It's like your high school infatuation. The more you think about your crush, the more unstoppable it becomes. The less you think about it, the feelings ebb away.

We want your Physical, Emotional and Intellectual centers to be completely balanced. It HAS to be balanced.

If you want, you can even write down your Big thought, then put it in a drawer, and NEVER look at it again.

When you manifest your thoughts, you might look back and see this note... and like me, you'll have the biggest wave of realization in your whole life about the curiosities of the "LOA".

This is very hard, but just bring your thoughts away from it whenever you start thinking about it at any point of time.

Why? Because if you start thinking about "how" it will happen, it always doesn't happen that way. The universe works in really strange ways... Ways you can never guess. You might suddenly end up at your goal, and you might not even know it... until you see the note.


This is the last step, and most LOA books hardly ever talk about this.

This is about reading the signs.

When water starts to boil, you know it is going to boil by observing the bubbles moving up. When a baby is coming out of a womb, you know it is going to when the waterbag bursts.

Since everything is interlinked, and you already have unshakeable faith (with the original thought completely forgotten), signs are going to come up.

But remember that your Decisions ultimately decide your future. You NEED to make decisions, but there are always optimal Decisions to gravitate you towards that.

How do you choose?

If you've done the training on your mental clearing, you will have a settling peace in all areas of your life. You will become much more controlled.

And more importantly, you will start to realize that there is a voice at the back of your mind.

That is your Essence. That is the real you, trying to express itself behind your Ego. It has always been there.

Some people call it a guardian angel. Some call it a Hero. Some call it "the tiny voice". Some call it "clairaudience". Some call it the "gut feeling".

When you clear your mind, and focus on that one question... IF you listen, you will get the right answer.

In fact, I've become far more perceptive as I've practiced this. I am able to sometimes predict things before they happen. As you get better, you will naturally know what are the best decisions to take.

Don't suppress your own voice by throwing 1001 conscious "thoughts" around it, and crowding it away.


I've finished my really long post. Phew.

If you really want to try this, I really hope you go up and take notes. Don't skip a single step along the way.

I want you to know that success does not come from mere visualizations. Your speech, thoughts and actions create your future.

No one taught me this, and I had to learn it painfully myself. I know there is a lot of information out there, but stick to this one. It worked for me, and I don't know if it will work for you, but it is highly likely.


Love is truth, and there is no higher good than truth.

Highest Regards,
James Fame

PS. This is my very first contribution to the WarriorForum, and since I used these to get my own state of success today, I sincerely hope it will shift everyone's thinking to an optimum point as well.

PPS. I realize that this was a really, really long post. But I am completely serious in this, and it has been a pillar of success for me. The extent of research I went into this to get these life lessons is huge.

PPPS. Also... Sharing is caring. I've shared it with you, because I already know that "you reap what you sow". If it works for you, share it with your family members. Make the world a better place.

*There is a sequel that I've posted: http://www.warriorforum.com/mind-war...ttraction.html
Take a look!
#attraction #law #work
  • Profile picture of the author Grain
    I clicked on your signature because I saw high quality posts you made. I just had to comment, what a profound post. Reading it through, I realized that I may have been using the same method unknowingly too! I don't know why nobody has even commented but I'm going to personally vouch that this is a far better alternative than some of the best self-help books I've read: Think and Grow Rich, The Secret and several law of attraction books...

    It has all the important steps! Forgetting, that's completely right. Taking action, that's completely right. A highly inspiring post, definitely. Thank you James for the kind contribution.

    And here I am wondering why good posts go unseen!!
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveMarx
    Thanks James... I read everything LOA related and enjoyed this post!
    Maybe we can converse in the future too
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    • Profile picture of the author wishfulsuccess
      Because when we do things in excess, we are afraid in our subconscious minds.

      A rape victim tends to cover herself up in a lot of clothes. A kidnapped victim tends to hire many bodyguards and never walk down deserted roads. A scam victim tends to become overly-skeptic. Even some Popes become sex abusers.

      Similarly, a deeply pessimistic person tends to be overly optimistic... only that they do not realize it.

      Remember, whenever you polarize towards an extreme, you get the opposite as well - because everything is connected. Later in the post, I will share with you how to escape that trap.

      I found these few parts (as well as the rest of the post) really enlightening. I'm going to bookmark this thread.

      Thanks James.

      I've read a lot about self-help, and what you've said over here were like the missing puzzle pieces of everything! I used to follow Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor and all of those LOA gurus too.

      They talked about the concept of counter-intentions. And you explained it perfectly here:

      Clearing your mind is one of the steps that many people fail to do. Some people might call this a form of meditation.

      The problem is that when people try to "manifest", they start focusing on a thought. And then a 1001 OTHER thoughts start flooding the mind.
      And not to mention you mentioned the solution:

      Notice that when you forcefully try to clear your mind, you are unable to do so. I want you to close your eyes, then just watch what your mind is doing. Be aware of these images floating... and then just watch them pass by. Hear the sounds ebb away.
      I've tried Ho'oponopono. I bought many clearing CDs. But none of them seemed to work.

      I then went into some form of meditation, and the most amazing thing happened... I went into a blissful state of manifestation...

      I think a lot of people don't get it. When they become desperate, their whole mindset becomes extremely constricted and narrow. When you realize that everything is there for a purpose, you start treating the situation neutrally.

      The problem is many people try to 'force' it to happen. I've had the LOA work so many times in my life, and it's not because I'm daily sitting on my bed visualizing for something to happen with quiet desperation!!

      I really loved the point of forgetting.

      Brillance, brilliance. Thanks again James for the effort in posting this.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8291528].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author James Fame
        Thank you for the kind words, Grain. That's right, forgetting is a very crucial step. Really, everything in there is crucial, nothing should be left out. Let me know if this distilled method works for you!

        Definitely, Steve. I'd definitely love any form of discussion on the matter.

        I'd also love to know if the method works for you in the coming weeks. It's been working like magic for the past few weeks, and a big side-effect is you gain a broad view of life. Everything also seems to fall in place and so far, my mind has been free from any plaguing negativity. Noticeably, the past few years have been significantly more smooth-sailing than before.

        The problem with a lot of Law of Attraction advocates is that they might know how it works intuitively, but they aren't able to express it in an accurate way, because of marketing gimmicks... and how the general public isn't going to take action on a simple piece of advice, even like this one!


        Best wishes,
        James Fame

        Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8291637].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author wishfulsuccess
          Originally Posted by James Fame View Post

          The problem with a lot of Law of Attraction advocates is that they might know how it works intuitively, but they aren't able to express it in an accurate way, because of marketing gimmicks... and how the general public isn't going to take action on a simple piece of advice, even like this one!
          I have a very similar view on this.

          I did exactly as what you've said here for at least one whole month. It's unbelievable, I've found myself being more calm. I don't get easily worked up over things, and life is as smooth as butter. Literally!

          I'm just get so happy everyday nowadays.

          I get so excited in living in the moment. Just 1 week ago, when I was meditating, I experienced this beautiful unity with the universe. It was so beautiful, so indescribably amazing.

          I've found that I've been able to predict things too. I would unknowingly talk about something, and a week later, it happens right in front of me. I'm just so shocked at the results.

          I came back to find the thread just to thank you for a positive change in my life.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8413039].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MrArr
    Thanks James, great post and insights there. Believe it or not I actually read the entire thing. As you know, I am very into LOA. And yes I am at the point of obsessing.. and bec whatever it is that I am thinking a lot doesn't happen right away it unfortunately leads me to frustration. I think that's something really wrong right there.

    I like ur suggestion "balance" and "clear your thoughts" will try them and see if it helps me.
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    • Profile picture of the author joesfortune
      If you believe in karma, you would of law of attraction. The problem is that, first, we tend to look for it on the outside. Second, our minds are almost always full of static.

      Be still and look within you. Certainly you will find it.

      Joseph M. Dabon
      Blogger and freelance writer. I belong to Ezine's Expert Author, Diamond, level. Visit me at

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8385111].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author James Fame
        Originally Posted by joesfortune View Post

        If you believe in karma, you would of law of attraction. The problem is that, first, we tend to look for it on the outside. Second, our minds are almost always full of static.

        Be still and look within you. Certainly you will find it.
        Thank you for reading, Joe.

        That's exactly it - static. Our minds are so full of static, it's impossible to manifest purposefully(instead, we do it accidentally). The first thing to fix is the Babbler in our minds! And when we do so, we clear the fog and allow ourselves to influence the Astral realm with our minds.


        Best wishes,
        James Fame

        Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8395558].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author awesummer
    My mind was officially blown. I'd have to agree with your post. You can't always have a control with everything. I believe that the only thing you have a control over is yourself.
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    • Profile picture of the author James Fame
      Originally Posted by ohcreate View Post

      As you know, I am very into LOA. And yes I am at the point of obsessing.. and bec whatever it is that I am thinking a lot doesn't happen right away it unfortunately leads me to frustration. I think that's something really wrong right there.
      Ohcreate, thank you for reading. That's definitely an imbalance. The point of obsession merely means that you've been shifting the balance of your Centers towards your Emotional Center (Remember that you need to balance your Intellectual and Physical sides as well).

      Positions of your Centers:
      • Emotional Center: The center of your chest. When you have heartbreaks, intense passion, you normally feel "energy" circulating in this area. When you feel emotionally happy or sad, you also feel energy from this area.
      • Intellectual Center: The center of your forehead. When you have headaches, worries, you normally feel "energy" circulating in this area. To be precise, it's between the two eyebrows.
      • Physical Center: Two fingers below your navel/belly-button. When you are physically engaged and have a sense of solid determination, you feel "energy" circulating in this area.

      To balance, try to imagine "energy" moving from your emotional center to either your Intellectual Center or Physical Center. Carry out activities that stimulate these two areas too. For intellectual, you could read or study or think. For physical, you can do a brisk walk or a jog (works wonders).

      Also remember that the key is to forget about the intention, after you have established it.

      Let me know how it goes for you.

      Originally Posted by awesummer View Post

      My mind was officially blown. I'd have to agree with your post. You can't always have a control with everything. I believe that the only thing you have a control over is yourself.
      Awesummer, thank you for reading.

      That's competely right. Even if you read countless self-help books, they all point to the same thing: The main thing you have control over is yourself.

      The winds can push your boat away but if you move your sails, you can sail in any direction you want to.

      However, that's not how you can manifest. There is a higher influence in quantum levels. The mind is able to manifest. What you think, you are. And what you think, everything is.

      Notice that I do not use the word "become", because everything already is. Read the post - you are everything, everything is you. (That is a profound principle of the infinite Tao)


      Best wishes,
      James Fame

      Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

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      • Profile picture of the author Grain
        Originally Posted by James Fame View Post

        The winds can push your boat away but if you move your sails, you can sail in any direction you want to.
        Hi James, I really liked this quote!

        I've shared this with my relatives and a few good business colleagues.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8301995].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author joesfortune
        Because not everybody can make it work. It requires work to make it work.

        Joseph M. Dabon
        Blogger and freelance writer. I belong to Ezine's Expert Author, Diamond, level. Visit me at

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8636420].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author success4all
      Thanks for a great post, James.

      The stange thing about our journey of self improvement is, what works for one may or may not work the other. We have to realize that the tools are just tools helping us reach whatever we want in our life, there is no magic in the tools. The magic is within us in our belief system.

      Only thing that holds us is our current belief system. We created our belief system in the first place and we have the power to change it.

      If you feel that you are not getting what you expected from the self improvement technique/sytem you are trying now that is because your current belief system is not in line with the technique/system. Try something different and unconventional - anything that would transform your belief system.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8294325].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author James Woods
        Let me start by saying awesome post James well written. I have been a spiritual teacher for more than 20 years and you have succinctly summed up loa in manner which makes it clear to the audience the process.

        There will be some who will not allow there mind to grasp the concepts you have presented. For those that do a designed life lays before them.

        I am currently sitting here thinking is there any other value I can add to your post...

        I only have this. For those who feel frustrated sit back and take the frustration as a signal that indeed it is working and re align to the the concept I am all.

        Regards James

        Hey We all Know that Generating Leads is the Life Blood of any Business. Click the link below to receive Your FREE Report Detailing How to generate and Endless Supply of Leads for any Business.

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        • Profile picture of the author James Fame
          Originally Posted by success4all View Post

          The stange thing about our journey of self improvement is, what works for one may or may not work the other. We have to realize that the tools are just tools helping us reach whatever we want in our life, there is no magic in the tools. The magic is within us in our belief system.
          Success4all, thank you for reading.

          I see where you are coming from, but then again, all systems fall back on the same principles, if they came from cosmic and genuine sources. I have gone through systems like Transcendental meditation, yogic practices, Jose Silva and many other programs related to the LOA, and they all had a common trend.

          However, many of them are sadly filled with marketing gimmicks, while some were genuinely of value. Many had language problems, because it was either too simplified, or things were left out because of different methods of interpretation.

          These methods are distilled from years of study in Hermeticism, Kaballah, some fields of "Magick", Law of Attraction proponents, Buddhism, esoteric Christianity and many other obscure fields.

          I've had some of my personal friends and business associates try the methods, and most of them had successes that were nothing short of phenomenal. Some had perceived effects, but it was mostly due to the lack of mind practice discipline.

          Originally Posted by James Woods View Post

          I only have this. For those who feel frustrated sit back and take the frustration as a signal that indeed it is working and re align to the the concept I am all.
          James, thanks for reading. (Another James!)

          Exactly - the huge meaning behind "I am all, and all is me" cannot be underestimated. It is gratitude, love and a higher-conscious understanding of the infinite Tao.

          If you have the slightest grasp of it, all forms of suffering melts away. If everyone in the world had the slightest knowledge of this concept, we wouldn't have any form of war. Why fight against yourself?


          Best wishes,
          James Fame

          Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    just thanked you! this is an awesome post. really mind blowing. it is 100% accurate from the start to the end.
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  • Profile picture of the author Arun Chandran
    James, excellent post. It's the best post I've read so far.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Boardman
    Hey James,
    Thank you for sharing this post and as you say sharing is caring so I am going to share this post myself now too.

    Onward And Upwards To Success

    Gary Boardman | Alchemygb
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8296606].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author James Fame
      Originally Posted by Moneymaker2012 View Post

      just thanked you! this is an awesome post. really mind blowing. it is 100% accurate from the start to the end.
      Moneymaker2012, thank you for reading.

      I'm very glad it resonated with you. These are my inner-mind keys to success,
      and if you practice it diligently, you will understand.

      Originally Posted by Arun Chandran View Post

      James, excellent post. It's the best post I've read so far.
      Arun, thank you for the read. More is achieved in movement than in meditation, so action is also key.

      Originally Posted by Gary Boardman View Post

      Hey James,
      Thank you for sharing this post and as you say sharing is caring so I am going to share this post myself now too.
      Thank you for reading, Gary.

      I'm glad you decided to share it, I'd personally share it with my family members first - because life is really a balancing act, even on a higher/astral level.


      Best wishes,
      James Fame

      Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

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  • Profile picture of the author YHmuWong
    Wait, I thought the law of attraction works??(It does,i guess) I don't think it is going to work 24-7 in all areas and in all things and in all places.That is likely impossible.The best way to get the most out of everything you already possess.

    Number 11 is lucky in snake & ladders.

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    • Profile picture of the author James Fame
      Originally Posted by Grain View Post

      Hi James, I really liked this quote!

      I've shared this with my relatives and a few good business colleagues.
      Thanks, Grain. I hope they will lead more meaningful lives!

      Originally Posted by fastwyh2008 View Post

      Wait, I thought the law of attraction works??(It does,i guess) I don't think it is going to work 24-7 in all areas and in all things and in all places.That is likely impossible.The best way to get the most out of everything you already possess.
      Thanks for reading, fastwyh2008.

      It works perpetually - but it doesn't attract, it's more of manifestation. Maybe you could read the post again, it does say everything in pretty deep detail!


      Best wishes,
      James Fame

      Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8303067].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ReferralCandy
    Beautifully written, James! Enjoyed this. Curious to know what you're working on at the moment, if anything!

    Measure, manage and incentivize customer referrals with ReferralCandy.

    PS: Looking to get more repeat customers for a physical store? Check out CandyBar's digital loyalty cards!

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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    LOA needs to be coupled with action to work.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author Bayo
    I'm liking your posts James.

    I just got back to the WF after taking time out (it was taking up more of my time than I'd planned and it was challenging to ration time to the level I wanted!!!) and I'm loving your thought-provoking posts.

    The LOA always work, it's whether we're working it that makes a difference.
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    • Profile picture of the author James Fame
      Originally Posted by acsekhar View Post

      Thanks a lot! Your post is damn good. Many people have a little knowledge and misconception on Law of Attraction. Now, you made it clear and given us a vast description on LOA. I have read some books on LOA, but your post made me understand well.
      Thanks acsekhar, I'm very glad it helped you!

      Originally Posted by ReferralCandy View Post

      Beautifully written, James! Enjoyed this. Curious to know what you're working on at the moment, if anything!
      Thank you for reading, ReferralCandy. Yes, I'm working on several business projects at the moment... Though I'm not very sure to what kind of 'work' you're referring to?

      Originally Posted by NewParadigm View Post

      LOA needs to be coupled with action to work.
      Yes, definitely - but action comes from two sources: The Ego, or the Essence.

      When you operate from the Ego, all you do is impede your own progress.

      Originally Posted by Bayo View Post

      I'm liking your posts James.

      I just got back to the WF after taking time out (it was taking up more of my time than I'd planned and it was challenging to ration time to the level I wanted!!!) and I'm loving your thought-provoking posts.

      The LOA always work, it's whether we're working it that makes a difference.
      Thank you for the kind words, Bayo.

      I prefer the term "manifestation", because LOA always gives off the wrong vibe of 'attracting' something. The thing is, situations are really 'created' by the constant fluctuations of cause and effect (in an extremely profound manner).

      The real barrier to everyone manifesting things in their life, is really the lack of focus. By focus, I really mean razor-sharp concentration - where no other thoughts crowd out the single Big Thought.


      Best wishes,
      James Fame

      Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8348024].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author CathyAnn
        I think you're making use of necessary semantics here. LOA has been misused and misunderstood by many if not most. People don't understand that action is involved in attracting. If you tell someone to bring you the check to the house with the porch light on, you better turn on the porch light. That's action.

        I agree that "manifestation" has the connotation of action within it.

        People who do not act do not have the mindset to attract. There is an underlying belief which interferes with attraction if you don't believe you need to act.

        Originally Posted by James Fame View Post

        Thanks acsekhar, I'm very glad it helped you!

        I prefer the term "manifestation", because LOA always gives off the wrong vibe of 'attracting' something. The thing is, situations are really 'created' by the constant fluctuations of cause and effect (in an extremely profound manner).

        The real barrier to everyone manifesting things in their life, is really the lack of focus. By focus, I really mean razor-sharp concentration - where no other thoughts crowd out the single Big Thought.


        Best wishes,
        James Fame
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        • Profile picture of the author James Fame
          Originally Posted by KarinHalford View Post

          Great post. It is so true. You can always choose to change your future.

          Life will pay you anything you ask of it... Help each other succeed and NEVER judge. You will go so much farther.
          Thank you for reading, KarinHalford.

          Altruism without the self-regard for your own ego is the fastest way to abundance in an economical system. But I beg to differ about "Life paying you anything you ask of it", because that might be an oversimplified view. As stated in the first post, the future is not 100% changeable. It depends on the reaping and sowing of previous thoughts, speeches and actions.

          Originally Posted by AnabelleFlorida View Post

          James, I know your intention is to share this for free (thank you so much for having done so) but have you considered writing an eBook for Kindle, etc and selling it for the minimum price of .99? It's practically free at this price!

          You would be allowed to give it away for free during periods, but I think you'd reach a bigger audience on Kindle.

          I would suggest making it a little longer, not much, I'm sure you could add a couple of additional thoughts to it.

          And I would suggest some editing. The writing is fine, but there are little things that can make it awesome! If you want me to revise it, just let me know, I'd be glad to do it.

          Thanks again for this awesome contribution!
          Thank you for reading, AnabelleFlorida.

          I initially wrote this as a post to celebrate my first contribution to the WF, but seeing the response, I just might try what you've suggested to increase its reach. Thanks for the suggestion!

          Originally Posted by beawealthymom View Post

          Thank you for your post, James! As an avid LOA student, I've come to realize that part of the blocks I've personally experienced are due to "forcing it", similar to what you have mentioned. I also have let my own negative beliefs and attitudes pull me down. Recently I have tried to take smaller steps to worry less about the HOW and allow myself to be in a more receptive state. I would love to believe that just thinking the "right" way is the answer, but as someone who likes to act, I find that taking steps to put myself in a receptive state has been far more rewarding.
          Thank you for reading, beawealthymom.

          Definitely, definitely. Actions speak louder than words, and words speak louder than thoughts (in an astral and psychological sense). It really boils down to clearing the noise inside your head, and truly being able to listen to that 'tiny voice' being muted out by the constant battering of your own Ego. That unfiltered, pure instinct that compels you. It comes as a flash of inspiration, or sometimes no more than a simple memory, sound, etc. Acting on that, you move closer and closer to what you want to achieve.

          Originally Posted by CathyAnn View Post

          I think you're making use of necessary semantics here. LOA has been misused and misunderstood by many if not most. People don't understand that action is involved in attracting. If you tell someone to bring you the check to the house with the porch light on, you better turn on the porch light. That's action.

          I agree that "manifestation" has the connotation of action within it.

          People who do not act do not have the mindset to attract. There is an underlying belief which interferes with attraction if you don't believe you need to act.
          Thanks for reading, CathyAnn.

          Exactly, action is involved in attraction. Exactly. But it isn't any kind of action, but RIGHT action. Right action can only be achieved by someone who listens to the 'tiny voice' amongst the clutter and noise.

          A lot of people are misguided by some of the advice online, like sitting down and merely visualizing. Sure, thoughts do affect things astrally, but ultimately, it still boils down to speech and actions, guided by the right intent.


          Best wishes,
          James Fame

          Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8459090].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Freshair
            Life is a process. maybe God is preparing the best of our failures.
            Thank You for such a depth explanation..
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8459230].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author webmind
              A few things trouble me.

              "What you think, you are"

              Many people think things about themselves that aren't true. Some people think they are good singers, for example, when they are not.

              "If you have the slightest grasp of it, all forms of suffering melts away"

              Tell that to someone who is sick with a chronic disease and suffers terrible pain every moment of every day. Just because they can grasp their unity with all things does not automatically "melt away" their pain and suffering.
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          • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
            He posted this three years ago, l would say that bad grammer is the least of your worries!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11202036].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kotetsu
              Yes i Knox but i just discover that xD
              Ans hé is active yet on the forum.
              Anything answer/correct is welcome
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11202220].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            A great experiment would be to ask 10 real millionaires what effect "The Secret" had in building their wealth.

            I think the results would be revealing.
            One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

            What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11202047].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kotetsu
              It dépend if they believe in that Claude.
              But still a good idea to get their advice to get wealthier
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          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            Claude -

            I know of ONE super rich person who told me (seriously told me) he is a believer in "The Secret" (tried to convert me). He could go on and on impressing people with his 'quantum' crap....

            Problem is - I know where this guy comes from - he's a millionaire all right - by way of inheritance. I guess for him "The Secret" was to outlive the relatives?

            Yes, I had the bad manners to point that out....he moved on to talking to a more 'receptive' audience....

            This thread is soooooo over.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
            what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    James, that was an epic post! I've taken a quick liking to you already. A lot of what you wrote is very much in line with how I think.

    Well done.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Florian84
    Thank you for such an amazing and inspiring lesson James. You have described the law of attraction in such a way that it is so easy to implement. It is worth reading every time we have doubts about the law of attraction.
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  • All in this world has a reason and there should be a balance there will be a negative and positive which is "yin and yang". There's a reason why it happen this all over the world that there is a poor and rich which is the poor provides the needs of the rich and the rich provides the basic needs of the poor. There is a failure in business and some are successful the successful should share his knowledge on how to meet the expectations and be come inspiration to others while the failure in business will follow the leads of the successful to make his / her business will become successful. The most import part is we should know how to help each other what ever path we take.
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  • Profile picture of the author coreytucker
    I just want to say this. I can visualize anything I want and it will come to me eventually. No the problem is it really is a process. You must visualize with lots of emotion and in first person. Know it's coming and forget about it. It works like magic as long as your not too desperate.

    The other problem is some manifestations can take months to years to show up. I could go into details but the LOA works like magic. I'm serious when I say this. You can visualize and just work towards your goal and know it will happen because it will. When will it happen? Well that's a different story
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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    Originally Posted by James Fame View Post

    This step is all about FORGETTING.

    Why? Why forget?

    That's because the more you think about something, the more obsessive it becomes. When thoughts become polarized, you start to develop its complete opposite. (remember principle #1?)

    It's like your high school infatuation. The more you think about your crush, the more unstoppable it becomes. The less you think about it, the feelings ebb away.

    We want your Physical, Emotional and Intellectual centers to be completely balanced. It HAS to be balanced.

    Dude pretty cool read man. This part sums it up really. ANd yeah you're right about your results in life are manifestations, not attraction. Clearing your mind.

    Ah ..the past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why they call it the present. Thanks Oogway.

    Really so all you have is today to change your mind and create those manifestations toward what you want in life, not what you don't want.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8383047].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author randak
      Nice approach you have. Very insightful.
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      • Profile picture of the author James Fame
        Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

        James, that was an epic post! I've taken a quick liking to you already. A lot of what you wrote is very much in line with how I think.

        Well done.

        Thank you for reading, RoD!

        I've seen your posts and can tell you're an experienced marketer. I'm pretty sure your mindset definitely helped you in getting whatever success you're having right now.

        Originally Posted by Florian84 View Post

        Thank you for such an amazing and inspiring lesson James. You have described the law of attraction in such a way that it is so easy to implement. It is worth reading every time we have doubts about the law of attraction.
        Thank you for reading, Florian!

        Kind words, I appreciate them. The "law of attraction" really is both a psychological AND astral kind of influence. What I have done is show just a tiny sliver of the mindset. You *need* to actually practice this as on a daily basis.

        Originally Posted by onlinesolutions1985 View Post

        All in this world has a reason and there should be a balance there will be a negative and positive which is "yin and yang". There's a reason why it happen this all over the world that there is a poor and rich which is the poor provides the needs of the rich and the rich provides the basic needs of the poor. There is a failure in business and some are successful the successful should share his knowledge on how to meet the expectations and be come inspiration to others while the failure in business will follow the leads of the successful to make his / her business will become successful. The most import part is we should know how to help each other what ever path we take.
        Thank you for reading, onlinesolutions.

        There is something much more advanced than just the concept of Yin and Yang, because the ultimate Tao is the fusion of the unity. The idea of unity, and unity by themselves are completely two different concepts. And don't forget that in Yin, there is Yang. In Yang, there is Yin. There is always a spectrum leading from Yin to Yang.

        Practice the meditative procedures, and you will start to realize how connected the universe really is. Connection is actually a really poor word to use - rather, it's more of everything being of a common source.

        Originally Posted by coreytucker View Post

        I just want to say this. I can visualize anything I want and it will come to me eventually. No the problem is it really is a process. You must visualize with lots of emotion and in first person. Know it's coming and forget about it. It works like magic as long as your not too desperate.

        The other problem is some manifestations can take months to years to show up. I could go into details but the LOA works like magic. I'm serious when I say this. You can visualize and just work towards your goal and know it will happen because it will. When will it happen? Well that's a different story
        Thank you for reading, corey.

        That's right. Emotion by itself cannot work if your centers are clogged up with desperation, anxiety and frustration. That's why it is extremely crucial to balance your Centers.

        Originally Posted by tjaysen70 View Post

        Dude pretty cool read man. This part sums it up really. ANd yeah you're right about your results in life are manifestations, not attraction. Clearing your mind.

        Ah ..the past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why they call it the present. Thanks Oogway.

        Really so all you have is today to change your mind and create those manifestations toward what you want in life, not what you don't want.
        Thank you for reading, tjaysen.

        That's correct - the past and future are all illusions. There is no such thing as a destiny - just a failure for man to influence and change his/her fate.

        However, it's not just about changing your mind. "Changing" really means trying to construct a thought in your conscious mind. It's all about habitual manifestation. The more you get into the correct type of balance, the easier it becomes to manifest!

        Originally Posted by randak View Post

        Nice approach you have. Very insightful.
        Thank you for reading, randak.

        I hope it does much for you!


        Best wishes,
        James Fame

        Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    Notice the word ACTION is in the word attraction. Positive thinking/attitude is great, but you will be a brokeass loser if you take no action.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author Cason
    Man I've never liked the law of attraction because it makes most people think by just thinking you'll receive.

    Of course the "law" was created in good intent thinking that people would just start taking action if they just obsess over something and that MIGHT be true for some people, but for the most part people just sit on their butts and do nothing!

    I personally DO use a dreamboard (something that I learnt from LoA) but I use that as motivation to TAKE ACTION.

    Only through action and the right strategy you'll actually succeed!! No amount of thinking will get you there!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8399385].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author natebunger
    James, first of all, wooooow. You just blown my mind here. I know some of the things you've mentioned but for the majority, I was like "Well, yeah. This is definitely true." You opened my mind and I think I unconsciously know it but I never acknowledged it and maybe ignore some of them. Keep them coming, buddy. Great way to make my day!

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  • Profile picture of the author emelef
    Great post James, some good food for thought. I agree that there is confusion between positive thinking with empowered thinking. Positive Thinking (optimism) is really no deeper than a smile, being happy. Empowered thinking is total self-belief that you deserve and will achieve your desired goals which drives people to action. That is why every optimist is not successful, they don't understand the difference and are not necessarily empowered thinkers. Thanks for the post
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  • Profile picture of the author garfw
    I've been asking myself that question for years, sometimes it works but I find the majority of the time it doesn't. I think it's just a case of keeping positive as much as you can - not always easy!
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  • Profile picture of the author ToryBorysewicz
    One of the best posts I have read here on the forum. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author jewelrahman
    Originally Posted by James Fame View Post

    I've always been asking that question...

    ..And you probably already know the answer, even if you do not realize it yet. Let me explain...

    Why does it work for some, and not for others?

    Why does it work sometimes, and not at other times?

    Why are some people successful, and others not?

    Why are some people rich, and others not?

    The Law of Attraction is one of the most misunderstood phenomena in the whole world. I am pretty much tired of all the theories whizzing around, and people who do not really understand how it all works.

    I am not asking you to believe me, but to test and try it out for yourselves. If you succeed, post here and share your experiences. If you do not, post here too and share your experiences.

    What I only ask you to, is to try, because I am giving all of this for free. If it worked for you, all I can ask of you is to show others this thread.

    First of all, the law of attraction is not positive thinking.

    If it was, many optimists in the world would be rich and own huge luxuries. If it was, skeptical businessmen would not be rich. Reality shows otherwise. You know it deep inside.

    Positive thinking can be poisonous in excess. You know it too. Too much of a good thing can be toxic. Why?

    Because when we do things in excess, we are afraid in our subconscious minds.

    A rape victim tends to cover herself up in a lot of clothes. A kidnapped victim tends to hire many bodyguards and never walk down deserted roads. A scam victim tends to become overly-skeptic. Even some Popes become sex abusers.

    Similarly, a deeply pessimistic person tends to be overly optimistic... only that they do not realize it.

    Remember, whenever you polarize towards an extreme, you get the opposite as well - because everything is connected. Later in the post, I will share with you how to escape that trap.

    Secondly, the future is not 100% changeable.

    All of us, when we were born, we all had certain circumstances fixed. For example, we all have a set DNA. We all have different parents. We all have different childhood environments. Some are born rich. Some are born charismatic. Some are born just darn amazing.

    But most of us don't grow up in that way, because we are underprivileged. Some of us grow up struggling with finances and bread-winning. Some of us struggle with a 9 to 5 job.

    There are 2 things you must learn here today.

    We have "Capacity" and "Decisions".

    Everyone of us, including you and I, all have a Capacity in life. For example, no matter how hard a physicist might work, he might never reach the achievements of Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein.

    However, don't be misjudged into thinking that our Capacity is limited to whatever you are stuck at in life now. That's absolutely wrong. Almost all of us, never reach that full Capacity. In fact, according to the Pareto Principle, we would only expect 20% to make it.

    There is also no such thing as "fate". There is only Capacity. You handle your own fate through your Decisions.

    EVERY single decision you make in your life is a turning point. Do not, for any reason, lose your grasp on reality. Be conscious of every single decision you make, because it can recoil and hit you thrice as hard.

    You reap what you sow, and you sow what you reap.

    Whether you decided to shout at your wife because of a bad mood and high stress level, might decide the next turn of events. Whether you decided to pick the right words, might decide what happens to your business discussion. Whether you decided to procrastinate, will decide what happens to you in future.

    Everything is linked. Every speech, thought and action, is linked to every single moment of your future life. Using LOA terms to speak, you are manifesting every single thing - because you are the one who is deciding everything.

    Later in the post, it might be controversial, but I will share with you what I did to break that barrier and move towards full Capacity and choose the right Decisions.

    Third, you cannot attract things to come to you.

    Unless you were magnetic, you would be able to attract metals to you. For most of us, we aren't able to do that. This is the part of the concept that is particularly difficult for most people to get. It took me ages to understand this part.

    First, I need you to agree that the universe is more complex than you'd ever know. Science is young, and there are many inexplicable things in the world. I myself, am ignorant about this, despite knowing university-level physics (MIT online free courseware).

    Yes, it gets very, very controversial. But just hear me out, and treat me like a blabbering ignoramus if you deem it fit.

    Imagine that you are a soul inside a human body. This soul, is not of any kind of shape, but it tends to retain the shape of a human body because it is convenient to do so.

    All of us have an Ego, and an Essence.

    The Ego is made up of many, many things. It consists of illusions about the world we have around us. We are constantly craving. We are constantly having desires. Because the Ego wants to feel "alive".

    You are really not "you". What you think you are, is actually the "Ego". It is personality, based on years and years of conditioning. Years and years of pain, happiness and experiences.

    Some of you might notice this and ask, "So isn't the Ego the conscious mind?"

    The Ego is actually the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and EVEN the concept of a soul itself. The subconscious consists of instinctive urges that fuel the personality. Let me explain how that works.

    All traits of personality are degrees of how much your instinct is expressed. When you are more extraverted, it is an instinct for you to build numbers to get 'safety' or stimulation. When you are more sexual, you are expressing primal urges for procreation.

    So what has this got to do with whether you are attracting things to you?

    When I say you are not "you", do not underestimate the meaning of that phrase. We are all interconnected in an extremely profound way. We are connected to everything not in a "you and me" way, but in a "everything IS me" way.

    If you believe in angels and God, they ARE you. If you believe in Buddha and nirvana, they ARE you. If you believe in Taoism and the infinite Tao, they ARE you. If you believe in physics and the universe, they ARE you.

    When you grasp that "All is me, I am All" concept - you'll reach a level of manifestation that is not beatable. Even I have not reached that level of understanding.

    Fourth, you are part of a grand scheme.

    Atoms are micro-cosmoses. Imagine a whole universe compressed into a single tiny space the size of an atom. That is an atom. Yet, atoms make up the rest of the universe.

    Similarly, humans are micro-cosmoses in an unbelievable way. In our lives, we seek fragments of ourselves. When we meet people who teach us life lessons directly or indirectly, they are 'completing' us. Because, they are not "they". They are you too.

    Let me share with you how all of these 4 principles tie down to the real "Law of Attraction"...

    Let us recap the 4 principles:
    1. Polarized thinking does not work
    2. Our "Decisions" move us to/away from our "Capacity"
    3. "All is me, I am All"
    4. We are part of a grand scheme


    Before you settle to manifest anything, I must suggest that this method worked particularly well for me and I believe in "what you reap, you sow". Do not use this for unethical purposes, because it WILL rebound.

    First things first, I want you to start having a more balanced sense of reality. There are, in fact, 3 components involved:

    A. Intellectual
    B. Emotional
    C. Physical

    Your body needs to be in perfect condition for manifestation to occur at will. We all have 7 high-energy vortexes lined up in the center of our bodies. This has been verified by several photography techniques:

    In any form of imbalance, this creates all sorts of strange effects on your mind and body. You start feeling nauseous or irritated or even emotionally helpless.

    I want you to start to balance your life. Go for brisk walks if you can't run, to stimulate your Physical centers. Start critical thinking to stimulate your Intellectual centers. Start feeling (love is the best) to stimulate your Emotional centers. I guarantee you that it will be the best change of your life.

    This will ground your body into a suitable condition for good manifestation.


    Second, I want you to learn how to clear your mind.

    We all are guilty of voices forever chattering in our heads, if not, images floating in our minds every minute. What I want you to do, is to learn how to clear your mind.

    Notice that when you forcefully try to clear your mind, you are unable to do so. I want you to close your eyes, then just watch what your mind is doing. Be aware of these images floating... and then just watch them pass by. Hear the sounds ebb away.

    Practice, practice and practice. This is very crucial. Clearing your mind is one of the steps that many people fail to do. Some people might call this a form of meditation.

    The problem is that when people try to "manifest", they start focusing on a thought. And then a 1001 OTHER thoughts start flooding the mind.

    TRAIN, TRAIN, TRAIN yourself to clear your mind. If you can't do this, you can't manifest.

    It might take time, but believe me, it is worth it. If you still can't do it, try some self-hypnosis tapes or guided meditations. The good ones are the ones that deal with Chakra stimulations, Yogic meditations or even Transcendental meditation.


    Third, when you've learnt how to clear your mind, I want you to be able to do it at will. As you do so, I want you to start thinking about the "All is me, and I am all" concept.

    Remember that you are not you.

    The Bible recorded, "God is omnipresent."
    Buddhist texts recorded, "Mind and reality are linked."

    Hermes Trismegistus, responsible for the Emerald Tablet, recorded, "Truth! Certainty! That in which there is no doubt! ... The force of forces, which overcomes every subtle thing and penetrates into everything gross... The structure of the microcosm is in accordance with the structure of the macrocosm."

    Think about it. If you are everything, and everything is you... You are able to create your own 'luck'. You are able to turn the universe into your favor. You are able to make everything align to you.

    Remember, it's not attraction. It's manifestation.

    I want you to start thinking about the One Big Thought that you want to achieve. What is that One Big Thought you want to reach?

    - Try not to make it a selfish thought - make it abundant and beneficial to all
    - Make the thought irrationally huge and almost unachievable
    - Do it in 1st person perspective
    - Don't feel the thought. BE the thought.

    When some LOA books talk about "being" the thought, I think it's really a language problem. You don't think about being the thought. You just BE. You ARE. You are everything, and everything is you.

    I want you to fill yourself with a brilliant white light when you are focusing on that one thought. Use your previous training to clear your mind of any other thoughts. Focus on that ONE big thought. Feel yourself bursting out that white light and sending it all over the cosmos.


    Fourth, this step is probably the hardest. Success does not come easy. I do not want you to give up at any stage of the point. I want you to keep faith. Remember, faith does not mean thinking about faith. Faith is feeling it. Faith is not hope. Faith is energy and certainty.

    This step is all about FORGETTING.

    Why? Why forget?

    That's because the more you think about something, the more obsessive it becomes. When thoughts become polarized, you start to develop its complete opposite. (remember principle #1?)

    It's like your high school infatuation. The more you think about your crush, the more unstoppable it becomes. The less you think about it, the feelings ebb away.

    We want your Physical, Emotional and Intellectual centers to be completely balanced. It HAS to be balanced.

    If you want, you can even write down your Big thought, then put it in a drawer, and NEVER look at it again.

    When you manifest your thoughts, you might look back and see this note... and like me, you'll have the biggest wave of realization in your whole life about the curiosities of the "LOA".

    This is very hard, but just bring your thoughts away from it whenever you start thinking about it at any point of time.

    Why? Because if you start thinking about "how" it will happen, it always doesn't happen that way. The universe works in really strange ways... Ways you can never guess. You might suddenly end up at your goal, and you might not even know it... until you see the note.


    This is the last step, and most LOA books hardly ever talk about this.

    This is about reading the signs.

    When water starts to boil, you know it is going to boil by observing the bubbles moving up. When a baby is coming out of a womb, you know it is going to when the waterbag bursts.

    Since everything is interlinked, and you already have unshakeable faith (with the original thought completely forgotten), signs are going to come up.

    But remember that your Decisions ultimately decide your future. You NEED to make decisions, but there are always optimal Decisions to gravitate you towards that.

    How do you choose?

    If you've done the training on your mental clearing, you will have a settling peace in all areas of your life. You will become much more controlled.

    And more importantly, you will start to realize that there is a voice at the back of your mind.

    That is your Essence. That is the real you, trying to express itself behind your Ego. It has always been there.

    Some people call it a guardian angel. Some call it a Hero. Some call it "the tiny voice". Some call it "clairaudience". Some call it the "gut feeling".

    When you clear your mind, and focus on that one question... IF you listen, you will get the right answer.

    In fact, I've become far more perceptive as I've practiced this. I am able to sometimes predict things before they happen. As you get better, you will naturally know what are the best decisions to take.

    Don't suppress your own voice by throwing 1001 conscious "thoughts" around it, and crowding it away.


    I've finished my really long post. Phew.

    If you really want to try this, I really hope you go up and take notes. Don't skip a single step along the way.

    I want you to know that success does not come from mere visualizations. Your speech, thoughts and actions create your future.

    No one taught me this, and I had to learn it painfully myself. I know there is a lot of information out there, but stick to this one. It worked for me, and I don't know if it will work for you, but it is highly likely.


    Love is truth, and there is no higher good than truth.

    Highest Regards,
    James Fame

    PS. This is my very first contribution to the WarriorForum, and since I used these to get my own state of success today, I sincerely hope it will shift everyone's thinking to an optimum point as well.

    PPS. I realize that this was a really, really long post. But I am completely serious in this, and it has been a pillar of success for me. The extent of research I went into this to get these life lessons is huge.

    PPPS. Also... Sharing is caring. I've shared it with you, because I already know that "you reap what you sow". If it works for you, share it with your family members. Make the world a better place.
    This is a great post James.
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  • Profile picture of the author QuanWar
    This is good! You always recognise Truth when you see it. Hope you don't mind but I've turned this into an mp3 using one of the free online text-to-mp3 converters. I'm not distributing it, just using it for my own personal use on my iPod.

    Thanks again,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8422296].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author James Fame
      Originally Posted by NewParadigm View Post

      Notice the word ACTION is in the word attraction. Positive thinking/attitude is great, but you will be a brokeass loser if you take no action.
      Thanks for reading, NewParadigm. THAT is one awesome quote! Mind if I snag it? Action is in the word Attraction. Love it!

      Positive thinking is good when it comes from the mind, heart and physical Centers. Obsession turns it into a double-edged knife that can cut both ways. It's like either grasping hot charcoal or dry ice in your hand. You can hold the extremes for a while, but any longer will escalate its effects on you, and inflict unnecessary effects.

      It's also likened to the tuning of a string instrument. Any tighter, the sound becomes too high pitched. Any looser, the sound becomes too low pitched. When perfectly tuned, the instrument gives off an amazing sound.

      Originally Posted by Cason View Post

      Man I've never liked the law of attraction because it makes most people think by just thinking you'll receive.

      Of course the "law" was created in good intent thinking that people would just start taking action if they just obsess over something and that MIGHT be true for some people, but for the most part people just sit on their butts and do nothing!

      I personally DO use a dreamboard (something that I learnt from LoA) but I use that as motivation to TAKE ACTION.

      Only through action and the right strategy you'll actually succeed!! No amount of thinking will get you there!!
      Thanks for reading, Cason.

      I agree with you that many people think that just by "thinking", they'll receive. In fact, that's what they've been doing for all their lives! Some of them buy lottery lots and think that they might just win this once... and most of the time, they don't.

      It's also not about obsession... it's about true, unfiltered passion that resonates from the mind, heart and physical Centers. This passion is faith. This faith is pure energy.

      That's right... the strategy matters. However, you need to calm down your mind chatter and truly be able to listen to your "tiny voice behind your head". Most of the time, it might come as a flash of inspiration... Either in cognition, pictures or even sounds.

      But I need to disagree with you on one thing: The law wasn't created... It was always there.

      Originally Posted by wishfulsuccess View Post

      I have a very similar view on this.

      I did exactly as what you've said here for at least one whole month. It's unbelievable, I've found myself being more calm. I don't get easily worked up over things, and life is as smooth as butter. Literally!

      I'm just get so happy everyday nowadays.

      I get so excited in living in the moment. Just 1 week ago, when I was meditating, I experienced this beautiful unity with the universe. It was so beautiful, so indescribably amazing.

      I've found that I've been able to predict things too. I would unknowingly talk about something, and a week later, it happens right in front of me. I'm just so shocked at the results.

      I came back to find the thread just to thank you for a positive change in my life.
      Amazing results, wishfulsuccess. Amazing!

      Firstly, I want to congratulate you on taking the steps as I've outlined here. For that alone, you're far ahead. All of those things that you're experiencing are perfectly normal. What this indicates is that you've somehow managed to clear your mind's "babbler" and listen to your inside voice.

      Originally Posted by natebunger View Post

      James, first of all, wooooow. You just blown my mind here. I know some of the things you've mentioned but for the majority, I was like "Well, yeah. This is definitely true." You opened my mind and I think I unconsciously know it but I never acknowledged it and maybe ignore some of them. Keep them coming, buddy. Great way to make my day!
      Thanks for reading, natebunger.

      Awesome stuff! Many people start off in enlightenment with such a manner - I, too, was a complete skeptic a long way ago as well. With the accumulation of truths, I started researching all the various fields related and found a common theme amongst them.

      Originally Posted by emelef View Post

      Great post James, some good food for thought. I agree that there is confusion between positive thinking with empowered thinking. Positive Thinking (optimism) is really no deeper than a smile, being happy. Empowered thinking is total self-belief that you deserve and will achieve your desired goals which drives people to action. That is why every optimist is not successful, they don't understand the difference and are not necessarily empowered thinkers. Thanks for the post
      Thanks for reading, emelef.

      Yes, that's a good way to put it. Empowered thinking is complete faith that everything really IS you. In that matter, any kind of circumstance is really molded by your thinking, and then in a more macroscopic manner, your actions, speeches, etc. There is a huge influence in the astral space as well, and like the chaos effect, any small initial change can result in completely macroscopic distortions in reality.

      Originally Posted by garfw View Post

      I've been asking myself that question for years, sometimes it works but I find the majority of the time it doesn't. I think it's just a case of keeping positive as much as you can - not always easy!
      Thank you for reading, garfw.

      It's definitely not easy. If you follow the steps that I've outlined above, you're going to be able to practice and move slowly towards the answers that you're striving for.

      Originally Posted by ToryBorysewicz View Post

      One of the best posts I have read here on the forum. Thanks.
      Thanks for reading, ToryBorysecwicz. I'm flattered.

      Originally Posted by jewelrahman View Post

      This is a great post James.
      Thanks for reading, jewelrahman.

      Originally Posted by QuanWar View Post

      This is good! You always recognise Truth when you see it. Hope you don't mind but I've turned this into an mp3 using one of the free online text-to-mp3 converters. I'm not distributing it, just using it for my own personal use on my iPod.

      Thanks again,
      Thanks for reading, QuanWar.

      I definitely do not mind. Yes! You always recognize Truth, because if any source of information that you've received in the past is truly from the cosmoses... In the end, they all converge to a single point of Truth. The sources must cross-reference and agree.


      This is amazing, people. Looks like we already have 1 success story in the short span of 1 month. Keep it up! Would love to see or hear about what kind of small/large changes these easy steps can have on you!

      Best wishes,
      James Fame

      Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8422884].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
        Originally Posted by NewParadigm View Post
        Notice the word ACTION is in the word attraction. Positive thinking/attitude is great, but you will be a brokeass loser if you take no action.
        Thanks for reading, NewParadigm.

        THAT is one awesome quote! Mind if I snag it? Action is in the word Attraction. Love it!

        Sure, no problem!

        In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8424864].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Make Money Ninja
    Moderator comment: Perhaps you should read the rules of this section before you end up banned.


    The Ultimate Guide To Link Building

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  • Profile picture of the author ShutupAndEarn
    Amazing post! Thank you very much.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8428489].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thelazyone
      Hello James

      Your post is Amazing. I read it, but I am not sure I got all of it.

      I just want to ask you some question : In most LOA and Goal setting programs, setting up a end date to acheive a goal is required.

      You don't do this ?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8431199].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author James Fame
        Originally Posted by NewParadigm View Post

        Originally Posted by NewParadigm View Post
        Notice the word ACTION is in the word attraction. Positive thinking/attitude is great, but you will be a brokeass loser if you take no action.
        Thanks for reading, NewParadigm.

        THAT is one awesome quote! Mind if I snag it? Action is in the word Attraction. Love it!

        Sure, no problem!

        Originally Posted by ShutupAndEarn View Post

        Amazing post! Thank you very much.
        Thank you for reading, ShutupAndEarn!

        Originally Posted by thelazyone View Post

        Hello James

        Your post is Amazing. I read it, but I am not sure I got all of it.

        I just want to ask you some question : In most LOA and Goal setting programs, setting up a end date to acheive a goal is required.

        You don't do this ?
        This is very subjective.

        For the smaller cases, there is a possible range that you can define. There is very little margin for manifestation to occur, unless it has already been built up in the past (Law of cause and effect). In such a case, it would be more logical to shift the odds in your favor with whatever actions that you can do right now. Otherwise, it would be to clear your mind and be able to listen to that inner "voice" that will guide you. It can come in form of inspiration, etc.

        For the major cases, like a very general and high achieving goal, it is generally not advised for you to set an end date. The Universe acts in very strange ways. For example, you might say generally that in 5 years, you'll earn your dream house. And then, you follow all the steps listed above. Make sure you get that mental stability right... You always need to forget. It's all crucial.

        At the end, it should be something along the lines of "So let it be". You carry on with the world, because you instinctively already know that you are what you think. Hope that helped!


        Best wishes,
        James Fame

        Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

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  • Profile picture of the author KarinHalford
    Great post. It is so true. You can always choose to change your future.

    Life will pay you anything you ask of it... Help each other succeed and NEVER judge. You will go so much farther.
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  • Profile picture of the author AnabelleFlorida
    James, I know your intention is to share this for free (thank you so much for having done so) but have you considered writing an eBook for Kindle, etc and selling it for the minimum price of .99? It's practically free at this price!

    You would be allowed to give it away for free during periods, but I think you'd reach a bigger audience on Kindle.

    I would suggest making it a little longer, not much, I'm sure you could add a couple of additional thoughts to it.

    And I would suggest some editing. The writing is fine, but there are little things that can make it awesome! If you want me to revise it, just let me know, I'd be glad to do it.

    Thanks again for this awesome contribution!
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  • Profile picture of the author beawealthymom
    Thank you for your post, James! As an avid LOA student, I've come to realize that part of the blocks I've personally experienced are due to "forcing it", similar to what you have mentioned. I also have let my own negative beliefs and attitudes pull me down. Recently I have tried to take smaller steps to worry less about the HOW and allow myself to be in a more receptive state. I would love to believe that just thinking the "right" way is the answer, but as someone who likes to act, I find that taking steps to put myself in a receptive state has been far more rewarding.
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  • Profile picture of the author stonecoldmf
    Hi James,
    I truly agree with you words and thanks for sharing your experience with us. In my situation, I discovered the startling experience of drape breach on my first quality performs. It looked like thousand and millions of people were staring at me. I congeal. I forget my lines. The pessimistic experience at that small age triggered me to have an in-depth worry of oratory until I was able to break the perception hurdle. When you break your hesitations and restricting values, it is like your burden has been taken away. You will feel like flying high and the tool of the law of attraction will work for you in a encouraging and optimistic way.
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  • Profile picture of the author NeshSab
    Hi James,

    I've been reading books on the subject for a few years and I'm really into it. I've specialized in Physics and my thesis was about "Quantum entanglement" and I know for a fact that everything in the universe is connected.

    This post is pure gold! Amazing share, thank you!

    For anyone more interested in this subject, I highly recommend to watch the movies:
    Beyond The Secret, The Opus, The Compass, The Meta Secret, etc.

    Looking forward to more posts like this, James!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8500908].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author James Fame
      Hi people, I've posted a 'sequel', if you will, to cover some of the gaps that I missed in this thread, here: http://www.warriorforum.com/mind-war...onsistent.html


      Originally Posted by Freshair View Post

      Life is a process. maybe God is preparing the best of our failures.
      Thank You for such a depth explanation..
      And thank you for reading, Freshair! Best wishes to you.

      Originally Posted by webmind View Post

      Tell that to someone who is sick with a chronic disease and suffers terrible pain every moment of every day. Just because they can grasp their unity with all things does not automatically "melt away" their pain and suffering.
      Thank you for reading, webmind.

      That is a point that I've recently explained in a next post: http://www.warriorforum.com/mind-war...onsistent.html

      Originally Posted by stonecoldmf View Post

      Hi James,
      I truly agree with you words and thanks for sharing your experience with us. In my situation, I discovered the startling experience of drape breach on my first quality performs. It looked like thousand and millions of people were staring at me. I congeal. I forget my lines. The pessimistic experience at that small age triggered me to have an in-depth worry of oratory until I was able to break the perception hurdle. When you break your hesitations and restricting values, it is like your burden has been taken away. You will feel like flying high and the tool of the law of attraction will work for you in a encouraging and optimistic way.
      Thanks for reading, stonecoldmf.

      That is correct! Please read the next thread for a more indepth explanation of why that happens.

      Originally Posted by NeshSab View Post

      Hi James,

      I've been reading books on the subject for a few years and I'm really into it. I've specialized in Physics and my thesis was about "Quantum entanglement" and I know for a fact that everything in the universe is connected.

      This post is pure gold! Amazing share, thank you!

      For anyone more interested in this subject, I highly recommend to watch the movies:
      Beyond The Secret, The Opus, The Compass, The Meta Secret, etc.

      Looking forward to more posts like this, James!
      Thank you for reading, NeshSab.

      Since you like Physics, I strongly urge you to check out the other thread that explains the 'mechanics', if you will.


      Best wishes,
      James Fame

      Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

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      • Profile picture of the author Plugin Profits
        Originally Posted by James Fame View Post

        Hi people, I've posted a 'sequel'
        I'm sorry, though there is so much wrong with this. First of all, parallel universes have not been proven yet, they are still only theories. A mathematical proof of the "possibility" of something is not proof of the actuality and the same as experimental evidence. It's only a mathematical possibility that was determined from an 'interpretation' of quantum theory, not a theory in itself.

        And secondly, none of the theories physicists have for the multi verses contain the ability for us to go to the other ones, let alone jump back and forth between them. They don't work that way, it doesn't fit the science of the possibilities.

        "And perhaps we are very close to these other universes, but we can't reach them. The energy necessary to reach a parallel universe would be the Planck Energy, 10 to the 19 billion electron volts."

        "However a multiverse might manifest itself, Albrecht does not think it would do so in a "sci-fi- friendly way." That is, physically traveling to and accessing adjacent pocket universes -- should they exist -- would require extraordinary breakthroughs in propulsion technology, among other astounding technological leaps.

        Branching quantum realties would by definition remain distinct, as two outcomes of the same event cannot coincide."

        Such technology is yet to exist! Don't think we're producing 10 to 19 billion electron volts without knowing and while sleeping. Lol.

        'Quantum Jumping' is only a philosophical fantasy conjured up in the imagination of a guy who isn't even a scientist. A "what if" and "wouldn't that be cool" thought, nothing more! It's like scientists saying that time travel 'could' theoretically be possible. Then from that you take it to come up with your own fantasy that we jump back and forth in time daily! Lol! The only thing 'jumping' here are 'conclusions'.

        Here's what it'd really take to travel to a parallel universe.
        Sci Fi Science: Traveling to a Parallel Universe : Video : Science Channel

        And as far as the power of the mind on the body, that has nothing to do with multi verses. The mind is in direct communication and connection with the rest of the body and has a lot of power to reorder and manipulate it's biology through this communication. That's why placebo's can happen. That's mind body communication. Nothing to do with any other universes. Even the lesser power of the mind to influence external things it's connected to in 'the field' is not about other universes. If they even exist and there's any communication shared between them somehow, that's not the same as and far from traveling to them and taking over our doppelganger's body and mind (and what switch places with them lol!).
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        • Profile picture of the author Rishi89
          Hi James,

          This post was so inspiring, a lot of amazing information, thank you so much for sharing. I do have a question though:

          You mention we should write our goal down and then put it away. I can see this working for potentially our life's goal or purpose, but what about monetary short term goals? Where Napoleon Hill for example mentions we should look at what we write down and then recite it out loud twice a day, you say we shouldn't look at it at all after writing it down.

          Also if you agree with Hill, how do you recite something everyday and not let it more or less become a slight obsession?


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          • Profile picture of the author zetetician
            Originally Posted by Rishi89 View Post

            Hi James,

            This post was so inspiring, a lot of amazing information, thank you so much for sharing. I do have a question though:

            You mention we should write our goal down and then put it away. I can see this working for potentially our life's goal or purpose, but what about monetary short term goals? Where Napoleon Hill for example mentions we should look at what we write down and then recite it out loud twice a day, you say we shouldn't look at it at all after writing it down.

            Also if you agree with Hill, how do you recite something everyday and not let it more or less become a slight obsession?



            Hi Rishi,

            Draw a parallel of this process with ordering a meal in a restaurant.

            A few items on the menu catch your eye, and you decide on 2-3 of them. Then as you flip through more pages, you see more tempting dishes and decide to replace one original item with a new one. Now others in your party say what they want, there is some discussion, and then you finalise your order, convey it to the waiter, then sit back and wait for it to arrive.

            Similarly, when you decide you want to manifest something, unless you are very clear and have strong focussed energy, the mind gets distracted with other possibilities and choices. At this stage repetition is helpful to fix the energy pattern.

            But then you have to let go, and let the Universe get on with bringing it to you, which it often does through entirely unexpected channels. Were you to still keep on repeating, you would have a tendency to fixate on how it should manifest, which limits the Universe.


            Zetetic: seeker, one who proceeds by inquiry.
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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    "How come the Law of Attraction doesn't always work?"

    The answer is actually very simple.

    It can't work because it does not exist.
    CONTENT WRITER. Reliable, UK-Based, 6 Years Experience - ANY NICHE
    Click Here For Writing Samples & Online Ordering
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    • Profile picture of the author asiamaria
      Great post James,

      We are all obsessed with "trying to figure things out"- figuring things out creates thoughts/noise and covers the self/essence so the voice is never heard.

      Thoughts manifest and when the mind is clear a thought is more concentrated and is more powerful.

      Polarizing is spot on and by removing the energy either side of a goal is another great way of doing that.

      Releasing the energy around why you want the goal and also the energy around what you don't want, that you think the goal will remove really helps you to get to the place where you don't care if you get it or not..

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  • Profile picture of the author tobyjensen
    Like the general feel of this post but it has several details that are off. Are the details important? At times the details are everything. It’s one of the main reasons why LOA doesn’t work for more people more of the time.

    “We don’t attract.” <Of course we do. I am attracted or pushed away by people all the time. Do I want to date this women? Who do I want to spend time with? Please don’t confuse the literal alternate scientific definition of magnets with the emotional desire to spend time with someone.

    There are four areas of life not just three:
    “A. Intellectual” (smart, understanding, logic)
    “B. Emotional” (also the spiritual)
    “C. Physical” (physically fit, money, the world around us, nature)
    <You forgot the social aspect which is incredibly powerful. Relationships, groups, family, and community are just as important in their own social category.

    “Fourth, this step is probably the hardest. I want you to keep faith.” <This is an excellent point. To remember and practice to trust is important. Good to see this in here. People often forget to keep associating the rule “to forget” is really just to let go and trust, have faith. Remember the placebo effect has a 60% to 80% success rate. If that’s all you do – and often that truly is how people think about LOA – then you would at least be upper middle class successful. Why make it harder if you don’t have to?

    “The problem is many people try to 'force' it to happen.” < Ya, that really gets in the way. Then people freak out when they realize they can’t have it whatever way they want it. I WANT IT MY WAY people often scream. When we realize that the road to healthy success is much better then it doesn’t matter what way we get success, just as long as we get it.

    But none of any of this works if your false beliefs get in the way. This is why LOA or even the placebo effect doesn’t work more often for people. It is because your own false beliefs get in the way.
    “The main thing you have control over is yourself.” < If you don’t set and maintain your own intention somebody or something else will always. That is the first part. The second part is even far more important. Our own false beliefs get in the way of our intention since they are often far stronger than whatever intention (LOA) we set. It simply does not come to pass. Feelings trump thinking since feelings can easily be much stronger than our logical thinking. This is really why some things work for some people under certain circumstances and not for all people under all conditions. It is our beliefs that get in the way of our success. The only thing standing in the way of complete success is our false beliefs that won’t let us truly learn the skills to achieve success 100% of the time.

    “Notice that I do not use the word "become", because everything already is.” Everything already is only in the spiritual world (or imagination). And we all know people who are delusionally kidding themselves with achieving wild fantasies. To become is a valid principle. In this context it would mean the ability to physically manifest your desires, to bring them into this world from the spiritual world (your imagination) where they are acknowledged and received by you and others.

    Only once our false beliefs are changed (healed) will our actions that we take produce the results we actually want. Healing is only a small first step but it is still the one that stops the majority of people. Can you imagine what kind of work we would be doing with the human race if we were only just healed? Let alone how enjoyable the work would then be. We would want to be spending the majority of our time taking action instead of chasing a fantasy of bizarre ways to heal.

    Toby Jensen - Invest in what works this time

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  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    I think you have a lot of things right but a lot slightly off.. I have sent you a PM
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    • Profile picture of the author David Michael
      The law of attraction doesn't work because it is not a law to begin with. Attraction is the physical, visual, savory, or auditory response of your sense of touch, sight, taste, hearing and sense of smell.

      That which stimulates these senses is the attractive power. If you can stimulate "other" people's senses positively in this way, you become an attractive force.

      Now if you are speaking of the effect of how our thoughts correspond to the things we hear, touch, see, smell, and taste, then yes by default your first thoughts concerning a thing is usually wrong, which can be useful, when say you are deciding between two stocks as to which stock will yield the greatest results. Knowing that your first impression or idea of what stock you think would yield the greatest results would generally be wrong as first impressions are thoughts clothed in emotion and not in logic. The easy thing to do? Do the exact opposite of your first impression.
      Traffic Automation Solutions
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  • Profile picture of the author guzmi
    Now I know why I havent seen results with the LOA. I was overdoing it, thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author workdfitness
    Basically the Law of Attraction is this. You get what you ask for. If you are thinking about things you don't want that is what is going to come your way. So for example, if you are thinking how you don't want to lose your job what you are really communicating is you want to lose your job. Instead of focusing on what you don't want make sure you focus on what you want.

    If your thoughts are not clear then you are sending mixed messages and it is going to take longer for what you want to happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author CupcakeCandyWolf
    Law Of Attraction has helped me in my life. I first tried it maybe back in 2010 just to see if it worked. I was being kinda silly about it and i was telling myself "I have money, someone left it on the ground for me" (something along those lines) and surely enough after thinking it for a couple hours I turned the corner and found $10 on the ground. I have bad vision so i'm pretty surprised how i saw it from that distance.

    Another time i played with it was then i was still a teen. My mom never bought me anything above $5 (I am from a poor family). I enjoy digital arts and i was pretty tired of using a mouse. I used the law of attraction to get a tablet and to my surprise a week later my mom bought me one. (THIS was verrryy surprising to me, considering i have dysfunctional family at the time and everyone was always fighting and broke)

    I think the biggest time LOA has helped me was during the ending of 2011 and beginning of 2012. By this time in my life i was 19 with a baby and in an abusive relationship with the father. I had absolutely nothing. No money, no source of communications, no internet, no car, NOTHING. Plus there was hardly ever any food. I was locked up at home ALL day taking care of a baby. I think i got to the point where i considered suicide very seriously. I felt like i couldn't get out of the situation, I WAS MISERABLE. (my son is the only reason why i didn't commit suicide)

    Anyways, I remembered about LOA after i saw something in an old journal about it. I had completely forgot about it. (Didn't know much about it at the time) But i started doing it and BOOM!, Everything came together. I finally got a hold of somebody, signed up for school, got a cellphone, got a job, started building my confidence, and got my license, got a car. Everything fell into place. It was great.

    ~~~Anyways before i tell you my whole life story haha~~

    I think im going to go back to following LOA because things kinda sucked lately (Haven't been using it)

    But to me, i think it works when you convince yourself and truly believe it is already happening to the point where you can FEEL it like you already achieved it. Feel like how you would if it was already in your possession, and keep reminding yourself of that feeling until you receive it, most importantly, TAKE ACTION. (of course there are a lot of other variables to LOA but that's what i noticed and it helped me)


    Originally Posted by webmind View Post

    A few things trouble me.

    "What you think, you are"

    Many people think things about themselves that aren't true. Some people think they are good singers, for example, when they are not.

    "If you have the slightest grasp of it, all forms of suffering melts away"

    Tell that to someone who is sick with a chronic disease and suffers terrible pain every moment of every day. Just because they can grasp their unity with all things does not automatically "melt away" their pain and suffering.
    The mind is a very powerful thing. Even if someone is terminally ill and suffering, wouldn't you want them to at least be as positive and happy until they die? Better than sitting around depressed and moping about it all day. So if they change their way of thinking, they do feel better to an extent.
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  • Profile picture of the author Douriff
    Law of attraction always work, but when it doesn't match what we want we need to do some reverse engineering. What we experience matches uor vibration. So, it's not about positive r negative thoughts or emotions, it's little bit more subtle. For example perpetual state of wanting only attracts more wanting. If we want something badly it often backfires because our vibration spells desperation.
    LOA is a little bit of a paradox . So it's not the problem with negative feelings. It's ok if we feel negaive, as long as we are aware of it. Negative feelings do not stop manifesting. What stops manifesting is working hard on manifesting. Or thoughts like "why is this not manifesting or when it will manifest?? When 100% sure that you will make - don' know 1k$ a month no matter what - you can be completely pissed off with any number of things - bad feelings will not affect earning potential set by your belief system. When trying to scale up and move towards 10k - the issue is often disguised in thinking like "why i never earn 10k a month" "when I'll be finally able to make 10k a month" [seems like normal neutral thoughts but this type of recurring thinking is in most cases the main reason why we experience "non working LOA.
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  • Profile picture of the author tobyjensen
    Did you get your question answered?

    Toby Jensen - Invest in what works this time

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  • Profile picture of the author mannagr1
    Wow, a person has to Definitely work on -them self- if they don't come with the attributes you detailed. But with the right program and persistance, it's doable!
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  • Profile picture of the author elijahdean24
    Thanks for this post , it is a eye opener - I never thought about it like that
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  • Profile picture of the author mentoredlife
    Great post James. You made a number of great suggestions and discoveries. I recently was introduced to a couple of books that share a similar message. One is A Bug Free Mind by Andy Shaw that talks about a "No Mind" state similar to what you describe, and the other is the Secret Code Of Success by Noah St. John.
    Both of these books talk in great detail about why most LOA practices and people who follow them don't see results.
    I'm still a student of the materials, but am glad I found your article and these 2 books. Interesting they all come to my attention within a few days.
    Best of Success!
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  • Profile picture of the author marcosj2k13
    i have read a couple books on the subject but so far they way you explained it seems more clear than the way they explain it in the books, im going to try this and share my experience in the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ghoster
    It's an impossible question to answer because the theory has not been proven and cannot be.

    Metaphysics aside, LOA works because it opens the mind to opportunities in the environment that would otherwise be missed.

    It works well enough for me that I'm inclined to think there's something to the metaphysical aspect. I'm not a religious person.

    On the whole, you get what you pay for.

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  • Profile picture of the author krish997
    When you say forget - you mean forget during the time you are not meditating on the subject - right? I feel one cannot completely forget and then look for signs because when we are 'looking out' for signs we are automatically asking 'what are these signs about' vis-a-vis we remember what we are trying to forget?

    If you mean that we should stop thinking about it outside of the meditation time - then it is more clearer.

    Great post. I have summarized it for myself:

    Step one: Balance all aspects of life:


    Step two: Clear your mind (meditate/observe your breath/whatever works)

    Step three: Train to clear your mind at will and instill "All is me and I am all"

    Step four: Forget and let universe take over

    Step five: look for signs
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    Environment is another factor to consider.

    (Check out #2 in this explanation)


    Napoleon Hill talked about the Mastermind and power gained through Organized knowledge. But you also need to work with people who challenge you to succeed instead of holding you back.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kotetsu
    Hi all and thx james for this post really helpful !
    I have a question , when you said that :

    [This step is all about FORGETTING.

    Why? Why forget?

    That's because the more you think about something, the more obsessive it becomes. When thoughts become polarized, you start to develop its complete opposite. (remember principle #1?)

    It's like your high school infatuation. The more you think about your crush, the more unstoppable it becomes. The less you think about it, the feelings ebb away.

    We want your Physical, Emotional and Intellectual centers to be completely balanced. It HAS to be balanced.

    If you want, you can even write down your Big thought, then put it in a drawer, and NEVER look at it again.

    When you manifest your thoughts, you might look back and see this note... and like me, you'll have the biggest wave of realization in your whole life about the curiosities of the "LOA".

    This is very hard, but just bring your thoughts away from it whenever you start thinking about it at any point of time.

    Why? Because if you start thinking about "how" it will happen, it always doesn't happen that way. The universe works in really strange ways... Ways you can never guess. You might suddenly end up at your goal, and you might not even know it... until you see the note.

    How to do this ? i mean if you're looking for a job because you don't have one, or if you want a new girlfriend you need to think it.
    You need to learn some technique to improve your CV, or you need to know where is the enterprise you could look for.
    If you want a girlfriend it's the same thing, you need to be social, you need to know how talk to girl for be attractive, how to be interesting by your words, way to live.etc

    The girlfriend?boyfriend/husban/wife never come at your home and said "hi its me".

    Maybe i don't really understand this step?

    Sorry for all my grammatical fault 'im french, and if you want to correct me, it could be fine, it willl help me to improve my english level.
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