The Simple Secret to Creating a Fortune

by mikeyg
22 replies
I notice a lot of people on this site a trying to find a way to make money online. Money, in and of itself, is just a by-product of a product, service, or knowledge you are offering to others. The key to success is a simple process that is rarely understood or followed:


YOU ARE YOUR MARKET - Whatever you want - millions of other people want it too

All you have to do is to create the product you want to buy - the product you yourself have been looking for

Once you have this product - WHAT WOULD YOU WANT THE SALES MESSAGE TO SAY SO THAT YOU KNOW THIS IS THE PRODUCT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR? - What would you want to ad to say that would get you to buy this product? - When you have that answer- that is the ad you want to create

Think of all of the things that could be done to you to make you a loyal customer for life. WHAT COULD THEY DO FOR ME THAT WOULD MAKE ME FEEL THIS WAY - Once you get the answer to this question - do it - and treat everyone that way.

THIS IS THE LAW OF NATURE - IT IS THE WAY THINGS WORK - Those who truly understand it rise to the top in every field known to man


- if you are a writer - write like you would like to be written to
- if you are a salesman - sell like you would like to be sold to
- if you are a speaker - speak like you would like to be spoken to
- if you want more love - then love like you would like to be loved
- If you want more friends - be the friend you would like to see

When you infuse everything you do with this secret it takes on magical power. Business dominates the market, books become best sellers,

"How would you like it?" "How would you respond to it?" "How would it make you feel?" - THESE ARE QUESTIONS TO THINK ABOUT EVERY TIME YOU DO OR CREATE SOMETHING

You will get into the hearts and minds of everyone who comes under your influence if you will first think how you would have it done to you

How would I like to be treated by this company? What would I like to see? What would I like to get? How would I like to be dealt with? - THESE SIMPLE QUESTIONS ARE ALL YOU HAVE TO ANSWER - WHEN YOU DO GET THE ANSWERS - PUT THEM INTO ACTION

Create the site you've been looking for
Write like you would like to be written to
Sell like you would like to be sold to
Talk like you would like to be talked to
Deal like you would like to be dealt with
Create for others what you would like created for you
Excite others the way you would like to be excited
#creating #fortune #secret #simple
  • Profile picture of the author robertsgr
    I think is not enough, but is a good step. Peoples are different, one may like a thing, another one may just be disgusted. A good idea, when you create a new product, is to take surveys from potential buyers. They may give you great ideas that you are never thinking, and help you this way to make a better product.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChiliPalmer
    Inspiring post. And I also agree on the point of remaining focused on a single business model until we accomplish something.
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  • Profile picture of the author rapidscc
    And do a lot of work. You can't expect to just sit infront of your computer waiting for the universe to drop down the dollars in your lap. Promote, go where the market is..
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Vikaz
    Certainly puts things into perspective. Creating Value should be our focus. When we create value for someone, money follows. Sometimes, we Internet Marketers as a community get so caught up in the money-making aspect of our business that we lose sight of the value we need to deliver to earn that money.

    Great Post. Inspiring and thought provoking.

    Tech Help For Your Internet Business
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeyg
    Originally Posted by honestbizpro View Post

    I think the overall idea of creating your own product is excellent.

    But that anyone can throw up a sales page thinking it will convert is not that realistic.

    There is a science to getting conversions or else everyone would be rich already.

    The best part about affiliate marketing is that it allows us to take proven formulas and make money by just getting eyeballs to that page with traffic.

    Once we have some money we can allow some professionals to create a profitable sales copy for us.

    Of course we have to take ownership in our own words and our own story but learn the art of conversions first.

    Sometimes we can be blinded by our own enthusiasm for our own product.
    From my experience as a business development consultant I would disagree. I have been approached by many people wanting me to enroll in their mlm company or affiliate marketing program. I understand the formulas and the models but if they were that efficient then everyone would be making large sums of money.

    What I have observed is that when you look in depth at these programs 1% of the participants are getting rich, another 3% are making fairly good money, and the remaining 96% are struggling to survive which is why there is an almost 65% dropout rate in the first year.

    Also, instead of focusing on one product, I see many people get involved in affiliate marketing programs trying to market and sell 12 or more different programs etc at the same time in the hope that one or some of them are going to generate some type of income.

    I also look at things differently. There isn't a product that a person cannot create themselves, or have created or private labelled for themselves that they cannot sell directly and make 100% profit from instead of a percentage. You just have to know where to look.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vincelog
    I agree to a certain extent but I believe market research is important too.

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  • Profile picture of the author Myheavens
    Inspiring post. And I also agree on the point of remaining focused on a single business model until we accomplish something.
    I have launched New WordPress theme's Themelocation
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    • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
      When I first got involved in Internet Marketing, there was a discussion going on one of the blogs that I read about whether to try make money by making sites or to try to make money by selling other people tools on how to make money.

      Its the old adege whether to dig or sell the shovels and the maps.

      What I learned is that until I had actually stuck gold myself, I had no business trying to teach people how to make money as I never actually had myself. I didn't want to be one of those guys claiming to have made $123,456 in a day where it was clearly not true.

      So what I did was I started digging. After some time I found systems that worked for me and then and only then did I feel that I had the right to be able to honestly help people in their endevors.

      This can be a difficult law for some to understand in this industry, but the fact of the matter is that true and lasting wealth comes from being %100 honest.

      If you are selling a system and it has ACTUALLY made you money. Then you will be successful.

      If you don't have that system, then start digging until you find it and don't bother trying to mentor or sell to others until you have found the success on your own.
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  • Profile picture of the author procopywriter
    Originally Posted by mikeyg View Post

    YOU ARE YOUR MARKET - Whatever you want - millions of other people want it too

    All you have to do is to create the product you want to buy - the product you yourself have been looking for

    Once you have this product - WHAT WOULD YOU WANT THE SALES MESSAGE TO SAY SO THAT YOU KNOW THIS IS THE PRODUCT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR? - What would you want to ad to say that would get you to buy this product? - When you have that answer- that is the ad you want to create
    You're definitely on the right track, but you cannot always be your own prospect. For example, one of my clients is a technical whiz. His clients aren't. Clearly he is NOT his own prospect.

    There are many cases where as a business owner, service provider, product creator, etc... your prospect may be a different sort of person with different needs altogether than your own.

    The key is--and you certainly alluded to this--to know your prospect well enough... to have enough empathy for him... that you BECOME your prospect in your imagination as you create your message.

    This is actually a powerful tool for copywriters, who often write for an ideal prospect very different from themselves.
    Joshua Aaron Stanley, The 'Spiritual' Copywriter:
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  • Profile picture of the author 1 Marketing
    Although the step by step tips in the "Simple Secret to Creating Fortune" seems very simple but it becomes not so simple when comes to the implementation phase.

    Besides the post is catchy as the title gives attractive message to readers...
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  • Profile picture of the author RedPhoenix
    Hey there mikeyg

    This is indeed a very informative post - but you really should acknowledge the author when you use their actual words. The main body of your post is from "A Millionaires Secret" its an article from a book written by Alan Says called "How To Become A Global Internet Tycoon" Here's the article in full -


    Washington DC was nasty as could be. As I sat on the bench waiting for my bus to arrive I couldn't wait to get back to the backwoods of Louisiana. I had almost sat in a pool of blood that was on the far end of the bench and I was ready to go. I truly hope people coming to visit our country don't make DC one of their stops.
    Anyway, before my bus arrived I was approached by a nicely dressed elderly gentleman in need of directions. I told him I had no idea what he was looking for as I too was just passing through. To this day I'm not sure why, but we started talking as if we had known each other for years.
    We talked about life, people and eventually the conversation turned to business. It was here that the gentlemen saw something in me, I suppose, that made him feel like sharing what he said was the greatest secret ever told. He said everyone had heard it but almost no one paid any attention to it, even though it was the one thing that could bestow a fortune upon any man or woman who used it.
    My ears where definitely starting to perk up. Something about his tone told me this man knew from whereof he spoke. And I wanted to know what the secret was with a passion. He must have sensed my anxiousness because at that very moment he gave me a warning that was almost a scolding.
    I'll try to recount here as best I can the rest of our conversation...
    Man: "Do not make the mistake of shrugging off what I am about to tell you because you have heard it before. No doubt you have heard it already from at least one person in your life. You may have even heard it many times. Do you have any aversion to religion Mr. Says?"
    Me: "No I don't. I don't believe many preachers know what they are talking about or even what they are trying to teach, but I do know the Bible has a lot of great knowledge in it."
    Man: "Good. I would not want you to discount what I am about to tell you because it does come directly from the Bible. But its applications reach far beyond what most people can conceive of. It will take thought, intense pondering on your part, to begin to get some inkling of its power."
    "This simple secret, when applied to business, will draw money to you as easily as water runs down a mountain. Even a fool can apply it and prosper. When applied to relationships, it will create more friends than you can handle" (laughing heartily)
    Me: "What is it, I'm dying to know now?"
    Man: "Patience Mr. Says, Patience. I will not give it to you as it has always been repeated by fools who have no respect or knowledge of what it even means. No. I will give it to you another way."
    "What type of business are you interested in?"
    Me: "Well, I'm dabbling in Mail Order right now. I would like to place ads and sell books."
    Man: "Fine. Fine. Mail Order it is. Let me tell you how to create a fortune in this Mail Order. All you have to do is create the product you want to buy"
    Me: "I don't understand"
    Man: "You will"
    "You see, you are your market. Whatever you want, there are millions of other people wanting the same thing. That elusive product you are looking for is the product millions of others are also looking for right now."
    "All you have to do is create the product you want to buy, the product you yourself have been looking for. Once you have this product, what would you want the sales message to say so that you know this is the product you have been looking for?"
    "If someone else where selling this product, what would you want the ad to say, what would get you to buy this product?. When you have that answer, that is the ad you want to create."
    Me: "I see" (hesitantly)
    Man: "See the business across the street here? Pizza. I could triple the business that place does inside of 10 minutes. That's what I do by the way" (smiling)
    "All I would do is walk into the business as a customer. I would sit there and imagine all the things that could be done to me that would make me a loyal customer to that business for life. What could they do for me that would make me feel this way?"
    "Once I had the answers to that question, I would implement them across the board. Every customer would be treated the way I had imagined. And without any doubt what so ever that business would triple the profits it now makes."
    Me: "I think I know..."
    Man: "Wait, you don't really know anything yet. That's the problem with people. They brush something off because of where it came from or because they heard it many times. Leave that for fools. You won't "know it" until you have deeply pondered it and put it to use."
    Me: "Ok"
    Man: "What I am telling you has power undreamed of. The simple words used to describe it cannot contain it. Does not do justice to it, and has been prostituted by blabber mouths who let wisdom fall off their lips with not even a single brain cell grasping what they are rambling about."
    "What I am telling you is Law, not man's Law, but the very Law's of nature herself. It's the way things work and those who truly understand it rise to the top in every field known to man."
    "What people don't understand is that it applies to everything. This secret can be applied with virtually every step you take, everything you do, every word you speak and everyone concerned profits by it."
    "If you are a writer, write like you would like to be written to"
    "If you are a salesman, sell like you would like to be sold to"
    "If you are a speaker, speak like you would like to be spoken to"
    "If you want more love, then love like you would like to be loved"
    "If you want more friends, be the friend you would like to see"
    "When you infuse everything you do with this secret it takes on a magical power. Businesses dominate the market, books become best sellers, leaders attract huge and loyal followings."
    "How would you like it?"
    "How would you respond to it?"
    "How would it make you feel?"
    "Those are great questions to think about every time you do or create something. You will get into the hearts and minds of everyone who comes under your influence if you will first think how you would have it done to you."
    "I'm certain you already know the quote from the Bible I'm referring to. But don't repeat it, just ponder it and pratice it."
    Me: "I do. But I've never thought of how it could actually apply to everything in life. I too was one of those fools who passed it over without so much as a second thought. I really want to thank you for sharing this with me."
    Man: "It's been a real pleasure talking with you Mr. Says, have a safe journey home."
    And with that, he was gone. The funny thing was, as I was riding home on the bus I realized I never got his name, nor do I remember ever giving him mine. Maybe he saw my luggage tag. I'm not sure. It really doesn't matter. What does matter is that I've profited from that advice for the last 15 years.
    I'm not even really any good at it either and I've still pulled in huge amounts of money. Especially from the Internet. This is one place this knowledge can really shine. People have always asked me my secret. How come the Warriors is still here, with the same products, with all this competition, after all these years?
    This one simple secret is the answer. I always ask myself how would I like to be treated by this company? What would I like to see? What would I like to get? How would I like to be dealt with?
    Those simple questions are all you have to answer. When you do get the answers, put them into action and watch what happens.
    Create The Site You've Been Looking For
    Write Like You Would Like To Be Written To
    Sell Like You Would Like To Be Sold To
    Talk Like You Would Like To Be Talked To
    Deal Like You Would Like To Be Dealt With
    Create For Others What You Would Like Created For You
    Excite Others The Way You Would Like To Be Excited

    The End
    This article is from the book:
    How To Become A Global Internet Tycoon"

    I am sure you meant well, but as a consultant it could be potentially damaging to your business not to acknowledge your sources, especially when parts of your post are a word for word copy of the original.

    All the best


    "Excellence is not an event it's a habit" - Aristotle 384 BC
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    • Profile picture of the author mikeyg
      I am sure you meant well, but as a consultant it could be potentially damaging to your business not to acknowledge your sources, especially when parts of your post are a word for word copy of the original.

      All the best


      Thanks for the observation and advice.

      To be honest, I didn't remember where it actually came from, I have studied so many things, and have jotted down so many scribble notes of information which I have felt to be useful.

      Will be more careful and transparent in the future.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Prior
    Some interesting points here.

    I have often wondered about making money and have also thought about building or developing something that I might want to buy for myself. This does sound like a good idea but only if there is a lot of people who want something that I also want.

    The world is littered with people who have done that. They say that necessity is the mother of invention. It might be but only if lots of other people have the same wants and desires.

    I used to spend a lot of time looking at ways to make money but have found that I can in fact use my natural inquisitiveness and analytical ability in sales, business building and marketing.

    May be it's better to focus on a strength and apply it somehow?

    Best wishes

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  • Profile picture of the author John M Kane
    Hmmmmm... I thought I read that somewhere before
    Good catch Mike. Good stuff from Mr Says.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tristan Lee
    Wow Mike,

    Did you type all that straight from the book right now? Haha...

    This is pretty good concept for people to learn, whether it's from the OP or from the book. Thanks!
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  • The benefit of this approach is that you will likely have passion about the product and that passion and energy will help to draw in the sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Reminds me of something Ghandi once said ...

    "Be the change you want to see in the world."

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  • Profile picture of the author macabhay
    I like your post and the majority of the message that you are giving.

    Definitely, each one of us represents a certain percentage of the population. So, if we like something, there's a really, really good chance that others are going to as well.

    The definition of your market comes into play then. If you have defined your market as people who are very similar to you, then create a product for yourself, you will probably have the most pull this way because the product will be most genuine.

    However, if your market will simply be benefitted by some skill, service, knowledge that you have, but don't necessarily identify themselves with the tendencies and desires that you have, your approach will change a bit.

    Again, I very much appreciate your post.

    There's a quote, "If you want something, give it to someone else." Seems related.


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  • Profile picture of the author MelissaChurch
    I love the point about getting out what you are putting in. If you are giving value in terms of quality or other forms, you will get back the same in value in the form of money (or whatever it is you are looking for).

    So many people expect to sit back and watch the money roll in. I just started ghostwriting from my cousin's suggestion, and all of my college friends think I'm nuts. Meanwhile, they are sitting at desk jobs for four to five hours a day thinking they have it easy. But I get my writing work done in two to three hours and actually provide value instead of taking up space!
    Free Article Offer from a Quality Writer - See the Details
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  • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
    Great points, but you do have to be careful. You so have to step back and ask yourself what your customers would want. If you just look at yourself, you may be missing something, the more people you can hit a personal touch with the more success you will have!!!

    Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here:

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  • Profile picture of the author mr.schutz
    Thank you for sharing the SECRET.
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