This stuff DOESN'T happen by magic!!

15 replies
same title, different post...

This stuff DOESN'T happen by magic!!
But it sure can feel magical!

What I've recently come to realise:

Everyone has to have a GOAL. without it you have no clear destination, and therefore no way to know how to get there!

I blundered into this business with the sole thought.."I just wanna make money online!"
which is probably what a lot of people do........

But it's not good enough!

It's not good enough just wanting to make some money, It's the "WHY you want it" that is the important thing... the thing that will DRIVE you on to MAKE it!

for example;
*Nice new house for he family,
*Luxury holiday,
*New car,
etc etc...

I'll tell you what mine is now......
Mine is all of the above! He! He!
But seriously, My ULTIMATE goal. is to have a successful online 'business' I can be proud of!!

I recently broke from my comfort zone, got a simple product out
and made my first $2000 month entirely online!
... on my own, from scratch, no afiliates or anything, and without really knowing what I was doing...

Which was great.........
But I had no goal other than "I just wanna make money online"

I made some money,sure, BUT........didn't know what to do next!!......
I never saw past that point, and never planned for it, so it never grew any further... just kind of stagnated.

I'm not going to pretend I've been living the high life or that I'm some kind of expert..I'm Not! not by a long chalk!
But I WILL be!!

I changed my focus! I now have a GOAL I can visualise and work towards!
And I do believe that's what you need to succeed!

It doesn't happen by magic, It Takes a LOT of work up front., You have to have a GOAL. And You have to keep at it! but the end results sure can seem magical !!

Onwards and upwards to the next level!!

A few of my new rules I now live by every day:

*Remember your goal.
*Stay on task.
*Distance yourself. (It's not personal, it's business)
*and "Get it Done!".

Here's to success!!

#happen #magic #stuff
  • Profile picture of the author HeadStartSEO
    I want my business to be an extension of my self. This allows me to build a concrete set of values that apply to every area of my life.
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    • Profile picture of the author rrogers82
      Good post, yeah I agree, you do need a goal, what I try to do (not always successfully) is break the goal into several objectives.

      So if I need to create a product and create the sales page and then drive traffic I work on one at a time. Any ideas I have about anything else I Email to myself or write them down.

      I literally like working within a list that I can tick off once complete. At the moment I am at the product creation stage so I literally think of nothing else until it's completed otherwise I sufferfrom paralysis by analysis (I think thats the saying anyway)

      I think it depends on how you prefere to get things done, I've never been much of a planner but I know I should be.
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      • Profile picture of the author steverich
        Originally Posted by rrogers82 View Post

        Good post, yeah I agree, you do need a goal, what I try to do (not always successfully) is break the goal into several objectives.

        So if I need to create a product and create the sales page and then drive traffic I work on one at a time. Any ideas I have about anything else I Email to myself or write them down.

        I literally like working within a list that I can tick off once complete. At the moment I am at the product creation stage so I literally think of nothing else until it's completed otherwise I sufferfrom paralysis by analysis (I think thats the saying anyway)

        I think it depends on how you prefere to get things done, I've never been much of a planner but I know I should be.

        Absolutely !
        Break down into manageable chunks.

        All my planning is done on paper..... I have to keep it real simple!
        In a logical step by step plan.
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        • Profile picture of the author cajtrixie
          Having a goal is definitely a big push in motivation!

          Just don't forget that your goal always has to be changing with you. Trying to achieve a goal that doesn't fit who you have grown into won't help anyone.

          Likewise, as your goal changes, you'll realize that you've already accomplished your original goal somewhere along the line, but now you still have more to work towards.

          If you keep your goal rock-solid from start to finish, once it has been accomplished, you won't have a goal left to motivate you! XD lol

          Click Here to learn how to...
          Build your reputation. Get traffic. Make more sales. Earn More Money.
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          • Profile picture of the author steverich
            Originally Posted by cajtrixie View Post

            Having a goal is definitely a big push in motivation!

            Just don't forget that your goal always has to be changing with you. Trying to achieve a goal that doesn't fit who you have grown into won't help anyone.

            Likewise, as your goal changes, you'll realize that you've already accomplished your original goal somewhere along the line, but now you still have more to work towards.

            If you keep your goal rock-solid from start to finish, once it has been accomplished, you won't have a goal left to motivate you! XD lol

            Hey cajtrixie.
            Absolutely right.
            You totally NEED a definate goal to begin your journey...... but as you approach it, you make NEW goals..... be fluid
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    it is all by magic .

    we either use our words to create our live we want .

    or we use our words to curse ourselves and create more problems .

    we use our words to set limits on ourselves . and we should treat all limits like speed limits ..aka the least we should aim for .

    but we have been taught to be safe we setout limit to 45 mile per hour where you can drive 100 safely

    and then drive at 20 miles an hour barely pressing the gas

    if you understand what i just said you understand it if you don't you dont I am a future great sage/mystic
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  • Profile picture of the author joesfortune
    Nothing happens like a magic. They still go through the old but proven routine used by people who have found success in the past. The tools may have changed but the process is the same. Some things never change.

    Joseph M. Dabon
    Blogger and freelance writer. I belong to Ezine's Expert Author, Diamond, level. Visit me at

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  • I enjoyed your post. It was a good report of your personal success and right away I could feel how grounded it was. These are uplifting personal wins that have made such a difference in your life. Bravo!

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  • Profile picture of the author YHmuWong
    Originally Posted by steverich View Post

    A few of my new rules I now live by every day:

    *Remember your goal.
    *Stay on task.
    *Distance yourself. (It's not personal, it's business)
    *and "Get it Done!".

    Here's to success!!

    Same new rules as yours but what i got was fame not fortune.I still need to make a living but the process was good.Maybe the nature of the goals were not financially tied to.

    Number 11 is lucky in snake & ladders.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8618940].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dad2four
    I have goals.

    I don't honestly set them in concrete though.

    I've learned how important goals are, however, I think after reading your post and thinking about it, I'm realizing why I don't seriously define my goals.

    What if I don't hit them?

    That's why.

    What if I believe in the importance of a solid goal, I set that goal, and then, I can't achieve it? Inside, my belief would diminish.

    I set a goal on Jan 1 this year to be well on my way to self employment by the end of the year.

    I have thought about, and worked toward, achiving that goal every single day all day long, without fail ever since.

    So I set the goal.

    I guess I gave myself an escape route by not defining the goal correctly.

    "Well on my way" leaves allot of grey area.

    It's not solid. I guess if I'm being honest I'm chicken to set a real, solid, well defined goal because if I don't hit it then I will have no faith in goal setting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh

    more than likely yo do not have set goal because you have not define what yo want ..that will give you personal satisfaction .

    many times on the goal setting thing people pull from a long list of thing they have been told they should want they will put down the big income and getting the expensive car .. the million dollar house ..

    even though i have been reading about or skipping past the goal setting thing for 15 years was basically because i was trying to rite goals that by getting them would impress other and give me status ..when i had no fuhyilg idea what i really wanted and what would impress me .

    i have spent the last year working on the goal of getting physically healthy and mentally stable and mostly happy .. i just got there.. i have my fat belly to shrink down put it is happening . I have the highest muscle mass i have ever had in my life right now and i am constantly adding more .

    now in the last month or three i have focused on setting goals based on who i am now ..that are based in a mindset of continual improvement .. rather than from the old mindset of wanting things to compensate or make up for .. or things that where very nice to dream about when life sucked .. but do not fit well with who i am now .

    so let me hand you a few process goal that are some of the oldest bits of wisdom .

    learn who you are . and then learn who you want to be . then own up to what you are good at and find your gifts . then identify where it will pay off to spend effort improving yourself
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Always stay positive because you never know where your next leads will come from.
    I was having a lousy month for income and then out of the wood work steps 3 clients and I make some great money in 2 days, 5 times the first 11 days combined.

    Maybe it's magic or just a positive attitude. Ask the universe and you may receive, but not always. But you have nothing to lose by asking.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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    • Profile picture of the author YHmuWong
      Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

      Ask the universe and you may receive, but not always. But you have nothing to lose by asking.
      Always I get what I ask.Just that it is at different time I want.Nice, the universe is always right on the spot.

      Number 11 is lucky in snake & ladders.

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  • Yes I agree to your post because the source to become successful comes from your hardship and perseverance to aim your goals.
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  • Steve, I really appreciated the upbeat nature of your thread. It was a good solid post. It was honest and because of that; uplifting. Great! And, Good Luck.

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