Books on improving communication skills and networking?

13 replies
Theres really a lot of great tips and resources for motivation in this forum. How about communication and networking? What are your favorite books on this topic? Especially for entrepreneurs?
I would love to improve my confidence in communicating with other people, especially in building networks that would help for my business.

Thanks a lot and I look forward to your recommendations!
#books #communication #improving #networking #skills
  • Profile picture of the author nonin
    I have tried several books but couldn't recommend any that are better than simple showing up at local trade-shows or meetups

    My suggestion - go out and meet in person people like yourself.

    Shared Hosting & Dedicated Servers HostMaria ||| 22-24 Aug Domain Summit in London
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  • Profile picture of the author abdovic
    Motivational techniques and how to motivate employees is an area many sales managers is difficult and time consuming. They find it easier to enter and sales teams provide training on sales skills, but what about motivational techniques. To motivate a sales person you need to regularly boost self-motivation. It may take time to find new ideas and refreshing constantly, and give different angles and perspectives on how to enter the state more effective sales. Motivational techniques proposed here will give you a Sales Training sales and incentive program for your sales team with a minimum of time. Use the free resources available on the Internet, and will not cost you a dime. Also for your team involved early and ask them to contribute as the idea grows in size and performance.
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  • Profile picture of the author CommTips
    Social networks aren't perfect but they are powerful instruments of communication. MySpace has changed music marketing forever while Facebook—whether you think of it as a great way to meet people, an innovative sales and marketing tool or a stalkers' best friend—is the latest way the technology industry has helped us fill gobs of time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maximus93
    As someone who is currently in the process of overcoming quite a bit of social anxiety, I'd recommend the real thing. There's a saying "You can read 100 books on surfing, but as soon as you get on the board, you're going to fall off". Put yourself in the real situation and be happy to fail or let things get awkward with people.

    An awkward interaction is infinitely better than a silent one.

    As for communicating in a business sense, I think others here might be more helpful than myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author footpod
    There is a lot of posturing by these books and gurus (what a surprise)

    How many books do you need to read to be told "Be yourself & stop being an idiot, listen more than you talk, help other people etc"

    The science behind human networks is something you should study (cos the "handshake training" rarely covers any of that)
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    • Profile picture of the author Maximus93
      Originally Posted by footpod View Post

      There is a lot of posturing by these books and gurus (what a surprise)

      How many books do you need to read to be told "Be yourself & stop being an idiot, listen more than you talk, help other people etc"

      The science behind human networks is something you should study (cos the "handshake training" rarely covers any of that)
      I think a lot of the issue with today is that people want to be TOLD how to feel, TOLD what to do. This abdicates people of responsibility and therefore softens the blow of failure.

      So you get people buying books, you get people watching instructional videos, you get people who ask others for advice.

      We all know what we need to do, it's taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions that is the truly difficult part, not technique in those actions.
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      • Profile picture of the author footpod
        Originally Posted by Maximus93 View Post

        I think a lot of the issue with today is that people want to be TOLD how to feel, TOLD what to do. This abdicates people of responsibility and therefore softens the blow of failure.

        So you get people buying books, you get people watching instructional videos, you get people who ask others for advice.

        We all know what we need to do, it's taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions that is the truly difficult part, not technique in those actions.
        agree 100%
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  • Profile picture of the author footpod
    as a buddy of mine said once "If you are in business and you need to pay to have someone show you how to shake hands - maybe you are doing the wrong thing..."
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  • Profile picture of the author C G
    Read How to make friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie


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    • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
      Originally Posted by C G View Post

      Read How to make friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie


      I've heard nothing but good things about that book, so that would be a good recommendation.

      Personally I recommend taking action instead of putting your main focus on reading books. I think books should be your secondary focus.

      Make a daily goal to start a conversation with complete strangers.

      I heard a story about some guys that wanted to improve their skills with women, and they started approaching women for a couple months and ended up talking to over a thousand women. Now they're experts on the topic.

      The key is consistency. Don't let up even when your motivation fades.
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  • Profile picture of the author Solarstone
    "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie is a must read IMO

    Another one that might help in some areas

    "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini

    Motivation, Self-Improvement and Travel Blogs:

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  • Profile picture of the author Dain Supero
    Superconnect by Richard Koch and Greg Lockwood

    I had previously read all the above recommended books. You should read them, but they don't give you a clear idea of what works and is happening NOW.

    Superconnect solves that issue by giving you a new perspective on networking, where to connect, how to disconnect from irrelevant networks, and so on.

    Visit for proven advice and techniques to elevate your mind, body, and self-image.

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