13 replies
I am wondering how people are keeping organized with their sites. I read somewhere that someone had over 100 sites and was wondering how they keep track of things like login credentials for the database, WP admin, contact email, etc.

The biggest reason I'm asking this is because my computer went down recently and I had everything on it and, of course, no backup. So I was thinking about a spreadsheet (that I would keep on my computer) and a printout (that I would keep in a notebook), but maybe with all the cloud stuff, maybe there's an app that I could access from any device, anywhere...

So how do you keep track of all your credentials for all your sites and where do you store that info in case of a computer failure, tornado destroys your house, etc.?

#keeping #login #organized #password
  • Profile picture of the author Joe Crosbie
    One word, Dropbox.

    It's saved my life on so many occasions! I recently had the hard-drive in my Mac which I bought only a few months ago die whilst working with my biggest client so far! If it hadn't been for the fact that any important folders were being synced with Dropbox, I would of been months behind.

    Evernote is good for keeping information too!

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    • Profile picture of the author milusos
      Thanks, Joe.

      I'm a Dropbox user (free version) so I'll have to figure out a way to use it and whether or not to go premium. I'll look into Evernote.

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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    This thread is a good reminder that I shuld do something along the lines of a back-up. I am not familiar with dropbox but I will check it out. I have heard that Mozy.com is useful. Does anyone have experience with them?

    I am no where near as organized as I should be. I actually have liitle paper notes all over the place - so Old School!
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    • Profile picture of the author milusos
      Originally Posted by DWaters View Post

      This thread is a good reminder that I shuld do something along the lines of a back-up. I am not familiar with dropbox but I will check it out. I have heard that Mozy.com is useful. Does anyone have experience with them?

      I am no where near as organized as I should be. I actually have liitle paper notes all over the place - so Old School!
      I should have stock in Post-it notes!
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      • One of the first things a person learns when being introduced to a computer for the first time is to "save your work". I love the idea of Dropbox. What a life "work" saver.

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        • Profile picture of the author slingingshot15
          Lastpass is a good plugin for your browser to remember all your passwords no matter how complicated it is.......

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  • Profile picture of the author JimsonWright
    Personally, I've had a hard time organizing my stuff when i was starting. I've used google drive, dropbox and other online file storage. Try out the free versions and see which works the best for you.

    Right now, I've opted for My Cloud for my file storage needs. Its really useful especially if you're on the go, you just need to keep the hard drive online and you can access it privately using the internet anywhere in the world. Its like having your own personal dropbox w/o the monthly subscription.

    For keeping notes/documents evernote and google docs are my favorites.
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  • Profile picture of the author C G
    Evernote and Google drive.


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  • I use Dropbox, Google drive, Basecamp and Lastpass to keep everything organized. Having a whiteboard also helps because it allows me to visualize my processes.
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  • Profile picture of the author HRDFarris
    I use Google Drive for my documents (Spreadsheet, text documents etc.)
    For my files I use Dropbox and Cloudbox!

    I hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author lincolndesigns
    The best way to keep track of your sites without risking loosing data is google drive. It has everything you need when it comes to making folders, spreadsheets, calendars, etc. Since google drive is online, you'll never loose your information. As for keeping track over usernames and passwords I don't trust any device with that type of information other than paper. Personally I keep a small notebook full of user/pass for every singe account I have.
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  • Profile picture of the author kamikaza
    I use Google Drive, Color notes on Android. As well I write the to-do list on a paper and keep it in front of my eyes.
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    • Profile picture of the author vicg100
      I hardly store anything on my actual computer now, I pretty much have everything on Google Drive, I find that it's a lot easier to use than Microsoft Office anyways plus I can access almost all my things from any computer anywhere (with Internet).

      Other than that Evernote for sure, they make it really easy to organize your things and have them anywhere.
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