I Find It Difficult Concentrating
The day goes by and nothing gets accomplished. Tomorrow same routine. And the next day. And the next day.
I want to ask, how can I get myself to concentrate and stop looking for easier routes? How can I get to build up my mind to be disciplined enough to only WORK when I'm supposed to be working?
You know I think the problem is with my mind. It's not about being confused about what to do or how to go about my tasks. I know everything I'm supposed to do to accomplish certain tasks. But to sit down, concentrate, create a project, start it and see it through, is always an uphill task. Please I need help.
RichBeck -
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Shaf5280 -
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Aniblow -
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Aniblow -
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duplication -
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LastingLifeSuccess -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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bnorton2010 -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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